Josh Homme goes mental and throws a bottle at a fan!



  • digsterdigster Posts: 1,293
    Wow, what an asshole. That rant was such a prejudiced, chicken-shit, dipshit thing to do. And throwing a bottle at someone after just going on a rant against bottle-throwing doesn't help, even if the kid did throw a bottle first.
  • At least they kept playing. I can think of a couple bands that have totally stopped shows because of dickwads like him.
  • IgottagoIgottago Posts: 483
    I've seen a few of these flipout clips on youtube by Josh Homme and he comes across as kind of a turd. Its easy to insult someone when you have a mic in front of you and a bunch of lemmings who would love to suck your cock are cheering you on.

    I'm sure in most cases the person being targeted might be in the wrong, but its kind of a classless way to handle it.

    Not sure what the guy is like but he comes across as a major prick.
  • restlesssoulrestlesssoul Posts: 6,951
    when i saw QOTSA here at the end of april, it was the first show of the small canadian tour the did and shit was getting thrown up at them the ENTIRE NIGHT. shoe to the basspalyers head, show to josh's hand. They literally didn't say ONE thing about it. weird. They must have caught josh and a bad day.

    he's badass though. everyone has seen the live dvd, of the kids throwing shit at him? he gets called out on that one too.
    Van '98, Sea I+II '00, Sea '01, Sea II '02, Van '03, Gorge, Van, Cal, Edm '05, Bos I+II, Phi I+II, DC, SF II+III, Port, Gorge I+II '06, DC, NY I+II '08, Sea I+II, Van, Ridge , LA III+IV' 09, Indy '10, Cal, Van '11, Lond, Van, Sea '13, Memphis '14, RRHOF '17, Sea I+II '18, Van I+II, Vegas I+II '24
  • reznors edgereznors edge Posts: 136
    I don't condone what the kid did, but Homme really comes accross as a classless A-hole in this. Real easy talking like that to a skinny little emo kid. It's too bad they can't do a festival with Slayer so we can see just how badass he is.
  • PandemicPandemic Posts: 54
    Homme needs anger management therapy.

    A 30 something year rock star going on a tirade and then assaulting a skinny, defenseless teenage boy...Jesus.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    josh homme needed security so he could bean this kid? well there goes all my fantasies out the window. shame josh shame. :)
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    Igottago wrote:
    Its easy to insult someone when you have a mic in front of you and a bunch of lemmings who would love to suck your cock are cheering you on.

    Yeah and it's easy to keep throwing shit at a band when you don't think you're going to get caught. Whilst his reaction is a bit OTT and in all reality he shouldn't have thrown the bottle at him (or called him a faggot), I can imagine the frustration when he's trying to battle through a gig with a 102 degree temperature, and some kid thinks it's funny to throw shit at him.

    I think his tirade and getting them to pull the kid out of the crowd, was more to shame the kid than anything. And rightly so, just becasue Josh is in a band deosn't mean people have the right to throw shit at them whilst they're playing. Bottom line, if you don't like the band, don't go and watch them. I remember a couple of years ago at the Reading festival, someone threw a full bottle of something at the lead singer of Panic at the disco, and it knocked him out cold. Now I'm not a fan of the band, but that's harsh - there were plenty of people there who did like the band, and they don't deserve to have the set ruined by some prick who doesn't like them.
  • elmerelmer Posts: 1,683
    I remember a couple of years ago at the Reading festival, someone threw a full bottle of something at the lead singer of Panic at the disco, and it knocked him out cold., not amusing if witnessed first hand sure but the way it reads is humorous, not sure why...hehe
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    elmer wrote:, not amusing if witnessed first hand sure but the way it reads is humorous, not sure why...hehe

    Well yeah, I do understand why people would find that funny because they are a pretty shitty band. But I can't think of too many jobs where you would have to put up with having shit thrown at you.
  • bigeye21bigeye21 Posts: 981
    Lesson to Josh on how a pro handles these situations:
    <!-- Facebook Fan Badge START --><div style="width: 100%;"><div style="background: #3B5998;padding: 5px;"><img src="; alt="Facebook"/><img src="; alt="" width="0" height="0"/></div><div style="background: #EDEFF4;display: block;border-right: 1px solid #D8DFEA;border-bottom: 1px solid #D8DFEA;border-left: 1px solid #D8DFEA;margin: 0px;padding: 0px 0px 5px 0px;"><div style="background: #EDEFF4;display: block;padding: 5px;"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="top"><img src="; alt=""/></td><td valign="top"><p style="color: #808080;font-family: verdana;font-size: 11px;margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px;"><a href="; title="Donny Anderson" target="_TOP" style="color: #3B5998;font-family: verdana;font-size: 11px;font-weight: normal;margin: 0px;padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;text-decoration: none;">Donny Anderson</a> is a fan of</p></td></tr></table></div><div style="background: #FFFFFF;clear: both;display: block;margin: 0px;overflow: hidden;padding: 5px;"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="middle"><a href="; title="All That's Sacred" target="_TOP" style="border: 0px;color: #3B5998;font-family: verdana;font-size: 12px;font-weight: bold;margin: 0px;padding: 0px;text-decoration: none;"><img src="; style="border: 0px;margin: 0px;padding: 0px;" alt="All That's Sacred"/></a></td><td valign="middle" style="padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px;"><a href="; title="All That's Sacred" target="_TOP" style="border: 0px;color: #3B5998;font-family: verdana;font-size: 12px;font-weight: bold;margin: 0px;padding: 0px;text-decoration: none;">All That's Sacred</a></td></tr></table></div></div><div style="display: block;float: right;margin: 0px;padding: 4px 0px 0px 0px;"><a href="; title="Create your Fan Badge" target="_TOP" style="color: #3B5998;font-family: verdana;font-size: 11px;font-weight: none;margin: 0px;padding: 0px;text-decoration: none;">Create your Fan Badge</a></div></div><!-- Facebook Fan Badge END -->
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    bigeye21 wrote:
    Lesson to Josh on how a pro handles these situations:

    That's a fucking great version of SOLAT!
  • OffHeGoes132OffHeGoes132 Posts: 594
    Yeah and it's easy to keep throwing shit at a band when you don't think you're going to get caught. Whilst his reaction is a bit OTT and in all reality he shouldn't have thrown the bottle at him (or called him a faggot), I can imagine the frustration when he's trying to battle through a gig with a 102 degree temperature, and some kid thinks it's funny to throw shit at him.

    I think his tirade and getting them to pull the kid out of the crowd, was more to shame the kid than anything. And rightly so, just becasue Josh is in a band deosn't mean people have the right to throw shit at them whilst they're playing. Bottom line, if you don't like the band, don't go and watch them. I remember a couple of years ago at the Reading festival, someone threw a full bottle of something at the lead singer of Panic at the disco, and it knocked him out cold. Now I'm not a fan of the band, but that's harsh - there were plenty of people there who did like the band, and they don't deserve to have the set ruined by some prick who doesn't like them.

    Totally agree with this post, if you don't like a band, then just frigin leave. No need to throw shit at them simply for not liking them. I can't fucking stand Panic at the Disco, but I wouldn't throw shit at the band (even though this story is quite comical, sorry but it just is). First of all I wouldn't be caught dead at a concert of a band that I despise. But I also wouldn't want to ruin the show for people who are fans.
  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,558
    erm the video has been taken down? can someone else find any other links?
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    I BrisK I wrote:
    erm the video has been taken down? can someone else find any other links? here ya go!
  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,558

    oh lol i sw that

    he really let rip!
  • Here's a response from Josh:

    "Member of the Peanut Gallery:

    Some journalists & citizens on the internet & are wondering: Q? Am I a homophobe because I included a slang for gay in with other "acceptable" curse words during a verbal lashing I gave a young concertgoer, after being hit by his shoe, during a show the other day? A= Nope. My gay family & friends, as well as myself, KNOW I am not a homophobe. For years now I've known gay is not a choice; one's skin color doesn't determine one's intelligence level; & red hair doesn't mean you're someone's stepchild. You see, it's not the words, it's their intent. I never said, nor suggested, that being gay is wrong, but apparently, based on your outrage to my flu-infused rant, you do! By that logic… I also told that young whipper snapper I'd have anal sex with him… how can I possibly reconcile these opposing viewpoints? I called him a pussy too. Does it mean I hate our one worlds' collective vagina? I never have been nor intend to be politically correct. That's your cross to bear. To me, that PC world would suck more shit than the porta-potty truck at Glastonbury. Homophobic? I'm in Queens of the Stone Age for crissake… You say, "So. Your band name doesn't prove anything." Maybe not. But it's a helluv a lot more definitive than the logic of some watchdog… (sorry canine-American, canine-European, canine-African, canine-Australian & canine-Asian) moralist, keeping score from pure perfectionville? If your glass house is squeegeed that clean & you need to do something, do what the great philosopher Bill Hick's once suggested: — forgive me–. Or don't. I'm not asking for either, OK? I think you should let both of your cheeks go loose so the stick will drop out. Either way I expect that you'll soon find another injustice from your chair, then roll to your bullhorn & point it out to the rest of us… Because you're so above it all. Or If you'll allow me to translate a wish of mine into your PC lingo:
    Will you please go have, consensual, sex with yourself.
    Pretty please with all natural, carbon offset sugar on top.

    Mr. Missundastood
    A.K.A. Joshua, Baby Duck, Jho
    Head Choreographer & Do Stuff Corporation's pansexual spokes-thing"
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle Posts: 10,724
    Here's a response from Josh:

    "Member of the Peanut Gallery:

    Some journalists & citizens on the internet & are wondering: Q? Am I a homophobe because I included a slang for gay in with other "acceptable" curse words during a verbal lashing I gave a young concertgoer, after being hit by his shoe, during a show the other day? A= Nope. My gay family & friends, as well as myself, KNOW I am not a homophobe. For years now I've known gay is not a choice; one's skin color doesn't determine one's intelligence level; & red hair doesn't mean you're someone's stepchild. You see, it's not the words, it's their intent. I never said, nor suggested, that being gay is wrong, but apparently, based on your outrage to my flu-infused rant, you do! By that logic… I also told that young whipper snapper I'd have anal sex with him… how can I possibly reconcile these opposing viewpoints? I called him a pussy too. Does it mean I hate our one worlds' collective vagina? I never have been nor intend to be politically correct. That's your cross to bear. To me, that PC world would suck more shit than the porta-potty truck at Glastonbury. Homophobic? I'm in Queens of the Stone Age for crissake… You say, "So. Your band name doesn't prove anything." Maybe not. But it's a helluv a lot more definitive than the logic of some watchdog… (sorry canine-American, canine-European, canine-African, canine-Australian & canine-Asian) moralist, keeping score from pure perfectionville? If your glass house is squeegeed that clean & you need to do something, do what the great philosopher Bill Hick's once suggested: — forgive me–. Or don't. I'm not asking for either, OK? I think you should let both of your cheeks go loose so the stick will drop out. Either way I expect that you'll soon find another injustice from your chair, then roll to your bullhorn & point it out to the rest of us… Because you're so above it all. Or If you'll allow me to translate a wish of mine into your PC lingo:
    Will you please go have, consensual, sex with yourself.
    Pretty please with all natural, carbon offset sugar on top.

    Mr. Missundastood
    A.K.A. Joshua, Baby Duck, Jho
    Head Choreographer & Do Stuff Corporation's pansexual spokes-thing"

    Awesome! :D
  • ZAPPERZAPPER Posts: 250
    dude is a crazy ass bastard who likes to treat his fans like shit. Theres a better way to handle situations like these - a lot of other bands will laugh it off and make a couple jokes, depending on how serious the incident. I saw someone throw a wristband at Ed with a cig or joint in it in SF - i think it may have hit his guitar, after the song, he picked it up, sat down and smoked it. He didnt scream like a child "wahhhh...someone threw something at me". And i'm sure there have been plenty of stuff thrown at Pjam, but i've never heard of any incidents when someone blew up like this.

