The night walked down the sky with the moon in her hand.
“It’s the idea that people living close to nature tend to be noble. It’s seeing all those sunsets that does it. You can’t watch a sunset and then go off and set fire to your neighbor’s tepee. Living close to nature is wonderful for your mental health.”
"Understand me, know my name.
Learn my heart, bear witness against this claim.
Hear my voice and hear my words.
Know their meaning.
An application of freedom, self sacrifice."
Alright, I have to vent. I know my actions will mean very little to a rich band like PJ.
But, I am going to boycott buying another from Pearl Jam until they announce a tour in the South. Last tour I bought 10 bootlegs. I buy their new album every time one comes out. I own two copies of TEN. I own 3 bootlegs from the 2000 tour and several other bootlegs like Aussie Dynamos and Chapters. I will not buy one PJ bootleg from this tour. Their blatant skipping of the South has hit me on a personal note.
I live in Little Rock. The nearest destinations are 10-12 hours by car, one way, or an expensive plane ticket plus car rental. I cannot afford to travel to Chicago, Denver, Minneapolis, etc. I could afford to travel to Memphis, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, OKC, Austin, etc. They are shorter drives. I really would love to act like I have no responsibilities and just take a week off and travel and put myself into more debt. But, the reality is, I cannot afford to travel to any of the US destinations, Europe, or Australia.
I am personally offended by their actions. By the time they get to the South (2007?) the newness of the album will be well worn away and we will have to contend with those who have the money and just got to see PJ several times in the New England, Midwest, West Coast areas. By the time they get back to the states, everyone with a Ten Club membership or money to travel will pack stadiums in cities they would not go to otherwise.
I really enjoy the new album. Have several favorite songs. But, I will not give PJ another dollar until they show their fans in the South that they appreciate their patronage and will honor us with a live concert somewhere in several Southern cities.
I would love to see the outrage if their "world tour" was only played in Florida, Georgia, NC, SC, Texas, etc and they completely skipped NYC, Chicago, LA, etc. I could care less about the rumors of their frustration b/c shows were not sold out or several Southern states voted for GWB. But, that is nothing more than excuses.
BTW Pearl Jam. I voted for Clinton boths times, Gore, and then Kerry. But, I really do not give a crap if that makes you smile or makes you frown. It is a matter of self opinion, not a so called rumor or reason to skip cities with thousands of fans that want to appluade you and sing along.
Alright, I have to vent. I know my actions will mean very little to a rich band like PJ.
But, I am going to boycott buying another from Pearl Jam until they announce a tour in the South. Last tour I bought 10 bootlegs. I buy their new album every time one comes out. I own two copies of TEN. I own 3 bootlegs from the 2000 tour and several other bootlegs like Aussie Dynamos and Chapters. I will not buy one PJ bootleg from this tour. Their blatant skipping of the South has hit me on a personal note.
I live in Little Rock. The nearest destinations are 10-12 hours by car, one way, or an expensive plane ticket plus car rental. I cannot afford to travel to Chicago, Denver, Minneapolis, etc. I could afford to travel to Memphis, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, OKC, Austin, etc. They are shorter drives. I really would love to act like I have no responsibilities and just take a week off and travel and put myself into more debt. But, the reality is, I cannot afford to travel to any of the US destinations, Europe, or Australia.
I am personally offended by their actions. By the time they get to the South (2007?) the newness of the album will be well worn away and we will have to contend with those who have the money and just got to see PJ several times in the New England, Midwest, West Coast areas. By the time they get back to the states, everyone with a Ten Club membership or money to travel will pack stadiums in cities they would not go to otherwise.
I really enjoy the new album. Have several favorite songs. But, I will not give PJ another dollar until they show their fans in the South that they appreciate their patronage and will honor us with a live concert somewhere in several Southern cities.
I would love to see the outrage if their "world tour" was only played in Florida, Georgia, NC, SC, Texas, etc and they completely skipped NYC, Chicago, LA, etc. I could care less about the rumors of their frustration b/c shows were not sold out or several Southern states voted for GWB. But, that is nothing more than excuses.
BTW Pearl Jam. I voted for Clinton boths times, Gore, and then Kerry. But, I really do not give a crap if that makes you smile or makes you frown. It is a matter of self opinion, not a so called rumor or reason to skip cities with thousands of fans that want to appluade you and sing along.
I feel your pain, however, I would be very surprised if they skipped the entire south. From what I understand, We will get our doseage during the first of 2007...
I feel your pain, however, I would be very surprised if they skipped the entire south. From what I understand, We will get our doseage during the first of 2007...
