YAY grace!!! Awww meeting you was such a highlight for me too. No you did not wear that pin and no you did not really make that sign?! :eek: hahaa. OMG you're awesome. Next thing you know I'm gonna be cursing YOU. I can't wait to hear your Stoney story. Sooo anxious over here. Oh I have some of my own too. :eek:!
SammieBlack! Yes! Stoney love-train. Woooo! "Got some kicks" *thinks of his slomo PIMP kick in Smile montage*;) "Wanna take a riiiiiiide....I SAID YEEEAH!" I'm in awe of this unstoppable talent as well and I refuse to stop praising this outrageously gifted man. I ain't ever getting off this love-train. That's for damn sure!
*blows kiss to brainofPJ*
You rock my friend! Thanks for the sweet words.
Alright seriously though....all this STONEY love is gonna make my heart cave in!!! As if there wasnt a massive amount at the EPIC BOSTONE shows ..... to come back and see all the love in this thread??!?! :eek: I...LOVE IT!
First things first~~~>BOSTONE 1 & 2....DTE BOTH NIGHTS! Heeeeell yeah. GO STONEY GO!
BOSTONE 1......
(as I wrote in my fanview)....
I still cant believe it!! Apparently a few guys made a bunch of bright orange STONE shirts, the font taken from his pick. They were taking donations for them before the show I guess! I wish I fuckin knew! All I know is that I brought my bright orange STONE sign that's always with me...and then me and K get to our seats (STONES SIDE! WOOOO) and see someone with a STONE shirt!? Saaay whaaa? I was just in awe and could not stop smiling. Then 2nd encore Jeff comes out wearing the shirt!! AHHHH!! Full on freak out!! Then DTE...ED PUTS ON A STONE SHIRT TOO!!! I got my bright orange STONE sign up in the air. OMG...MAAAAAD STONEY LOVE IN BOSTONE!! ALL AROUND!!! IS THIS REAL???? Ed changes it to "ADMIRE STONE!" AHHHHH!!!!!!! So much loooove. An ass load of Stoney chants too!! Ahh! (((IN LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE))) Thank you BOSTONE! FAAAAWAAHK!
:eek:!! AHHHH!!!!!!!
Oh and call animal control~~~>DUCK ON FIYAH! :eek: Each year it's just more and more with this band and this talented ass man is no exception. Here I thought he owned in '03....even more in '04....Canadia? :eek:Fahgetaboutit! ON FIYAH LIKE NEVER BEFORE! But this year? Oooh this year there's something extra special cookin. We've literally been teleported back in time folks. Woooeeee. Oooh and he's doing this shit during ALIVE that has me floored. Taking the guitar and twisting it all up and down in the air. :eek: DAAAAAMN DUCKY! DAAAAAMN! GROOVE IS IN THE HEART OF STONE x a million!
At the very end after RITW I help up my sign again...guess who sees it?? THE MAN! He smiles and acknowledges the love. YAY!!! So as an immediate reaction to his acknowledgement I get stupid giddy and way bouncy and hold up the sign even more. He starts to chuckle. Then he does this shit...hahahahahaa. OMG ok let me try to explain this...he points to me smiling, then to him with a shocked "who me?" look on his face...then back to me smiling....back to him with the 'shock" face....so on and so on. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kaddi and I were rollin. Oooh man that was such a cuteass moment. STONE OWNS!!!!!!!! In every possible way that one can OWN! THIS MAN IS IT! FAAAWHAAK!
BOSTONE 2......
PARACHUTES *faints* :eek: !!! I SAW PARACHUTES! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!#%$$ *gasps for air* Somebody hold me! I can't believe it really happened. OMG YOU GUYS!!!!!!! Even more overwhelmingly gorgeous in person. I went into orgasmic shock. Out of this universe!! As soon as he hit the "a wave will break on me" part I lost it and start crying. BEAUTY OVERLOAD! No words can do it justice. The song is too gorgeous for it's own good. Stoney??? :eek: Again, I'm still in shock of this.
Whew! *gathers self*
Also in BOSTONE 2 (this show was out of control!!!)......
SMILE! WHAT A DREAM COME TRUE!! YAY! Ahh and Stoney G showing off his many talents rockin that fuckin bass! WOOO! GO STONEY!
**SUPER HI-larious Stone moment.....
(once again, as I wrote in my review)....