    Dont get me wrong, I like QOTSA and all, been a fan since Kyuss days, but sometimes the demeanor of this guy doesnt seem like he likes his fans, or acting like a dick is part of the show maybe?

    If you guys want to see more great stuff check out :

    or just look up "Josh Homme is awesome" - nice little compilation. I especially like how he picks on some girl for asking about Nick O.

    Previously known as Elzar
  • ZAPPER wrote:
    dude is a crazy ass bastard who likes to treat his fans like shit. Theres a better way to handle situations like these - a lot of other bands will laugh it off and make a couple jokes, depending on how serious the incident. I saw someone throw a wristband at Ed with a cig or joint in it in SF - i think it may have hit his guitar, after the song, he picked it up, sat down and smoked it. He didnt scream like a child "wahhhh...someone threw something at me". And i'm sure there have been plenty of stuff thrown at Pjam, but i've never heard of any incidents when someone blew up like this.

    Guess again. Ed has freaked out at the audience for throwing shit plenty of times. I can think of several respectable bands who have stopped shows completely because people are throwing shit at them. It's fucking disrespectful. And besides, that kid threw a fucking SHOE, not a joint.
  • It's a pretty simple formula.

    Egotistical insecure douche bag + stage & microphone + alcohol induced idol worshipping moronic fans + multiple large security guards for protection = hollow sophomoric threats of rape, violence, & homophobic slurs.

    Sounds like a good time to me--sign me up.

    Josh Homme is a douche bag & QOTSA suck.
  • ZAPPERZAPPER Posts: 250
    JWBusher wrote:
    Guess again. Ed has freaked out at the audience for throwing shit plenty of times. I can think of several respectable bands who have stopped shows completely because people are throwing shit at them. It's fucking disrespectful. And besides, that kid threw a fucking SHOE, not a joint.

    sorry! I have just never seen it, thats all. I've just seen happy Ed, and even if Ed did blow up, im almost 100% certain it was not as bad as some of this stuff?
    Previously known as Elzar
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    You see, it's not the words, it's their intent. I never said, nor suggested, that being gay is wrong, but apparently, based on your outrage to my flu-infused rant, you do! By that logic… I also told that young whipper snapper I'd have anal sex with him… how can I possibly reconcile these opposing viewpoints? I called him a pussy too. Does it mean I hate our one worlds' collective vagina? I never have been nor intend to be politically correct. That's your cross to bear.

    I think he raises some good points there.
  • mole1985mole1985 Posts: 1,119
    Here's a response from Josh:

    "Member of the Peanut Gallery:

    Some journalists & citizens on the internet & are wondering: Q? Am I a homophobe because I included a slang for gay in with other "acceptable" curse words during a verbal lashing I gave a young concertgoer, after being hit by his shoe, during a show the other day? A= Nope. My gay family & friends, as well as myself, KNOW I am not a homophobe. For years now I've known gay is not a choice; one's skin color doesn't determine one's intelligence level; & red hair doesn't mean you're someone's stepchild. You see, it's not the words, it's their intent. I never said, nor suggested, that being gay is wrong, but apparently, based on your outrage to my flu-infused rant, you do! By that logic… I also told that young whipper snapper I'd have anal sex with him… how can I possibly reconcile these opposing viewpoints? I called him a pussy too. Does it mean I hate our one worlds' collective vagina? I never have been nor intend to be politically correct. That's your cross to bear. To me, that PC world would suck more shit than the porta-potty truck at Glastonbury. Homophobic? I'm in Queens of the Stone Age for crissake… You say, "So. Your band name doesn't prove anything." Maybe not. But it's a helluv a lot more definitive than the logic of some watchdog… (sorry canine-American, canine-European, canine-African, canine-Australian & canine-Asian) moralist, keeping score from pure perfectionville? If your glass house is squeegeed that clean & you need to do something, do what the great philosopher Bill Hick's once suggested: — forgive me–. Or don't. I'm not asking for either, OK? I think you should let both of your cheeks go loose so the stick will drop out. Either way I expect that you'll soon find another injustice from your chair, then roll to your bullhorn & point it out to the rest of us… Because you're so above it all. Or If you'll allow me to translate a wish of mine into your PC lingo:
    Will you please go have, consensual, sex with yourself.
    Pretty please with all natural, carbon offset sugar on top.

    Mr. Missundastood
    A.K.A. Joshua, Baby Duck, Jho
    Head Choreographer & Do Stuff Corporation's pansexual spokes-thing"

    Funny as fook and 100% correct.
    Dublin 2006
    Katowice 2007
    London 2007
  • TrixieCatTrixieCat Posts: 5,756
    Nice slap in the face to his fans.
    And no, I am not one of them.
    "my gay friends and family"...ok loser.
    That's like that jerk from Seinfeld talking about his black friends.
    Is this guy 19???
    Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
    And I don't feel right when you're gone away
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    TrixieCat wrote:
    Nice slap in the face to his fans.
    And no, I am not one of them.
    "my gay friends and family"...ok loser.
    That's like that jerk from Seinfeld talking about his black friends.
    Is this guy 19???

    I think he more than justified what he was saying, and I think all he was pointing out was that it's a bit hard to be a homophobe when you have gay family and friends - like he said, it's all about the intention.
  • TrixieCatTrixieCat Posts: 5,756
    I think he more than justified what he was saying, and I think all he was pointing out was that it's a bit hard to be a homophobe when you have gay family and friends - like he said, it's all about the intention.
    What is all about the intention? The numerous times he screamed faggot?
    Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
    And I don't feel right when you're gone away
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    TrixieCat wrote:
    What is all about the intention? The numerous times he screamed faggot?

    Well no, you are taking it on its literal interpretation as a slight against gay people, he was using it as an unsophisticated insult, in the same way he called the kid a pussy and a cunt. Like he said, at no point did he say he hated gay people, or that being gay was wrong. Is it wrong that some black people call each other 'nigger'? Sometimes the word doesn't have to carry the meaning that we assign it. And let's be fair, I don't think anyone can put their hand on their heart and say that they haven't said things they shouldn't have said before. We've all sniggered at funny looking people, or made comments about fat people etc - it's all cruel, but then we are all humans after all, and we're not perfect.
  • mole1985mole1985 Posts: 1,119
    TrixieCat wrote:
    What is all about the intention? The numerous times he screamed faggot?


    What about people who say 'Jesus Christ!' is that affending people from other religions by excluding their gods or christianity for using his name as a curse word?

    When you say 'Bastard' are you taking a pop at every illigitimate child in the world? No? didn't think so...
    Dublin 2006
    Katowice 2007
    London 2007
  • TrixieCatTrixieCat Posts: 5,756
    Well no, you are taking it on its literal interpretation as a slight against gay people, he was using it as an unsophisticated insult, in the same way he called the kid a pussy and a cunt. Like he said, at no point did he say he hated gay people, or that being gay was wrong. Is it wrong that some black people call each other 'nigger'? Sometimes the word doesn't have to carry the meaning that we assign it. And let's be fair, I don't think anyone can put their hand on their heart and say that they haven't said things they shouldn't have said before. We've all sniggered at funny looking people, or made comments about fat people etc - it's all cruel, but then we are all humans after all, and we're not perfect.
    Yes we are all human. I made a mistake last night actually.
    And unless Josh is gay, which I don't think he is, than this is not to be compared to black people referring to each other as nigger.
    The fact that he came out and basically told everyone to fuck off if they didn't like what he said just confirms his status in my mind: loser.
    Why did he choose the word faggot? Because he thought the kid was being a pussy, like he said.
    We could go back over this a million times. I just think it was gay of him to do that. ;)
    Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
    And I don't feel right when you're gone away
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