nah, at least it is less than a day old though Let's the Stoney love continue!! And I think most people fail to mention his talents, especially on his solo album, Bayleaf. That man made that guitar talk during Bayleaf :eek: The sheer talent that comes from that man is endless!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I'm listening to In Hiding right now. That is another mark of his great talent.
And did you see him during Life Wasted on Letterman? The man was rockin' out.
oh man no! i was watched seperate performances from Letterman since my stupid real player was showing it shitty :mad: Plus my computer is slow sometimes, so I couldn't watch all of it! but DTE though, DAMN Stone was rockin' out like an old man!haha
In Hiding, you gotta love those Vedder/Gossard compositions, I swear, Yield and Binuaral have the Stoney touch!;) He wrote several songs on those albums, which kick ASS! All Those Yesterdays, No Way, Rival, Thin Air, Of the Girl, WOW! And the ones w/Eddie too, like DTE, In Hiding (my personal favorite), shit there are others haha
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Happenstance , thanks so much for your sweet words. Just doing my part in spreading that STONEY LOVE. The praise just seems to flow out so effortlessly...kinda like this man's talent huh? And LOL @ the sock comment!! On top of everything else, the man has such an awesome sense of humor. As if ROCKIN our worlds ain't enough already make us laugh our asses off too? Come on! This man is the greatest.
Yeah, Mike isn't underrated in the PJ community, but I think it can be said that Stone is which means he definitely is outside of the PJ community. Just because he isn't playing the flashier solos doesn't mean he didn't compose or help compose them.
Stone fans of the world unite!
SEE!!! Amen SmilinSkullRing! Nadia, we've finally found someone exactly like us. :eek: hahaha. Perfectly said there buddy and I could NOT agree more.
Wait, did you mention the DREAM TEAM?? I can't say it enough~>Ed & Stone write THE BEST songs together!!!! IN HIDING! YES!! I'm praaaaying for that one this tour. Another HUGE mark of his talent for sure and, imo, one of the greatest DREAM TEAM/PJ songs ever! The feeling that one inspires never, ever fails!
Oooh and LETTERMAN? Holy shit! Stone was going NUTS! It really keeps getting more and more intense as the tours go by and this is by far the 90's and then some it seems...for ALL the boys! Our beloved SG is in flames! Headbanging like a mofo!!! :eek: Daaaaamn! It's such a beautiful thing. Wow. I am soooo fuckin pumped for these shows!!
Speaking of how on fire they are, I also wanna mention how completely happier than ever they all appear as well. If this doesn't just make it all that much more! It's absolutely beautiful. *sigh* I think this picture from the AOL SESSIONS does a fine job of summing it all up...
oh man no! i was watched seperate performances from Letterman since my stupid real player was showing it shitty :mad: Plus my computer is slow sometimes, so I couldn't watch all of it! but DTE though, DAMN Stone was rockin' out like an old man!haha
In Hiding, you gotta love those Vedder/Gossard compositions, I swear, Yield and Binuaral have the Stoney touch!;) He wrote several songs on those albums, which kick ASS! All Those Yesterdays, No Way, Rival, Thin Air, Of the Girl, WOW! And the ones w/Eddie too, like DTE, In Hiding (my personal favorite), shit there are others haha
Ah, I still haven't seen the Letterman performances that were before the show. I've only seen Life Wasted, but I'm going to d/l the others. I just hope it doesn't take me forever since I'm on dial-up, but I'm ready to commit to the downloading while I'm away to classes.
Yield is such an excellent album thanks to Stone, and Binaural is pretty underrated it seems. The compositions that Stone adds are killer in my book. I can't get enough of All Those Yesterdays and No Way lately, and DTE has always been one of my #1 favorites.
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Right on, right on! It always seems like Stone makes the best songs for the band or with Ed. Not that the others aren't great. For example, NAIS is one of my favorite songs. It's way up on the list, but if I picked ten songs that are my favorite Stone or Stone/Ed would fill up the list more than the others. And, of course, I am taking nothing away from the amazing talent of all of them. The longer I am a PJ fan the more I become a fan of Mike (amazing player and guy), but Stone just has that something plus that talent that draws me to him.
Awesome pic you posted by the way. I just found that one a few days ago myself.
And he was definitely feeling it at the Letterman performances. I love when Stone lets loose a little. It's a great thing to see. One of my favorite DVDs is the Pinkpop Festival from '92. Stone with long hair running around and twirling in his spot while playing. Yeah, that's pretty nice.