Rockin’ In The Free World. dude comes out I have a total "I'm not from around here/I'm not into sports" moment like who in the? haha. But *applauds* YEAH!!! Whoever you are you're up there with PEARL JAM so WOOOOO!!!!!!! hahah. Later find out he's a Boston legend, Theo Epstein. Right on! People were going nuts once again when he came out. Loved it! I guess dude was wearing a wig during RITFW too and took it off and left it on the stage...beginning of Yellow Ledbetter Stone discovers the wig! ahhahahahahaha. OMFG! No he is not gonna put it on! Ooooh! Oooooh!
We are rollin! This guy is straight up comedy! LMAO!!!!!! It is VERY difficult to concentrate on anything else at this point. Stoney is having a blast! All the guys are but Stone is just being a little goof. At one point he shuffles over to Mikey's side and they have a moment....inbetween making love to that guitar Mikey adjusts the wig for him and they both chuckle! Too fuckin cute. God I love these guys!!!
HA>..and on a side note, even though all I can think about currently is BOSTONE! BOSTONE! BOSTONE! Camden...I had to smile when I saw Mr. G rockin some shorts and sportin the PJ SOCKS!!! :eek: hahaha.*hears his sock quote in my head over and over and over* haha. Also in Camden...grace Eddie totally spotted me in the crowd during DTE even BEFORE I held up my Stone sign (it's a ritual during that song:p)....he queued me to hold it up and then changed the lyrics once again to "ADMIRE STONE" and pointed to the man and sent some smiles our way. WHAAAAT??? Are you kidding me?? SO MUCH STONEY LOVE!!!!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I just wanted to add that this made me laugh out loud...
"Try and imagine music without ever having Stone's influence.....yawn!
:eek:! HAHAH! YES!!! Yawn? ahahaha. CLASSIC & oh so true. And guess what else...try imaging PEARL JAM forming and being without Stone. haha...no can do.
Oooh also, more CAMDEN moments are coming to mind. Must get it out....
Camden 1....there were 2 drunk guys next to us...double fisting their drinks..I mean DRUNK. :eek: haha. Luckily I always sit by the fun drunks so it was all good. They were awesome to rock out with and were crackin me up. Kaddikat had the sign I made her which read "JEFF ROX MY SOX" and these dudes kept saying "box" and went as far as to explain it..."box see? like JUKEBOX! It's true isn't it?" :eek: ahahahahha. What in the? OMG we could not stop laughing." Then in the middle of the show they start screaming at the top of their lungs "STONE ROX MY BOX! STONE ROX MY BOX!" :eek:!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!! Too fuckin funny!
also Camden 1....the convicts that Ed brought on stage during Last Kiss??? Ed gave them a hug but Stone?? Nope...secret hand shakes and shit! :eek: Getting all gangsta about it. hahahahaha. Kaddi goes "OMG Stone is down with the brown" ahahhahaha!!!! Too much! Too fuckin hilarious!
To quote my Meddle..."DAMN YOU STONE!"
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Am I still a Stoney Pony even if I haven't been posting here, but both Meddle and Vedhead can get my back on this that I am a Stone Pony!!!!!????
I want my Stoney Pony clout.....ahhahahahahahahah.......We are my girls????? hahahahahaahahahaha
of course you are Pati. HELLO?! Stone was the one thing that brought us together and lead to the Stoney G Message board too you know we can go on and on about Stoney all night long! hehehe
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
ok, so as you know, becks519 and i made a great sign YES WAY TO NO WAY and what was clutch was that we were in the sixth row. we plotted and schemed and took it out when it was just right, got on our chairs, and noticed that jeff and ed immediately read it. this was great but we wanted STONE to acknowledge it. so we tried again, a few minutes later only to have him read it and SMILE HUGELY. so naturally becks and i freaked the FUCK out and i start sceraming, WE LOVE YOU! YOU WROTE IN HIDING! YOU WROTE IN HIDING! which still cracks me up. anyhoo, we laughed and he pointed at us so we blew him a kiss. then he did one of those exaggerated belly laughs we've
all seen him do before al a SVT.
Awww that is a cute ass story Grace, I am glad that he saw your sign And Lydia told me you have that blue Stone pin that they sold back in 2003. I have the EXACT same one and I wore it as well for my 2003 shows. YOU ROCK girl!!
And getting Stoney to recognize you is the BEST feeling in the world!! me and Lydia had our moments at MSG I & II 2003 and Vancouver 2005, both times, we were sitting together
Are you going to any other shows girl?:) YEA for Stoney LOVE!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Awwww grace!!!! (((:D))) That has me over here grinnin from ear to ear. HEEELL YES!!! Thank you so much for sharing! CONGRATS girlie! And hey, knowing that I was indirectly a part of that too as those were my words on the sign *takes a bow* makes me grin that much more. haha. I still cant believe you made that! YES WAY to that!! haha. And Jeff...Ed...and Mr. G all saw it?? Too fuckin cool. Now they know.......;) We wont stop trying to make a difference here....
Aww I can totally picture that little tummy grabbin SVT laugh too. haha. Isn't the man just all smiles?? Damn! *curses him repeatedly* He is feelin the love hardcore. They all are. It's such a beautiful thing. Like I told Nadi...it really is the 90's and then some. It's like the 90's sound and fierce energy, but instead of the angst there's an overflowing, massive amount of LOVE all around. They are having the greatest time up there, lovin it up, all smiles... and kickin major ass!
And yes, you're doing THE GORGE right?? It is so on! I say we get an early start on this campaign
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
oh NO! This is a list of what we want to hear at the Gorge. Stoney songs
THIN AIR <~~~for ME pleaaaaaassssssseee!! :(
GARDEN (since I didn't hear it live YET!)
Help me out here people, I KNOW there are a lot of other Stoney songs out there!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Stone is the unsung hero of the band, and a damn great writer besides. Thin Air is one of the best songs the band has ever done. I'd like it if he'd whip out a Mankind over now and then at a show.
I just saw this thread and have to add my warm love for Stone. I agree that thin air is righteous, maybe in my top 5, and now parachutes. Frikkin' amazing. And I just have to say, my bet is that Stone is behind the Atomic Dog tag (after Blood) in Chigago and Camden (that I know of). Because he is THE frikkin' funky groove master...and, in his own words, "a bad as mother fucker".
11/95 San Jose; 9/96 Randalls Island; 8/00 Jones Beach; 7-8&9 2003 NYC; 10/04 Reading; 9/05 & 10/05 Borgata; '06 Irving Plaza; '06 Hartford; '06 Camden 1&2; E. Rutherford 1&2 '06; Vegas 7/06; Bridge School 1&2 '06; 2008 WPB, Camden 1&2, MSG 1&2, Boston 2, EV NYC 1&2 and NJPAC; 6/09 EV Philly 1&2; 2009 LA 3&4, 09 San Diego, 09 Philly 1-4, 2010 MSG 1 and 2, 2010 Boston, 2010 Hartford, 2010 Newark; Alpine Valley Sept 2011
Nadi..yes to alla that! BRING IT GOSSMAN! BRING IT! Over the course of those 2 nights at that straight up haven, I have a feeling we're gonna get some major, major STONEY LOVIN. MANKIND TOO! YES PLEEEEEASE!
Oooh shit....
*bows down to happyandtrue*
YES!! What a great post. I can't stop smiling. You fuckin said it my Stoney lovin friend. THIN AIR! check. PARACHUTES! check. IN HIDING! check. ALL THOSE YESTERDAYS. check. NO WAY! check. OF THE fuckin groove my ass into another world GIRL! cheeeeck. I could go on and on! Dude HAS "IT". The "it"/musical PIMP factor...yep. :cool: He's unstoppable. This talent is frickin INSANE! The "unsung hero" of the band?? Awww. Yes indeedy. All this love makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. The "silent" hero deserves non-stop praise. Did you notice this thread now has over 700 replies?? :eek: I SAID FUCK YEEEEEEEAH!
And happyandtrue, did you say BLOOOOOOOOOOD????!!! \m/ :eek: *goes wild* First off, I'm in lust with this song. God what a fabulous ass beating. I can't get enough! Mmm mmm mmm. Secondly, hahahah, I think you're right. That so makes sense. "booow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay" I loooooove it when they tag this on. Just when you think that funkay porno break down couldnt get more funkay if it tried...in comes this! Getting it in CAMDEN was just the beating I needed (dude next to me, I am sooo sorry. Eeeeek!). I majorly, majorly appreciated this BLOOOODbath though. This song brings out the beast!
It is STONE though huh? hehe. I think you're onto something here. I wouldn't be surprised either.:D After all~~~>GROOVE IS IN THE HEART OF STONE!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Nadi..yes to alla that! BRING IT GOSSMAN! BRING IT! Over the course of those 2 nights at that straight up haven, I have a feeling we're gonna get some major, major STONEY LOVIN. MANKIND TOO! YES PLEEEEEASE!
