I agree with previous posters, both Krieger and Densmore are vastly underrated musicians. In fact I think if any one the Doors had not been in that band, and their roles were filled by other musicians, the whole thing would not have worked. It is the unique, ecentric qualities of every member that made that band click.
Sleep on horseback
Far moon in a continuing dream
Steam of roasting tea
Yes...huge doors fan here aswell. Actually, has anyone seen the doors of the 21st century? Im wondering if they are as good or worth seeing if they hit my area of the world.
I also just found out im going to paris for my 21st, so i'll be dropping by Jim's place in Pere LaChaise. Eerily beautiful that place is.
i was them with ian in 2003 i think here in cleveland
man, they still have it
ian astbury did a hell of a job
i would sit throughout the show and forget at times it was NOT jim, he really did well too bad densmore is being such a punk about allof this stuff it would be great to see him there too, but i also hear his ears are jacked so maybe not
the doors are my number 2 band ( not far from pj in my book)
"The only thing I ever saw that came close to Objective Journalism was a closed-circuit TV setup that watched shoplifters in the General Store at Woody Creek, Colorado." hst
According to ray manzarek, the movie was way off. He said that Jim wasn't this giant drunken bufoon who would shout poetry on top of cars and piss himmself all the time. The movie was entertaining, but i think that it exagerated the partying aspect of morrison.
i don't think it exagerated it a bit !!
from everything i read he was the wild man portrayed.
but it did NOT show his other side, the intelligent, soft side, the artist, the poet, the philosopher
the man was a super smart man with a dark void that took him over
like val quotes inthe movie
having the soul of a clown that forces himto blow it at the most crucial moments or somethig like that
when someone says party like a rock star
jim is the definition of that for sure
does anyone know where to get the video of eddie and the doors at the hall of fame induction on dvd??
"The only thing I ever saw that came close to Objective Journalism was a closed-circuit TV setup that watched shoplifters in the General Store at Woody Creek, Colorado." hst
I actually really enjoyed Oliver Stone's movie. It obviously had great music, but it was just a cool peak into the lives of the Doors no matter how much or how little it diverted from reality. I watched it to be entertained, and listen to some amazing music, which is exactly what this movie did for me. Keep in mind, that Jim Morrison, really was kind of a drunken stoned madman, who did have sex with lots of women. Also, Val Kilmer did an amazing job portraying Jim Morrison.
you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
I actually really enjoyed Oliver Stone's movie. It obviously had great music, but it was just a cool peak into the lives of the Doors no matter how much or how little it diverted from reality. I watched it to be entertained, and listen to some amazing music, which is exactly what this movie did for me. Keep in mind, that Jim Morrison, really was kind of a drunken stoned madman, who did have sex with lots of women. Also, Val Kilmer did an amazing job portraying Jim Morrison.
amen, perfect synopsis
"The only thing I ever saw that came close to Objective Journalism was a closed-circuit TV setup that watched shoplifters in the General Store at Woody Creek, Colorado." hst
i saw Krieger about 3yrs ago playin at a small bar downtown orlando ....man that was so amasiing watching him play with his band ...the mode in the bar had such a sweeet vibe in there ,it was like jim was there himself ...they played mostly doors songs ..it was so magical ...greAt time
As soon as I woke up today this groovin, super kick ass song was the first thing that popped into my mind. I thought it was necessary that I come and resurrect this love!
da da da dadadadadada
da da da dadadadadada
Wild child full of grace
Savior of the human race
your cool face
Natural child
terrible child
Not your mothers or your fathers child
Your our child
screamin wild
An ancient lunatic reigns in the trees of the night
Ha, ha, ha, ha
With hunger at her heels
freedom in her eyes
She dances on her knees
pirate prince at her side
Stirrin into a hollow idols eyes
Wild child full of grace
savior of the human race
Your cool face, your cool face
your cool face
Do you remember when we were in africa?
La La LOVE this band!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Morrison was the best frontman ever. He may have been a bit creepy, maybe sick and twisted. But one cannot deny the impact his presence and tremendous baritone had on late 80s/early 90s rock, Yes I direct that at messrs Staley, Cornell and Vedder.
Superb band with such talent and extraordinary innovation. Made their mark on rock and roll.
Not to touch the earth
Not to see the sun
Nothing left to do, but
Run, run, run
Let's run
lets run
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Does anyone have a link or the file of the Doors being inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame? I have the performances with Ed, but I have never seen the speech of who inducted them.
There's the spinner.com site, but for some reason im not able to view the clip. Hope somone knows where else I can look.
Hmmm I have the whole thing recorded but I'm not sure where to find it online.
I'm sure someone here will be able to help you though.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for BUMPING this thread!!! I was actually gonna BUMP it up the other day. Great to see it resurfaced.
I'm still grinning over Densmore's props to Ed! How awesome was that!?
I cannot even begin to process the thought of these guys touring together!
It's TOO MUCH!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
i'm slightly infatuated with them.
waiting for the sun is transcending.... does anyone else find that song surreal?
absolutely everytime i hear it.
man. i love that band
"The only thing I ever saw that came close to Objective Journalism was a closed-circuit TV setup that watched shoplifters in the General Store at Woody Creek, Colorado." hst
"I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles
She came
There's blood on the streets, it's up to my knee
She came
Blood on the streets in the town of Chicago
She came
Blood on the rise, it's following me
Think about the break of day
She came and then she drove away
Sunlight in her hair
She came
Blood in the streets runs a river of sadness She came
Blood in the streets it's up to my thigh She came
Yeah the river runs red down the legs of the city
She came
The women are crying rivers of weepin'
She came into town and then she drove away
Sunlight in her hair
Indians scattered on dawn's highway bleeding
Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind
Blood in the streets in the town of New Haven
Blood stains the roofs and the palm trees of Venice
Blood in my love in the terrible summer
Bloody red sun of fantastic L.A.
Blood screams the pain as they chop off her fingers
Blood will be born in the birth of a nation
Blood is the rose of mysterious union
There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles
Blood in the streets, it's up to my knee
Blood in the streets in the town of Chicago
Blood on the rise, it's following me
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Hey wash_! Regarding the spinner.com site---I'm not sure if you've figured it out already but I'm hearing now that if you change the clock on your computer to a US time zone that it should work.
As a backup there's also this site that has it viewable through Winamp- http://www.winamp.com/music/artist.php?id=134417&p=0.
I hope one of those works for you!
I was just showing off the performances with Ed earlier today actually. It just makes me feel so proud seeing our guy up there completely fuckin nailing it & doing this legendary sound serious ass justice. He really captured the essesence, power, firey passion and intensity of Jim. It blows my mind!
Here's an old but good read of the amazingness of it all and the connections between the 2 from Five Against One of course....
So The Doors spent the next three decades mostly deprived of playing their own music with the all-important vocals—until their induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1993, when Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder gave what many have called the only real tribute to the legacy of Jim-era Doors. Vedder, with a voice “uncannily like Morrison’s,” sang three songs (“Break on Through,” “Roadhouse Blues,” “Light My Fire”), fronting the surviving Doors in a performance that “sent chills down jaded spines all over the room,” according to Pearl Jam biographer Kim Neely.
Neely’s 1998 bio makes an interesting case for the Morrison-Vedder connection (besides both growing up in San Diego). And while I wish the new version fronted by former Cult figure Ian Astbury (another Morrison disciple) all the best, Neely’s book makes the incredibly unlikely vision of a Vedder-fronted Doors seem like the least offensive of possibilities:
“...[T]he two were very much alike. More than a throaty tenor, it was this rage-against-the-machine outlook Eddie had in common with Morrison, a hunger for truth and a hatred for hypocrisy that both strove to communicate... even when it meant angering.... Most notably, like Morrison, Vedder abhorred... the industry icon factory even as he clearly benefited from it. Both men were haunted by the same internal conflict, longing to be respected as artists rather than pinup gods....
They both needed their fame as desperately as they hated it.” •
I've always thought the 2 were very similar. And then to hear Ed nail these songs?! I mean damn! :eek:
Robby Krieger : The thing with Eddie Vedder was great at the Hall Of Fame induction. You know, he didn't want to do it at first, because he thought, "I can't do that, how can I fit into Jim Morrison's shoes?" But the Hall Of Fame people kept after him: "Come on, Eddie!" So finally he decided to do it. Two or three days before the rehearsals were set to begin, he decided to drive down to L.A. from Seattle in probably the biggest rainstorm we've ever had on the West Coast. He made it a third of the way in two days. He said he was listening to Jim the whole time, to the Doors. He said he really got into it. He finally made it on the last day of rehearsals. We had a few hours to rehearse and it came together real good.
Quite the trip Ed had getting there! I can just totally invision him blastin Riders On The Storm. haha. The "theme" song.
And check out Robby. It came together "real good", huh?
Well isn't he modest.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Hey wash_! Regarding the spinner.com site---I'm not sure if you've figured it out already but I'm hearing now that if you change the clock on your computer to a US time zone that it should work.
As a backup there's also this site that has it viewable through Winamp- http://www.winamp.com/music/artist.php?id=134417&p=0.
I hope one of those works for you!
Hey! Yes...i've finally watched it! Great early stuff from Ed. And the performances are incredible. It's really haunting that Ed sounds so much like Morrison.
I grew up on The Doors man! My mum was really into them in the 70's, so when they had a coach trip to Paris on the 30th anniversary of Jims death in 2001 me & my husband made the trip over. While we were there we got to see Ray playing some Doors songs, and Manager Danny Sugarman talking about Jim, then they showed Jims film 'Hiway', which was really bad. but the whole weekend was awesome, lots of Doors music going on and some pretty cool people too. My fav song has to be 'Wild Child', I love that song
Damn! I know what you mean yosi. My parents saw The Doors too! Not to mention all the other bands. Bastards indeed!
wash_! Glad to hear it finally worked for you.
And completely agree about Ed and Jim.
OMG Hippyvik! That sounds amazing!!
Oooh Wild Child love! Excellent.
I got some Blue Sunday going on at the moment.
I want a super extended version of this beauty. haha. Even so, it's 2 minutes of pure bliss. So soothing and beautiful!
Speaking of extended pleasure...GLORIA?? :eek: Had that blastin earlier and it always hits me like a ton of bricks. JIMMY BOY! Good god! One of the most amazing things ever! Attacks me everytime.
...~If the doors of perception were cleansed / All things would appear infinite~ ...
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Around twelve years of age (1980) I was up very late watching a documentary on the "The Doors" and my stepdad caught me. He wanted to know why I was watching it and I said I really liked their music. He let me borrow his albums and eventually have them. he told me how Jim lived down the road for a time in this place called the "Beau Arts". This was in Florida. I knew it as an artsy home for gay men so it freaked me out a little but he told me at the time Jim lived there it wasn't the same type of place.
So, everytime I drove past I thought of Jim. I went home in 2001 and took a drive to see it and it was torn down. Bummed me out.
The Doors were my favorite band until Pearl Jam. Ed and Jim will be my two favorite singers I'm sure til the day I die. Same with the bands however Zeppelin joins those two.
"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes" ~ M Kuhn
Far moon in a continuing dream
Steam of roasting tea
She lives on "Love Street"
i listen to them almost as much as pearl jam
live like your dying today
i was them with ian in 2003 i think here in cleveland
man, they still have it
ian astbury did a hell of a job
i would sit throughout the show and forget at times it was NOT jim, he really did well too bad densmore is being such a punk about allof this stuff it would be great to see him there too, but i also hear his ears are jacked so maybe not
the doors are my number 2 band ( not far from pj in my book)
from everything i read he was the wild man portrayed.
but it did NOT show his other side, the intelligent, soft side, the artist, the poet, the philosopher
the man was a super smart man with a dark void that took him over
like val quotes inthe movie
having the soul of a clown that forces himto blow it at the most crucial moments or somethig like that
when someone says party like a rock star
jim is the definition of that for sure
does anyone know where to get the video of eddie and the doors at the hall of fame induction on dvd??
A human being that was given to fly
MSG 2 08, Buffalo 10, Hamilton 11
As soon as I woke up today this groovin, super kick ass song was the first thing that popped into my mind.
da da da dadadadadada
da da da dadadadadada
Wild child full of grace
Savior of the human race
your cool face
Natural child
terrible child
Not your mothers or your fathers child
Your our child
screamin wild
An ancient lunatic reigns in the trees of the night
Ha, ha, ha, ha
With hunger at her heels
freedom in her eyes
She dances on her knees
pirate prince at her side
Stirrin into a hollow idols eyes
Wild child full of grace
savior of the human race
Your cool face, your cool face
your cool face
Do you remember when we were in africa?
La La LOVE this band!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Superb band with such talent and extraordinary innovation. Made their mark on rock and roll.
Not to touch the earth
Not to see the sun
Nothing left to do, but
Run, run, run
Let's run
lets run
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
waiting for the sun is transcending.... does anyone else find that song surreal?
Morrison Hotel
LA Woman
Strange Days
The Doors
Waiting For The Sun
The Soft Parade
Does anyone have a link or the file of the Doors being inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame? I have the performances with Ed, but I have never seen the speech of who inducted them.
There's the spinner.com site, but for some reason im not able to view the clip. Hope somone knows where else I can look.
2007 ░▒▓ London, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
2009 ░▒▓ Manchester, London
2010 ░▒▓ Hyde Park
*§* Music is all the juice i'll need *§*
I'm sure someone here will be able to help you though.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for BUMPING this thread!!!
I'm still grinning over Densmore's props to Ed!
I cannot even begin to process the thought of these guys touring together!
It's TOO MUCH!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
absolutely everytime i hear it.
man. i love that band
**adding more love**
Love this groove.
