Ok, Stone looks soooooooo adorable here and with Eddie smiling.....that is so cool!!! Can that really be 8 years ago???? I love it!!! It makes me giggle.....=)
Ok, Stone looks soooooooo adorable here and with Eddie smiling.....that is so cool!!! Can that really be 8 years ago???? I love it!!! It makes me giggle.....=)
Hey girlie!!!
I hear u got a lead on a kick ass vid of the Stoney G fanclub rockin out to Fuckin Up. I'd love to see it.
Hey did u get my pm?
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
I hear u got a lead on a kick ass vid of the Stoney G fanclub rockin out to Fuckin Up. I'd love to see it.
Hey did u get my pm?
I think it was Lisa who knows who got that but I don't know of someone. But in one of the SF night 2 pic you can almost see our sign in the background of Kerensa's picture!
Yeah, I got your PM.....I still haven't written anyone back.....it's easier for my to be on myspace sometimes......but no you don't owe anything.....thank you for asking.....hope your trip home went well!!!
Ok, Stone looks soooooooo adorable here and with Eddie smiling.....that is so cool!!! Can that really be 8 years ago???? I love it!!! It makes me giggle.....=)
He is adorable, I agree. And I love when Eddie is over with Mike smiling about it.
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Not long til Stone will be within my sights once again.
Not that I'm counting but it will be in
3 weeks, 3 days and 6 hours!
I'm glad you're not "wasting" your time counting down the hours until your eyes lay upon The Bossman, I mean why would you want to do that???? hehehehehehehehehehe
Answer: You would do this b/c he IS the Bossman!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I am glad that someone in this thread still has a show to go to b/c that means we all have a show to go to.....we get to live through YOU!!!!! SWEET!!!!!!
I'm glad you're not "wasting" your time counting down the hours until your eyes lay upon The Bossman, I mean why would you want to do that???? hehehehehehehehehehe
Answer: You would do this b/c he IS the Bossman!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I am glad that someone in this thread still has a show to go to b/c that means we all have a show to go to.....we get to live through YOU!!!!! SWEET!!!!!!
My sentiments exactly! Still exciting!
The more I see the less I know for sure. - John Lennon
Ooooh and MusicForRhinos! That story about him biking made me laugh out super loud. That's so cool that you spotted him and damn, that fit is oh so Stone. DRESS SOCKS?!?! hahahah. The man and his socks.....
Well wow....it's been awhile. My body's been on strike recovering from a non-stop overload of extreme bliss, unimaginable PJ utopia. Being back in the real world is tough stuff. Ah but the memories...the memories.:o There are waaaaay too many stories of STONEY LOVE to get out. Did you know him and the ponies are like BFF these days? :eek: CRAZINESS! I don't even know where to begin and I'm not sure that I'm gonna stop anytime soon. I really gotta do this in daily sections or something. haha. Maybe like a new reflection each day? hehe. Well for now let me sneak in a few cuze damn this shit is built up!!!
Ummm for starters, Nadia thank you so much for posting that article. Awww! Stoney the environmentalist!? I fuckin LOVE it! There he goes again! Jesus! These guys are always increasing the love & respect I swear. It's outta control! Stoney's dedication to this really touches my heart. *sigh* Making the world a better place on so many infinite levels. And god...listening to him break it down is just jaw-dropping! You go Stoney!
" I'm happy as a clam. I'm in a fantastic band with people who I love and friendships that I've had for a long time, and we're still growing and learning about each other and figuring out how to communicate with each other. I couldn't be having more fun in terms of being a band and discovering what that's all about. I'm a young 40-year-old kid at this point, and nobody's told me I have to go back to school yet, so I'm continuing on with summer vacation."
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs everything in sight* !!!! That is beeeeeeeautiful! You can so see that/hear that/feel that happiness and love from him too. 40-year-old kid? Hell yes! We are all on summer vacation with you too Stoney! The summer of STONEY love. National Lampoon's Gossard vacation. Huh?? Yeah I have no idea....
OK so my first reflection...
**I SAW THE MAN SING DON'T GIMME NO LIP!!!!!! :eek: !!! YEEEEEEEEEEAH!!! FINALLY! FINALLY! *does backflip* And you guys, he was SO fuckin cocky about it. haha. I was all prepared for the awesome ackwardness but nope...Stone was a supreme "I own you" PIMP badass with not an ounce of bouncy-arm in air-ackwardness. Who's to say what did it...bday confidence? Insane amount of love from previous shows? A combination of both and so much more! Whatever the case, I have never seen him that confident. It...was...AWESOME! We all knew he was gonna sing, I mean...it just had to happen...but still...I lost it!! The full on freak out of hardcore ponies is a very serious thing. That snorefest of a crowd had not a clue. "Who's Pearl Jam?" haha. I was flippin the hell out....could not stop bouncing and smiling!!! WOOOOO!<~~~hahah. When he lets that out? OMG I LOVE IT! Awww I also got to share the share with a fellow pony, Pati! It was the best! We sang happy bday to the mighty man side by side too. Without a doubt the greatest part of that show...who I was with and the STOWNED (love it Happenstance !) encore.
Also, before Ed led us into the Happy Bday song he said "I know some of you have been waiting all night for this" HA!!!! Pati and I were like *raises hands* "RIGHT HERE!!!" hahaa. Eddie also said some super sweet words of praise. He was saying how Stone has a lot of things he could choose to do with his life and how they all feel so blessed that he chooses Pearl Jam. He went onto say something along the lines of what a huge part of the band he is. Stoney was loooovin the love. The entire night was this 40-year-old kid's playground! *sigh* To be a part of that was so very special. Smashing the cake on his head?! hehe! OMG that was classic!! He did that to HIMSELF?? LOL!!#$%
Eddie : "You look like a princess."
ahahaha! I was getting such an ab workout from this shit! The way it smashed on his head actually created what looked like a tiara. Too much! Then Eddie scooped some off and ate it. HA! All I know is the majority of that cake was on there for heeeeella long. hehe. I remember him rockin a few songs later during Life Wasted (which, as I'm sure you all know, involves major head movement on his part) and it was still glued on there. Hilarious!!! All night the man was laughing and smiling non-stop while simultaneously kickin major ass! The bday boy was fired up and smashing not only cakes but that entire stage...oooh and the kit! :eek: He rocked the hell outta that kit! He was so proud of himself too. Pati and I couldnt get over that. hehe. Right before Mikey's solo on Yellow Ledbetter Stoney did this little final drum roll and completely nailed it. He was grinning from ear to ear. As Mikey is over there making love to that solo, Stoney steps down from the kit (wearing that huge ass grin ) and busts into some AIR DRUMMING!!!! ahahah. Too cute. He was just so damn proud of himself that he had to duplicate what just took place in air form to celebrate!!! Jeff comes over and gives him props, Matt too.... then Ed and Boom. They are all huddled there smiling, loving...while Mikey continues to work his magic. Matt picks up a beer and toasts to Stone and then Stone picks up his and turns around and toasts to everything. Just beautiful. So much love! So much. And specifically SO MUCH STONEY LOVE!!!! I feel beyond fortunate to have been there. It helps to talk about it cuze I'm really still trying to remind myself that all this actually happened.
For the record~>This year = Stone's bitch! This is THE YEAR OF STONEY LOVE to the greatest extreme. It's like finally the rest of the world is 'getting it'. THAAAAANK YOU! I mean as if being in awe of how completely rejuvenated and on fire the entire band is in every single way/shape/form isn't enough...to see the Gossman FINALLY getting massive amounts of love and respect at the live shows?? :eek: *heart flutters* God! It's pretty much the greatest thing ever. Soon I will elaborate on the riduckulous SF love. SF = the heart of PONYLAND! HOOOOLY SHIT!!!!!!
Ok, next time on VEDHEAD's STONEYtellers >> I'm gonna post about HOLY SF III(oooh my god people!!) and also about a sweet friend that met the man himself and had the most excellent Stoney encounter I have ever heard of.... which spawned THE BEST PICTURE ON THE PLANET! :eek:
~it just keeps growing and growing and growing and growing.....~ **Here's to the NEVER-ENDING STONEY LOVE***
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
SHit man he was my favorite part of the last show i saw (Albany 2006). During the encore they started playing crazy mary...Stone was standing right next to Ed with his acoustic guitar....and after the first verse Stone plays the wrong chord....Ed looks over smiling and Stone did this little swinging movement with his head while switching to the correct chord progression...it was great
SHit man he was my favorite part of the last show i saw (Albany 2006). During the encore they started playing crazy mary...Stone was standing right next to Ed with his acoustic guitar....and after the first verse Stone plays the wrong chord....Ed looks over smiling and Stone did this little swinging movement with his head while switching to the correct chord progression...it was great
Oh man, that sounds awesome! Stone rocks, even when he plays the wrong chord!
The more I see the less I know for sure. - John Lennon
Oh man, that sounds awesome! Stone rocks, even when he plays the wrong chord!
it's funny because he always fucks up
He fucked up sleight of hand in Boston (2000), he actully messed up the first notes of life wasted in Albany...that's what makes the concert for me...Seeing Ed mess up last kiss, Stone mess up a chord, its endearing
Not only is he a great writer, guitar player, and singer....
Lets not forget his most inportant contribution to the music world,
Stone and Jeff created a monster!
Way to go boys.
Thanks Stone!
"He said little man you got no buisness gettin' frustrated, you gotta rest, you gotta rest you gotta rest... Reach Doooooown... And pick the crowd up... Carry back in your hands, to the promised land!
eddie's Tone rocks, I don't know how you figured that out but I'm so glad you did buddy. LOVE iT and it's so perfect for the LOVE for Stone thread.
Heeey BlackCorduroy!:) Good to see you and how cool of you to come and give the man some lovin.
GardenOfStone, HELL YES! Him and Jeff = the Godfathers. *bows down*
Without them there would have no PEARL JAM! It's true.
I'm currently over here blasting the living hell outta LIFE WASTED (repeat mode). How infectious is this song?! I can't get enough. That riff has Stoney's super catchy stank all over it.
How sweet! I'm so glad that you all enjoyed my little Portland review and you are so welcome. I love sharing the experience with those that 'understand'. Trust me, lots more storytelling to come. I'll try to post more later on today. I've just been so lazy lately! hahah. Awww & SammieBlack! Thank you! You are too kind. **hugs to you my friend** I'm anxious to hear about your soon to come Stoney stories too.
Speaking of Portland, Pati has pictures of the tiara o' cake. hehe. Oooh and of him rockin that drum kit. I'm sure she'll post them soon enough. We're all just sloooowly crawling back into the swing of things.
Really though, to see the Goss owning that guitar, mic and drum kit all in the same show? :eek: WOW! Is there anything he CAN'T DO!? This man is such a gift from above...the gift that keeps on giving! The endless talent of this one man band will forever blow my mind! DAMN STONEY! And to do it all happier than ever too? *tears* Sometimes I honestly can't help but tear up from the extreme joy. As if the music ain't enough, to feel/see this glow of happiness just radiating from each and every member on top of that?! It's THE BEST! Playing with the same energy as the 90's but the angst is now replaced with overflowing LOVE. I honestly think this is the best they have ever been, on every single level. Which is saying a lot cuze they've always been the best! haha. I know you know what I mean. They are just SOOOOO HAPPY! Kickin ass better than ever, sounding better than ever , looking & feeling better than ever...having so much fun up there. What a blessing.
Ok, Stone looks soooooooo adorable here and with Eddie smiling.....that is so cool!!! Can that really be 8 years ago???? I love it!!! It makes me giggle.....=)
Hey girlie!!!
I hear u got a lead on a kick ass vid of the Stoney G fanclub rockin out to Fuckin Up. I'd love to see it.
Hey did u get my pm?
I think it was Lisa who knows who got that but I don't know of someone. But in one of the SF night 2 pic you can almost see our sign in the background of Kerensa's picture!
Yeah, I got your PM.....I still haven't written anyone back.....it's easier for my to be on myspace sometimes......but no you don't owe anything.....thank you for asking.....hope your trip home went well!!!
And here is a fan-made video of "Don't Gimme No Lip."
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Not that I'm counting but it will be in
3 weeks, 3 days and 6 hours!
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
Rockin' out to Creadles
oooooh, you're so lucky!
And everyday, I can't get over how adorable Stone is. It's crazy!
I'm glad you're not "wasting" your time counting down the hours until your eyes lay upon The Bossman, I mean why would you want to do that???? hehehehehehehehehehe
Answer: You would do this b/c he IS the Bossman!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I am glad that someone in this thread still has a show to go to b/c that means we all have a show to go to.....we get to live through YOU!!!!! SWEET!!!!!!
WOOOOOOOOO........I love when he says that with such conviction!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahah WOO........
My sentiments exactly! Still exciting!
Wishlist Foundation-
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Have a wonderful time!
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Ooooh and MusicForRhinos! That story about him biking made me laugh out super loud.
Well wow....it's been awhile. My body's been on strike recovering from a non-stop overload of extreme bliss, unimaginable PJ utopia. Being back in the real world is tough stuff. Ah but the memories...the memories.:o There are waaaaay too many stories of STONEY LOVE to get out. Did you know him and the ponies are like BFF these days? :eek: CRAZINESS! I don't even know where to begin and I'm not sure that I'm gonna stop anytime soon. I really gotta do this in daily sections or something. haha. Maybe like a new reflection each day?
Ummm for starters, Nadia thank you so much for posting that article. Awww! Stoney the environmentalist!? I fuckin LOVE it! There he goes again! Jesus! These guys are always increasing the love & respect I swear. It's outta control! Stoney's dedication to this really touches my heart. *sigh* Making the world a better place on so many infinite levels.
" I'm happy as a clam. I'm in a fantastic band with people who I love and friendships that I've had for a long time, and we're still growing and learning about each other and figuring out how to communicate with each other. I couldn't be having more fun in terms of being a band and discovering what that's all about. I'm a young 40-year-old kid at this point, and nobody's told me I have to go back to school yet, so I'm continuing on with summer vacation."
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs everything in sight*
OK so my first reflection...
Also, before Ed led us into the Happy Bday song he said "I know some of you have been waiting all night for this" HA!!!! Pati and I were like *raises hands* "RIGHT HERE!!!" hahaa. Eddie also said some super sweet words of praise. He was saying how Stone has a lot of things he could choose to do with his life and how they all feel so blessed that he chooses Pearl Jam. He went onto say something along the lines of what a huge part of the band he is.
Eddie : "You look like a princess."
ahahaha! I was getting such an ab workout from this shit! The way it smashed on his head actually created what looked like a tiara. Too much! Then Eddie scooped some off and ate it. HA! All I know is the majority of that cake was on there for heeeeella long. hehe. I remember him rockin a few songs later during Life Wasted (which, as I'm sure you all know, involves major head movement on his part) and it was still glued on there. Hilarious!!! All night the man was laughing and smiling non-stop while simultaneously kickin major ass! The bday boy was fired up and smashing not only cakes but that entire stage...oooh and the kit! :eek: He rocked the hell outta that kit! He was so proud of himself too. Pati and I couldnt get over that. hehe. Right before Mikey's solo on Yellow Ledbetter Stoney did this little final drum roll and completely nailed it. He was grinning from ear to ear. As Mikey is over there making love to that solo, Stoney steps down from the kit (wearing that huge ass grin ) and busts into some AIR DRUMMING!!!! ahahah. Too cute. He was just so damn proud of himself that he had to duplicate what just took place in air form to celebrate!!! Jeff comes over and gives him props, Matt too.... then Ed and Boom. They are all huddled there smiling, loving...while Mikey continues to work his magic. Matt picks up a beer and toasts to Stone and then Stone picks up his and turns around and toasts to everything. Just beautiful.
For the record~>This year = Stone's bitch! This is THE YEAR OF STONEY LOVE to the greatest extreme. It's like finally the rest of the world is 'getting it'. THAAAAANK YOU! I mean as if being in awe of how completely rejuvenated and on fire the entire band is in every single way/shape/form isn't enough...to see the Gossman FINALLY getting massive amounts of love and respect at the live shows?? :eek: *heart flutters* God! It's pretty much the greatest thing ever.
Ok, next time on VEDHEAD's STONEYtellers >> I'm gonna post about HOLY SF III(oooh my god people!!) and also about a sweet friend that met the man himself and had the most excellent Stoney encounter I have ever heard of.... which spawned THE BEST PICTURE ON THE PLANET! :eek:
~it just keeps growing and growing and growing and growing.....~
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Proud EVENFLOW PSYCHO member #0021.....WWWWAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Amsterdam '96, Arnhem '06, Antwerpen '06, Dusseldorf '07, Nijmegen '07 and Werchter '07
I read and I smile
I'm livin' it through you babe until I can see it all for myself in November!!
*sighs and hopes* I get a Stoney sing-a-long myself....LOVE THAT MAN, WE ARE SOOOOOO BLESSED!!!!
Thanks Again xx
~~~~Oh I will be, I will be there once more~~~~
2006 Tour
10/11 Brisbane
13/11 Melbourne
14/11 Melbourne
16/11 Melbourne
19/11 Newcastle
25/11 Perth
Hall-le-lu-jah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And yes, we are blessed with our love for the Bossman!
My sentiments exactly frank black!
Oh man, that sounds awesome! Stone rocks, even when he plays the wrong chord!
it's funny because he always fucks up
He fucked up sleight of hand in Boston (2000), he actully messed up the first notes of life wasted in Albany...that's what makes the concert for me...Seeing Ed mess up last kiss, Stone mess up a chord, its endearing
Not only is he a great writer, guitar player, and singer....
Lets not forget his most inportant contribution to the music world,
Stone and Jeff created a monster!
Way to go boys.
Thanks Stone!
That is just amazing. I live through you for my Stoney fix sometimes. lol
Keep it coming!!!!!!!
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
[size=+3]STONE!!! STONE!!! STONE!!!...~[/size]
"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"
thats probably the coolest looking post ive ever seen on here
anyways, i dont think ive posted in the love for stone thread. :eek: dont want stone thinking I dont love him:D
Heeey BlackCorduroy!:) Good to see you and how cool of you to come and give the man some lovin.
GardenOfStone, HELL YES! Him and Jeff = the Godfathers. *bows down*
Without them there would have no PEARL JAM! It's true.
I'm currently over here blasting the living hell outta LIFE WASTED (repeat mode). How infectious is this song?! I can't get enough. That riff has Stoney's super catchy stank all over it.
How sweet! I'm so glad that you all enjoyed my little Portland review and you are so welcome. I love sharing the experience with those that 'understand'. Trust me, lots more storytelling to come.
Speaking of Portland, Pati has pictures of the tiara o' cake. hehe. Oooh and of him rockin that drum kit. I'm sure she'll post them soon enough. We're all just sloooowly crawling back into the swing of things.
Really though, to see the Goss owning that guitar, mic and drum kit all in the same show? :eek: WOW! Is there anything he CAN'T DO!? This man is such a gift from above...the gift that keeps on giving! The endless talent of this one man band will forever blow my mind! DAMN STONEY! And to do it all happier than ever too? *tears* Sometimes I honestly can't help but tear up from the extreme joy. As if the music ain't enough, to feel/see this glow of happiness just radiating from each and every member on top of that?!
Have we all read this beautiful thing???
AWWWWWWWWW OMG! Too...much....beauty!!
*heart melts into a giant puddle*
Can you feel the love buzz?
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√