What do you mean "from what I understand"? What indication do you have that they will tour the US in 2007, let alone the South?
All I want is a yes or a no, So I can get tickets to the northern shows or wait. Again a yes or a no is fine. I dont care when, if its at the end of the tour or what. I just want to know if there are going to be some stops this tour in the south.
We've got to keep this going if we're going to get their attention! Have you noticed the Official Please Play Texas thread? Guess they consider themselves a region all of their own. So here's my lunch time BUMP! FOR THE SOUTH (excluding Texas)
~I want to realize brotherhood or identity not merely with the beings called human, but I want to realize identity with all life, even with such things as crawl upon earth.~
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
ALL SOUTHERNERS DO NOT!!!!!! LET THIS FALL TO PAGE 5 C'MON NOW-BUMP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! every 6 hours bump the hell out of it and yes you good people in Texas sign it to and i'll do the same-they need to know how much we need a show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“It’s the idea that people living close to nature tend to be noble. It’s seeing all those sunsets that does it. You can’t watch a sunset and then go off and set fire to your neighbor’s tepee. Living close to nature is wonderful for your mental health.”
I would love to see the outrage if their "world tour" was only played in Florida, Georgia, NC, SC, Texas, etc and they completely skipped NYC, Chicago, LA, etc. I could care less about the rumors of their frustration b/c shows were not sold out or several Southern states voted for GWB. But, that is nothing more than excuses.
BTW Pearl Jam. I voted for Clinton boths times, Gore, and then Kerry. But, I really do not give a crap if that makes you smile or makes you frown. It is a matter of self opinion, not a so called rumor or reason to skip cities with thousands of fans that want to appluade you and sing along.[/quote]
My sentiments exactly!!
for example, tim mcgraw/faith hill is in the rbc center on june 9th....couldn't have faith all sweaty, now, could we?
Yes, yes we can and should! She is not bad on the eyes. But back to the point, PLAY RALEIGH!!!!. You know, the home of the future Stanley Cup champs. The RBC is a fantastic place. If you can fill the grass at Walnut Creek, you can fill that place enough for a rockin' show.
Yes, yes we can and should! She is not bad on the eyes. But back to the point, PLAY RALEIGH!!!!. You know, the home of the future Stanley Cup champs. The RBC is a fantastic place. If you can fill the grass at Walnut Creek, you can fill that place enough for a rockin' show.
rbc center, even with floor seats, holds about 1500 - 2000 less people than the creek...
but i agree, i'd rather see faith sweaty, too.....
During hurricane season, indoor arenas don't mean squat. No one is going to drive thru a hurricane, or go to a venue with no electricity. You must not be familiar with hurricane season or hurricanes.
~I want to realize brotherhood or identity not merely with the beings called human, but I want to realize identity with all life, even with such things as crawl upon earth.~
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
rbc center, even with floor seats, holds about 1500 - 2000 less people than the creek...
but i agree, i'd rather see faith sweaty, too.....
Really? Did not know that. I thought it had about 19,000 seats which I thought was way more than you could get at Walnut Creek. You learn something new everyday!
We've got to keep this going if we're going to get their attention! Have you noticed the Official Please Play Texas thread? Guess they consider themselves a region all of their own. So here's my lunch time BUMP! FOR THE SOUTH (excluding Texas)
LOL. Yeah, Texas does consider themself to be their own country. Texas' thread should merge with the South's thread, but don't tell them that. There's no way they do one without the other. This should be a unified message. Right now, it's hard to read all the other threads about how awesome some shows are, with no Southern shows anywhere on the radar. Since my first show in Charlotte in 1995, I've paid for 10-12 more shows, dozens of bootlegs, the albums (including vinyl editions), posters, and miscellaneous apparel, so I've probably sent one or two grand to PJ. And I don't regret a dime of it. I love 'em, and want desperately for them to come South. I'd get a rush to last me for months if I had something to look forward to. Nothing compares to a live PJ show...
LOL. Yeah, Texas does consider themself to be their own country. Texas' thread should merge with the South's thread, but don't tell them that. There's no way they do one without the other. This should be a unified message. Right now, it's hard to read all the other threads about how awesome some shows are, with no Southern shows anywhere on the radar. Since my first show in Charlotte in 1995, I've paid for 10-12 more shows, dozens of bootlegs, the albums (including vinyl editions), posters, and miscellaneous apparel, so I've probably sent one or two grand to PJ. And I don't regret a dime of it. I love 'em, and want desperately for them to come South. I'd get a rush to last me for months if I had something to look forward to. Nothing compares to a live PJ show...
