I'm not a gigantic fan but I like Muse. One of the few bright sparks in an otherwise appaling era of British music, IMO.
I don't know how many times I have to say this but YES, mainstream british music is shite. There are some utterly brilliant bands out there if you look for them.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
I'm not sure what you mean by 'best' and not 'favourite'.
It's difficult to be objective about it. At least it is for me.
Yes it was hard for me too. Even though my list is 5 bands i love i almost put bands on the list that i love but that i think dont deserve to be there.
The Shins
The Raconteurs
Dave Matthews Band
... fifth is wide open, not too sure who to go with. Music, in general, is in a state of emergency at the moment.
"Don't come closer or I'll have to go
Holding me like gravity are places that pull
If ever there was someone to keep me at home
It would be you..."
Well then I would think you were being purposefully antagonistic! Either that, or we have completely different understandings of the term 'musically stunted'. Muse have evolved a lot since their debut, they have complex arrangements, unusual time signatures and display a high level of musical ability. If that is your definition of 'musically stunted' then so bit it. I think the fact they released Knights of Cydonia, a six minute plus song as the first single in America, shows that they are far from playing it safe - again not the act of a 'stunted' band. I also think the inspiration for the song is probably closer to Zeppelin's Achilles Last Stand, or any number of Iron maiden songs.
I don't want to start any major arguments here, but I do get tired of this predictable cyclical arguing. And it inevitably ends in someone saying "well this is my opinion and that is yours" - like they are making some sort of revelation. To me, that is as plainly obvious as the sky is blue. Of course we have our own opinions, and of course we should respect each other.
Where I have a real problem is when people make antagonistic comments about people's tastes, and when questioned about it you get the same boring and predictable responses. I know we're all guilty of it from time to time, but quite honestly the fact that we all spend so much time on these boards, surely ought to indicate that we have an interest in actually discussing music in some depth? Otherwise why do we post comments? I made a reasonable statement about a highly popular band who have pretty much conquered every country they've been to, and was mostly basing my views on the huge Wembley shows on the dvd/cd - clearly a lot of people have respect for the band and enjoy their music.
The assertion that all of their songs or a lot of their songs sound the same to me does not make sense. Particularly if the opening piano part of New Born was suggested as something that they have repeated. I can't think of a single song where they reuse that, or even something similar.
Well then I would think you were being purposefully antagonistic! Either that, or we have completely different understandings of the term 'musically stunted'.
Why would you assume that he is being antagonistic? Some people around here seem incapable of other people not feeling the same about their favourite bands. I can't imagine why it should bother me if you didn't like one of mine. This is what I was talking about before. I really resent the notion that I just don't "get" Muse. That's bullshit. Some people just don't like them. It's arrogance to assume that you are somehow better equipped to understand what a band is trying to do than someone else. Maybe you just like different things in music.
Maybe I'm being presumptious but I shouldn't imagine a fan of Muse and Alter Bridge would be a big fan of a band like, let's say Godspeed You! Black Emperor, if he heard them, and that's fine. I don't think that they're my favourite band because I "get" them and somehow you don't because you don't understand their music. You just might not like that kind of thing. I'm all for musical eclecticism and you might love such a band but I can't see a person cracking out Open Your Eyes and then some 20 minute, canadian symphonic post-rock songs with glockenspiels and contrabass. And if you didn't, I certainly wouldn't feel the need to defend their music valiantly and assert my opinion that they are somehow above criticism and should be viewed as a band that is unquestionably brilliant and any naysayers just don't have the required musical understanding to appreciate them. I'd just accept that some people like different kinds of music and that, far from accepting that the bands I don't like are actually brilliant and just not for me, I am perfectly entitled to say that I find their music bad. As far as my appreciation of it goes. After all, Images & Words by Dream Theater is unquestionably musically proficient, has many fans that think of it as a masterpiece and is still, without a doubt, in the top 3 worst albums I have ever heard in my life.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
Why would you assume that he is being antagonistic? Some people around here seem incapable of other people not feeling the same about their favourite bands. I can't imagine why it should bother me if you didn't like one of mine. This is what I was talking about before. I really resent the notion that I just don't "get" Muse. That's bullshit. Some people just don't like them. It's arrogance to assume that you are somehow better equipped to understand what a band is trying to do than someone else. Maybe you just like different things in music.
