Let us write a story sentence by sentence.



  • Hey wait up don't run in there, but Arlo didn't turn around to listen.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    davey and gerard found arlo standing just inside the front door. it looked as if a bomb had gone off. he turned around.

    'could she be with hamish?'

    he'd seen the grafitti message hamish had left. thinking about his sister, arlo could feel the frustration start to build up inside him.

    'why would she...? what the fuck has she done here?'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • Knowing that no satisfing answer would come he turned arond and sat him self down on the stairs.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    davey walked further into anna's studio. he'd been here before. he knew what anna was capable of. but still he didn't know where she would go. but he knew where she would end up and he didn't like it. he walked down the hall to anna's bedroom. her bed was stripped and the sheets lay in pile at the foot of the bed. he picked up a towel. it was damp.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • She must have been here recently. Davey went further into the kitchen to find a warzone of dishes and garbage.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    gerard stood in the middle of anna's workspace admiring her work. she was good. he had to admit even in the midst of all the bullshit anna was a rare find. davey turned and saw the admiration on gerard's face.

    'you have got to be shitting me gearrd. anna is missing and all you can do it admire her work. never mind the fact that she works best when she's slightly nuts. which right now strikes me as wrong. God focus here can you. we have to find anna. not some gallery space to hang her art.'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, what do you have in mind than tell me? Are you now perpared to drive down to that cabin?
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    davey threw his hands up.

    'i don't know how she would even get there, but sure why not. where else do we have to look?'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • Mmmh, you are right. How would she get there? Perhaps we could see if she has borrowed a car form someone, before we drive down there.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    'anna doesn't have a licence.'

    both gerard and davey looked at arlo.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • No she doesn't, that is true. But still that has never stopped her from driving before.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    anna sat in the park. her legs pulled up against her body, her arms wrapped around her knees. she shivered. the branches of the trees were bare. they seemed to match her mood. she scratched the skin on her hand. it had been itchy for days and nothing she did helped. the skin was red raw from the constant contact. a dog barked nearby and she jumped at the sound. she couldn't remember how long she had been here. her clothes were damp so she had at least been here overnight.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • Thinking she needed to eat she wondered what the time was. She looked over her shoulder to find the owner of the dog.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    she remembers once, davey bought home a puppy. the runt of a litter a client of his owned.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • She stood up from the bench and walked in the direction the barking came from.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    she heard someone call her name.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,903
    Bessie, is that you???? asked Travis whom some describe as a redneck dressed like a huckleberry Finn wannabe.
  • BrainofdzBrainofdz Posts: 1,617
    Yes it's me Travis, you stupid pile of shit.
    "Stunned by my own reflection, It's looking back, sees me too clearly and I swore I'd never go there again, Not unlike a friend that politely drags you down,down,down"

    When you see me on the street, yell out "FAVO!!!"

    I've been to alot of Pearl Jam shows;So fucking what.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    hey guys. this story is ongoing. if you can't be bothered to read the backstory please refrain from posting. it just screws me and karma's narrative up. :)
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    she heard someone call her name.

    Hey Anna what in godname are you doing out of bed at this unholy hour? Are you sick or something?
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    she didn't want to talk to anybody. she wanted to walk away but somehow she couldn't get going. still scratching her hand absently she tried to focus. dex reached out and enveloped both her hands in one of his.

    'don't do that, you're bleeding.'

    looking closer at anna's hand dex realised he wasn't looking at scratches alone. he looked at anna.

    'anna these are cuts. what have you done to yourself?'

    she tried to pull her hand away but dex held fast. then he noticed her damp clothes.

    'have you been out here all night?'

    anna wouldn't answer his questions.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Come on Anna, you can tell me. Let me walk you home, you need to get warm.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    when she felt dex's hands on her, she pulled away from him.

    'don't touch me. don't ever touch me.'

    as she stepped back, anna tripped and fell to the ground.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Dex felt a grin on his face which he tried to hide by kneeling down. Don't be this way Anna, I'm just trying to help.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    she slapped his proffered hand away and scrambled to her feet.

    'i don't need help. and i certainly don't need it from a fuckin' junkie.'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • korbykorby Posts: 298
    im changing thi sto meatl lingo. hellbound . i paid the masters with blood and hunger.
    its ok
  • karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Ouch Anna ouch. You drive that dagger so so deep into a wound that is already sour from all the poking of they who have gone there before you.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    anna gave dex such a blank look of disdain, it was as if she was frozen solid inside.

    'i dont give a shit dex.'

    with that she walked past him on her way to who knows where.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Oh we know sweety, we know you don't give a shit. That is what you are addicted on; Being a tough lillte birdy from hell.
    And with a vaint smile he tried to forget the whole situation and that he cared how it ended, just walking straight on to Prestman street.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    dex heard a screech of tyres, as his foot touched the bitumen he turned to see anna go over the bonnet of a car. it breaked hard and anna flopped onto the street. her head smashing onto the tar.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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