Ha! That's AWESOME! I'm sure he saw your signs...he has glasses..and therefore good vision Glad to hear you guys had fun at night 2...we didn't make it. We were really afraid we wouldn't be able to get back in the country after the show. :( We'll have to get in contact before the next shows and try to hang out then Don't be a stranger
And the show was AMAZING!! Me and VEDHEAD got Stoney to look at our signs...he waved at us good-bye at the end of the show and he even looked down and smiled at us, of course we were 24th row, Mike's side, but we knew he was looking at us;)
*hears Hellbent in the background*
MAJOR Stone love this time around!!! Too much to type but WOW!!! PLAID you guys! PLAID! AHHH!!! Even Ed was in "aw" of his kick ass style. :cool: And all his dance moves??? You guys have NO idea. He is sooooo on fire. Guy is pulling out so many damn moves. The SUPER duckman with some extra groove and spice. :eek: Wooowza!
OH! And yes, he fuckin recognized Meddledeal and I and gave huge smiles and waves!!! Feels so good to give him lovin ya know? It still breaks my heart to see him wailing away live, doing his solos and the crowd not really cheering at all. :mad: COME ON PEOPLE!!! Well shit, STONEY PONIES made up for all that and then some. I mean, HE WAS ON HIS KNEES IN CALGARY DURING RVM, curled in a ball tearing that guitar up. Jaw on floor. Does it not seem like he is more on it with each tour?? I know they all are, but Stone..once he comes outta the shell and warms up, has been getting more and more into it all with each passing year and more and more ON FIRE! I love it!!! I swear he feeds off the love of *certain* fans.
OOoo also, stonesgstring I DID IT! I started a STONE CHANT @ The Gorge . haha. I got my section to contribute! People were all for it and agreed the man doesn't get enough props. HOLY SHIT! MEDDLE said the chant made it up to her - her and Kaddi were chanting it up as well. She also said the chant made the boot!!!?!? :eek: TOO FUCKIN COOL!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Ha! That's funny! Krista is Stoneygrrl (same as on the StoneyG fanclub site)
Hiya stoneygrrrl, I am StoneyGirl...I know, this is confusing. I am from Toronto, my name is Andrea, and I am the StoneyGirl from the Stoney G. Fan Club site (now strangesttribe.com). In fact, if any of you remember the original SGFC site, I designed the intro and all of the e-cards that got posted from 2001-2002 (X-Mas, Valentines Day, St. Paddies Day). But Amy, aka neenerbean ran the SGFC site, and still runs strangest tribe...in fact, she runs more than a few sites these days, and leads a *killer cool* life in Chicago.
So, hiya, and glad to see the Stoney G love is still out there
And while we're on the subject of Stone with a mic....I think the time is approaching for my sig to become a full blown thread of it's own!!! IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN!!
And while we're on the subject of Stone with a mic....I think the time is approaching for my sig to become a full blown thread of it's own!!! IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN!!
I AGREE!! I even made a sign that said LET STONE SING...but did Stone see it from the 11th row seat I was at the Gorge?! nope!:( I don't even think anyone saw it. haha
in *coughMEXICOcough*
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Think its possible to get 500 replies on this thread. 1000. I think we can. We owe it to Stone
One could hope!! I think we owe to him as well but I'm telling you...THERE AIN'T ENOUGH LOVE FOR THIS MAN!!! If we do get 500 replies it will be from all of the same people probably. haha. It's true though...those of us that refuse to let the Stone love and praise die.
NOTE TO PEARL JAM FANS (incase you didn't get the memo)~~~> THERE ARE 2 GUITAR PLAYERS IN PEARL JAM
The man is responsible for nearly ALL of my fav PJ songs! The talent here is out of control. TIME AND TIME again he writes the catchiest, grooviest songs!!! AND he has a kick ass style AND kick ass dance moves on top of all that talent?!! COME ON!! THIS MAN ROCKS ALL AROUND!!! WHere is the frickin loooooove!?!?!?
*deep breaths*
*pardon the yelling, got a little carried away
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
One could hope!! I think we owe to him as well but I'm telling you...THERE AIN'T ENOUGH LOVE FOR THIS MAN!!! If we do get 500 replies it will be from all of the same people probably. haha. It's true though...those of us that refuse to let the Stone love and praise die.
NOTE TO PEARL JAM FANS (incase you didn't get the memo)~~~> THERE ARE 2 GUITAR PLAYERS IN PEARL JAM
The man is responsible for nearly ALL of my fav PJ songs! The talent here is out of control. TIME AND TIME again he writes the catchiest, grooviest songs!!! AND he has a kick ass style AND kick ass dance moves on top of all that talent?!! COME ON!! THIS MAN ROCKS ALL AROUND!!! WHere is the frickin loooooove!?!?!?
*deep breaths*
*pardon the yelling, got a little carried away
SERIOUSLY!! Preach it girl!!
STONEY does NOT get enough credit!! WITHOUT HIM..there would be NO PEARL JAM people?! HELLO?!
*starts shaking people*
With those Gossman demos, songs like Alive, Even Flow, Black, would NOT exist without the dedication and hardwork of STONE GOSSARD!!!
Some people on this board say that Mike is underappreciated?! ummm, NO!! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Mike, but he gets enough LOVE already from everyone else who screams during his solos. Now STONE is the one who underappreciated!! Hardly ANYONE screams for Stone during his solos...even at the Gorge, during his NOT FOR YOU solo, hardly anyone in my section was screaming for him, except for me and Kaddikat. :mad: COME ON people!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
STONEY does NOT get enough credit!! WITHOUT HIM..there would be NO PEARL JAM people?! HELLO?!
*starts shaking people*
With those Gossman demos, songs like Alive, Even Flow, Black, would NOT exist without the dedication and hardwork of STONE GOSSARD!!!
Some people on this board say that Mike is underappreciated?! ummm, NO!! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Mike, but he gets enough LOVE already from everyone else who screams during his solos. Now STONE is the one who underappreciated!! Hardly ANYONE screams for Stone during his solos...even at the Gorge, during his NOT FOR YOU solo, hardly anyone in my section was screaming for him, except for me and Kaddikat. :mad: COME ON people!!
STONE doesn't get ANY respect whatsoever!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
People don't cheer during Stone's solo's because they are usually just ok. Doing sonic solo's is not his strength .Stone is great guitarist, song writing, song structure, acoustic/rhythm etc. I awlays yell "Stone" at the end of Given to Fly... Actually people go crazy during his solo Do the e.
Let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!let Stone Sing!!
Actually people go crazy during his solo Do the e.
OK this is true! Atleast there is ONE song where people are givin props to the solo. And while I respect your opinion about his solos being "ok" I beg to differ. "Ok" compared to what? If you're gonna compare him to Mikey then that's just not fair...totally different styles all around ya know? But ok...must chill. Just wanna say Stone thoroughly impresses me with that NOT FOR YOU & BRIAN OF J solo (to name a few). He adds such groove to solos! Most of the time he doesn't shred like a madman...this is true, but the ability is there....he CAN and WILL tear some shit up and gives us a juicy taste of that~~~> RVM, PORCH, SAVE YOU! Also, his solos on Bayleaf are frickin earth-shattering!!!! But yeah, for now we're talkin about PJ. hehe. Anyways, I commend the man on all he does and think in general he is one hell of an underappreciated artist.
hehe Ali! Hey it's true though! I don't eat meat but must admit...this is some pre-tty appitizing lookin duck! :eek:
And hell yeah you know he did The Kids Are Alright. He's just a little fire starter this time around!!!
<~~~ listening to GORGE boot
HA! You can hear my LOUD ASS MOUTH screaming all high pitched and super excited for the man during his first solo on DTE!!! haha. YESSS! Representin!!!!
Also.....after SMALL TOWN folks....the STONE chant. YES! Soooo much STONEY LOVE!
What a gorgeous night!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
AHHHHHHH!!! Still flippin out that DON'T GIMME NO LIP was fuckin SOUNDCHECKED!!!@?#@ HELL YEAH!!!!!
<~~~ listening to my STONEY G playlist on Itunes :cool:
Gonna BUMP this sucka up with one of my absolute favs from this outta control talent. Anyone that hasn't heard this song I swear to god PM me immediately so that can change. This is by far one of the greatest songs ever by the man. A twangy, ringing intro just sweeps in and has you hooked right from the start. The guitar sounds so bent and raw....you hear slight sweeps and breaks, weird ass sounds going on behind it all. The layers here are insane!! SO FUCKIN GOOD! It just all sounds SO different and cool (just like the man;) ). Then in comes these drums! AH!! Followed by the twangy, unique voice...it's PERFECT!! He gets twangy with it but also sings soooo beautifully in some parts, proving that he can do it all! The ending guitar work is PURE GOLD! Some of the best work from the mighty G. Ooooh, and the solo delivered in this one is just fuckin INCREDIBLE AS HELL!!! Gives me chills everytime. A solo to get completely lost it. RINGING TO THE HEAVENS! DAmn! GO STONE!!!!!!
This song is the best!!! When trying to sum up the greatness of this artist I have often times insisted friends listen to this song alone....ALL have been way impressed. I mean seriously, it can't be denied.
*bows down to.....
sacrifice the lamb
without a little torture
tied it up with string
and hung him from the line
it's not my first excuse
a shot across my mouth
sure i've done it too
it's just a point of view
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you...
up against the wall
the meat of my misgivings
practicing for sure
i've been shot up there before
it's not his first offense
to vary in my grasp
they handed out the views
made sure it's run would last
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you...
it seemed to need a voice
to direct the fire demons
sentimental cheer
to make it all alright
i'll try to understand
the nature of the beast
i know it's in my hands now
i'll sign for its release
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you...
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Think its possible to get 500 replies on this thread. 1000. I think we can. We owe it to Stone
I started this thread and I pray we can get at least 500 replies.Go Stone,Go!
Ft. Lauderdale 96'
Tampa 00'
West Palm Beach 03'
House of Blues 03'
Tampa 03'
Kissimmee 04'
West Palm Beach 08'
Tampa 08'
Eddie Vedder Clearwater both nights 2012
sacrifice the lamb
without a little torture
tied it up with string
and hung him from the line
it's not my first excuse
a shot across my mouth
sure i've done it too
it's just a point of view
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you...
up against the wall
the meat of my misgivings
practicing for sure
i've been shot up there before
it's not his first offense
to vary in my grasp
they handed out the views
made sure it's run would last
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you...
it seemed to need a voice
to direct the fire demons
sentimental cheer
to make it all alright
i'll try to understand
the nature of the beast
i know it's in my hands now
i'll sign for its release
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you...
:eek: OMG! I was actually thinking of that song earlier today!! I LOVE Shame On You!!! I made a PJ comp. with that song and others from everyone's side bands, and, my boyfriend at the time, and I were listening to it, and he said he liked it!!!:)
I love it how Stoney just changes from song to song, it is not the same, everything is different. From Bayleaf to Piegon to Shame On You..you can't get it any better w/the duckman, or as I am starting to call him 'roboduck!" :cool:
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I love all of Stone's work. Of course he is great with Pearl Jam, as we all know this is fact. I have also been listening to Brad and his solo album lately. I'm digging those right now. Awesome musician.
Hiya stoneygrrrl, I am StoneyGirl...I know, this is confusing. I am from Toronto, my name is Andrea, and I am the StoneyGirl from the Stoney G. Fan Club site (now strangesttribe.com). In fact, if any of you remember the original SGFC site, I designed the intro and all of the e-cards that got posted from 2001-2002 (X-Mas, Valentines Day, St. Paddies Day). But Amy, aka neenerbean ran the SGFC site, and still runs strangest tribe...in fact, she runs more than a few sites these days, and leads a *killer cool* life in Chicago.
So, hiya, and glad to see the Stoney G love is still out there
Awesome! I'm glad that there are two of us now! It is the coolest user name EVER I am Krista and I'm from Akron, Ohio....hopefully not for long though
BUMP this thread...VEDHEAD27 and I are listening to Bayleaf, and we TOTALLY dig this song!!
there goes my love, there goes her heart
and that's not the last of it, or the worst part
there goes my eves, down my downspout
there goes my car, and my house
cuz i'm out of here
cuz i'm out
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
there goes the pop, there goes my ears
and i've been around so long, just not here
there goes the wings, of my grey dove
there goes the world, i've been of
cuz i'm out of here
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
it's not the way that it seems
but yeah i know that i like it
inside this mixed up dream
yeah i know that i like it
knock off the shirt, knock off the gloves
knock off the price, of my love
knock off this deer, in my headlights
knock off my seed, and my wife
cuz i'm out of here
cuz i'm out
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping...
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Was good to see you again girlie!
*hears Hellbent in the background*
MAJOR Stone love this time around!!! Too much to type but WOW!!! PLAID you guys! PLAID! AHHH!!! Even Ed was in "aw" of his kick ass style. :cool: And all his dance moves??? You guys have NO idea. He is sooooo on fire. Guy is pulling out so many damn moves. The SUPER duckman with some extra groove and spice. :eek: Wooowza!
OH! And yes, he fuckin recognized Meddledeal and I and gave huge smiles and waves!!!
OOoo also, stonesgstring I DID IT!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Hiya stoneygrrrl, I am StoneyGirl...I know, this is confusing. I am from Toronto, my name is Andrea, and I am the StoneyGirl from the Stoney G. Fan Club site (now strangesttribe.com). In fact, if any of you remember the original SGFC site, I designed the intro and all of the e-cards that got posted from 2001-2002 (X-Mas, Valentines Day, St. Paddies Day). But Amy, aka neenerbean ran the SGFC site, and still runs strangest tribe...in fact, she runs more than a few sites these days, and leads a *killer cool* life in Chicago.
So, hiya, and glad to see the Stoney G love is still out there
How cute is this shot??
And while we're on the subject of Stone with a mic....I think the time is approaching for my sig to become a full blown thread of it's own!!! IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN!!
Me too! It's the greatest thing and not nearly enough of it if you ask me.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I AGREE!! I even made a sign that said LET STONE SING...but did Stone see it from the 11th row seat I was at the Gorge?! nope!:( I don't even think anyone saw it.
in *coughMEXICOcough*
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Make sure you pay a visit to the Tram before it goes......
I LIKE the way you think!!;)
Keep on posting Stoney's Ponies
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
One could hope!! I think we owe to him as well but I'm telling you...THERE AIN'T ENOUGH LOVE FOR THIS MAN!!! If we do get 500 replies it will be from all of the same people probably. haha. It's true though...those of us that refuse to let the Stone love and praise die.
NOTE TO PEARL JAM FANS (incase you didn't get the memo)~~~> THERE ARE 2 GUITAR PLAYERS IN PEARL JAM
The man is responsible for nearly ALL of my fav PJ songs! The talent here is out of control. TIME AND TIME again he writes the catchiest, grooviest songs!!! AND he has a kick ass style AND kick ass dance moves on top of all that talent?!! COME ON!! THIS MAN ROCKS ALL AROUND!!! WHere is the frickin loooooove!?!?!?
*deep breaths*
*pardon the yelling, got a little carried away
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Make sure you pay a visit to the Tram before it goes......
AMEN!!!! Thank YOU!
You've calmed me down. hehe.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
SERIOUSLY!! Preach it girl!!
STONEY does NOT get enough credit!! WITHOUT HIM..there would be NO PEARL JAM people?! HELLO?!
*starts shaking people*
With those Gossman demos, songs like Alive, Even Flow, Black, would NOT exist without the dedication and hardwork of STONE GOSSARD!!!
Some people on this board say that Mike is underappreciated?! ummm, NO!! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Mike, but he gets enough LOVE already from everyone else who screams during his solos. Now STONE is the one who underappreciated!! Hardly ANYONE screams for Stone during his solos...even at the Gorge, during his NOT FOR YOU solo, hardly anyone in my section was screaming for him, except for me and Kaddikat. :mad: COME ON people!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Make sure you pay a visit to the Tram before it goes......
STONE doesn't get ANY respect whatsoever!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Make sure you pay a visit to the Tram before it goes......
OK this is true! Atleast there is ONE song where people are givin props to the solo. And while I respect your opinion about his solos being "ok" I beg to differ.
In other STONEY news....
New STONEY interview posted thanks to thankyougrandma!
And YAY The Kids Are Alright! I LOVE YOUR STONE LOVE!!
I am thrilled that PJ fans across the world are praising that shakin ass too. THE MAN IS GETTIN THE HELL DOOOOOOOOWN this time around! :eek:
!!!!(( LET STONE SING ))!!!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
YEP b/c STONEY BROUGHT us together!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
A whisper and a chill
"Why do I bother?"
The 11th Commandment.
Make sure you pay a visit to the Tram before it goes......
Yep! He probably did!!
It seems that every single night, Stone is slowly coming out of his shy shell
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
And hell yeah you know he did The Kids Are Alright. He's just a little fire starter this time around!!!
<~~~ listening to GORGE boot
HA! You can hear my LOUD ASS MOUTH screaming all high pitched and super excited for the man during his first solo on DTE!!! haha. YESSS!
Also.....after SMALL TOWN folks....the STONE chant. YES! Soooo much STONEY LOVE!
What a gorgeous night!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Make sure you pay a visit to the Tram before it goes......
<~~~ listening to my STONEY G playlist on Itunes
Gonna BUMP this sucka up with one of my absolute favs from this outta control talent. Anyone that hasn't heard this song I swear to god PM me immediately so that can change. This is by far one of the greatest songs ever by the man. A twangy, ringing intro just sweeps in and has you hooked right from the start. The guitar sounds so bent and raw....you hear slight sweeps and breaks, weird ass sounds going on behind it all. The layers here are insane!! SO FUCKIN GOOD! It just all sounds SO different and cool (just like the man;) ). Then in comes these drums! AH!! Followed by the twangy, unique voice...it's PERFECT!! He gets twangy with it but also sings soooo beautifully in some parts, proving that he can do it all!
This song is the best!!! When trying to sum up the greatness of this artist I have often times insisted friends listen to this song alone....ALL have been way impressed. I mean seriously, it can't be denied.
*bows down to.....
sacrifice the lamb
without a little torture
tied it up with string
and hung him from the line
it's not my first excuse
a shot across my mouth
sure i've done it too
it's just a point of view
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you...
up against the wall
the meat of my misgivings
practicing for sure
i've been shot up there before
it's not his first offense
to vary in my grasp
they handed out the views
made sure it's run would last
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you...
it seemed to need a voice
to direct the fire demons
sentimental cheer
to make it all alright
i'll try to understand
the nature of the beast
i know it's in my hands now
i'll sign for its release
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you
shame on you...
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Tampa 00'
West Palm Beach 03'
House of Blues 03'
Tampa 03'
Kissimmee 04'
West Palm Beach 08'
Tampa 08'
Eddie Vedder Clearwater both nights 2012
:eek: OMG! I was actually thinking of that song earlier today!! I LOVE Shame On You!!! I made a PJ comp. with that song and others from everyone's side bands, and, my boyfriend at the time, and I were listening to it, and he said he liked it!!!:)
I love it how Stoney just changes from song to song, it is not the same, everything is different. From Bayleaf to Piegon to Shame On You..you can't get it any better w/the duckman, or as I am starting to call him 'roboduck!" :cool:
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Make sure you pay a visit to the Tram before it goes......
Awesome! I'm glad that there are two of us now! It is the coolest user name EVER
OMG what a PIMP!!!!!!
"bridge BABY bridge"
This man is the BEST!And you KNOW he was shakin that ass into oblivion.
{{{{PROPS 2 U STONEY!!!!}}}
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
there goes my love, there goes her heart
and that's not the last of it, or the worst part
there goes my eves, down my downspout
there goes my car, and my house
cuz i'm out of here
cuz i'm out
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
there goes the pop, there goes my ears
and i've been around so long, just not here
there goes the wings, of my grey dove
there goes the world, i've been of
cuz i'm out of here
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
it's not the way that it seems
but yeah i know that i like it
inside this mixed up dream
yeah i know that i like it
knock off the shirt, knock off the gloves
knock off the price, of my love
knock off this deer, in my headlights
knock off my seed, and my wife
cuz i'm out of here
cuz i'm out
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping
i'm not through sleeping around
i'm not through sleeping...
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn