Shake dreams from your hair
My pretty child, my sweet one.
Choose the day and choose the sign of your day
The day’s divinity
First thing you see.
A vast radiant beach in a cool jeweled moon
Couples naked race down by it’s quiet side
And we laugh like soft, mad children
Smug in the wooly cotton brains of infancy
The music and voices are all around us.
Choose they croon the ancient ones
The time has come again
Choose now, they croon
Beneath the moon
Beside an ancient lake
Enter again the sweet forest
Enter the hot dream
Come with us
Everything is broken up and dances.
*sigh* :o:o
SO fuckin beautiful. My god!
Hail Hail The American Poet!
That's cool bookmuse! I love how quite a few of us in here have Jim history in places we've grown up.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
WHOA! I'm trippin out over here! Had never seen that before. Thank you for sharing. I'm convinced that's our Jimmy. It is kinda weird hearing him without the music we're use to hearing him with. It's a really cool song though. So raw! That voice and these amazing ass lyrics are undeniable. I love them! Thanks again for posting this. Very interesting indeed.
So I have a question for you all. I want to start reading another music book and I was thinking a Doors one sounds perfect.
I read Break On Through back in High School but that's about it.
I was thinking of getting Light My Fire : My Life With The Doors by Ray (the man) Manzarek. Has anyone here read that one? If so what did you think? I've heard pretty good things about it. Just curious what others here might have to say. Thanks.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I got my Riders on The Storms tickets! Gonna see them the day before PJ!! :eek: Talk about ecstasy overload! I cannot believe that I'm actually going to see Ray and Robby perform their magic live! *faints* I can already see myself standing there, paralyzed, with my jaw on the floor. haha. Have you people SEEN the recent setlists? Good god! I am completely overwhelmed with excitement!!! To be in the presence of these musical legends!? Wow!! It makes my stomach flutter just thinking about it. I seriously dont even care who's singing at this point. Just to have the chance to see these 2 perform is a blessing I can't pass up. I can't wait!! I'm going to go visit Jimmy's grave too. *tears* Something I've wanted to do all my life. Wow. Next month is going to be insane!!!
Also, I finished reading Ray's book! INCREDIBLE! I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend it everyone. It is hands down one of the greatest rock auto bios/bios I have ever read. The book made me fall in love with this band on a whole new deeper level. A very personal one. Ray is seriously such a brilliant writer. What a way with words. He is the quite the poet himself. His words pulls you in right from the beginning. He tells it all and is such an enticing, real, relateabe, chilling with your buddy kinda way. Start, middle to THE END. He shines the light on so many things. You feel like you're right there with him the whole time. His relationship with and his love for Jim was such a beautiful thing. I found myself tearing up often at his heart warming stories. He takes you behind the scenes in the studio on the recording of several albums...explaining the background and recording processes on certain songs. Now when I listen to some of them I have these images flash through my head. It's awesome!! So many cool things I had NO idea about before. The details the man dishes out, on such a wide variety of things, is truly astounding. Each chapter had me more and more excited. The book honestly wrapped itself around me and wouldnt let go!!! I couldnt put it down. I'm actually sad that I finished it. haha. That's how great it was!!
He really digs into the relationships within the band and the alcoholism that destroyed Jim and all those that loved him. He also had very interesting points of view on personality conflicts within the band. I found myself shocked by quite a few things. Anyways, I am most definitely reading John Densmore's book next. That's all I gotta say about that. I already ordered it. I'm curious to hear things from his perspective.
Before that though, I've just started reading ANGLES DANCE AND ANGELS DIE. The story of Jim and Pam. One that's always peaked my interest. So far it's really fuckin interesting and offers more information on the background of Jimmy than I have ever heard of before. This chick really did her homework. I'm really looking forward to this book!!!
Speaking of which, BUMP it up with another fav. I've actually been stuck on this one a lot lately.
We could be so good together
Ya, so good together
We could be so good together
Ya, we could, I know we could
Tell you lies
I tell you wicked lies
Tell you lies
Tell you wicked lies
Tell you 'bout the world that we'll invent
Wanton world without lament
Enterprise, expedition
Invitation and invention
Ya, so good together
Ah, so good together
We could be so good together
Ya, we could, know we could
Do da do do do do do bup bup de day
We could be so good together
Ya, so good together
We could be so good together
Ya, we could, know we could
Tell you lies
Tell you wicked lies
Tell you lies
Tell you wicked lies
The time you wait subtracts the joy
Beheads the angels you destroy
Angels fight, angels cry
Angels dance and angels die
Ya, so good together
Ah, but so good together
We could be so good together Ya, we could, know we could
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Hey excellent song choices catefrances. PEACE FROG is hands down one of the greatest songs I've ever anyone! OOoooh and BEEN DOWN SO LONG! God that song gets my blood boiling. Love it!
It's seriously like every single song is a classic with this band. Unbelievable! I will forever be in awe of their genius. So extraordinarily inventive and unique. Everything about them is impossible to compare to anything else. They are in a musical universe all their own. Untouchable.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Funny that. It was the opposite for me,I got a bootleg vhs of the 'Eddie sings the Doors' soon after the gig, and thought maybe I should check out their stuff. Until then they had been nothing more than a name to me.
and to stay on topic i love peace frog, cars hiss by my window and been down so long.
Jimi. He's a whole universe, or two.
Um, I think The Doors and Strange Days (comprising material composed mainly over the same period), if conflated without the filler, would have made a prime contender for the greatest album ever.
Um, I think The Doors and Strange Days (comprising material composed mainly over the same period), if conflated without the filler, would have made a prime contender for the greatest album ever.
"The only thing I ever saw that came close to Objective Journalism was a closed-circuit TV setup that watched shoplifters in the General Store at Woody Creek, Colorado." hst
This is the best part of the trip
This is the trip
the best part
I agree BetterManningNYG. The way they transition into each other is straight up perfection. And I know I already said it here before but Blue Sunday is SO unbelievably gorgeous. Soothes my soul.
I can't believe Riders On The Storm have been playing it. :eek: When I saw it on a recent setlist my jaw literally dropped.
Aww I love the whole PJ getting people into The Doors and vice versa. So beautiful.
Being raised by hippies, I was actually brought up with this music in the background of my entire upbringing. Something I cant praise my parents enough for.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
yeah... that's an amazing part of the show... i can't even describe it... you'll find out soon enough...
i'll put on the soft parade after morrison hotel finishes up over here (that's what i'm listening to right now)... we'll see what the best part of the trip is...
i dunno if i'm gonna last that long though... it's damn near 5 am and i'm about as sober as jim in miami...
Man! I can't even process the thought of experiencing this! Your review really has me even more pumped up.
I'm STILL trippin off Ray jammin with his fuckin FOOT too! What the fuck!? The man is out of control...and thank god for it.
The Soft Parade sounds very nice right about now. Seems to be one of the less talked about albums. I don't get that myself. Then again, they never put out a single album I didn't worship, ya know? haha. This one is no different. Adore it from start to finish. And what finish that is! My goodness. The Soft Parade (the actual song) is one of my most listened to. It's all OVER the place. Blows my mind. It really takes you on one wild, chaotic ride.
Ok that's it. Must listen now before bed.
The Soft Parade sounds very nice right about now. Seems to be one of the less talked about albums. I don't get that myself. Then again, they never put out a single album I didn't worship, ya know? haha. This one is no different. Adore it from start to finish. And what finish that is! My goodness. The Soft Parade (the actual song) is one of my most listened to. It's all OVER the place. Blows my mind. It really takes you on one wild, chaotic ride.
the critics ripped it apart when it first came out, which seems absolutely crazy to me. it might be my favorite doors album.
it was obviously much more experimental and conceptual than their mainstream fans were used to, and it represented a significant departure from their more familiar writing style.
and whenever this happens, there's always a negative reaction to it. the critics and bandwagon fans never want a band to change their sound. they would rather see them grow stale over time by repeatedly re-releasing the same material in a desperate attempt to retain their mainstream relevance.
it was the same way with no code. no code was pearl jam's soft parade. who's gonna argue against that album now?
both bands developed their new writing styles even further with their next albums: morrison hotel and yield. sometimes things just work out perfectly...
Right on Handsome Devil! Welcome to the Love Fest.:D
Yeah I hear ya BetterManningNYG, it does seem totally crazy to me as well. I think they were even accused of selling out. ha! It was "too poppy" and "experimental" and came as a huge shock to critics and mainstream fans alike. It wasn't The Doors sound everyone was use to. :rolleyes: That's what I really love and appreciate it about it. They completely proved that they refuse to limit themselves to any one particular sound or style. And yes, just like you said that only continued to blossom. In Ray's book he talks about how they not only were the first Rock N Roll band to incorporate a keyboard in as a main instrument, but with Soft Parade how they were also the first to introduce brass, strings and even a full orchestra. Wether or not everyone understood it, they certainly felt the album to be one of their greatest accomplishments. That's another thing that I really respect about this band. These were truly musicians that were in it for the sake of making music and always stood proudly behind their accomplishments 110%. If the fans happened to dig it, cool. If not...oh well.
hehe. I like the album comparisons. Very true! It is the No Code!
There are very few bands that I can compare PJ too in this sense, and The Doors is one of them in that every single album really does offer something all it's own. That's why it's so impossible for me to pick a fav. I will say that I am constantly amazed by their debut. I mean that is hands down one of the greatest debuts of ALL TIME! And also, their last. L.A. Woman! Are you kidding me!?! Talk about going out on top!! :eek:
Once again, I remain forever in awe.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Oh, if I knew where it was I would take you there...
Austin, Texas 09-16-1995
Columbia, Maryland 09-04-2000
San Antonio, Texas 04-05-2003
Santa Barbara, California 07-13-2006
Universal City, California 10-01-2009
Austin, Texas 10-04-2009
Dallas, Texas 11-15-2013
Mexico City, Mexico 11-28-2015
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 04-08-2016
Miami, Florida 04-09-2016 Chicago, Illinois I 08-20-2016 Chicago, Illinois II 08-22-2016 Seattle, Washington I 08-08-2018 Seattle, Washington II 08-10-2018 Boston, Massachusets I 09-02-2018 Austin, Texas 09-18-2023
Anybody here check out the Doors bootleg series? They released a bunch of shows from 1970 and they're about to release another one from Boston, with a very drunk and wild Jim. You guys should check it out.
Shake dreams from your hair
My pretty child, my sweet one.
Choose the day and choose the sign of your day
The day’s divinity
First thing you see.
A vast radiant beach in a cool jeweled moon
Couples naked race down by it’s quiet side
And we laugh like soft, mad children
Smug in the wooly cotton brains of infancy
The music and voices are all around us.
Choose they croon the ancient ones
The time has come again
Choose now, they croon
Beneath the moon
Beside an ancient lake
Enter again the sweet forest
Enter the hot dream
Come with us
Everything is broken up and dances.
SO fuckin beautiful. My god!
Hail Hail The American Poet!
That's cool bookmuse! I love how quite a few of us in here have Jim history in places we've grown up.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
Missoula 6/20/98
Alpine Valley 6/26/98 & 6/27/98
Alpine Valley 10/8/00
Champaign 4/23/03
Alpine Valley 6/21/03
Missoula 8/29/05
Chicago 5/16 & 17/06
Grand Rapids 5/19/06
Summerfest 6/29/06 & 6/30/06
Tampa 6/12/08
Chicago 8/23/09
Indy 5/7/10
Alpine Valley x2 2011
Wrigley 2013
Milwaukee 14
Telluride 16
WHOA! I'm trippin out over here! Had never seen that before. Thank you for sharing. I'm convinced that's our Jimmy. It is kinda weird hearing him without the music we're use to hearing him with.
So I have a question for you all. I want to start reading another music book and I was thinking a Doors one sounds perfect.
I read Break On Through back in High School but that's about it.
I was thinking of getting Light My Fire : My Life With The Doors by Ray (the man) Manzarek. Has anyone here read that one? If so what did you think? I've heard pretty good things about it. Just curious what others here might have to say. Thanks.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I got my Riders on The Storms tickets!
Also, I finished reading Ray's book!
He really digs into the relationships within the band and the alcoholism that destroyed Jim and all those that loved him. He also had very interesting points of view on personality conflicts within the band. I found myself shocked by quite a few things. Anyways, I am most definitely reading John Densmore's book next. That's all I gotta say about that. I already ordered it. I'm curious to hear things from his perspective.
Before that though, I've just started reading ANGLES DANCE AND ANGELS DIE. The story of Jim and Pam. One that's always peaked my interest. So far it's really fuckin interesting and offers more information on the background of Jimmy than I have ever heard of before. This chick really did her homework. I'm really looking forward to this book!!!
Speaking of which, BUMP it up with another fav. I've actually been stuck on this one a lot lately.
We could be so good together
Ya, so good together
We could be so good together
Ya, we could, I know we could
Tell you lies
I tell you wicked lies
Tell you lies
Tell you wicked lies
Tell you 'bout the world that we'll invent
Wanton world without lament
Enterprise, expedition
Invitation and invention
Ya, so good together
Ah, so good together
We could be so good together
Ya, we could, know we could
Do da do do do do do bup bup de day
We could be so good together
Ya, so good together
We could be so good together
Ya, we could, know we could
Tell you lies
Tell you wicked lies
Tell you lies
Tell you wicked lies
The time you wait subtracts the joy
Beheads the angels you destroy
Angels fight, angels cry
Angels dance and angels die
Ya, so good together
Ah, but so good together
We could be so good together Ya, we could, know we could
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
is that carnival in the bakhtin sense fins?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
and who would you consider to be?
and to stay on topic i love peace frog, cars hiss by my window and been down so long.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Hey excellent song choices catefrances. PEACE FROG is hands down one of the greatest songs I've ever anyone! OOoooh and BEEN DOWN SO LONG! God that song gets my blood boiling. Love it!
It's seriously like every single song is a classic with this band. Unbelievable! I will forever be in awe of their genius.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Funny that. It was the opposite for me,I got a bootleg vhs of the 'Eddie sings the Doors' soon after the gig, and thought maybe I should check out their stuff. Until then they had been nothing more than a name to me.
Jimi. He's a whole universe, or two.
Um, I think The Doors and Strange Days (comprising material composed mainly over the same period), if conflated without the filler, would have made a prime contender for the greatest album ever.
PJ is the reason i got into the doors...
seriously, when i was a kid my parents heard me listening to PJ and told me i'd probably like the doors...
to this day, my dad tries to tell me that ed is a jim morrison clone... he doesn't get it...
the transition into blue sunday... that's the best part of the trip, right there...
This is the trip
the best part
I agree BetterManningNYG. The way they transition into each other is straight up perfection. And I know I already said it here before but Blue Sunday is SO unbelievably gorgeous.
I can't believe Riders On The Storm have been playing it. :eek: When I saw it on a recent setlist my jaw literally dropped.
Aww I love the whole PJ getting people into The Doors and vice versa. So beautiful.
Being raised by hippies, I was actually brought up with this music in the background of my entire upbringing. Something I cant praise my parents enough for.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
i'll put on the soft parade after morrison hotel finishes up over here (that's what i'm listening to right now)... we'll see what the best part of the trip is...
i dunno if i'm gonna last that long though... it's damn near 5 am and i'm about as sober as jim in miami...
I'm STILL trippin off Ray jammin with his fuckin FOOT too! What the fuck!? The man is out of control...and thank god for it.
The Soft Parade sounds very nice right about now. Seems to be one of the less talked about albums. I don't get that myself. Then again, they never put out a single album I didn't worship, ya know?
Ok that's it. Must listen now before bed.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
the critics ripped it apart when it first came out, which seems absolutely crazy to me. it might be my favorite doors album.
it was obviously much more experimental and conceptual than their mainstream fans were used to, and it represented a significant departure from their more familiar writing style.
and whenever this happens, there's always a negative reaction to it. the critics and bandwagon fans never want a band to change their sound. they would rather see them grow stale over time by repeatedly re-releasing the same material in a desperate attempt to retain their mainstream relevance.
it was the same way with no code. no code was pearl jam's soft parade. who's gonna argue against that album now?
both bands developed their new writing styles even further with their next albums: morrison hotel and yield. sometimes things just work out perfectly...
Yeah I hear ya BetterManningNYG, it does seem totally crazy to me as well. I think they were even accused of selling out. ha! It was "too poppy" and "experimental" and came as a huge shock to critics and mainstream fans alike. It wasn't The Doors sound everyone was use to. :rolleyes: That's what I really love and appreciate it about it. They completely proved that they refuse to limit themselves to any one particular sound or style. And yes, just like you said that only continued to blossom. In Ray's book he talks about how they not only were the first Rock N Roll band to incorporate a keyboard in as a main instrument, but with Soft Parade how they were also the first to introduce brass, strings and even a full orchestra. Wether or not everyone understood it, they certainly felt the album to be one of their greatest accomplishments. That's another thing that I really respect about this band. These were truly musicians that were in it for the sake of making music and always stood proudly behind their accomplishments 110%. If the fans happened to dig it, cool. If not...oh well.
hehe. I like the album comparisons. Very true! It is the No Code!
There are very few bands that I can compare PJ too in this sense, and The Doors is one of them in that every single album really does offer something all it's own. That's why it's so impossible for me to pick a fav. I will say that I am constantly amazed by their debut. I mean that is hands down one of the greatest debuts of ALL TIME! And also, their last. L.A. Woman! Are you kidding me!?! Talk about going out on top!! :eek:
Once again, I remain forever in awe.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Austin, Texas 09-16-1995
Columbia, Maryland 09-04-2000
San Antonio, Texas 04-05-2003
Santa Barbara, California 07-13-2006
Universal City, California 10-01-2009
Austin, Texas 10-04-2009
Dallas, Texas 11-15-2013
Mexico City, Mexico 11-28-2015
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 04-08-2016
Miami, Florida 04-09-2016
Chicago, Illinois I 08-20-2016
Chicago, Illinois II 08-22-2016
Seattle, Washington I 08-08-2018
Seattle, Washington II 08-10-2018
Boston, Massachusets I 09-02-2018
Austin, Texas 09-18-2023
Never connected that til my friend (first time hearing changling) made the connection. Gonna have to spin them side by side.