Maybe I'm being presumptious but I shouldn't imagine a fan of Muse and Alter Bridge would be a big fan of a band like, let's say Godspeed You! Black Emperor, if he heard them, and that's fine. I don't think that they're my favourite band because I "get" them and somehow you don't because you don't understand their music. You just might not like that kind of thing. I'm all for musical eclecticism and you might love such a band but I can't see a person cracking out Open Your Eyes and then some 20 minute, canadian symphonic post-rock songs with glockenspiels and contrabass. And if you didn't, I certainly wouldn't feel the need to defend their music valiantly and assert my opinion that they are somehow above criticism and should be viewed as a band that is unquestionably brilliant and any naysayers just don't have the required musical understanding to appreciate them. I'd just accept that some people like different kinds of music and that, far from accepting that the bands I don't like are actually brilliant and just not for me, I am perfectly entitled to say that I find their music bad. As far as my appreciation of it goes. After all, Images & Words by Dream Theater is unquestionably musically proficient, has many fans that think of it as a masterpiece and is still, without a doubt, in the top 3 worst albums I have ever heard in my life.
I think Facepollution's point was that Muse are, whether people like the songs or not, pretty great musicians, and not "musically stunted".
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Why would you assume that he is being antagonistic? Some people around here seem incapable of other people not feeling the same about their favourite bands. I can't imagine why it should bother me if you didn't like one of mine. This is what I was talking about before. I really resent the notion that I just don't "get" Muse. That's bullshit. Some people just don't like them. It's arrogance to assume that you are somehow better equipped to understand what a band is trying to do than someone else. Maybe you just like different things in music.
Dude that's why I asked, do you think it's 'possible' that people can not sometimes 'get' music? I also followed it up by saying that I think sometimes I don't always get stuff - certain bands can take time to grow on you, and can hit you when you least expect it. Often I will find that I finally appreciate certain types of music because they match a particular mood or feeling that I haven't felt before. I wasn't saying that one person is better equipped than the other at all. Muse are definitely a band like that for me. I went for so long during the 90's only listening to music that was emotionally engaging that I would never have given a band like Muse a chance back then. But as I got older I eased out of all the heavy depression that bound me to bands like AIC and Pearl Jam, and realised not all music has to be like that.
Not liking something and respecting something are two different things in my book. I respect the music the Beatles made, but I can not stand to listen to them. I also respect the fact they were probably an amazing live band for their time.
Maybe I'm being presumptious but I shouldn't imagine a fan of Muse and Alter Bridge would be a big fan of a band like, let's say Godspeed You! Black Emperor, if he heard them, and that's fine. I don't think that they're my favourite band because I "get" them and somehow you don't because you don't understand their music. You just might not like that kind of thing. I'm all for musical eclecticism and you might love such a band but I can't see a person cracking out Open Your Eyes and then some 20 minute, canadian symphonic post-rock songs with glockenspiels and contrabass. And if you didn't, I certainly wouldn't feel the need to defend their music valiantly and assert my opinion that they are somehow above criticism and should be viewed as a band that is unquestionably brilliant and any naysayers just don't have the required musical understanding to appreciate them. I'd just accept that some people like different kinds of music and that, far from accepting that the bands I don't like are actually brilliant and just not for me, I am perfectly entitled to say that I find their music bad. As far as my appreciation of it goes. After all, Images & Words by Dream Theater is unquestionably musically proficient, has many fans that think of it as a masterpiece and is still, without a doubt, in the top 3 worst albums I have ever heard in my life.
Actually I do know Godspeed You Black Emperor! One of my mates is a big fan so he loaned me some of their stuff. And I know you said you don't want to be presumtuous, but I can't help feeling that the same accusation of arrogance, should perhaps be directed back at yourself. Would you have been better able to predict that if you knew me as just a Pearl Jam and Fall Out Boy fan ?
