I'm a somewhat recent Mr. Bungle convert...never was too big on Faith No More so didn't give a chance to Mr. Bungle for the longest. But California got me hooked and the rest as they say is history. Disco Volante is my least favourite...I think the band tried to be too "out there" and compromised on the song structure. The self-titled however has the right balance of weird and goofy music that is enjoyable as well as innovative.
"Reality continues to ruin my life." - Calvin & Hobbes.
dude is a fucking genious ,PATTON that is...FNM BORDIN no slouch on drums, always , well just thought he'd have fit into PEARLJAM well,,grooves
Good call, i never really thought about it but he would have been a very interesting replacement. I mean that in a good way. And PJ was looking for a drummer around the time FNM folded. Bordin is cool as hell as well, i met him in 97 at a show in Vancouver B.C. at a club called the RAGE. very down to earth guy. anyway, PJ did just fine with o'l Matt Cam .. peace
Beeeeeautiful ass voice...he's totally showcasing his range on this one. In true MP fashion, insane uncalled for out of control break with some blast beats and growling! Completely scizoprenic. And this ending?! LOL!!!! What in the world is going on here?!!?!
This man fuckin RULES.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I can't believe this guy's so talented, he's the best singer from the 90's or at least top 5, he's so diverse and his voice is just great, all of his musical projects are mind blowing, Mr. Bungle, Faith No More, Fantomas, Kaada/Patton (everyone should check this cd out, it's called Romances, it's some of the best beautifully sick music you can find).
So yeah, share your appreciation for Mr. Patton!!!
Romances is great! Everything he does is great. He's really an awesomely talented guy. I love his singing, he has a great voice. I worship him lol
"look in my eyes deep and watch the clouds change with time"
if you enjoyed reading that out loud then u will like mike pattons solo album.
So true, so true.
Speaking of converting people to Faith No More, I've gotten a few people into them, myself. Mostly, it's people who post on Vancouver Canucks forums. One of them just happens to have Pearl Jam as his favourite band.
Wish I could've seen the almighty FNM. I was only 14 when they broke up. And Bungle broke up, too, so that sucks. Didn't get to see them, either.
07/19/98 Vancouver BC
05/30/03 Vancouver BC
09/02/05 Vancouver BC
"And where are they now, the little people of Stonehenge? And what would they say to us, if we were here...tonight?"
Wish I could've seen the almighty FNM. I was only 14 when they broke up. And Bungle broke up, too, so that sucks. Didn't get to see them, either.
I was only 8 when FNM broke up I would have loved to see them live too. My PE teacher saw them live she said they were awesome and I'm pretty certain they would have been too.
I wanted to see the Fantomas this year, haven't listened to any of their stuff but Pattons a legend. But they aren't comming to Adelaide..
I saw someone with an Angel Dust T-shirt today it was so cool!:D:D
^That rules. I have a King For A Day Fool For A Lifetime shirt with tour dates on it. One of my favourite shirts. Got it on eBay.
I also got a Real Thing shirt made at a t-shirt place a few years ago. If I could find the shirt from the Angel Dust tour with the picture of them as Russian officers, that would be awesome.
07/19/98 Vancouver BC
05/30/03 Vancouver BC
09/02/05 Vancouver BC
"And where are they now, the little people of Stonehenge? And what would they say to us, if we were here...tonight?"
I think fantomas director's cut is a masterpiece, and enjoy everything he does because i don't take it all that seriously because i dont think he wants us to.... Missed fantomas when they were in UK coz i was up north visitin family! cant wait till Tomahawk tour UK as ill be right there in the front row.......
I got a Fantomas suspended animation callender poster thing the other day for $2... I've never listened to the Fantomas tho but i figured as Mike Patton's so awesome they'd be great...
I thought you guys might appreciate this site ftp://ftp.cv.org/pub/ Its full of Faith No More+Tomahawk Bootlegs, videos and rare tracks.. it even has mike singing a teensy bit of PJ in the FNM covers section
i got The Real Thing ages ago and really liked it and then got Angel Dust yesterday. I have to say it is awesome!!! I know I'm not a hardcore Patton fan with all his Mr Bungle, Fantomas and Tomahawk albums but I still wanna register my appreciation.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
His version of 'Six Pack' on the Rise Above album is worth listening to.
ketjak ketjak ketjak ketjak ketjak...
+--+-Official Upcoming Australasian Tour:Member #20-+--+
Gooooooooooooood shit.
Faith No More is one of greatest fucking bands too.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Fuck yeah! Isn't CALIFORNIA awesome!!!?!
I must agree with ya on that.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
www.stopglobalaids.com www.indymedia.org www.ecologyfund.com www.thehungersite.com www.amnesty.org www.pratham.org www.icbl.org www.care2.com/click2donate
Great to see so many fans. CHEERS!!!!
dude is a fucking genious ,PATTON that is...FNM BORDIN no slouch on drums, always , well just thought he'd have fit into PEARLJAM well,,grooves
+--+-Official Upcoming Australasian Tour:Member #20-+--+
Beeeeeautiful ass voice...he's totally showcasing his range on this one. In true MP fashion, insane uncalled for out of control break with some blast beats and growling! Completely scizoprenic. And this ending?! LOL!!!! What in the world is going on here?!!?!
This man fuckin RULES.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Romances is great! Everything he does is great. He's really an awesomely talented guy. I love his singing, he has a great voice. I worship him lol
yep, yeah you're right, absolutely, i only worhip 3 guys in this world.. and they are eddie, mike and the other mike (akerfeldt from OPETH)
i'm listening to "none of them knew" fucking amazing!!!
mendel machines replicate in the night... YEAH!!
I converted 2 people to Faith No More this week
+--+-Official Upcoming Australasian Tour:Member #20-+--+
So true, so true.
Speaking of converting people to Faith No More, I've gotten a few people into them, myself. Mostly, it's people who post on Vancouver Canucks forums. One of them just happens to have Pearl Jam as his favourite band.
Wish I could've seen the almighty FNM. I was only 14 when they broke up. And Bungle broke up, too, so that sucks. Didn't get to see them, either.
05/30/03 Vancouver BC
09/02/05 Vancouver BC
"And where are they now, the little people of Stonehenge? And what would they say to us, if we were here...tonight?"
Go Vancouver Canucks, Go BC Lions!!!
I wanted to see the Fantomas this year, haven't listened to any of their stuff but Pattons a legend. But they aren't comming to Adelaide..
I saw someone with an Angel Dust T-shirt today it was so cool!:D:D
+--+-Official Upcoming Australasian Tour:Member #20-+--+
I also got a Real Thing shirt made at a t-shirt place a few years ago. If I could find the shirt from the Angel Dust tour with the picture of them as Russian officers, that would be awesome.
05/30/03 Vancouver BC
09/02/05 Vancouver BC
"And where are they now, the little people of Stonehenge? And what would they say to us, if we were here...tonight?"
Go Vancouver Canucks, Go BC Lions!!!
I think fantomas director's cut is a masterpiece, and enjoy everything he does because i don't take it all that seriously because i dont think he wants us to.... Missed fantomas when they were in UK coz i was up north visitin family! cant wait till Tomahawk tour UK as ill be right there in the front row.......
05/30/03 Vancouver BC
09/02/05 Vancouver BC
"And where are they now, the little people of Stonehenge? And what would they say to us, if we were here...tonight?"
Go Vancouver Canucks, Go BC Lions!!!
I probably should get some Fantomas...
+--+-Official Upcoming Australasian Tour:Member #20-+--+
+--+-Official Upcoming Australasian Tour:Member #20-+--+
I prefer Patton in Faith No More though.