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
SmilinSkullRing, I couldn't agree w/you more on what you said. Binaural is SO underrated. Just b/c it didn't sell a million records, it is considered 'bad' by everyone else :rolleyes: I love this album b/c it just flows w/Stoney goodness And I have PinkPop 92, HOLY SHIT, that man can surely rock!! Some people say that Stone does not rock that much, but he does. He is just a little shy. I think, when he feels the energy from the crowd, he takes it in and rocks it out! I remember at the Gorge, Stone was a little reserved, BUT the next night, in Vancouver, Stone was rockin' out w/his bad self :cool: truly, that duckman is about to come out this tour
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Man, my soundcard isn't working and my computer just sucks. I'm not able to get into this Letterman/Amazon interview action. I think I'm gonna cry! BOOHOO! But I'm excited that there's a new Stone site in the works. I got all the other fansites bookmarked and I keep visiting them compulsively as if there's something I haven't seen yet. Can't get enough. I'm sick but it feels so good! One day I'll come home and find my loved ones staging an intervention. The computer will be gone and they'll say, "No more of this Pearl Jam or Stone Gossard business!" ...They just don't understand! ok well it's not that extreme.
"This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
SmilinSkullRing, YES! Agreed. Stone & Ed write "historic songs"...Matt said it himself. THE DREAM TEAM man! Awww, and Stone does have that extra pull. I get you on that (surprise surprise) Oooh, I looooove PinkPop...doing laps around the stage. FUCK YES!
grace6697, thanks girlie.
ScreamingLemur! haha. That made me laugh out loud "No more of this Pearl Jam or Stone Gossard business!" Oooh no, good luck with your soundcard though. That ain't right. One should never be deprived of PJ/SG greatness.
Have loved Stone (in the music sense) since I saw him close up with Brad band
in a little venue in Tampa in the early-mid nineties. There were only about
4 other women in the place. I was probably the only chick that made a GUY go to see them.
I saw Brad in 2002. I took a guy friend with me that knew nothing about them and he walked outta there a fan. He was blown away. Brad is an amazing band no doubt. Brad, solo, many gifts the unstoppable talent shares with us all.
<~~ watching vid again
*jumps up and down*
Look at The Godfathers playing to each other! All smiles, having the best time. I so feel the love.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Thank you thank you thank you VEDHEAD27 for the STONE ALERT!!! Wow
And look how happy Jeff looks... I'm sure he's thinking "I'm one lucky bass-player groovin' here with STONE" and/or "I'm lovin' that backwards cap"
I just found last month out I'm to be a father....If it's a boy, we're gonna name him Stone. I can only hope he would grow up to be as cool (or insanely talented) as his namesake. i'll just lie alone and wait for the dream, where i'm not ugly and you're looking at me...
"If some guy's not really giving me a reaction, I'll try and fucking get a reaction out of him. And I feed off of that. I go crazy. In a good way."-Mike McCready
I just found last month out I'm to be a father....If it's a boy, we're gonna name him Stone. I can only hope he would grow up to be as cool (or insanely talented) as his namesake.
Congratulations! Yeah, Stone is a pretty awesome name... very strong and masculine-sounding.
"This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
Happenstance, omg you are SO welcome. I cannot get over that video. :eek:! Seriously. We're going back in time this tour. WOW! :eek:
Ummm faithfull79, that is TOO AWESOME! Awww! Congrats! Your kid is destined to be super, duper cool with a name like that.
imfaithful! Yes please! DUCK WALK and some SINGING TOO! Let's get the whole Stoney G package deal! Stoney G funpack. haha. Including some of the greatest songs ever written, catchiest most melodic riffs, groovin dance moves, plaid perfection and some MANKIND/DONT GIMME NO LIP vocal action. Mmm hmmm. I'll take an order of that!
Ooook but really, why is our man a straight up comedian on top of it all? The funpack also includes comedy hour.
<~~~ listening to ALBANY
KaddiK...I just heard it!
OMG you guys....
STONE to JEFF (who's wearing the Bush mask) "Bush has been working out lately hasnt he? He looks like a, kinda buffer. More CHESTY":eek:
AWWW!!!! *tears* That's just too damn beautiful. So much love!