There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles
She came
There's blood on the streets, it's up to my knee
She came
Blood on the streets in the town of Chicago
She came
Blood on the rise, it's following me
Think about the break of day
She came and then she drove away
Sunlight in her hair
She came
Blood in the streets runs a river of sadness She came
Blood in the streets it's up to my thigh She came
Yeah the river runs red down the legs of the city
She came
The women are crying rivers of weepin'
She came into town and then she drove away
Sunlight in her hair
Indians scattered on dawn's highway bleeding
Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind
Blood in the streets in the town of New Haven
Blood stains the roofs and the palm trees of Venice
Blood in my love in the terrible summer
Bloody red sun of fantastic L.A.
Blood screams the pain as they chop off her fingers
Blood will be born in the birth of a nation
Blood is the rose of mysterious union
There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles
Blood in the streets, it's up to my knee
Blood in the streets in the town of Chicago
Blood on the rise, it's following me
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
As a backup there's also this site that has it viewable through Winamp-
I hope one of those works for you!
I was just showing off the performances with Ed earlier today actually. It just makes me feel so proud seeing our guy up there completely fuckin nailing it & doing this legendary sound serious ass justice. He really captured the essesence, power, firey passion and intensity of Jim. It blows my mind!
Here's an old but good read of the amazingness of it all and the connections between the 2 from Five Against One of course....
So The Doors spent the next three decades mostly deprived of playing their own music with the all-important vocals—until their induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1993, when Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder gave what many have called the only real tribute to the legacy of Jim-era Doors. Vedder, with a voice “uncannily like Morrison’s,” sang three songs (“Break on Through,” “Roadhouse Blues,” “Light My Fire”), fronting the surviving Doors in a performance that “sent chills down jaded spines all over the room,” according to Pearl Jam biographer Kim Neely.
Neely’s 1998 bio makes an interesting case for the Morrison-Vedder connection (besides both growing up in San Diego). And while I wish the new version fronted by former Cult figure Ian Astbury (another Morrison disciple) all the best, Neely’s book makes the incredibly unlikely vision of a Vedder-fronted Doors seem like the least offensive of possibilities:
“...[T]he two were very much alike. More than a throaty tenor, it was this rage-against-the-machine outlook Eddie had in common with Morrison, a hunger for truth and a hatred for hypocrisy that both strove to communicate... even when it meant angering.... Most notably, like Morrison, Vedder abhorred... the industry icon factory even as he clearly benefited from it. Both men were haunted by the same internal conflict, longing to be respected as artists rather than pinup gods....
They both needed their fame as desperately as they hated it.”
I've always thought the 2 were very similar. And then to hear Ed nail these songs?! I mean damn! :eek:
Robby Krieger : The thing with Eddie Vedder was great at the Hall Of Fame induction. You know, he didn't want to do it at first, because he thought, "I can't do that, how can I fit into Jim Morrison's shoes?" But the Hall Of Fame people kept after him: "Come on, Eddie!" So finally he decided to do it. Two or three days before the rehearsals were set to begin, he decided to drive down to L.A. from Seattle in probably the biggest rainstorm we've ever had on the West Coast. He made it a third of the way in two days. He said he was listening to Jim the whole time, to the Doors. He said he really got into it. He finally made it on the last day of rehearsals. We had a few hours to rehearse and it came together real good.
Quite the trip Ed had getting there! I can just totally invision him blastin Riders On The Storm.
And check out Robby. It came together "real good", huh?
Well isn't he modest.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
it's impossible to get tired of them, too. which is awesome.
Hey! Yes...i've finally watched it! Great early stuff from Ed. And the performances are incredible. It's really haunting that Ed sounds so much like Morrison.
2007 ░▒▓ London, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
2009 ░▒▓ Manchester, London
2010 ░▒▓ Hyde Park
*§* Music is all the juice i'll need *§*
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
haven't you heard about the new front man replacing ian astbury?
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
wash_! Glad to hear it finally worked for you.
And completely agree about Ed and Jim.
OMG Hippyvik! That sounds amazing!!
Oooh Wild Child love! Excellent.
I got some Blue Sunday going on at the moment.
I want a super extended version of this beauty. haha. Even so, it's 2 minutes of pure bliss. So soothing and beautiful!
Speaking of extended pleasure...GLORIA?? :eek: Had that blastin earlier and it always hits me like a ton of bricks. JIMMY BOY! Good god! One of the most amazing things ever! Attacks me everytime.
...~If the doors of perception were cleansed / All things would appear infinite~ ...
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
So, everytime I drove past I thought of Jim. I went home in 2001 and took a drive to see it and it was torn down. Bummed me out.
The Doors were my favorite band until Pearl Jam. Ed and Jim will be my two favorite singers I'm sure til the day I die. Same with the bands however Zeppelin joins those two.