Oooh shit....
*bows down to happyandtrue*
YES!! What a great post. I can't stop smiling. You fuckin said it my Stoney lovin friend. THIN AIR! check. PARACHUTES! check. IN HIDING! check. ALL THOSE YESTERDAYS. check. NO WAY! check. OF THE fuckin groove my ass into another world GIRL! cheeeeck. I could go on and on! Dude HAS "IT". The "it"/musical PIMP factor...yep. :cool: He's unstoppable. This talent is frickin INSANE! The "unsung hero" of the band?? Awww. Yes indeedy. All this love makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. The "silent" hero deserves non-stop praise. Did you notice this thread now has over 700 replies?? :eek: I SAID FUCK YEEEEEEEAH!
And happyandtrue, did you say BLOOOOOOOOOOD????!!! \m/ :eek: *goes wild* First off, I'm in lust with this song. God what a fabulous ass beating. I can't get enough! Mmm mmm mmm. Secondly, hahahah, I think you're right. That so makes sense. "booow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay" I loooooove it when they tag this on. Just when you think that funkay porno break down couldnt get more funkay if it tried...in comes this! Getting it in CAMDEN was just the beating I needed (dude next to me, I am sooo sorry. Eeeeek!). I majorly, majorly appreciated this BLOOOODbath though. This song brings out the beast!
It is STONE though huh? hehe. I think you're onto something here. I wouldn't be surprised either.:D After all~~~>GROOVE IS IN THE HEART OF STONE!
Dude -- you rock! I love your post too. I don't know for sure if it was his idea, but I'm going with it. And to the grand master of funky funk and the funky funk explosion--love ya babe!
11/95 San Jose; 9/96 Randalls Island; 8/00 Jones Beach; 7-8&9 2003 NYC; 10/04 Reading; 9/05 & 10/05 Borgata; '06 Irving Plaza; '06 Hartford; '06 Camden 1&2; E. Rutherford 1&2 '06; Vegas 7/06; Bridge School 1&2 '06; 2008 WPB, Camden 1&2, MSG 1&2, Boston 2, EV NYC 1&2 and NJPAC; 6/09 EV Philly 1&2; 2009 LA 3&4, 09 San Diego, 09 Philly 1-4, 2010 MSG 1 and 2, 2010 Boston, 2010 Hartford, 2010 Newark; Alpine Valley Sept 2011
Aww!! Thank you! So sweet! There's so much damn love in this thread. You rock too happyandtrue!!! I mean come on, with a name like that?? Love you too!!
The grand master of funky funk is RIGHT.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Aww!! Thank you! So sweet! There's so much damn love in this thread. You rock too happyandtrue!!! I mean come on, with a name like that?? Love you too!!
The grand master of funky funk is RIGHT.
wish me a good show tonight and saturday. I just got off work and my friend and I are heading up to E. Rutherford. WOOOOOOOOOO--HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Can't wait to wave my funky freak flag at my Stoney Gman
ah yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss
11/95 San Jose; 9/96 Randalls Island; 8/00 Jones Beach; 7-8&9 2003 NYC; 10/04 Reading; 9/05 & 10/05 Borgata; '06 Irving Plaza; '06 Hartford; '06 Camden 1&2; E. Rutherford 1&2 '06; Vegas 7/06; Bridge School 1&2 '06; 2008 WPB, Camden 1&2, MSG 1&2, Boston 2, EV NYC 1&2 and NJPAC; 6/09 EV Philly 1&2; 2009 LA 3&4, 09 San Diego, 09 Philly 1-4, 2010 MSG 1 and 2, 2010 Boston, 2010 Hartford, 2010 Newark; Alpine Valley Sept 2011
GRACE!!! There really is so much love in here huh? Hey, it's for a great cause. Nice of you to check in. And you will be at THE GORGE yes?? STONEY PONIES INVADE THE GORGE. Muhahahhaa.
Aww happyandtrue! You're going tonight & Sat? :eek: Rock! OoOh, I do hope you get THIN AIR!! *prays to the PJ gods* They soundchecked it in Camden (which had me squealing out of control) but never played it. As I always say, Stoney G definitely "reached my heart" and then some with that drippin with sweetness masterpiece.:o Shit!!! When it comes down to it, I needn't wish you anything cuze we all know that you are SOOOOO IN FOR IT! This band is out of control this year! I can't believe it. Whole new levels. Just when you think it cant get any better...BAM! SUPER DUPER PEARL JAM!
Hold up though....funky freak flag?? :eek: hahaha. Explain please? Sounds awesome. It's nice to know there will be a Stoney freak in the house.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
okay, everytime I come in, there isn't much Stoney love and I would ALWAYS have to BUMP it:(
But GREAT to see the love going though...happyandtrue, have fun at your shows...i hope you get some great Stoney songs and have the man sing for you;) WOHOHOOO!
that was random, but you feel me people right?!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
okay, everytime I come in, there isn't much Stoney love and I would ALWAYS have to BUMP it:(
But GREAT to see the love going though...happyandtrue, have fun at your shows...i hope you get some great Stoney songs and have the man sing for you;) WOHOHOOO!
that was random, but you feel me people right?!
i want to hear Mankind so bad
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
GRACE!!! There really is so much love in here huh? Hey, it's for a great cause. Nice of you to check in. And you will be at THE GORGE yes?? STONEY PONIES INVADE THE GORGE. Muhahahhaa.
LYDIA! i hope to be there but right now it's kinda up in the air! i am SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING natti though...it's going to be all yield.
Grace...I really hope THE GORGE happens for you. We need you there!! Nati? *sigh* That's gonna be a massive YIELD fest. So wish I could be there. But hey, Fanchy will be a THE GORGE so come on!!
YES PLEEEEASE! I am so with you on this brainofPJ. As me and Meddle keep saying, DONT GIMME NO LIP rocks the house and all....but lets not forget about MANKIND. Also as we keep saying, fuckin do a double shot of both! Why not???:D
~~~>MANKIND neeeeeds MANKIND
Aw Jam-fan...exaaactly. It is so great to see him getting love too. Doesn't get nearly enough if you ask me.
Thecrownofthorns! That's hilarious. I love it.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
That is what we have been saying for all this time...a DOUBLE SHOT of STONEY GOODNESS!!
Mankind-->Don't Gimmie No Lip
I know that man has it in him, HELLO, he did a 30 mins. solo set back in 2004!! He played AND sang at the same time people!! Don't you get it?! :cool: ROBODUCK will be quacking TONIGHT and lets hope he has something up his sleeves for the upcoming shows.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
SammieBlack! Yes! Stoney love-train. Woooo! "Got some kicks" *thinks of his slomo PIMP kick in Smile montage*;) "Wanna take a riiiiiiide....I SAID YEEEAH!" I'm in awe of this unstoppable talent as well and I refuse to stop praising this outrageously gifted man. I ain't ever getting off this love-train. That's for damn sure!
*blows kiss to brainofPJ*
You rock my friend! Thanks for the sweet words.
Alright seriously though....all this STONEY love is gonna make my heart cave in!!! As if there wasnt a massive amount at the EPIC BOSTONE shows
First things first~~~>BOSTONE 1 & 2....DTE BOTH NIGHTS! Heeeeell yeah. GO STONEY GO!
BOSTONE 1......
(as I wrote in my fanview)....
I still cant believe it!! Apparently a few guys made a bunch of bright orange STONE shirts, the font taken from his pick. They were taking donations for them before the show I guess! I wish I fuckin knew! All I know is that I brought my bright orange STONE sign that's always with me...and then me and K get to our seats (STONES SIDE! WOOOO) and see someone with a STONE shirt!? Saaay whaaa? I was just in awe and could not stop smiling. Then 2nd encore Jeff comes out wearing the shirt!! AHHHH!! Full on freak out!! Then DTE...ED PUTS ON A STONE SHIRT TOO!!! I got my bright orange STONE sign up in the air. OMG...MAAAAAD STONEY LOVE IN BOSTONE!! ALL AROUND!!! IS THIS REAL???? Ed changes it to "ADMIRE STONE!" AHHHHH!!!!!!! So much loooove. An ass load of Stoney chants too!! Ahh! (((IN LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE))) Thank you BOSTONE! FAAAAWAAHK!
:eek:!! AHHHH!!!!!!!
Oh and call animal control~~~>DUCK ON FIYAH! :eek: Each year it's just more and more with this band and this talented ass man is no exception. Here I thought he owned in '03....even more in '04....Canadia? :eek:Fahgetaboutit! ON FIYAH LIKE NEVER BEFORE! But this year? Oooh this year there's something extra special cookin. We've literally been teleported back in time folks. Woooeeee. Oooh and he's doing this shit during ALIVE that has me floored. Taking the guitar and twisting it all up and down in the air. :eek: DAAAAAMN DUCKY! DAAAAAMN! GROOVE IS IN THE HEART OF STONE x a million!
At the very end after RITW I help up my sign again...guess who sees it?? THE MAN! He smiles and acknowledges the love.
BOSTONE 2......
PARACHUTES *faints* :eek:
Whew! *gathers self*
Also in BOSTONE 2 (this show was out of control!!!)......
**SUPER HI-larious Stone moment.....
(once again, as I wrote in my review)....
Rockin’ In The Free World. dude comes out I have a total "I'm not from around here/I'm not into sports" moment like who in the? haha. But *applauds* YEAH!!! Whoever you are you're up there with PEARL JAM so WOOOOO!!!!!!! hahah. Later find out he's a Boston legend, Theo Epstein. Right on! People were going nuts once again when he came out. Loved it! I guess dude was wearing a wig during RITFW too and took it off and left it on the stage...beginning of Yellow Ledbetter Stone discovers the wig! ahhahahahahaha. OMFG! No he is not gonna put it on! Ooooh! Oooooh!
:eek:!!! hahahahaha. LOOK AT THAT!!!!
We are rollin! This guy is straight up comedy! LMAO!!!!!! It is VERY difficult to concentrate on anything else at this point. Stoney is having a blast! All the guys are but Stone is just being a little goof. At one point he shuffles over to Mikey's side and they have a moment....inbetween making love to that guitar Mikey adjusts the wig for him and they both chuckle! Too fuckin cute. God I love these guys!!!
HA>..and on a side note, even though all I can think about currently is BOSTONE! BOSTONE! BOSTONE! Camden...I had to smile when I saw Mr. G rockin some shorts and sportin the PJ SOCKS!!! :eek: hahaha.*hears his sock quote in my head over and over and over* haha. Also in Camden...grace Eddie totally spotted me in the crowd during DTE even BEFORE I held up my Stone sign (it's a ritual during that song:p)....he queued me to hold it up and then changed the lyrics once again to "ADMIRE STONE" and pointed to the man and sent some smiles our way. WHAAAAT??? Are you kidding me?? SO MUCH STONEY LOVE!!!!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
"Try and imagine music without ever having Stone's influence.....yawn!
:eek:! HAHAH! YES!!! Yawn? ahahaha. CLASSIC & oh so true.
Oooh also, more CAMDEN moments are coming to mind. Must get it out....
Camden 1....there were 2 drunk guys next to us...double fisting their drinks..I mean DRUNK. :eek: haha. Luckily I always sit by the fun drunks so it was all good. They were awesome to rock out with and were crackin me up. Kaddikat had the sign I made her which read "JEFF ROX MY SOX" and these dudes kept saying "box" and went as far as to explain it..."box see? like JUKEBOX! It's true isn't it?" :eek: ahahahahha. What in the? OMG we could not stop laughing." Then in the middle of the show they start screaming at the top of their lungs "STONE ROX MY BOX! STONE ROX MY BOX!" :eek:!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!! Too fuckin funny!
also Camden 1....the convicts that Ed brought on stage during Last Kiss??? Ed gave them a hug but Stone?? Nope...secret hand shakes and shit! :eek: Getting all gangsta about it. hahahahaha. Kaddi goes "OMG Stone is down with the brown" ahahhahaha!!!! Too much! Too fuckin hilarious!
To quote my Meddle..."DAMN YOU STONE!"
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
very very very cool... watching the moves.
and you wouldn't think he is a big rock star... when you see him.
he's plain COOL.
"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie" - T. Montana
"Yeah i know... sounds stupid." Aldrin said.
#18 INC forever
I want my Stoney Pony clout.....ahhahahahahahahah.......We are my girls????? hahahahahaahahahaha
of course you are Pati. HELLO?! Stone was the one thing that brought us together and lead to the Stoney G Message board too
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
yaaaayy it is!!
LOVE the STONEY LOVE! :cool:
The duck is sure is rockin' at these shows and being a little comedian too!
See ya'll at the Gorge, where the Stoney Ponies/Bitches UNITE under the star lit sky
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
all seen him do before al a SVT.
it was a total wow moment!!!!!!
