Blind Melon 10/07/07



  • yeah the whole they are just using the name to make money argument is hilarious...must be why they are charging $10.00 and playing at places called Frankies....

    can't wait until next friday to see them in toledo
  • Yea, it's a useless battle & waste of time...but I can't stand to see people raving about "BLIND MELON" when it's so wrong to me. I remember a time, back before they decided to get back together, someone would suggest it, & everyone would say it wouldn't be the same & how ridiculous it was. Now everyone thinks it's the greatest thing in the world & I just don't get it.

    Blind Melon was my fav. band when Shannon passed, & still is to this day. When all was said & done, I was left with this perfect band, with a perfect catalog that nothing would ever be able to destroy.

    I know I will not change anyone's mind, nor will anyone change mine. I'm just venting...

    Hey, I think we all sympathise with where you are coming from, but how is a band that creates two albums, then finishes abruptly 'perfect'? By your definition, Shannon was more important than the band itself, yet the chances are that he would never have made anything of himself without them. I totally understand that he had a massive, profound effect on you, but it actually sounds like you are taking your frustration with him effectively ending the band, out on the rest of his band mates. They are not wrong or disrespectful wanting to continue the band, it was just as much theirs as it was his. And quite honestly, I very much doubt you are as dissmisive of the authenticity of other singers as you are the new guy. By the sounds of things, he's a very talented guy, and ultimately the guys in the band are going to be far more discerning in chosing a new singer than you could ever be, because they lost a friend, you lost a guy you think you knew through his music - which is not the same.
  • And ultimately the guys in the band are going to be far more discerning in choosing a new singer than you could ever be, because they lost a friend, you lost a guy you think you knew through his music - which is not the same.

    That's an effective statement and gets to the core of this debate.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • mauichickmauichick Posts: 964
    have you ever listened to them? you should be in for quite a treat. im going next week.

    ps. did anyone else know that unified theory released a new album? i had no idea!

    No, I havn't heard anything ex No Rain

    Thought they were great. Just like with AIC, lead singer (Tim?) was respectful and paid homage while still being a great front man and putting his own spin

    Great when crowd is into it and at the Canal Room they were
    '96 7 shows / '97 3 shows / '98 15 shows
    '00 12 shows / '03 4 shows / '06 6 shows
    '08 3 shows / '09 5 shows / '10 6 shows
  • ps. did anyone else know that unified theory released a new album? i had no idea!

    I missed this the first time around. When was this released?

    Edit: I'll be damned: Cinematic - 2006...I'll have to look into that.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Blind Melon is an incredible band that had the heart and soul of a real band. Their albums kept rock alive for me through these turbulent times in the 21st century. We need this band to rock and roll!!!

    Are they coming to Detroit??? Please tell me they are at least hittin Toledo!

    they are going to be in toledo next weekend and bowling green this saturday.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Yeah, you are right...But this kid in particular is still immature, so I can only imagine what 13 was like for him. lol.

    well, might as well live up to it...


    suck it.

    i can see why the guitarist you spoke to told you to piss off, fanboy. i love how my age proves im less of a fan than you, and your age proves you know better than its own members what the band should do. must be awesome to be that full of yourself.
  • well, might as well live up to it...


    suck it.

    In your dreams, sweetie. ;)
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    In your dreams, sweetie. ;)

    love how you ignored the rest cos you know you haven't a leg to stand on with your bullshit.
  • love how you ignored the rest cos you know you haven't a leg to stand on with your bullshit.

    Nah, I ignored it cuz I already said all there is to say on the matter. Like you said, I am full of myself & therefore I know I am always. :)
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • HermanBloomHermanBloom Posts: 1,764
    I agree that Blind Melon was perfect. It will be hard or impossible with Shannon because of his amazing lyrics and voice. However, each other member was just as important because they made amazing music.
    SLC 11/2/95, Park City 6/21/98, Boise 11/3/00, Seattle 12/9/02, Vancouver 5/30/03, Gorge 9/1/05, Vancouver 9/2/05, Gorge 7/22/06, Gorge 7/23/06, Camden I 6/19/08, MSG I 6/24/08, MSG II 6/25/08, Hartford 6/27/08, Mansfield II 6/30/08; Eddie Albany 6/8/09, 6/9/09; Philly 10/30/09, 10/31/09; Boston 5/17/10
    I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
  • into the things I am reading. I understand peoples very strong opinion that it's not the same without Shannon. However to come across and say that how could a "real" fan go and see what they are doing is just plain crap. I saw Blind Melon in 1994, they blew me away. I had tickets to go see them again in 1995. Obviously that was taken very quickly away when Shannon passed. There albums clearly state that Blind Melon is a band. Nowhere does it say that Blind is Shannon Hoon. Because I am a fan, I was able to see that their 2nd album was such a wonderful transformation of a talented bunch of guys that really loved one another as well. Shannon was 1 of those talented guys. I still consider myself a pretty solid fan of Blind Melon past and present. I was and still am quite honored to have been in attendence Sunday night. To be able to share all that emotion that I have had for this special band with those involved was a dream come true.

    If you want to go see it, you will enjoy it. If you don't want to go see it, then don't. Sit at home, listen to your records and never go forward. I like the forward motion personally.
    Let's Go Red Sox!
  • you guys need to splash some fuckin water on yer faces. cool off. damn.

    this sounds more like a tribute of sorts than a cash cow. i know some people love this band and have for years and years and years, but the fact is, i bet very few young people are discovering blind melon these days, especially the beautiful classicness of "soup." most of blind melon's best songs are on that album and it's shitty that the other band members were only able to play these songs that they poured their fuckin guts into (not just shannon) live a handful of times before hoon kicked it on tour. after 12 years, they probably realized that this was some of the very best, most inspired music they have ever made, and were saddened that barely anyone even knows about the record. from that set list, they wanna bring that album out of obscurity and into some form of modern relevance. you wanna cut their throats for that? i doubt shannon is very pissed off about this. he's probably pretty damn proud to see em come to terms emotionally with everything. let's everyone heal a little bit.

    if yer a fan, sorry to say, you are nothing but a spectator, regardless of your emotional involvement. you didn't conceive of these songs. you didn't give birth to em. you didn't sweat it out with your friends and hope and dream that people will connect with your art. you didn't have yer friend robbed before it could be achieved. these guys have their reasons for this, and you can't fault em for thier decisions. they wanna play these songs live with a crowd that knows every fucking word and pay tribute to their friend as well as their own amazing musical legacy.

    fuck off if you think that's wrong.

    now, if they start doing commercials and shit, then i'll cry foul. but for a tour, big fucking deal. geez.

    Just a note from my experience Sunday night.... There were tons of young people at the show Sunday night. Some of which were in grade school while I was having fun at Woodstock 94! So as far as that goes, I think Blind Melon has actually been gaining new young fans all along and I hope it continues....

    Originally Posted by facepollution
    And ultimately the guys in the band are going to be far more discerning in choosing a new singer than you could ever be, because they lost a friend, you lost a guy you think you knew through his music - which is not the same.

    That statement is perfect!!!!!!!!
    Let's Go Red Sox!
  • Was Travis in the band when Hoon was? I love them I should really know already :hides:
    A restaurant with a smoking section is like a swimming pool with a pissing section
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Was Travis in the band when Hoon was? I love them I should really know already :hides:

    no. the band recruited him at some point over the last year to sing. they've recorded a new album.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    momofglynn wrote:
    into the things I am reading. I understand peoples very strong opinion that it's not the same without Shannon. However to come across and say that how could a "real" fan go and see what they are doing is just plain crap. I saw Blind Melon in 1994, they blew me away. I had tickets to go see them again in 1995. Obviously that was taken very quickly away when Shannon passed. There albums clearly state that Blind Melon is a band. Nowhere does it say that Blind is Shannon Hoon. Because I am a fan, I was able to see that their 2nd album was such a wonderful transformation of a talented bunch of guys that really loved one another as well. Shannon was 1 of those talented guys. I still consider myself a pretty solid fan of Blind Melon past and present. I was and still am quite honored to have been in attendence Sunday night. To be able to share all that emotion that I have had for this special band with those involved was a dream come true.

    If you want to go see it, you will enjoy it. If you don't want to go see it, then don't. Sit at home, listen to your records and never go forward. I like the forward motion personally.

    i'd love to see soup's response to this. the arrogance of saying no true fan could accept this is ridiculous.
  • Exactly, different singers singing Jim's songs to pay tribute to him. Not calling themselves the fucking Doors while doing so. & I don't care what anyone says, yes Nel in her own way has come to terms with it, it certainly doesn't mean she's okay with it. Her myspace message alone about it said a lot about her real feelings without having to.

    Do they have the "right" to continue on with the band...sure. Does it make it right? No.