Like I said, I find the whole need to point out that everyone is entitled to their own opinion to be a completely redundant point - I know that, I think most right thinking people know that. It's a cop out to me. You make a provocative comment, that a lot of their songs sound the same, but then cry 'don't tell me I'm not entitled to my own opinions'. All I did was to ask for some reasonable examples of where they sound the same. Of course your retort will likely be, I don't care enough to bother coming up with any - but then what's the point in making any disparaging comment in the first place? It's kind of like the 'right to bear arms', sure you have the right, but what is the purpose?
Actually I do know Godspeed You Black Emperor! One of my mates is a big fan so he loaned me some of their stuff. And I know you said you don't want to be presumtuous, but I can't help feeling that the same accusation of arrogance, should perhaps be directed back at yourself. Would you have been better able to predict that if you knew me as just a Pearl Jam and Fall Out Boy fan ?
I don't think you understood my point. My point was, if you had heard GY!BE and hated them, I wouldn't say to myself "he likes Muse and Alter Bridge, he doesn't know shit about music", I'd say "perhaps not all music is for everyone" and I wouldn't feel superior BECAUSE if you told me GY!BE were shit then I'd smile and tell you I felt the same about Muse. It wouldn't change my feelings on either band and it wouldn't change yours either. I think it's perfectly possible for a person to like a lot of great music, totally get what GY!BE are about and still hate them. I know plenty of people that do. It doesn't bother me. I know they like good music, the accept that GY!BE can play their instruments. They still think the music sucks. I think Muse's music sucks. It's NOT that I don't "get" it. I have heard all of their albums, several times. I just hate their sound.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
I think Facepollution's point was that Muse are, whether people like the songs or not, pretty great musicians, and not "musically stunted".
You can be a great musician and be musically stunted. Look at Dream Theater as I mentioned before. Technically flawless but insanely bland and you always know where the song is going. I'm not saying that is necessarily true of Muse but I am just clearing up what Harmless might have meant.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
You can be a great musician and be musically stunted. Look at Dream Theater as I mentioned before. Technically flawless but insanely bland and you always know where the song is going. I'm not saying that is necessarily true of Muse but I am just clearing up what Harmless might have meant.
You're exactly right.. I read 'musically stunted' as 'lacking imagination' and emotionally dead.. it's already been said here that Muse are impossible to connect with emotionally.
By the way, LOL @ the fact we're still talking about Muse.
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
So why feel the need to make sweeping assumptions that a lot of their songs sound the same? Particularly because you haven't backed it up with anything.
Perhaps, and forgive me if I'm wrong here, what you are getting at, is that there is a continuous vibe or something in their music which you hate. I can think of plenty of things that are present in Muse's music that some people don't like. For example, his voice (just like Billy Corgan's voice, you either love it or hate it) the operatic style of a lot of their songs, his effects heavy approach to guitar playing, the general depressive nature of the lyrics. But that not does not = all their songs sound the same. Just watching their live dvd you can hear that they are actually quite a varied band.
You're exactly right.. I read 'musically stunted' as 'lacking imagination' and emotionally dead.. it's already been said here that Muse are impossible to connect with emotionally.
By the way, LOL @ the fact we're still talking about Muse.
Lacking imagination? You said it yourself "fucking horses?"!!!!! Come on, what about Supermassive Black Hole?! Hardly run of the mill, by Muse or any other mainstream band's standards.
So why feel the need to make sweeping assumptions that a lot of their songs sound the same? Particularly because you haven't backed it up with anything.
Perhaps, and forgive me if I'm wrong here, what you are getting at, is that there is a continuous vibe or something in their music which you hate. I can think of plenty of things that are present in Muse's music that some people don't like. For example, his voice (just like Billy Corgan's voice, you either love it or hate it) the operatic style of a lot of their songs, his effects heavy approach to guitar playing, the general depressive nature of the lyrics. But that not does not = all their songs sound the same. Just watching their live dvd you can hear that they are actually quite a varied band.
Having listened to each of their albums, I genuinely remember hearing several things that sounded very similar to the piano in New Born, which annoyed me in the first place. I cannot give song names because I don't remember many of them besides the singles. It's not his voice as such, mainly because he sounds like Thom Yorke hyper-ventilating and I like Radiohead. It's not the guitar effects because I listen to a lot of heavily processed music. It's not the depressing lyrics because I listen to tons of stuff with pathos as their main concern. I just feel that every superlative heaped on the band seems to be referring to another band altogether. I hear a one trick pony band making song after song about the end of the world in a grating prog-baroque pop style that can only be described as Thom Yorke, backed by Yes covering OK Computer in the style of Queen. That might sound like heaven to some but it fills me with feelings of dread and, frankly, revulsion.
Also, that riff in Plug-in Baby that everyone creams over all the time? Bach's Fugue.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
I don't know how many times I have to say this but YES, mainstream british music is shite. There are some utterly brilliant bands out there if you look for them.
Sure yeah, you can say that about any 'era.'
Could you reccomend me some? I feel I'm listening to too much American music, and betraying my British roots
I hear a one trick pony band making song after song about the end of the world in a grating prog-baroque pop style that can only be described as Thom Yorke, backed by Yes covering OK Computer in the style of Queen. That might sound like heaven to some but it fills me with feelings of dread and, frankly, revulsion.
Also, that riff in Plug-in Baby that everyone creams over all the time? Bach's Fugue.
Hahahaha!! :D
Can I just say that I think Muse are ok, especially the old stuff, but reading this made me laugh so much coffee shot all over the computer...
Kings Of Leon
The Black Keys
Elvis Costello and the Imposters...
White Stripes would have made it but they kind of fell out of favor with Icky Thump and snubbing the city that put them on the map with their last tour.
Detroit '98 - Detroit '03 - Toledo '04 - Grand Rapids '04 - Kitchener '05 - London '05 - Grand Rapids '06 - Cleveland '06 - Detroit '06 - Chicago '07 - West Palm Beach - Tampa '08 - Toronto '09 - Indy '10 - Buffalo '10 - Toronto '11 - London '13
Having listened to each of their albums, I genuinely remember hearing several things that sounded very similar to the piano in New Born, which annoyed me in the first place. I cannot give song names because I don't remember many of them besides the singles. It's not his voice as such, mainly because he sounds like Thom Yorke hyper-ventilating and I like Radiohead. It's not the guitar effects because I listen to a lot of heavily processed music. It's not the depressing lyrics because I listen to tons of stuff with pathos as their main concern. I just feel that every superlative heaped on the band seems to be referring to another band altogether. I hear a one trick pony band making song after song about the end of the world in a grating prog-baroque pop style that can only be described as Thom Yorke, backed by Yes covering OK Computer in the style of Queen. That might sound like heaven to some but it fills me with feelings of dread and, frankly, revulsion.
Also, that riff in Plug-in Baby that everyone creams over all the time? Bach's Fugue.
I really have no idea of what mythical Muse album you are talking about, but they really haven't re-used the piano part from New Born. Sure they have other songs with piano, but that's like saying that all NIN songs sound the same because they have drum machines on them.
One trick-pony? I thought we were nearly getting somewhere here.........well let's just compare the cyber r'n'b grind of Supermassive Black Hole with the new-wave synth pop of Starlight, or the lurching tango groove of Uno, or the haunting acoustic restraint of Unintended. So that's a four trick pony at least, and that barely even scratches their large collection of singles, let alone the album tracks.
And big wow about them using Bach's Fugue, I'm sure it wasn't played originally on an electric guitar!
Sigur Ros
The Raconteurs
The Black Crowes
Yes it was hard for me too. Even though my list is 5 bands i love i almost put bands on the list that i love but that i think dont deserve to be there.
2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
2017: RRHoF 4/7 2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4 2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18
2022: MSG 9/11 2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
2025: Pittsburgh 5/16+5/18
The Black Angels
Foo Fighters
The Shins
The Raconteurs
Dave Matthews Band
... fifth is wide open, not too sure who to go with. Music, in general, is in a state of emergency at the moment.
Holding me like gravity are places that pull
If ever there was someone to keep me at home
It would be you..."
God amongst men.
second that.
2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
2017: RRHoF 4/7 2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4 2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18
2022: MSG 9/11 2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
2025: Pittsburgh 5/16+5/18
2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
2017: RRHoF 4/7 2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4 2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18
2022: MSG 9/11 2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
2025: Pittsburgh 5/16+5/18
Well then I would think you were being purposefully antagonistic! Either that, or we have completely different understandings of the term 'musically stunted'. Muse have evolved a lot since their debut, they have complex arrangements, unusual time signatures and display a high level of musical ability. If that is your definition of 'musically stunted' then so bit it. I think the fact they released Knights of Cydonia, a six minute plus song as the first single in America, shows that they are far from playing it safe - again not the act of a 'stunted' band. I also think the inspiration for the song is probably closer to Zeppelin's Achilles Last Stand, or any number of Iron maiden songs.
I don't want to start any major arguments here, but I do get tired of this predictable cyclical arguing. And it inevitably ends in someone saying "well this is my opinion and that is yours" - like they are making some sort of revelation. To me, that is as plainly obvious as the sky is blue. Of course we have our own opinions, and of course we should respect each other.
Where I have a real problem is when people make antagonistic comments about people's tastes, and when questioned about it you get the same boring and predictable responses. I know we're all guilty of it from time to time, but quite honestly the fact that we all spend so much time on these boards, surely ought to indicate that we have an interest in actually discussing music in some depth? Otherwise why do we post comments? I made a reasonable statement about a highly popular band who have pretty much conquered every country they've been to, and was mostly basing my views on the huge Wembley shows on the dvd/cd - clearly a lot of people have respect for the band and enjoy their music.
The assertion that all of their songs or a lot of their songs sound the same to me does not make sense. Particularly if the opening piano part of New Born was suggested as something that they have repeated. I can't think of a single song where they reuse that, or even something similar.
1.Pearl jam
3.my morning jacket
4.rush (surprised they were not mentioned yet)
8/7/08, 6/9/09
2. Deftones
3. A Perect Circle
4. Soulfly
5. Tool
Toronto 2011 night 2
Hamilton 2011
London 2013
Okkervil River
Cut Copy
Bon Iver
and they all eat rainbows and pooh butterflies!
Maybe I'm being presumptious but I shouldn't imagine a fan of Muse and Alter Bridge would be a big fan of a band like, let's say Godspeed You! Black Emperor, if he heard them, and that's fine. I don't think that they're my favourite band because I "get" them and somehow you don't because you don't understand their music. You just might not like that kind of thing. I'm all for musical eclecticism and you might love such a band but I can't see a person cracking out Open Your Eyes and then some 20 minute, canadian symphonic post-rock songs with glockenspiels and contrabass. And if you didn't, I certainly wouldn't feel the need to defend their music valiantly and assert my opinion that they are somehow above criticism and should be viewed as a band that is unquestionably brilliant and any naysayers just don't have the required musical understanding to appreciate them. I'd just accept that some people like different kinds of music and that, far from accepting that the bands I don't like are actually brilliant and just not for me, I am perfectly entitled to say that I find their music bad. As far as my appreciation of it goes. After all, Images & Words by Dream Theater is unquestionably musically proficient, has many fans that think of it as a masterpiece and is still, without a doubt, in the top 3 worst albums I have ever heard in my life.
The Cure
David Bowie
Arcade Fire
"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"
I think Facepollution's point was that Muse are, whether people like the songs or not, pretty great musicians, and not "musically stunted".
'06 - London, Dublin, Reading
'07 - Katowice, Wembley, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
'09 - London, Manchester, London
'12 - Manchester, Manchester, Berlin, Stockholm, Copenhagen
Dude that's why I asked, do you think it's 'possible' that people can not sometimes 'get' music? I also followed it up by saying that I think sometimes I don't always get stuff - certain bands can take time to grow on you, and can hit you when you least expect it. Often I will find that I finally appreciate certain types of music because they match a particular mood or feeling that I haven't felt before. I wasn't saying that one person is better equipped than the other at all. Muse are definitely a band like that for me. I went for so long during the 90's only listening to music that was emotionally engaging that I would never have given a band like Muse a chance back then. But as I got older I eased out of all the heavy depression that bound me to bands like AIC and Pearl Jam, and realised not all music has to be like that.
Not liking something and respecting something are two different things in my book. I respect the music the Beatles made, but I can not stand to listen to them. I also respect the fact they were probably an amazing live band for their time.
Actually I do know Godspeed You Black Emperor! One of my mates is a big fan so he loaned me some of their stuff. And I know you said you don't want to be presumtuous, but I can't help feeling that the same accusation of arrogance, should perhaps be directed back at yourself. Would you have been better able to predict that if you knew me as just a Pearl Jam and Fall Out Boy fan
Like I said, I find the whole need to point out that everyone is entitled to their own opinion to be a completely redundant point - I know that, I think most right thinking people know that. It's a cop out to me. You make a provocative comment, that a lot of their songs sound the same, but then cry 'don't tell me I'm not entitled to my own opinions'. All I did was to ask for some reasonable examples of where they sound the same. Of course your retort will likely be, I don't care enough to bother coming up with any - but then what's the point in making any disparaging comment in the first place? It's kind of like the 'right to bear arms', sure you have the right, but what is the purpose?
Thank you!
You're exactly right.. I read 'musically stunted' as 'lacking imagination' and emotionally dead.. it's already been said here that Muse are impossible to connect with emotionally.
By the way, LOL @ the fact we're still talking about Muse.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
So why feel the need to make sweeping assumptions that a lot of their songs sound the same? Particularly because you haven't backed it up with anything.
Perhaps, and forgive me if I'm wrong here, what you are getting at, is that there is a continuous vibe or something in their music which you hate. I can think of plenty of things that are present in Muse's music that some people don't like. For example, his voice (just like Billy Corgan's voice, you either love it or hate it) the operatic style of a lot of their songs, his effects heavy approach to guitar playing, the general depressive nature of the lyrics. But that not does not = all their songs sound the same. Just watching their live dvd you can hear that they are actually quite a varied band.
Lacking imagination? You said it yourself "fucking horses?"!!!!! Come on, what about Supermassive Black Hole?! Hardly run of the mill, by Muse or any other mainstream band's standards.
Also, that riff in Plug-in Baby that everyone creams over all the time? Bach's Fugue.
Sure yeah, you can say that about any 'era.'
Could you reccomend me some? I feel I'm listening to too much American music, and betraying my British roots
Can I just say that I think Muse are ok, especially the old stuff, but reading this made me laugh so much coffee shot all over the computer...
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
Rage Against the Machine
Black Crowes
Foo Fighters
Black Keys
Alice in Chains would absolutely be in there but since it is a new singer I didn't feel right.
Other honorable mentions:
My Morning Jacket
Kings of Leon
White Stripes
Kings Of Leon
The Black Keys
Elvis Costello and the Imposters...
White Stripes would have made it but they kind of fell out of favor with Icky Thump and snubbing the city that put them on the map with their last tour.
I really have no idea of what mythical Muse album you are talking about, but they really haven't re-used the piano part from New Born. Sure they have other songs with piano, but that's like saying that all NIN songs sound the same because they have drum machines on them.
One trick-pony? I thought we were nearly getting somewhere here.........well let's just compare the cyber r'n'b grind of Supermassive Black Hole with the new-wave synth pop of Starlight, or the lurching tango groove of Uno, or the haunting acoustic restraint of Unintended. So that's a four trick pony at least, and that barely even scratches their large collection of singles, let alone the album tracks.
And big wow about them using Bach's Fugue, I'm sure it wasn't played originally on an electric guitar!