
Who here are Radiohead fans? Personally, I can't stand them, but I do know a couple die hard fans who ridicule me for not liking them. I was just wondering what you guys think of them.
"Strangers passing in the street, by chance two seperate glances meet, and I am you and what I see is me."
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~it is shining it is shining~
My album listing goes as:
1.)OK Computer
2.)Kid A
3.)The Bends
4.)Hail to the Theif
5.)Iron Lung EP
I think its pretty interesting and shows they have tremendous integrity that after Pablo Honey, basically a grunge influenced generic rock record, that they did the unthinkable especially starting with OK Computer, and made wierd, experimental, odd sounding music.
They dont seem to be driven by record sales, videos, exposure, fame and greed, instead are one of the rare bands who get their kicks pushing musical boundaries and making art for arts sake. They are a band who could care less if the fans like their music, its all about the art and the music.
I mean, its odd music. just odd stuff.
I also like how they seem to explore, alot like Modest Mouse does, the alienation and breakdown apparent in modern society due to progress or modernity, or civilization. Its deep stuff, usually bands write about surface stuff, or superficial stuff, and radiohead doesnt seem to be about that. Its about what living in modern society can do to the individual and the meaninglessness of commercialism and progress.
I like the insistence on being musically experimental, and I like the insistence on maintaining integrity. They dont seem to be bothered by the latest pop fad or the latest musical trend, they make their latest musical project, just that, their own musical project.
I enjoy the fact they seem to promote awareness of political issues and bigger ideas in their music. This is carried into their solo work at Thom Yorke's solo album The Eraser, is almost solely, every song, devoted to the state of the world and the environment. I like bands that encourage their fans to get active and start the revolution
They seem to be fiercely anticapitalist, which is another plus in my book. Making music, that sells millions of copies and is critical of capitalism is important, the message is getting out it seems.
The music is about finding the way, finding your goals, finding your life, finding yourself, in a society that is gross, disturbing and rapidly killing itself.
They seem to be the modern day equivilent of Pink Floyd via Animals.
I saw them in San Diego this past summer, they played a rather short set compared to Pearl Jam, but they blew me away.
I look forward to the seventh album, hopefully on its way soon
I thought Hail to the Thief is/was a great album.
Pablo Honey is my least favorite, everything after that is great in its own unique way.
Amazing in concert as well IMO.
And that failure's no success at all."
"Don't ya think its sometimes wise not to grow up."
"Cause life ain't nothing but a good groove
A good mixed tape to put you in the right mood."
Coupla kick ass bands there.
"I bowl. Drive around. The occasional acid flashback."
this is why i hate radiohead fans.
I didn't care for them much at all until I listened to the Bends a few times through. I think the Bends is one of the best rock albums ever, and OK Computer is great too.
They are definitely an acquired taste.
U R A Cheeeeeeezeball !
you say the albums sucks, but still claim to like it. it's like the mindless pearl jam apologists who insist riot act is a fantastic album.
amnesiac sucked, plain and simple. bremerton nailed it when he pointed out that there are about 3 good songs to an album post-ok computer. they're a pale shadow of what they once were. and that'd be fine if their idiot fans didn't insist that thom yorke's shit doesn't stink.
isn't some of what you said just a matter of opinion though? i mean, it's ok to have your own feelings about something. granted, saying the album sucks and still claiming to like it is a bit weird and ridiculous. but what you're saying is just your opinion. riot act is my favorite pearl jam album. i do think it's fantastic. and i think kid a blows ok computer out of the water. but i think HTTT tried too hard and amnesiac was a b-sides accompaniment to kid a. i certainly don't think i'd write off radiohead as a shadow of what they once were though.
then you're not the kind of person im talking about. the fans im talking about will swear up and down that radiohead has never done anything that wasnt perfect, including amnesiac and hail to the thief. i actually like kid a (the 3 song thing was a bit far), but definitely feel like between kid a and amnesiac was one brilliant album and one interesting b-sides album. i just get annoyed by the fans who insist every entry into the radiohead catalogue is a revelation and a masterpiece.
personally i like OK computer but i would prefer to listen to Kid A and Hail to the Thief before it.
its just an opinion. i can express mine without calling someone else an idiot though
I agree with you completely. One of my best friends is a huge radiohead fan. I think that The Bends and Ok Computer are AMAZING albums. Fucking masterpieces. However after that I think that they just started trying too hard to be different. I hate how their fans refuse to admit that their post OK Computer stuff is just not as good. There are some great songs on Kid A and HTTT (Nation Anthem, Idioteque, 2+2=5, There There) but for the most part it is just not good music. Its like they are trying too hard.
Also someone (might have been you) mentioned the Pearl Jam cans that mindlessly insist that Riot Act is a great album. I just don't get this. I'm not saying Riot Act is bad it is an average album and not great by Pearl Jam standards. I hate fans that claim everything a band does is perfect. Im as big of a Pearl Jam fan as any of you but I will be the first to admit that Riot Act is not a great cd.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Similarly, those of us who actually think their music after OK Computer is just as good, don't understand why people like you say they're trying to hard, when in fact they're just making something different and people aren't willing to grow with them.
Get over yourself. Just because you haven't liked what they've released after OK Computer doesn't mean that everyone who does like it has some uber-idea of Radiohead and won't admit when they make something bad.
My opinion, Pablo Honey sucks, as a whole. I like 3 songs, maybe. Ok Computer and beyond is what actually gets me going.
Realize that your opinion is yours and mine is mine, just as everyone else here has their own.
but i love them. my 2nd favorite band.
love thom's vocal box and johnny greenwood may or may not be my favorite guitarist. love all their albums, excapt pablo honey - don't care for that one.
great great band imo
"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." Herman Melville : Moby Dick
Rather, some bands have "it" and others do not. A sucky Radiohead album (or Pearl Jam, Killers) is better than others blah, blah you've heard it all before.. So while qualitycan said to be down from OKComputer, it is better than anything from other bands. I mean we can't listen to Tool can we? No, that is an absurd legally retarded idea . Hail to the Thief of course shows this "Bremerton" guy to be "an idiot", as I can name at least 9 good songs from that one (2+2,Sail,Go to Sleep,WhereIEnd,TheremThere..etc..etc..) Hell, I can name 5 good songs off Amnesiac.
ill agree that a mediocre radiohead album is better than most crap out there. just that that doesnt mean they're perfect.
who gave us that quote about how "x-million people can't be wrong"? radiohead is not winning any new fans. they tried to dabble into ambient electronic music. it has resulted in mediocre rock music and mediocre electronic music. they're not turning on any rock fans nor any electronic fans. all they're doing anymore is giving the diehards wet dreams about what a genius thom is. nobody else cares or is listening.
They have been spotty since Kid A, neither of their last two have been complete albums. Amnesiac is about 50/50 with amazing songs(You & Whose Army?, Life in a Glasshouse, I Might Be Wrong, Pyramid Song, Like Spinning Plates, Knives Out) and unintersting songs. HTTT only has a few bad tracks(I can't stand Sit Down, Stand Up or Backdrifts) but the rest of the album is only 'good', they don't have any really amazing tracks on the album. That being said, any album with 6 amazing songs or with 10+ good songs is going to be something I like.
It is amazing when people refuse to believe that others actually enjoy an album. Not everybody who likes Amnesiac or HTTT is a Radiohead apologist digging for bright spots when there are none to be found. Some people genuinely enjoy the albums, not everybody has motives for saying which albums they enjoy.
That was my opnion and I was not puting you down for liking their new stuff. I agree with you that Pablo Honey sucks.
My 2 points:
I don't understand why they got away from the stuff that made OK Computer and The Bends masterpieces. I'm not saying Kid A, Amnesiac, and Hail to the Thief are bad albums. I listen to them and think they are pretty good. However, I don't think they compare to The Bends and OK Computer and it dissapoints me a bit that they got away from the stuff that made them so good just so they could be different.
My second point is I don't get why some fans can't just admit that one album is not as good as another. I love Pearl Jam to death and they are a huge part of my life. However, I don't go around saying that everything they have ever done is a masterpiece that is flawless. That is just ignorance. It seems that a lot of Radiohead fans do that. Don't take it personally but thats just the impression I get from a lot of RH fans.
I agree that "Backdrifts" simply sounds like a B-side from their Kid-A/Amn. days, but "Sail to the Moon" is a classic. It not only fits in with OKComputer, it is better than any song they have done. "Go To Sleep" and "2+2" exceed the guitar songs from the Bends, and "There,There" is solid. Hail to the Thief is an under-rated album.
"Maybe you...... could be President, but know you right from wrong." I love that part.
pablo honey is a good album
but this is our point... the people who say everything after the bends is 5 stars and a masterpiece are annoying. and i think there are a lot more of them than you're allowing. im glad you're not one of them, but there are still a LOT of them and they annoy the bejesus out of me.