And getting Stoney to recognize you is the BEST feeling in the world!!
Are you going to any other shows girl?:) YEA for Stoney LOVE!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Aww I can totally picture that little tummy grabbin SVT laugh too. haha. Isn't the man just all smiles??
And yes, you're doing THE GORGE right?? It is so on! I say we get an early start on this campaign
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
THIN AIR <~~~for ME pleaaaaaassssssseee!! :(
GARDEN (since I didn't hear it live YET!)
Help me out here people, I KNOW there are a lot of other Stoney songs out there!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I just saw this thread and have to add my warm love for Stone. I agree that thin air is righteous, maybe in my top 5, and now parachutes. Frikkin' amazing. And I just have to say, my bet is that Stone is behind the Atomic Dog tag (after Blood) in Chigago and Camden (that I know of). Because he is THE frikkin' funky groove master...and, in his own words, "a bad as mother fucker".
Oooh shit....
*bows down to happyandtrue*
YES!! What a great post. I can't stop smiling.
And happyandtrue, did you say BLOOOOOOOOOOD????!!! \m/ :eek: *goes wild* First off, I'm in lust with this song. God what a fabulous ass beating. I can't get enough! Mmm mmm mmm. Secondly, hahahah, I think you're right. That so makes sense. "booow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay" I loooooove it when they tag this on. Just when you think that funkay porno break down couldnt get more funkay if it tried...in comes this! Getting it in CAMDEN was just the beating I needed (dude next to me, I am sooo sorry. Eeeeek!). I majorly, majorly appreciated this BLOOOODbath though. This song brings out the beast!
It is STONE though huh? hehe. I think you're onto something here. I wouldn't be surprised either.:D After all~~~>GROOVE IS IN THE HEART OF STONE!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Awww!!!! Don't it make ya?
ahahah. Classic!
*jumps up and down*
Wooooo! The MONEY SHOT! haha. Love,Love,Love it!
And Pati...ahahaha, silly girl...of course you are a PONY! Come on now.
BITCHES & PONIES UNITE...from coast to coast....
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Dude -- you rock! I love your post too. I don't know for sure if it was his idea, but I'm going with it. And to the grand master of funky funk and the funky funk explosion--love ya babe!
The grand master of funky funk is RIGHT.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
wish me a good show tonight and saturday. I just got off work and my friend and I are heading up to E. Rutherford. WOOOOOOOOOO--HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Can't wait to wave my funky freak flag at my Stoney Gman
ah yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss
send our love!!!!
and have fun
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
Aww happyandtrue! You're going tonight & Sat? :eek: Rock! OoOh, I do hope you get THIN AIR!! *prays to the PJ gods* They soundchecked it in Camden (which had me squealing out of control) but never played it. As I always say, Stoney G definitely "reached my heart" and then some with that drippin with sweetness masterpiece.:o Shit!!! When it comes down to it, I needn't wish you anything cuze we all know that you are SOOOOO IN FOR IT!
Hold up though....funky freak flag?? :eek: hahaha. Explain please? Sounds awesome.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
But GREAT to see the love going though...happyandtrue, have fun at your shows...i hope you get some great Stoney songs and have the man sing for you;) WOHOHOOO!
that was random, but you feel me people right?!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
the frightening part is that i totally do.
i want to hear Mankind so bad
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
LYDIA! i hope to be there but right now it's kinda up in the air! i am SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING natti though...it's going to be all yield.
well, ANY Stoney fan understands that;) That is why the Stoney Ponies are one of a kind;)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Grace...I really hope THE GORGE happens for you. We need you there!! Nati? *sigh* That's gonna be a massive YIELD fest. So wish I could be there.
YES PLEEEEASE! I am so with you on this brainofPJ. As me and Meddle keep saying, DONT GIMME NO LIP rocks the house and all....but lets not forget about MANKIND. Also as we keep saying, fuckin do a double shot of both! Why not???:D
~~~>MANKIND neeeeeds MANKIND
Aw Jam-fan...exaaactly.
Thecrownofthorns! That's hilarious. I love it.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Mankind-->Don't Gimmie No Lip
I know that man has it in him, HELLO, he did a 30 mins. solo set back in 2004!! He played AND sang at the same time people!! Don't you get it?! :cool: ROBODUCK will be quacking TONIGHT and lets hope he has something up his sleeves for the upcoming shows.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn