okay I haven't been on this thread for DAYS!! I am SO lazy lately, damn me! haha. anyway, the whole Stoney G. Fan Club idea, was none other than Lisa who let us use her $5 PJ poster she bought. I still have to see that pic of us b/f the show and after SF II.
Great memories and GREAT trips!!!! DAMN, I can say these SF shows are close to MSG I & II!! :eek:
and STONE, I mean, DAMN that duckman was moving all 5 shows I attended. He could NOT be stopped!! The Gorge, he was on FIRE BOTH nights and wanted to continue during night 2. He was ALL ready to go!! but no go.:( oooo, I can't wait for Brad to tour soon, so I can see them FINALLY!!! I have all their albums, except for Brad vs. Sachtel, and they make the most sweet, harmonious songs ever!!
sorry it is brief but I am talking about SF II on my space blog
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
VEDHEAD27, thanks so much for that article, I hadn't read it. Wow, how is it possible that he is so amazing? And the whole band for that matter? Stone couldn't be any cooler!!!!*sigh* So beautiful!
The more I see the less I know for sure. - John Lennon
You are very, very welcome my friend. Everyone must read that. It's one of the most beautiful articles out there.
"We just feel so fortunate to have all this great energy in the room every night. I think we all feel that we're connected with each other and that we're feeling strong and have a great sense of camaraderie. And I think when that happens, we can go out and do something pretty special. That's what's going on right now. Some nights we really get it going on stage. I couldn't be happier with what's happening in the band and how people have been feeling and how the crowds have been."
*feels lightheaded* AWWWWWWWW!@#%&* !!!!!!! Come on! That is just too fuckin gorgeous!
Alrighty...I think it's due time that I told you all the story of THE greatest Stoney encounter there ever was. Gather round ponies and bitches......
So in line for The Holy SF trio shows I met and fell in love with these 2 amazing canadians. They became my instant BFFs for the whole rest of the tour. We shared SF night 1 and 3 together and they just made the high that much more. I love those guys!!! But anyways....we had lotsa fun together being way goofy and stuff. One of our main things was high fiving. ha! We just kept high fiving during and after the show. haha. Good times. Well little did we know how far UP the high fiving would reach....
The canadians and I parted ways after SF III. We were all gonna meet again at The Gorge but one of them, Shaun, was actually gonna be @ The Portland show so we made plans to meet there too. *ahem* We meet up in Portland and he tells me he has a story for me. Wheeeew!
Here it goes....
Shaun gets to the SF airport the night before the show to catch his flight. He's waiting in line at his Alaska airlines gate, just kickin it, when all of a sudden his friend notices a chick with a PJ hoodie a few rows ahead of them. She's standing next to a guy in a baseball cap. His friend tells him, "Shaun look, Pearl Jam people!" He was like "oh cool." A few minutes later the baseball cap dude turns around and his friend quickly grabs his arm and says "OMG Shaun that's STONE!!!" :eek:!!!!!! Shaun says he freezes in astonishment. Stone leaves the line and starts walking passed him. At this point Shaun reaches out and says "Stone!" Get this...Stoney says "one sec...I'm just gonna go grab a coffee and I'll be right back." AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! Sure enough, the man comes back over and chats it up with Shaun for a good 15 minutes!!!! :eek:! How amazing is that!?! They talked about a variety of things, including the SF shows. Shaun thanked him personally for helping us when we were getting squished.
Quick recap (from my fanview):
Right after Unempolyable a bunch of people behind us on the floor start pushing. Me and everyone on the rail got pinned up against that sucker so damn tight that it actually squeezed screams out of us. It never got unbearable on the rail but there were a few super squishy moments and this one was by far the squishiest. It was starting to hurt. Who sees this happening and decides to regulate? The Gossman Bossman! :eek: AWWWWW!! I remember seeing him approach the mic and thinking "omg is he about to sing!?!" haha. But no, it was strickly business. Stoney to the rescue! The man regulated and protected the ponies. So fuckin sweet! *heart caves in* God I love this band Once again pushing the love and respect to even greater levels.....
:cool: : "Hey can I just say something? This is all great and we're all having a
great time. As far as people pushing and stuff from behind...it's really
important that we just kinda, everyone just chill out. There's no need to
push. It just doesnt make any sense. So just please, just try to be mellow
enjoy yourself, have a good time, enjoy music."
Unbelievable! He is totally BFFing with the ponies these days! It's soooooooooo beautiful! I still can't believe it. This man is incredible! He protected us??! *tears* THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH STONEY! **love love love**
Oooh but getting back to him and Shaun....yeah so they talked about that and Stoney told him "no problem. you're welcome" for the protection and said he was concerned. Also he said that GA shows really aren't for them and that he's not sure they'll be doing them again around these parts anytime soon. Shaun said after they chatted for a bit he asked him if they could take a picture together to which the Goss responded "sure". Then Shaun told me, "Lydia, I don't know what came over me but I asked him if we could fake high five!" :eek: LOL!!@#%#$ ahahahaha. OMG!! YES!!!! I LOVE IT! Ummmmm....and Stoney was TOTALLY DOWN!!!!!! Holy fuck, get ready folks. You are about to lay your eyes on the GREAT PICTURE EVER TAKEN BY ANYONE, ANYWHERE...EVER!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Look at that thing! ahahah. I cannot even BEGIN to deal with this picture! What in the@#% Stone is sooo into that shit. LOL!!#@#$ This picture kicks way too much ass for me to even understand! GREATEST PICTURE EVER,EVER, EVER! I cannot get over this! Immediately following his dream of a story I musta asked him like 50 times over and over "can I see that again? can you tell me what happened again? can I see that again?" haha. THE BEST!!!!!
It doesn't stop there. After they took the picture Stoney went back to his spot in line. Uhhh mind you, dude is traveling on a frickin coach Alaska airlines flight! This man is too fuckin beautiful. I love how real and humble he is. Good lord. *looks up to the sky* THANK YOU! Anyways after standing in his spot for awhile Stone decides to come BACK OVER AND CHAT MORE WITH SHAUN! Whaaaaaat!? :eek: Out of control. Out...of...control. Once they eventually get on the plane Shaun ends up sitting a few rows behind him. He said mid flight Stoney turned around and gave him the peace sign.:)! *sigh*
Yeah, so there it is. Shaun ended up meeting the whole band over the course of his SF trip. He said without a doubt, Stone was the coolest of them all. Is that not the best story and the GREATEST PICTURE EVER??? Jesus. It makes me angry how flat out, riduckulously awesome this is. FUCK! I need to go look at that picture again. haha. That is the realest fake high five I have ever seen. Stone is SO INTO IT! ahaha.
*yells violently*
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
OMG!!!!! :eek: THANK YOU!! That is an amazing story. What an encounter!! And STONEY!! What an amazing guy. WHEEEEEEEE!!! Hahaha That's too much. Way too much.
I hope you don't mind me sharing this over at the Bitches thread at RM!!! It just can't be contained in one or two places. Wow, wow!
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
OMG OMG OMG!!! Thank you so much for that story!!!:) I can't believe it, that picture is the absolute BEST! Your friend was soooo lucky, I'm so happy for him! How exciting that must have been. I will remember that story forever. Just more proof that Stone is the MAN - the BOSSMAN! *swoons*
The more I see the less I know for sure. - John Lennon
That is a fucking awesome photo!! oh and story of how it came to be too
I can't tell you how many day dreams I've had (usually at work in some boring, ranting, time wasting meeting) where I am at the airport flying back from Brisbane to Melbourne and there he is - STONE !!!!.........Ed has also made an appearance!!!!
Anyway, lucky you, so stoked for you.
THANKS FOR SHARING (gives us a little hope!!!)
~~The sea will rise, please stand by the shore~~
~~~~Oh I will be, I will be there once more~~~~
long time lurker on this thread, cos I think stone is so cool, but can i just say:
2006 - Astoria, Dublin, Leeds
2007 - London
2009 - London, Manchester, London
2010 - Dublin, Belfast, London
2011 - Alpine Valley x2
2012 - Isle of Wight, Manchester x2
Just poking my head around...Stone, you here????
Sorry I freaked you out at the Gorge, I had a little too much wine to drink, and the heat must have gotten to me!
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!
Just poking my head around...Stone, you here????
Sorry I freaked you out at the Gorge, I had a little too much wine to drink, and the heat must have gotten to me!
Stoney is the bossman!
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
2006 - Astoria, Dublin, Leeds
2007 - London
2009 - London, Manchester, London
2010 - Dublin, Belfast, London
2011 - Alpine Valley x2
2012 - Isle of Wight, Manchester x2
Great memories and GREAT trips!!!! DAMN, I can say these SF shows are close to MSG I & II!! :eek:
and STONE, I mean, DAMN that duckman was moving all 5 shows I attended. He could NOT be stopped!! The Gorge, he was on FIRE BOTH nights and wanted to continue during night 2. He was ALL ready to go!! but no go.:( oooo, I can't wait for Brad to tour soon, so I can see them FINALLY!!! I have all their albums, except for Brad vs. Sachtel, and they make the most sweet, harmonious songs ever!!
sorry it is brief but I am talking about SF II on my space blog
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
"We just feel so fortunate to have all this great energy in the room every night. I think we all feel that we're connected with each other and that we're feeling strong and have a great sense of camaraderie. And I think when that happens, we can go out and do something pretty special. That's what's going on right now. Some nights we really get it going on stage. I couldn't be happier with what's happening in the band and how people have been feeling and how the crowds have been."
*feels lightheaded* AWWWWWWWW!@#%&*
Alrighty...I think it's due time that I told you all the story of THE greatest Stoney encounter there ever was. Gather round ponies and bitches......
So in line for The Holy SF trio shows I met and fell in love with these 2 amazing canadians. They became my instant BFFs for the whole rest of the tour. We shared SF night 1 and 3 together and they just made the high that much more. I love those guys!!! But anyways....we had lotsa fun together being way goofy and stuff. One of our main things was high fiving. ha! We just kept high fiving during and after the show. haha. Good times. Well little did we know how far UP the high fiving would reach....
The canadians and I parted ways after SF III. We were all gonna meet again at The Gorge but one of them, Shaun, was actually gonna be @ The Portland show so we made plans to meet there too. *ahem* We meet up in Portland and he tells me he has a story for me. Wheeeew!
Here it goes....
Shaun gets to the SF airport the night before the show to catch his flight. He's waiting in line at his Alaska airlines gate, just kickin it, when all of a sudden his friend notices a chick with a PJ hoodie a few rows ahead of them. She's standing next to a guy in a baseball cap. His friend tells him, "Shaun look, Pearl Jam people!" He was like "oh cool." A few minutes later the baseball cap dude turns around and his friend quickly grabs his arm and says "OMG Shaun that's STONE!!!" :eek:!!!!!! Shaun says he freezes in astonishment. Stone leaves the line and starts walking passed him. At this point Shaun reaches out and says "Stone!" Get this...Stoney says "one sec...I'm just gonna go grab a coffee and I'll be right back." AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!
Quick recap (from my fanview):
Right after Unempolyable a bunch of people behind us on the floor start pushing. Me and everyone on the rail got pinned up against that sucker so damn tight that it actually squeezed screams out of us. It never got unbearable on the rail but there were a few super squishy moments and this one was by far the squishiest. It was starting to hurt. Who sees this happening and decides to regulate? The Gossman Bossman! :eek:
:cool: : "Hey can I just say something? This is all great and we're all having a
great time. As far as people pushing and stuff from behind...it's really
important that we just kinda, everyone just chill out. There's no need to
push. It just doesnt make any sense. So just please, just try to be mellow
enjoy yourself, have a good time, enjoy music."
Unbelievable! He is totally BFFing with the ponies these days! It's soooooooooo beautiful! I still can't believe it. This man is incredible! He protected us??! *tears* THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH STONEY! **love love love**
Oooh but getting back to him and Shaun....yeah so they talked about that and Stoney told him "no problem. you're welcome" for the protection and said he was concerned.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Look at that thing! ahahah. I cannot even BEGIN to deal with this picture! What in the@#% Stone is sooo into that shit. LOL!!#@#$ This picture kicks way too much ass for me to even understand! GREATEST PICTURE EVER,EVER, EVER! I cannot get over this! Immediately following his dream of a story I musta asked him like 50 times over and over "can I see that again? can you tell me what happened again? can I see that again?" haha. THE BEST!!!!!
It doesn't stop there. After they took the picture Stoney went back to his spot in line. Uhhh mind you, dude is traveling on a frickin coach Alaska airlines flight! This man is too fuckin beautiful. I love how real and humble he is.
Yeah, so there it is. Shaun ended up meeting the whole band over the course of his SF trip. He said without a doubt, Stone was the coolest of them all.
*yells violently*
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
What a great story...couldn't have happened to a nicer guy too.
I hope you don't mind me sharing this over at the Bitches thread at RM!!! It just can't be contained in one or two places. Wow, wow!
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
You see, NOT every encounter w/Stone is a bad one, he just has his bad days, just like anyone else
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
HOLY SHIIIIT! I nearly fell of my chair when I read that story.
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Proud EVENFLOW PSYCHO member #0021.....WWWWAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Amsterdam '96, Arnhem '06, Antwerpen '06, Dusseldorf '07, Nijmegen '07 and Werchter '07
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
I can't tell you how many day dreams I've had (usually at work in some boring, ranting, time wasting meeting) where I am at the airport flying back from Brisbane to Melbourne and there he is - STONE !!!!.........Ed has also made an appearance!!!!
Anyway, lucky you, so stoked for you.
THANKS FOR SHARING (gives us a little hope!!!)
~~~~Oh I will be, I will be there once more~~~~
2006 Tour
10/11 Brisbane
13/11 Melbourne
14/11 Melbourne
16/11 Melbourne
19/11 Newcastle
25/11 Perth
Hall-le-lu-jah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
2007 - London
2009 - London, Manchester, London
2010 - Dublin, Belfast, London
2011 - Alpine Valley x2
2012 - Isle of Wight, Manchester x2
Of course you can say that! Because the Gossman is the BOSSMAN!
You can say that whenever you like.
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
My daily love bump for our man xxx
~~~~Oh I will be, I will be there once more~~~~
2006 Tour
10/11 Brisbane
13/11 Melbourne
14/11 Melbourne
16/11 Melbourne
19/11 Newcastle
25/11 Perth
Hall-le-lu-jah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I freaked you out at the Gorge, I had a little too much wine to drink, and the heat must have gotten to me!
Wishlist Foundation-
Stoney is the bossman!
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Peace to you all....(yes I have had some wine tonight!!!!)
~~~~Oh I will be, I will be there once more~~~~
2006 Tour
10/11 Brisbane
13/11 Melbourne
14/11 Melbourne
16/11 Melbourne
19/11 Newcastle
25/11 Perth
Hall-le-lu-jah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woooooooooooo Stone Is Awesome
Raaaaaawwwwwwwwk On Stone
Gossman = Bossman I Love That Phrase :d
2007 - London
2009 - London, Manchester, London
2010 - Dublin, Belfast, London
2011 - Alpine Valley x2
2012 - Isle of Wight, Manchester x2