i planted a tree (or trees or other vegetation) to offset my carbon footprint while travelling to see pearl jam play the south, and am sending proof to the ten club in the form of a certificate of gift planting or photo of my planting
Bumpin! I'm sending in my tree certificate this week! Hope this works!
i planted a tree (or trees or other vegetation) to offset my carbon footprint while travelling to see pearl jam play the south, and am sending proof to the ten club in the form of a certificate of gift planting or photo of my planting
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
What second page????? No way, eh!!!! Bump Bump Bump if I have to...
Trees Rock
Please Play the South
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
aw....c'mon kat sea santos ganjafarmer stone eddie somebody! no love for the bio-diesel in north carolina? three production facilities on-line!! the tour trucks are fueled by bio diesel, right? bring a tanker....
and a bump for 7500 gallons of liquid chicken fat! ew
Biofuel plant opens in Chatham
Goal: 1 million gallons a year
AVAILABILITYBiodiesel is available to the public at two locations in the Triangle. It's more widely available to members of the Piedmont Biofuels or Bull City Biodiesel co-ops.
Wade Rawlins, Staff Writer
PITTSBORO - A Chatham County co-op that started out making alternative fuel from french fry grease launched the state's first big biodiesel production plant Monday.
Piedmont Biofuels, based in Pittsboro, plans to produce 1 million gallons of biodiesel a year, converting chicken fat into an alternative fuel that packs fewer pollutants and reduces dependence on foreign oil. Any vehicle that burns diesel can run on biodiesel.
Piedmont Biofuels is the first of three production plants going up in the state. North Carolina is among the nation's top consumers of biodiesel fuel, using more than 1.5 million gallons in 2005, say researchers at the Solar Center at N.C. State University. Local production could make biodiesel more widely available in the Triangle, where currently it's sold only at two service stations and through member-owned cooperatives.
Pure biodiesel, called B100, is often mixed with petroleum diesel and sold as a blend such as B20, which is 80 percent petroleum diesel and 20 percent biodiesel. Many school buses, city garbage trucks and street sweepers in the Triangle burn the combination fuel.
Blended biodiesel sells in the Triangle for about $2.80 to $3 a gallon.
"This whole thing has been driven by a quest for more fuel," said Lyle Estill, a Piedmont Biofuels executive. "I was making it for my tractor at home. In some ways, this represents a continuation of our quest. A million-gallon plant is our attempt to meet more fuel needs."
The plant, which began as a small cooperative in Moncure, employs 17 people and has been importing biodiesel from other states and reselling about 250,000 gallons a year, Estill said. The plant was launched with an investment of about $1 million, including a $170,000 grant from the state Energy Office for production equipment, Estill said.
Liquid chicken fat, delivered in 7,500-gallon tanker trucks, will be pumped into a 2,000-gallon reactor vessel. It is mixed with methyl alcohol and a catalyst such as potash to change the fat into fuel. A byproduct, glycerin, settles to the bottom and is removed and purified. It can then be used in the cosmetics and chemical industries. The biodiesel is cleaned to remove impurities, then is ready for sale. The plant can use vegetable oil as the feedstock, or base, for biodiesel.
The plant will supply fuel to cooperative members, and market fuel wholesale to local governments that have fleets of vehicles, and to petroleum distributors. In the coming months, Piedmont Biofuels is expanding its network of a half-dozen biodiesel outlets. The outlets sell the fuel in Raleigh to cooperative members. Through sales to distributors, biodiesel also should be more widely available to the public.
'A new era'
State and federal officials, legislators and members of Congress gathered Monday at the former chemical factory east of Pittsboro. Actual production is still at least a few days away.
"The opening of the biofuels plant is really a milestone for our state," said U.S. Rep. Bob Etheridge, a Democrat from Lillington who introduced legislation this year to expand the production and use of biodiesel. "It signals a significant step for our state and a transition to a new era. We have to transition from having a ring in our nose from the Middle East."