I feel you man. I look at the photos from the tour and get eaten up inside. My only salvation is that I'm going to fly 3,000 miles to see them at the Gorge, for two nights. Then, next year, when they finally DO head south and southwest, I'm going to go to 7 or 8 shows if I can. About a month ago I read a post from someone in the NE who said that we southerners should just bite the bullet and travel somewhere to see them. I thought about it and decided he was right. It was the only way I was going to be able to stand hearing about this tour. Maybe you should do the same thing! Get tix for the third San Fran show or something. I can tell you from experience, it'll make you feel a whole lot better!
~I want to realize brotherhood or identity not merely with the beings called human, but I want to realize identity with all life, even with such things as crawl upon earth.~
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
During hurricane season, indoor arenas don't mean squat. No one is going to drive thru a hurricane, or go to a venue with no electricity. You must not be familiar with hurricane season or hurricanes.
i'm pretty familiar with hurricanes, i've lived here in north carolina for over 38 years and lived through several of them, even drove through one once.
i was speaking more to the heat aspect of the south, rather than the hurricane aspect.
Really? Did not know that. I thought it had about 19,000 seats which I thought was way more than you could get at Walnut Creek. You learn something new everyday!
Officially signing the petition. New Orleans resident who doesn't expect a show there, but anything close would be great.
if anyone deserves a show it's the fine city of new orleans!!!
i used to cook at commanders palace-i love that city or you can come back to Greenville,SC
“It’s the idea that people living close to nature tend to be noble. It’s seeing all those sunsets that does it. You can’t watch a sunset and then go off and set fire to your neighbor’s tepee. Living close to nature is wonderful for your mental health.”
We've got to keep this going if we're going to get their attention! Have you noticed the Official Please Play Texas thread? Guess they consider themselves a region all of their own. So here's my lunch time BUMP! FOR THE SOUTH (excluding Texas)
haha, whats up with the hate man? I started the Texas thread!! It's not cuz I think we're our own country, cuz I don't!! Actually, given a choice, I'd probably live elsewhere, but you gotta play with the cards you're given.
Anyway, I started a Texas thread, cuz Juli started a West Palm Beach thread. So, if Florida can get they're own thread, then Texas can too!!
So, heres a BUMP for the WHOLE south.
Oh, and another reason why Texas deserves its own thread is cuz its so fucking big and it takes hours among hours to go to a show in another state, even a southern one...Hell, just going from one city to another takes too fucking long.
Sorry is the fool who trades his soul for a corvette, thinks he'll get the girl he'll only get the mechanic...
I didn't vote for Bush! I hope PJ is not mad at the south. I need them to come back! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......... Come Back Come Back.
If they don't run through the south then I hope they go back to the studio and cut another album like this one, then tour. Then they have to show up somewhere down here.
The night walked down the sky with the moon in her hand.
Daniel Quinn
St. Louis
Dallas and
Little Rock
Can't wait to see yall there
Learn my heart, bear witness against this claim.
Hear my voice and hear my words.
Know their meaning.
An application of freedom, self sacrifice."
-Very Special Guests "Blue Light"
J.M., Jr. High Band Teacher
I raise my Freak Flag High!!
But, I am going to boycott buying another from Pearl Jam until they announce a tour in the South. Last tour I bought 10 bootlegs. I buy their new album every time one comes out. I own two copies of TEN. I own 3 bootlegs from the 2000 tour and several other bootlegs like Aussie Dynamos and Chapters. I will not buy one PJ bootleg from this tour. Their blatant skipping of the South has hit me on a personal note.
I live in Little Rock. The nearest destinations are 10-12 hours by car, one way, or an expensive plane ticket plus car rental. I cannot afford to travel to Chicago, Denver, Minneapolis, etc. I could afford to travel to Memphis, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, OKC, Austin, etc. They are shorter drives. I really would love to act like I have no responsibilities and just take a week off and travel and put myself into more debt. But, the reality is, I cannot afford to travel to any of the US destinations, Europe, or Australia.
I am personally offended by their actions. By the time they get to the South (2007?) the newness of the album will be well worn away and we will have to contend with those who have the money and just got to see PJ several times in the New England, Midwest, West Coast areas. By the time they get back to the states, everyone with a Ten Club membership or money to travel will pack stadiums in cities they would not go to otherwise.
I really enjoy the new album. Have several favorite songs. But, I will not give PJ another dollar until they show their fans in the South that they appreciate their patronage and will honor us with a live concert somewhere in several Southern cities.
I would love to see the outrage if their "world tour" was only played in Florida, Georgia, NC, SC, Texas, etc and they completely skipped NYC, Chicago, LA, etc. I could care less about the rumors of their frustration b/c shows were not sold out or several Southern states voted for GWB. But, that is nothing more than excuses.
BTW Pearl Jam. I voted for Clinton boths times, Gore, and then Kerry. But, I really do not give a crap if that makes you smile or makes you frown. It is a matter of self opinion, not a so called rumor or reason to skip cities with thousands of fans that want to appluade you and sing along.
Dallas 2000
Oklahoma City 2003
Dallas 2003
Dallas 2013
OKC 2013
Tulsa 2014
Memphis 2014
"you can't be neutral on a moving train"
I feel your pain, however, I would be very surprised if they skipped the entire south. From what I understand, We will get our doseage during the first of 2007...
What do you mean "from what I understand"? What indication do you have that they will tour the US in 2007, let alone the South?
:( i'm sad
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
We all are.
I'm going to the Camden shows (which should be great!!) but still . . .
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
Daniel Quinn
BTW Pearl Jam. I voted for Clinton boths times, Gore, and then Kerry. But, I really do not give a crap if that makes you smile or makes you frown. It is a matter of self opinion, not a so called rumor or reason to skip cities with thousands of fans that want to appluade you and sing along.[/quote]
My sentiments exactly!!
Texasssssssssssssss! Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhhhhhhhhhht!
Atlantic City: 09/30/05, 10/01/05
for example, tim mcgraw/faith hill is in the rbc center on june 9th....couldn't have faith all sweaty, now, could we?
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
Yes, yes we can and should! She is not bad on the eyes. But back to the point, PLAY RALEIGH!!!!. You know, the home of the future Stanley Cup champs. The RBC is a fantastic place. If you can fill the grass at Walnut Creek, you can fill that place enough for a rockin' show.
rbc center, even with floor seats, holds about 1500 - 2000 less people than the creek...
but i agree, i'd rather see faith sweaty, too.....
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
Really? Did not know that. I thought it had about 19,000 seats which I thought was way more than you could get at Walnut Creek. You learn something new everyday!
Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh, ...
LOL. Yeah, Texas does consider themself to be their own country. Texas' thread should merge with the South's thread, but don't tell them that. There's no way they do one without the other. This should be a unified message. Right now, it's hard to read all the other threads about how awesome some shows are, with no Southern shows anywhere on the radar. Since my first show in Charlotte in 1995, I've paid for 10-12 more shows, dozens of bootlegs, the albums (including vinyl editions), posters, and miscellaneous apparel, so I've probably sent one or two grand to PJ. And I don't regret a dime of it. I love 'em, and want desperately for them to come South. I'd get a rush to last me for months if I had something to look forward to. Nothing compares to a live PJ show...
I feel you man. I look at the photos from the tour and get eaten up inside. My only salvation is that I'm going to fly 3,000 miles to see them at the Gorge, for two nights. Then, next year, when they finally DO head south and southwest, I'm going to go to 7 or 8 shows if I can. About a month ago I read a post from someone in the NE who said that we southerners should just bite the bullet and travel somewhere to see them. I thought about it and decided he was right. It was the only way I was going to be able to stand hearing about this tour. Maybe you should do the same thing! Get tix for the third San Fran show or something. I can tell you from experience, it'll make you feel a whole lot better!
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
i'm pretty familiar with hurricanes, i've lived here in north carolina for over 38 years and lived through several of them, even drove through one once.
i was speaking more to the heat aspect of the south, rather than the hurricane aspect.
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
the creek goes about 21000, the rbc center for concerts (mostly due to not using the sections directly behind the stage), runs about 19500..
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
if anyone deserves a show it's the fine city of new orleans!!!
i used to cook at commanders palace-i love that city or you can come back to Greenville,SC
Daniel Quinn
haha, whats up with the hate man? I started the Texas thread!! It's not cuz I think we're our own country, cuz I don't!! Actually, given a choice, I'd probably live elsewhere, but you gotta play with the cards you're given.
Anyway, I started a Texas thread, cuz Juli started a West Palm Beach thread. So, if Florida can get they're own thread, then Texas can too!!
So, heres a BUMP for the WHOLE south.
Oh, and another reason why Texas deserves its own thread is cuz its so fucking big and it takes hours among hours to go to a show in another state, even a southern one...Hell, just going from one city to another takes too fucking long.
Atlantic City: 09/30/05, 10/01/05
If they don't run through the south then I hope they go back to the studio and cut another album like this one, then tour. Then they have to show up somewhere down here.
Are we bound out of obligation, Is that all we've got?