And whoa, HOLY SHIT are gonna be in the presence of the groove/riff master himself~~~>TOMORROW!!! :eek: Ahhh!! Aw and Krista too? Hell yes. The more PONIES the merrier.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Awww Stoney LOOKS TOO damn adorable in those pics!! And he is DA MAN!! I can't wait to see him tomorrow night in Cleveland!!! See the riffmaster getting down with his BAD self!! :cool:
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Awww I know feels SO WEIRD knowing I won't be at the same East Coast shows with my Glitter Twin/Stoney Pony. My whole Stoney world is just thrown off balance here. hehe. But that's so sweet that you'll be representing extra much in my absence.:) Thanks girlie. Awww, are you gonna wear your cute little Stoney shirt too? That was TOO CUTE!
OOOOH ALSO~~~> not sure if you heard this but they soundchecked PARACHUTES tonight!!!!!!!#$$$%$!@ :eek: AND DONT GIMME NO LIP a few nights ago! :eek: I hope there is an insane amount of Stoney lovin all around in CLEVELAND! I'm so excited for my STONEY GIRLS!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
yeah, it'll be weird, but it will be all good! Of course, as Lydia pointed out we will be with our "Jeffs' counterpart BUT, we DO have the Gorge together though!;) And YES, the Stoney Ponies will be there in Cleveland representing the bridgade
Kristia, I'll call you once I am in Cleveland. My group is suppose to pick me and another girl at the airport @ noon. I'll call you during that time :cool: hopefully we can meet up b/f the show Gah, I still need to figure out what else I need to take next...:eek:
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
It was the ONLY time I've ever been witness, but it finally happened!
Oh Nadia...we had the BEST freakin' show ever! I didn't think there was any way that Toronto could be topped, but this came close.
Lydia, we missed you! It's on at the Gorge!
um, yeah I KNOW Krista!! WOW! I need someone to SERIOUSLY shake me and tell it that REALLY did happen! :eek: too bad we couldn't meet up, but at least we got to talk But YEAH, the Stoney Ponies were representing it in Cleveland!! Talk about getting some Stoney love and that chant after Smile or was it Don't Gimmie No Lip?! That was rad!!
the GORGE it is SO on!! See you there girl;)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
nah, at least it is less than a day old though
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
And did you see him during Life Wasted on Letterman? The man was rockin' out.
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
oh man no! i was watched seperate performances from Letterman since my stupid real player was showing it shitty :mad: Plus my computer is slow sometimes, so I couldn't watch all of it! but DTE though, DAMN Stone was rockin' out like an old man!haha
In Hiding, you gotta love those Vedder/Gossard compositions, I swear, Yield and Binuaral have the Stoney touch!;) He wrote several songs on those albums, which kick ASS! All Those Yesterdays, No Way, Rival, Thin Air, Of the Girl, WOW! And the ones w/Eddie too, like DTE, In Hiding (my personal favorite), shit there are others haha
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
haha...yahamita! I love it!
SEE!!! Amen SmilinSkullRing! Nadia, we've finally found someone exactly like us. :eek: hahaha. Perfectly said there buddy and I could NOT agree more.
Wait, did you mention the DREAM TEAM??
Oooh and LETTERMAN? Holy shit! Stone was going NUTS! It really keeps getting more and more intense as the tours go by and this is by far the 90's and then some it seems...for ALL the boys! Our beloved SG is in flames! Headbanging like a mofo!!! :eek: Daaaaamn! It's such a beautiful thing. Wow. I am soooo fuckin pumped for these shows!!
Speaking of how on fire they are, I also wanna mention how completely happier than ever they all appear as well.
Our boys are ON IT in EVERY WAY! You can feel it, see it, hear it!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Check out what's under my name! :eek: I just noticed this shit! It's no longer "FAITHFULL"
LOOK WHAT IT IS!!!! *cannot stop smiling.*
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Yield is such an excellent album thanks to Stone, and Binaural is pretty underrated it seems. The compositions that Stone adds are killer in my book. I can't get enough of All Those Yesterdays and No Way lately, and DTE has always been one of my #1 favorites.
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Right on, right on! It always seems like Stone makes the best songs for the band or with Ed. Not that the others aren't great. For example, NAIS is one of my favorite songs. It's way up on the list, but if I picked ten songs that are my favorite Stone or Stone/Ed would fill up the list more than the others. And, of course, I am taking nothing away from the amazing talent of all of them. The longer I am a PJ fan the more I become a fan of Mike (amazing player and guy), but Stone just has that something plus that talent that draws me to him.
Awesome pic you posted by the way. I just found that one a few days ago myself.
And he was definitely feeling it at the Letterman performances. I love when Stone lets loose a little. It's a great thing to see. One of my favorite DVDs is the Pinkpop Festival from '92. Stone with long hair running around and twirling in his spot while playing. Yeah, that's pretty nice.
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
keep up the good work, girls!
SmilinSkullRing, YES! Agreed. Stone & Ed write "historic songs"...Matt said it himself.
grace6697, thanks girlie.
ScreamingLemur! haha. That made me laugh out loud "No more of this Pearl Jam or Stone Gossard business!"
"working hard tonight...STONE GOSSARD."
AHHH! Check him!! *freaks out*
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
in a little venue in Tampa in the early-mid nineties. There were only about
4 other women in the place. I was probably the only chick that made a GUY go to see them.
I saw Brad in 2002. I took a guy friend with me that knew nothing about them and he walked outta there a fan. He was blown away.
<~~ watching vid again
*jumps up and down*
Look at The Godfathers playing to each other! All smiles, having the best time. I so feel the love.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
To be on a computer-free vacation and to come back to this link????
Thank you thank you thank you VEDHEAD27 for the STONE ALERT!!! Wow
And look how happy Jeff looks... I'm sure he's thinking "I'm one lucky bass-player groovin' here with STONE" and/or "I'm lovin' that backwards cap"
"If some guy's not really giving me a reaction, I'll try and fucking get a reaction out of him. And I feed off of that. I go crazy. In a good way."-Mike McCready
Congratulations! Yeah, Stone is a pretty awesome name... very strong and masculine-sounding.
♪ Juli ♪
Happenstance, omg you are SO welcome. I cannot get over that video. :eek:! Seriously. We're going back in time this tour. WOW! :eek:
Ummm faithfull79, that is TOO AWESOME! Awww!
imfaithful! Yes please! DUCK WALK and some SINGING TOO! Let's get the whole Stoney G package deal! Stoney G funpack. haha. Including some of the greatest songs ever written, catchiest most melodic riffs, groovin dance moves, plaid perfection and some MANKIND/DONT GIMME NO LIP vocal action. Mmm hmmm. I'll take an order of that!
Ooook but really, why is our man a straight up comedian on top of it all? The funpack also includes comedy hour.
<~~~ listening to ALBANY
KaddiK...I just heard it!
OMG you guys....
STONE to JEFF (who's wearing the Bush mask)
"Bush has been working out lately hasnt he? He looks like a, kinda buffer. More CHESTY":eek:
ahahahahaha. Wtf??? OMG Stoney you're killing me!!
ED""our last word to you....CHESTY""
....."interesting night yeah?"
My good god these guys are THE GREATEST!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
When did we become "bitches" (I read that in the Wikipedia....I'm confused)
Anywho...Nadia...anyone.... Who's coming to Cleveland this weekend?
HOLY CRAP! It is my girl, Krista, I WILL be in Cleveland this Sat. I am coming girl...let the Stoney Bridgade begin!!
and HELLO to all my fellow Stoney Ponies/Bitches in the house! :cool: WOW, I come back from several days of NOT posting to a LOT of Stone LOVE!!
let's keep the duck man love going peeps!!! YEA! I am going to see Stone in ALL his plaidness this Sat. in Cleveland...>YEA!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
*feels all warm & fuzzy inside*
And check out the Godfathers having a loving moment together...
AWWW!!!! *tears* That's just too damn beautiful. So much love!
And whoa, HOLY SHIT are gonna be in the presence of the groove/riff master himself~~~>TOMORROW!!! :eek: Ahhh!! Aw and Krista too? Hell yes. The more PONIES the merrier.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Give me a call!
Ms. Lydia...we will miss you! I've never been at a show with only 1/2 the glitter twins! Nadia and I will have to represent extra hard at the show!
OOOOH ALSO~~~> not sure if you heard this but they soundchecked PARACHUTES tonight!!!!!!!#$$$%$!@
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Kristia, I'll call you once I am in Cleveland. My group is suppose to pick me and another girl at the airport @ noon. I'll call you during that time :cool: hopefully we can meet up b/f the show
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
It was the ONLY time I've ever been witness, but it finally happened!
Oh Nadia...we had the BEST freakin' show ever! I didn't think there was any way that Toronto could be topped, but this came close.
Lydia, we missed you! It's on at the Gorge!
um, yeah I KNOW Krista!! WOW! I need someone to SERIOUSLY shake me and tell it that REALLY did happen! :eek: too bad we couldn't meet up, but at least we got to talk
the GORGE it is SO on!! See you there girl;)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn