Twigster, hell yes my friend. You know what's up! WELCOME HOME!
Groove is in the heart of STOOOOONE! Aw and you met him too? *bows down* How awesome. *sigh* The guy just has an endless supply of cool. :cool:
I'm gonna bump this up with a LOVE poem I wrote for the Goss.
I love your groove
your style
your moves
I love how everything about you just oozes cool
even in those awkward little moments
you completely rule
A never-ending talent
demanding of never-ending praise
you own us all
in your quiet pimp like ways
I love the way you mouth the sounds
that you bleed outta that guitar
I love how modest and humble you are
I love it when you belt out Ha-lle-lu-jah
and the glow on your face that results from it
I love it when the spotlight is on you
how adorably shy you sometimes get
I love your extreme happiness these days
and how it pours through every note you play
I love your excessive headbanging
during Severed Hand
My god
you are THE MAN!
You simply have "it"
always have, always will
masterpiece after masterpiece
when the boss writes a song
he writes to KILL
I just love everything that you encompass
everything you do
A musical genius/environmentalist
on so many countless levels~~>we'd be lost without YOU
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Stoneygrrl! aka Krista!!!!
Here's wishing a fellow Gossard Girl the....
I hope you have a beautiful one girlie.
Stone loves you and so do we!
I miss you around these parts.
And stay looks like Amy may be passing the strangesttribe torch onto me (YAAAY!!! ) which means we will have a Stone site once again and a MESSAGE BOARD where we all can flock. Ahhh memories. I can't wait!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
My sweet, dear Nad!!!! I took that pic on night #3. I still need to get with Sue in Chicago and get my night#2 pics off of her computer! Geez, I totally forgot to do that a few weeks ago, but time was short.
Chloe Dancer is the perfect name for your little angel. Just perfect!
I will pop in a BRAD cd and feel the Stoney love...Miss you lots!!!!
aww Lisa, my sweet sista, I totally understand. Don't worry. Me and Lyd miss you a lot here on the West Coast, but I know we'll get to see each other soon
Lyd: haha. i didn't post that video, BUT i did mention it, but thank Happenstance for posting it. I forgot to post it after I talked about it Now only if they had video from Crown of Thorns first night of the Gorge.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
pinny0326, thank you!!! That is the spirit right there.:D You're beautiful!
~Lovin the love~
Nadi, ahh well thank YOU Happenstance but still thank you Nadi for bringing it up. Horray for teamwork. haha. Gorge '05? I'm sure we can find it somewhere. Thank the PJ GODS that we have MSG captured though!!! I mean it's hard to play favs but I'm not sure anything can touch that one for me. I know you understand.
Chloe Dancer?? Dancer is getting added on to her name? YES!!!!
Aww and LISA, WE DO MISS the hell outta YOU! You need to just move to SF already.
Oooo SHEEPISH!! Excellent call Nadi. I LOVE that song so much!!! Without a doubt one of the most radiant masterpieces Stoney has ever written. It just rips me apart....painfully gorgeous. I think I'll go have a listen right now actually...
What a song!
What a man!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
pinny0326, thank you!!! That is the spirit right there.:D You're beautiful!
~Lovin the love~
Nadi, ahh well thank YOU Happenstance but still thank you Nadi for bringing it up. Horray for teamwork. haha. Gorge '05? I'm sure we can find it somewhere. Thank the PJ GODS that we have MSG captured though!!! I mean it's hard to play favs but I'm not sure anything can touch that one for me. I know you understand.
Chloe Dancer?? Dancer is getting added on to her name? YES!!!!
Aww and LISA, WE DO MISS the hell outta YOU! You need to just move to SF already.
Oooo SHEEPISH!! Excellent call Nadi. I LOVE that song so much!!! Without a doubt one of the most radiant masterpieces Stoney has ever written. It just rips me apart....painfully gorgeous. I think I'll go have a listen right now actually...
What a song!
What a man!
oh yeah, HANDS DOWN, Crown of Thorns from MSG 2003, is STILL the best verison I've heard. i'm all I can say is utter shock when I first heard the opening notes during that night, and who do we have THAT to thank,but none other than Stoney G. :cool:
and YES, I TOTALLY forgot about our little Krista. HAPPY B-DAY to a fellow Stoney Pony!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Hey, we were all keeping the FLAME OF LOVE alive for you here...and of course I forgive you - especially after that absolutley awesome poem you wrote for our man.
Fully expresses all that I feel for this genius and I thank you, thank you my dear Stoney friend for capturing those feelings!!!!
My shows don't start until the shores of Australia are blessed with this band in November....9th November will be the beginning of the best week of my life *smiles and feels tingles up spine*....and I will be re-living it for you all - you won't miss it!!
Better run, work is such a drag!!!
~~The sea will rise, please stand by the shore~~
~~~~Oh I will be, I will be there once more~~~~
And stay looks like Amy may be passing the strangesttribe torch onto me (YAAAY!!! ) which means we will have a Stone site once again and a MESSAGE BOARD where we all can flock. Ahhh memories. I can't wait!!!
Hell, yeah! I've been wondering if that site was ever gonna be updated. It's definitely the best Stone site out there. The photo gallery is huge and amazing.
"This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
pinny0326, thank you!!! That is the spirit right there.:D You're beautiful!
~Lovin the love~
Nadi, ahh well thank YOU Happenstance but still thank you Nadi for bringing it up. Horray for teamwork. haha. Gorge '05? I'm sure we can find it somewhere. Thank the PJ GODS that we have MSG captured though!!! I mean it's hard to play favs but I'm not sure anything can touch that one for me. I know you understand.
Chloe Dancer?? Dancer is getting added on to her name? YES!!!!
Aww and LISA, WE DO MISS the hell outta YOU! You need to just move to SF already.
Oooo SHEEPISH!! Excellent call Nadi. I LOVE that song so much!!! Without a doubt one of the most radiant masterpieces Stoney has ever written. It just rips me apart....painfully gorgeous. I think I'll go have a listen right now actually...
What a song!
What a man!
I just got teared up over hearing Chloe Dancer again...That is the coolest, Nad...Too beautiful.
I believe I am getting my shit together, and should have ALL sorts of goodies for you soon. Been working mad hours, replanting the wetlands. I work for an environmental restoration company, trying to find peace and guidance now. Just trying to figure out who I am, and what I am doing with my life.It's been so difficult just living after this tour. My natural life high hit rock bottom, and I'm still picking myself up off the ground, but I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES, always!!!! Wish I could just pick up and move there, I totally fell in love with the area, and had so many blessing there. Maybe it was all a sign?????
Love, hugs and kisses to you both!!!
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!
he is the Professor of Groove!!!!!!! I sometimes visualise words in my head and associate images to them. I close my eyes when I hear "cool" and see Stone in his cowboy hat!!!!!! goddamn, he has some syle
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist
Uhhhh! :eek: *gulp* YEP! I mean......*gulp* Any one that knows me knooooows how I feel about this sucka. I'm WITH you on this dq4life.
OH ScreamingLemur! I SAID YEEEEEAH! Isn't that rad?! I'm still waiting to hear back from her and get things worked out but yep....IT'S ON!
Lisa, look at you and your environmental restoration company. That is so beautiful and amazing girl!! I'm so proud of you. Stoney is too!! And yes, keep BELIEVING IN THOSE MIRACLES! ALWAYS! I know this year has me beliving in them more than ever. Love and kisses to you too! You're amazing.
Sammieblack! So are you! All you people are amazing damnit! I love this thread and each and everyone in it. You guys understand a very deep part of me and then some. Oh and Sammie thanks for the forgiveness and sweet words. Ahhh ok, your shows aren't till NOV then!? Oooooo I 'm SO excited for you!!! This is perfect too. A regular PONY in this thread for each Leg? How cool is that?! I can't wait to hear all about...everything! My god you are in for it my friend!
Awww you guys know what I was reminded of??? The YEAR anniversary of my PJ Canadia love affair!!!! Yesterday marked the 1 YEAR anniversary of the Edmonton show!!! The end of the line for me and what a magical night it was. So many amazing highlights. Nothing As It Seems was not of this earth...and this version of Crazy Mary may just be my fav one yet! The show was incredible!!!!!! These crowds too?? I LOVE YOU CANADA!
It was awesome! Ed admitted to be in complete awe of Stoney's PIMPness! At one point between songs he just stood there smiling and staring at him. Then he said something along the lines of "Ya know backstage the pants looked really good but out here in the!" then he said how it's incredible when your band members can still "manage to leave you in complete awe." YES!!!! Man that was such a sweet ass moment right there. What a PIMP!!!!
Speaking of the DREAM TEAM... I had a major PARACHUTES repeat party earlier today. I still can't even believe a song that gorgeous and honey sweet actually exists!! It's just beyond us all.....
kinda like this man........
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I have lotsa others pics to share too! For now this EdStoner is gonna post a few random DREAM TEAM shots sent to me by a friend. Man, she seriously completed me with these ones...
Aww Lisa, that is TOO sweet!! Chloe Dancer=GREATNESS & PRETTIFULNESS I always cry at that song too, even more so when I am this far along in my pregnancy i'm glad to see that you are doing well girl and me and Lyd hopefully will see you back here at 'home' where YOU belong! And YES, I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES, just hold on my dear and you'll be here soon That is how Lyd got me out here in the first place, from one Stoney Pony to another, this is YOUR HOME!! *HUGS and KISSES* too to you my dear:)
and YEA for all the Stoney Pony gathering on this thread!! YA!! Does anyone have any stoney stories they would like to share w/the group?
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Does anyone have any stoney stories they would like to share w/the group?
I DO! I DO!! :::waving hand in air frantically like a first grader LOL:::
this is one of those friend-of-a-friend kind of stories and she heard this from her boyfriend who was on the crew at the time...
a few years back, the band and crew were coming into SeaTac airport from a red-eye flight after an overseas tour. it was about 3 or 4 in the morning, they're all hanging around the baggage claim area, bleary-eyed, half-asleep, it's real quiet and they're picking up their stuff and saying their good-byes, and this loud nasal voice suddenly bleats out "Hey, I gotta go... my dad's here."
Yep, it was our Stoney, the rockstar getting picked up by his dad *and* announcing it to everyone. I guess everyone just cracked up and started teasing him about it since "cool" people would just quietly say "my ride's here." Not our Stoney, no sireeebob
and this loud nasal voice suddenly bleats out "Hey, I gotta go... my dad's here."
HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Omg there's just too much to laugh at there. Loud nasal voice?! LOL!!!!!! And his Dad picking him up?! Awww! haha. And ANNOUNCING it?????? MUCH TOO MUCH!! This is so nerdy and cute and just so STONE! I'm still laughing as I type this. I love it. Thank you so much for sharing this story.
BTW~the new Audioslave has been occupying my ears non-stop these days but I just had to take a break and get a FITS fix. I've had the sexy groove stuck in my head all day. Mmmm mmmm mmm. The groove is loose! It's so hitting the spot. God this song is something else. I love the middle part, how everything rises. Wheeew. "aaaah-aaah-AHHH-AHHH-AHHH"! *chill fest* Gets me everytime. Stoney just sounds so beautiful.
No nasalness to be found! HA!
OH NO!!!!!! THAT STORY!!!!!!!!!:D
*goes and reads again for fabulous ab workout*
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
i purchased one of those orange Stone shirts from the wishlist foundation for a friend in Holland. it was too big for her, but she managed to make a dress out of it and wore it to the Arnhem show. she says she thought she saw Stone waving at her at the end of the show and i believe he did. she loves Stone to death, so i just wanted to represent my dear friend in this thread.
Awww that made me smile Scottie! A little Stoney DRESS? How adorable! Aww and I'm sure he did wave back. He's totally soaking up the love and pouring it back out full force! It's the greatest thing! Thank you, too, for sharing that story and representing the Stoney love on behalf of your incredibly kick ass friend. Sounds like Y and I would get along just perfectly. I love her already.
Love ya too, Y.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
i purchased one of those orange Stone shirts from the wishlist foundation for a friend in Holland. it was too big for her, but she managed to make a dress out of it and wore it to the Arnhem show. she says she thought she saw Stone waving at her at the end of the show and i believe he did. she loves Stone to death, so i just wanted to represent my dear friend in this thread.
love ya, Y.
Oh, that's so great! My orange Stone shirt is big too, but not big enough to make a dress out of, unfortunately! Your friend rocks!
The more I see the less I know for sure. - John Lennon
Twigster, hell yes my friend. You know what's up! WELCOME HOME!
Groove is in the heart of STOOOOONE! Aw and you met him too? *bows down* How awesome. *sigh* The guy just has an endless supply of cool. :cool:
I'm gonna bump this up with a LOVE poem I wrote for the Goss.
I love your groove
your style
your moves
I love how everything about you just oozes cool
even in those awkward little moments
you completely rule
A never-ending talent
demanding of never-ending praise
you own us all
in your quiet pimp like ways
I love the way you mouth the sounds
that you bleed outta that guitar
I love how modest and humble you are
I love it when you belt out Ha-lle-lu-jah
and the glow on your face that results from it
I love it when the spotlight is on you
how adorably shy you sometimes get
I love your extreme happiness these days
and how it pours through every note you play
I love your excessive headbanging
during Severed Hand
My god
you are THE MAN!
You simply have "it"
always have, always will
masterpiece after masterpiece
when the boss writes a song
he writes to KILL
I just love everything that you encompass
everything you do
A musical genius/environmentalist
on so many countless levels~~>we'd be lost without YOU
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Stoneygrrl! aka Krista!!!!
Here's wishing a fellow Gossard Girl the....
I hope you have a beautiful one girlie.
Stone loves you and so do we!
I miss you around these parts.
And stay looks like Amy may be passing the strangesttribe torch onto me (YAAAY!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
aww Lisa, my sweet sista, I totally understand. Don't worry.
Lyd: haha. i didn't post that video, BUT i did mention it, but thank Happenstance for posting it. I forgot to post it after I talked about it
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
~Lovin the love~
Nadi, ahh well thank YOU Happenstance but still thank you Nadi for bringing it up.
Chloe Dancer?? Dancer is getting added on to her name? YES!!!!
Aww and LISA, WE DO MISS the hell outta YOU! You need to just move to SF already.
Oooo SHEEPISH!! Excellent call Nadi. I LOVE that song so much!!! Without a doubt one of the most radiant masterpieces Stoney has ever written.
What a song!
What a man!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
oh yeah, HANDS DOWN, Crown of Thorns from MSG 2003, is STILL the best verison I've heard.
and YES, I TOTALLY forgot about our little Krista.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Fully expresses all that I feel for this genius and I thank you, thank you my dear Stoney friend for capturing those feelings!!!!
My shows don't start until the shores of Australia are blessed with this band in November....9th November will be the beginning of the best week of my life *smiles and feels tingles up spine*....and I will be re-living it for you all - you won't miss it!!
Better run, work is such a drag!!!
~~~~Oh I will be, I will be there once more~~~~
2006 Tour
10/11 Brisbane
13/11 Melbourne
14/11 Melbourne
16/11 Melbourne
19/11 Newcastle
25/11 Perth
Hall-le-lu-jah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hell, yeah! I've been wondering if that site was ever gonna be updated. It's definitely the best Stone site out there. The photo gallery is huge and amazing.
I believe I am getting my shit together, and should have ALL sorts of goodies for you soon. Been working mad hours, replanting the wetlands. I work for an environmental restoration company, trying to find peace and guidance now. Just trying to figure out who I am, and what I am doing with my life.It's been so difficult just living after this tour. My natural life high hit rock bottom, and I'm still picking myself up off the ground, but I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES, always!!!! Wish I could just pick up and move there, I totally fell in love with the area, and had so many blessing there. Maybe it was all a sign?????
Love, hugs and kisses to you both!!!
Wishlist Foundation-
this is probably my favorite
Uhhhh! :eek: *gulp* YEP! I mean......*gulp* Any one that knows me knooooows how I feel about this sucka.
OH ScreamingLemur! I SAID YEEEEEAH! Isn't that rad?!
Lisa, look at you and your environmental restoration company. That is so beautiful and amazing girl!! I'm so proud of you. Stoney is too!!
Sammieblack! So are you! All you people are amazing damnit! I love this thread and each and everyone in it. You guys understand a very deep part of me and then some.
Awww you guys know what I was reminded of??? The YEAR anniversary of my PJ Canadia love affair!!!!
And yes, another memorable thing was the fact that I was face to face with THIS....
It was awesome! Ed admitted to be in complete awe of Stoney's PIMPness! At one point between songs he just stood there smiling and staring at him. Then he said something along the lines of "Ya know backstage the pants looked really good but out here in the!" then he said how it's incredible when your band members can still "manage to leave you in complete awe."
Speaking of the DREAM TEAM... I had a major PARACHUTES repeat party earlier today. I still can't even believe a song that gorgeous and honey sweet actually exists!!
kinda like this man........
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Seems like Mikey's a huge fan of it as well.
Did we all see the most recent pics?
LOL!!!!!! *cannot stop laughing*:D
WTF?! Are you hissing Stoney! hehehe.
That thing is just hi-larious!
Look at how much fun he's having! Aww!
And there's this very magical KW shot...
*hears angels singing in the background*
I have lotsa others pics to share too! For now this EdStoner is gonna post a few random DREAM TEAM shots sent to me by a friend. Man, she seriously completed me with these ones...
/\ /\ /\
OMG! No really...OMG!!!!!!!!
Thing thing literally makes me gasp.
It just takes my breath away!!
***so feels the love***
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
and YEA for all the Stoney Pony gathering on this thread!! YA!! Does anyone have any stoney stories they would like to share w/the group?
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
this is one of those friend-of-a-friend kind of stories and she heard this from her boyfriend who was on the crew at the time...
a few years back, the band and crew were coming into SeaTac airport from a red-eye flight after an overseas tour. it was about 3 or 4 in the morning, they're all hanging around the baggage claim area, bleary-eyed, half-asleep, it's real quiet and they're picking up their stuff and saying their good-byes, and this loud nasal voice suddenly bleats out "Hey, I gotta go... my dad's here."
Yep, it was our Stoney, the rockstar getting picked up by his dad *and* announcing it to everyone. I guess everyone just cracked up and started teasing him about it since "cool" people would just quietly say "my ride's here." Not our Stoney, no sireeebob
It's kinda dumb but I just love that story
*falls outta chair*
Oh no! Happenstance!!! I'm in tears over here!
HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Omg there's just too much to laugh at there. Loud nasal voice?! LOL!!!!!! And his Dad picking him up?! Awww!
BTW~the new Audioslave has been occupying my ears non-stop these days but I just had to take a break and get a FITS fix. I've had the sexy groove stuck in my head all day. Mmmm mmmm mmm. The groove is loose! It's so hitting the spot. God this song is something else. I love the middle part, how everything rises. Wheeew. "aaaah-aaah-AHHH-AHHH-AHHH"! *chill fest* Gets me everytime. Stoney just sounds so beautiful.
No nasalness to be found! HA!
OH NO!!!!!! THAT STORY!!!!!!!!!:D
*goes and reads again for fabulous ab workout*
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
love ya, Y.
Love ya too, Y.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Oh, that's so great! My orange Stone shirt is big too, but not big enough to make a dress out of, unfortunately! Your friend rocks!
I right be just a tad excited right NOW!!
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
Rockin' out to Creadles
you girls are doing a great job!
i should stop by more often.
OOOOOOOOhhhh my!
Thanks for this!
And for your storytelling... you made me feel like I was there...
to shine a human light today
Wishlist Foundation-
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
***love love love***
I can't believe it!! THIS REALLY HAPPENED!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Wishlist Foundation-