In the United States, the biodiesel market is growing, according to Emerging Markets Online, a global energy market research firm. Biodiesel consumption in the U.S. grew from 25 million gallons per year in 2004 to 78 million gallons in 2005. Production is expected to reach 300 million gallons this year, and 750 million gallons in 2007.
State agencies are the state's largest consumers of biodiesel, burning about 5 million gallons in cars, trucks and road construction equipment.
"To have it made right here is going to make it more reliable and reduces transportation costs," said Tobin Freid, coordinator for Triangle Clean Cities at the Triangle J Council of Governments. "By making it here and using local feedstocks, you are eliminating all that impact on transporting fuel."
Pure biodiesel has significant environmental benefits, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Compared with petroleum diesel, biodiesel produces less carbon monoxide, soot particles and ozone-forming emissions.
"What you're doing here is helping us achieve our mission to protect human health and the environment," said Alan Powell, an EPA environmental engineer.
Schools lead the way
There are 15 to 20 biodiesel plants in the Southeast, producing 1 million to 30 million gallons per plant, Powell said. More are under construction, and smaller operations also are going up. The Gaston County Schools began producing bus fuel from cooking oil from school cafeterias and Lance Inc., a Charlotte producer of snack crackers.
Grady Truett, the system's assistant director for transportation, said the system made 13,000 gallons last year and expected to produce 100,000 gallons this year to burn in about 300 buses and other vehicles.
Truett, who attended the event Monday, said Piedmont Biofuels offered technical assistance to help them get started.
"They're the gurus in North Carolina," Truett said.
Alas no love for Ivory-billed Woodpeckers either..........:(
Trees Rock
Please Play the South
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
Bump! because all new bands suck and we need Pearl Jam here!
Ft. Lauderdale 96'
Tampa 00'
West Palm Beach 03'
House of Blues 03'
Tampa 03'
Kissimmee 04'
West Palm Beach 08'
Tampa 08'
Eddie Vedder Clearwater both nights 2012
But nothing rocks like a good old Southern party...come on down and see for yourselves.
Play the South.
The Daystar
"But --you say that Dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar...Ask yourselves, all of you...What power would hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to Dream of Heaven?" Dream speaking to Lucifer as written by Neil Gaiman.
Nothing rocks like our pretty Southern ladies.....yee haw!!!!
Trees Rock
Please Play the South
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
Movin this info to the last page for all to see.....
This little movement seems to have grown some legs of its own....
The *** Official Plant a Tree, Play the South*** petition has been merged with this thread.
Im going to keep posting this until we get lots more people on board.
We are hoping to get the attention of the band and do something great for the enviroment at the same time. What we would like to do is plant as many trees as possible in order to offset the "Carbon Footprint" (see Activism) of PJ'S tour when they come southward (and I know they will!)
Below are some suggested links to foundations that will plant trees for small donations. They will even send you a certificate indicating that the trees have been planted and where they were planted. For as little as 10 bucks, only half the cost of your 10c membership, you can get 10 trees planted in honor of PJ's Southern Tour leg in 2007.
My 10 trees are planted and they should be photosynthesising as we speak. Once my certificate arrives, it will be forwarded to the 10c.
Folks, its entirely possible, with a little help we could get litterally thousands of trees planted with this little "Southern Homegrown Movement".
The steps are simple:
1) Pick a foundation from the links below (or any other that you like), or just visit your local home improvement
2) Purchase your trees. (stealing your neighbor's trees and re-planting them is NOT recommended .)
3) Have your certificate, if applicable, filled out to indicate that these trees were planted in honor of Pearl Jam's Southern US Tour in 2007.
Or, if you plant a tree at your house, just snap a picture.
4) Send your certificate, printed email receipt or photo to the 10c at the below address.
on the outside of your envelope please write:
"Trees for Pearl Jam Movement"
It's that easy!
Let's really get the band's attention in a positive way instead of just bitchin and moaning!:)
i know, they are really making us work for this aren't they? people are planting trees, people are offering to hand out flyers on the street for fucks sake, and still no response, not even a sticky!
oh well, here's another bump, cuz i'm just that stubborn and i see i'm in good company!
Lets get some shows down in the SOUTH!!!! Im in great need for live PJ!
"The ocean's made me, but who came up with love?"
D.C. '00
West Palm Beach '03
Tampa '03
Philadelphia '03
Albany '03
Mexico City 1,2,3 '03
Pittsburgh '06
Cincinnati '06 NYC 2 '10 Costa Rica '11 Mexico City '15 Dana Point '21 Chicago 2 '24
$10...that all...half of a 10c membership.....only a third of the cost of a tour poster ( less than a tenth if you flip it on ebay!)....will get you 10 shiny new trees and really show the band we give crap about the environment (PJ playing the SOUTH in 2007)...
so, go steal your spouse's credit card (at your own risk, not highly recommended)... look under the couch cushions, check the washing machine....just find ten bucks.....then fire up your web browser (not your bong...... well, maybe later)...head to one of the links provided in any of my previous posts.....
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
A bump in recognition of the great work being done by BarkingDogs......great work, chief.
Trees Rock
Please Play the South
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
My PJ in the South '07 "DREAM" bump
PJ plays a small campground in lewisburg, WV (ala Full Moon Fest!). A small venue right by the greenbrier river. PJ breaks out rarities "falling down", "education", and "other side". PJ ends up playing a marathon show, just short of 5 hours. The highlights of the evening are the aforementioned rarities and a 27 minute jam combining "Daughter/WMA/Save it for Later/Hey Hey My My/ and Its OK, afterward Ed jumps into the greenbrier river with the fans!
Ft. Lauderdale 96'
Tampa 00'
West Palm Beach 03'
House of Blues 03'
Tampa 03'
Kissimmee 04'
West Palm Beach 08'
Tampa 08'
Eddie Vedder Clearwater both nights 2012
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
keep the list going, i mean "growing" unofficial sticky bump
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
i planted a tree (or trees or other vegetation) to offset my carbon footprint while travelling to see pearl jam play the south, and am sending proof to the ten club in the form of a certificate of gift planting or photo of my planting
keep the list going, i mean "growing" unofficial sticky bump
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
Trees Rock!!!
Please Play the South
Trees Rock
Please Play the South
Trees Rock
Please Play the South
you can bump if you want to
you can leave your friends behind
cuz your friends don't bump
and if they don't bump, well, they're
no friends of mine....
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
Trees Rock
Please Play the South
aw....c'mon kat sea santos ganjafarmer stone eddie somebody! no love for the bio-diesel in north carolina? three production facilities on-line!! the tour trucks are fueled by bio diesel, right? bring a tanker....
and a bump for 7500 gallons of liquid chicken fat! ew
Biofuel plant opens in Chatham
Goal: 1 million gallons a year
AVAILABILITYBiodiesel is available to the public at two locations in the Triangle. It's more widely available to members of the Piedmont Biofuels or Bull City Biodiesel co-ops.
4401 Roxboro Road, Durham, 471-6924
1914 Sedwick Road, Durham, 806-3458
Piedmont Biofuels
321-8260, http://www.biofuels.coop
Bull City Biodiesel
Wade Rawlins, Staff Writer
PITTSBORO - A Chatham County co-op that started out making alternative fuel from french fry grease launched the state's first big biodiesel production plant Monday.
Piedmont Biofuels, based in Pittsboro, plans to produce 1 million gallons of biodiesel a year, converting chicken fat into an alternative fuel that packs fewer pollutants and reduces dependence on foreign oil. Any vehicle that burns diesel can run on biodiesel.
Piedmont Biofuels is the first of three production plants going up in the state. North Carolina is among the nation's top consumers of biodiesel fuel, using more than 1.5 million gallons in 2005, say researchers at the Solar Center at N.C. State University. Local production could make biodiesel more widely available in the Triangle, where currently it's sold only at two service stations and through member-owned cooperatives.
Pure biodiesel, called B100, is often mixed with petroleum diesel and sold as a blend such as B20, which is 80 percent petroleum diesel and 20 percent biodiesel. Many school buses, city garbage trucks and street sweepers in the Triangle burn the combination fuel.
Blended biodiesel sells in the Triangle for about $2.80 to $3 a gallon.
"This whole thing has been driven by a quest for more fuel," said Lyle Estill, a Piedmont Biofuels executive. "I was making it for my tractor at home. In some ways, this represents a continuation of our quest. A million-gallon plant is our attempt to meet more fuel needs."
The plant, which began as a small cooperative in Moncure, employs 17 people and has been importing biodiesel from other states and reselling about 250,000 gallons a year, Estill said. The plant was launched with an investment of about $1 million, including a $170,000 grant from the state Energy Office for production equipment, Estill said.
Liquid chicken fat, delivered in 7,500-gallon tanker trucks, will be pumped into a 2,000-gallon reactor vessel. It is mixed with methyl alcohol and a catalyst such as potash to change the fat into fuel. A byproduct, glycerin, settles to the bottom and is removed and purified. It can then be used in the cosmetics and chemical industries. The biodiesel is cleaned to remove impurities, then is ready for sale. The plant can use vegetable oil as the feedstock, or base, for biodiesel.
The plant will supply fuel to cooperative members, and market fuel wholesale to local governments that have fleets of vehicles, and to petroleum distributors. In the coming months, Piedmont Biofuels is expanding its network of a half-dozen biodiesel outlets. The outlets sell the fuel in Raleigh to cooperative members. Through sales to distributors, biodiesel also should be more widely available to the public.
'A new era'
State and federal officials, legislators and members of Congress gathered Monday at the former chemical factory east of Pittsboro. Actual production is still at least a few days away.
"The opening of the biofuels plant is really a milestone for our state," said U.S. Rep. Bob Etheridge, a Democrat from Lillington who introduced legislation this year to expand the production and use of biodiesel. "It signals a significant step for our state and a transition to a new era. We have to transition from having a ring in our nose from the Middle East."
In the United States, the biodiesel market is growing, according to Emerging Markets Online, a global energy market research firm. Biodiesel consumption in the U.S. grew from 25 million gallons per year in 2004 to 78 million gallons in 2005. Production is expected to reach 300 million gallons this year, and 750 million gallons in 2007.
State agencies are the state's largest consumers of biodiesel, burning about 5 million gallons in cars, trucks and road construction equipment.
"To have it made right here is going to make it more reliable and reduces transportation costs," said Tobin Freid, coordinator for Triangle Clean Cities at the Triangle J Council of Governments. "By making it here and using local feedstocks, you are eliminating all that impact on transporting fuel."
Pure biodiesel has significant environmental benefits, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Compared with petroleum diesel, biodiesel produces less carbon monoxide, soot particles and ozone-forming emissions.
"What you're doing here is helping us achieve our mission to protect human health and the environment," said Alan Powell, an EPA environmental engineer.
Schools lead the way
There are 15 to 20 biodiesel plants in the Southeast, producing 1 million to 30 million gallons per plant, Powell said. More are under construction, and smaller operations also are going up. The Gaston County Schools began producing bus fuel from cooking oil from school cafeterias and Lance Inc., a Charlotte producer of snack crackers.
Grady Truett, the system's assistant director for transportation, said the system made 13,000 gallons last year and expected to produce 100,000 gallons this year to burn in about 300 buses and other vehicles.
Truett, who attended the event Monday, said Piedmont Biofuels offered technical assistance to help them get started.
"They're the gurus in North Carolina," Truett said.
Staff writer Wade Rawlins can be reached at 829-4528 or wrawlins@newsobserver.com.
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
Trees Rock
Please Play the South
Tampa 00'
West Palm Beach 03'
House of Blues 03'
Tampa 03'
Kissimmee 04'
West Palm Beach 08'
Tampa 08'
Eddie Vedder Clearwater both nights 2012
Ivory billed woodpeckers rock.
But nothing rocks like a good old Southern party...come on down and see for yourselves.
Play the South.
"But --you say that Dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar...Ask yourselves, all of you...What power would hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to Dream of Heaven?" Dream speaking to Lucifer as written by Neil Gaiman.
Trees Rock
Please Play the South
Trees Rock
Please Play the South
unofficial sticky
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
This little movement seems to have grown some legs of its own....
The *** Official Plant a Tree, Play the South*** petition has been merged with this thread.
Im going to keep posting this until we get lots more people on board.
We are hoping to get the attention of the band and do something great for the enviroment at the same time. What we would like to do is plant as many trees as possible in order to offset the "Carbon Footprint" (see Activism) of PJ'S tour when they come southward (and I know they will!)
Below are some suggested links to foundations that will plant trees for small donations. They will even send you a certificate indicating that the trees have been planted and where they were planted. For as little as 10 bucks, only half the cost of your 10c membership, you can get 10 trees planted in honor of PJ's Southern Tour leg in 2007.
My 10 trees are planted and they should be photosynthesising as we speak. Once my certificate arrives, it will be forwarded to the 10c.
Folks, its entirely possible, with a little help we could get litterally thousands of trees planted with this little "Southern Homegrown Movement".
The steps are simple:
1) Pick a foundation from the links below (or any other that you like), or just visit your local home improvement
2) Purchase your trees. (stealing your neighbor's trees and re-planting them is NOT recommended
3) Have your certificate, if applicable, filled out to indicate that these trees were planted in honor of Pearl Jam's Southern US Tour in 2007.
Or, if you plant a tree at your house, just snap a picture.
4) Send your certificate, printed email receipt or photo to the 10c at the below address.
on the outside of your envelope please write:
"Trees for Pearl Jam Movement"
It's that easy!
Let's really get the band's attention in a positive way instead of just bitchin and moaning!:)
Re-Forestation Links:
And the 10c address to mail in that certificate or photo:
Pearl Jam
PO Box 4570
Seattle, WA
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
i know, they are really making us work for this aren't they? people are planting trees, people are offering to hand out flyers on the street for fucks sake, and still no response, not even a sticky!
oh well, here's another bump, cuz i'm just that stubborn and i see i'm in good company!
D.C. '00
West Palm Beach '03
Tampa '03
Philadelphia '03
Albany '03
Mexico City 1,2,3 '03
Pittsburgh '06
Cincinnati '06
NYC 2 '10
Costa Rica '11
Mexico City '15
Dana Point '21
Chicago 2 '24
so, go steal your spouse's credit card (at your own risk, not highly recommended)... look under the couch cushions, check the washing machine....just find ten bucks.....then fire up your web browser (not your bong...... well, maybe later)...head to one of the links provided in any of my previous posts.....
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
Trees Rock
Please Play the South
PJ plays a small campground in lewisburg, WV (ala Full Moon Fest!). A small venue right by the greenbrier river. PJ breaks out rarities "falling down", "education", and "other side". PJ ends up playing a marathon show, just short of 5 hours. The highlights of the evening are the aforementioned rarities and a 27 minute jam combining "Daughter/WMA/Save it for Later/Hey Hey My My/ and Its OK, afterward Ed jumps into the greenbrier river with the fans!
hmmm.... its nice to dream:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Tampa 00'
West Palm Beach 03'
House of Blues 03'
Tampa 03'
Kissimmee 04'
West Palm Beach 08'
Tampa 08'
Eddie Vedder Clearwater both nights 2012
J.M., Jr. High Band Teacher
I raise my Freak Flag High!!
The dirty south needs a fix.
Trees Rock
Please Play the South