
Seniority Seating Change - They nailed it



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    i think the new policy is great. i've been a member since 98 and have had a touring partner who's been a member since 96, so I've been as close as row 4 (toronto 1 '06) and as far back as row 20 (toronto '05) I'm glad I've got a shot at front row seats,but i'm more excited that someone who has a higher number has a shot. Somebody who has gotten into the band recently because they were babies when ten came out aren't any less of a fan than I am. It's pretty rare that a band that's been around as long as pj gains new fans every year, and it's a testament to how good the band is. I teach high school and my kids have no idea who pearl jam is, they like Souldja Boy. One of my kids thought pearl jam was the old lady with the price tag on her hat from he-haw. That's probably the only time PJ has been confused with Minnie Pearl.
    I like bands.
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