    Cash those checks while they last, boys! :)

    I just came from the Columbus ohio show and the band brought Nel onstage twice and she fully endorsed what they were doing...she seemed really happy and the crowd went crazy. the show was completely mindblowing. It was sold out and the crowd was singing every song so loud that yyou could barely hear the band at times.
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,592
    Are you fucking kidding me? I can't believe he touched those 2 songs. A while ago they said there would be songs left out out the set for obvious reasons & I thought for sure 'Change' would be one of them, well, for obvious reasons. :mad: & 'Soup' being one of (if not) my all time fav. Melon songs shouldn't be touched by anyone but Shannon...

    No wonder I had such a shitty day today...I musta felt this bs going on in my soul. I hope the guys enjoy the ride while it lasts..."Blind Melon" my mother fucking ass.

    I cant blame you. if Eddie died, and the rest of Pearl Jam went on with some singer....and I had to hear Alive or Betterman from some other dude....I would be pissed too.

    Id rather listen to a cover band or a garage band tribute versus some bastard reincarnation.
    Turn this anger into
    Nuclear fission
  • this is a great band .. I like so much .there is many songs wonderful ..and my favorite is change ...

    I love PJ from Chile :)
  • reggie500 wrote:
    I just came from the Columbus ohio show and the band brought Nel onstage twice and she fully endorsed what they were doing...she seemed really happy and the crowd went crazy. the show was completely mindblowing. It was sold out and the crowd was singing every song so loud that yyou could barely hear the band at times.

    I was gonna let this drop, but since it keeps finding its way back...

    I'm surprised that Nel was there. Whatever her reasons, I hope she truly found peace with it.

    Vedd Hedd wrote:
    I cant blame you. if Eddie died, and the rest of Pearl Jam went on with some singer....and I had to hear Alive or Betterman from some other dude....I would be pissed too.

    Id rather listen to a cover band or a garage band tribute versus some bastard reincarnation.

    Ex.fucking.actly. ;)
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • reggie500 wrote:
    I just came from the Columbus ohio show and the band brought Nel onstage twice and she fully endorsed what they were doing...she seemed really happy and the crowd went crazy. the show was completely mindblowing. It was sold out and the crowd was singing every song so loud that yyou could barely hear the band at times.

    So glad you got a chance to see and experience a positive thing. Good times.
    Let's Go Red Sox!
  • I was gonna let this drop, but since it keeps finding its way back...

    I'm surprised that Nel was there. Whatever her reasons, I hope she truly found peace with it.

    Ex.fucking.actly. ;)

    I understand where you're at. Really I do. I could not see Pearl Jam do it. But for whatever reason I don't have a problem with Blind Melon doing it. Shannon was great, truly great. Blind Melon was the cross over for me from the hippie scene to harder edge, rocking stuff. Shannon was talented. The whole band was talented.

    We are all fans of them. Again I understand where you're coming from. I'm just the other side of the fence. I am so proud of the rest of the band. Like I said it was a dream come true to relay to the actual people how I felt about them the day I heard about Shannon. If it goes to an album or 2 great. If it goes longer, then it was meant to be. If it ends, it was meant to be. I think they needed to do this in order to finally heal.

    I think both opinions are valid and right but that's just me.
    Let's Go Red Sox!
  • Vedd Hedd wrote:
    I cant blame you. if Eddie died, and the rest of Pearl Jam went on with some singer....and I had to hear Alive or Betterman from some other dude....I would be pissed too.

    Id rather listen to a cover band or a garage band tribute versus some bastard reincarnation.

    You're comparing apples and oranges though.

    Blind Melon never really got a chance to peak musically. Their potential was swept away from them far too early.

    As mentioned earlier...they're not exploiting the name and disrespecting Shannon.

    They're creating and honoring some really great music. In the grand scheme of things, I applaud them.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    just saw them last night and it was fantastic travis sounds good and i liked all the new songs. they seemed to be genuinely happy to be all playing together again. i loved it.
  • I'm glad you enjoyed the show. They are playing in Boston on 10/22. My buddy is begging me to go. I really can not. However if I was to get out of work early I told him I would meet him down there. So you never know. I might be going again. I really enjoyed the show in Providence and I have been thinking about it ever since.
    Let's Go Red Sox!
  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,557
    from the youtube clips, Travis seems to sound a lot like Shannon :)
  • holtzholtz Posts: 509

    Nico Hoon singing Change in Chicago
  • Wow, I just fucking balled my eyes out. I'm actually almost speechless for once. I can't believe fucking sad, yet so beautiful at the same time. I almost wish I went now to have witnessed that moment...

    "wonder where he is these days..." :(
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • holtz wrote:

    Nico Hoon singing Change in Chicago

    Woahhhh! That really was amazing, I can only imagine what it must have been like to have been there, it was so cool hearing the crowd back her up.
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