Is there enough love for stone to get 1,000 posts? Surely we can give the man that brings so much happiness to our lives 1,000 posts, show some love for stone gossard.
I never thought I would get this many replies.It just crazy that there is so much love for the Stone man.And I just wanted to say word up to Vedhead27!
Ft. Lauderdale 96'
Tampa 00'
West Palm Beach 03'
House of Blues 03'
Tampa 03'
Kissimmee 04'
West Palm Beach 08'
Tampa 08'
Eddie Vedder Clearwater both nights 2012
Stone Is fuckin amazing! I was sickened when i watched msg on dvd and he is turned down to low, it ruins the whole dvd. It made me realise how great his guitar riffs are when i couldnt hear them. Sometimes i take stone for granted. I freaking love that guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awww hey stoneg! I know, all this love is awesome!!! You seriously ROCK for creating this thread. Meddledeal is right though, the old days this badboy really was never-ending..people are slackin!! The mighty man deserves so much love! Shit, it was my Never-ending praise for Stone thread back in '03 that united me with Meddledeal in the first place. The love for STONEY brings people together!! Sooo beautiful. Not only to meet people that share the same passion for the greatest band in the world, but also for STONEY?! Ahhh it's the greatest. We're a dying breed that refuses to die damnit! *yells* MORE DUCK LOVE!!!
haha....glad you dig the ode stonesgstring. It's true, that ass shakin ain't afraid!
garypower...RIGHT the hell ON! We need more people like you around in the PJ world. As far as great Stoney dvd action...SHOWBOX man! That camera man kicks SOOO much ass! MAJOR STONE LOVE! Fuckin finally. I think many people take him for granted to tell you the truth. I fuckin LOVE that guy as well though and this is a thread to celebrate that!
*does the Don't Gimme No Lip bounce*
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Yeah, we Stoney Ponies are a dying breed!! Where are you all?! Get up and praise this duck man!!!
It is SO true VEDHEAD27, Stone DID brings us together...your never-ending Stone praise thread made it HAPPENED, and shit, it changed the course of my life for the BETTER!! And what a better way of sharing the love of the duck man with fellow Stoney's Ponies, as we made our 13 hour trip to see Stone's solo show in Ballard, WA, at Sunset Tavern! SO worth it!! Only 3 feet way from him?! Truly a magical experience! The look on his face when me and you started singing the songs off his solo album :cool: PRICELESS!!
Who said that Stone CAN'T be a frontman?! HELLO?! Watching him do his solo show, which was in a SMALL ass bar, he proved that he can DO IT!! interacting with the audience, his band, and eye contact with the fans...truly amazing! Yeah, I know he was kind of awkward at the Ottawa show, BUT, HELLO?! He did not have his guitar with him, of course he didn't know what to do b/c he CONSTANTLY had his guitar or some kind of instrument.
If Stone does a solo show again, we don't mind either flying or taking another road trip to WA!;)
PRAISE the DUCK MAN and shake your tail feathers STONEY!! :cool:
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I saw the video for alive a few days ago and i forgot how kick ass stone looked with long hair. he should grow long hair again and keep the beard going or maybe just wear a wig for a show for old times sake! Although ive got this kick ass picture of stone taken recently posing with the band and hes got these cool shades and a kick ass jacket on, his fashion sense puts the rest of the band to shame, after all it was stone who picked out a jacket for eddie that looked so good the shops jacked the prices up to $1000.His fashion sense is almost as good as his guitar playing. Stone gave us thin air mankind and plaid pants and he has got to be one of the coolest people of all time.
I saw the video for alive a few days ago and i forgot how kick ass stone looked with long hair. he should grow long hair again and keep the beard going or maybe just wear a wig for a show for old times sake! Although ive got this kick ass picture of stone taken recently posing with the band and hes got these cool shades and a kick ass jacket on, his fashion sense puts the rest of the band to shame, after all it was stone who picked out a jacket for eddie that looked so good the shops jacked the prices up to $1000.His fashion sense is almost as good as his guitar playing. Stone gave us thin air mankind and plaid pants and he has got to be one of the coolest people of all time.
Stone's shoes are ugly.
A whisper and a thrill
A whisper and a chill
"Why do I bother?"
The 11th Commandment.
YES! Once again I'm in full agreement with you garypower. The guy is a PIMP all around. His fashion sense is indeed the GREATEST! Come on...who else can ROCK PLAID this much?! The guy just screams cool and really took PLAID and GLASSES to a whole new level.
As far as your long hair comments...*purrs* this will always be one of my fav pictures of the man...
Vedhed i have to agree that is a kick ass pic of stone.The goatee kinda reminds me of this guy from a horror film i seen the other night.That is probably stone at his best. Looking as kick ass as ever!
Stone kicks SO much ass, I can't get over it, that I had this crush on this man ever since I saw Even Flow played on MTV and then watching them on SNL back in 1992! :eek: WHOA! Stoney was sure moving around a lot during those performances and that SISSY shirt is always funny!!
Stone is truly a Renassiance man...MLB?! Come on?! Don't get me started on Mother Love Bone?! one of the coolest glam bands of the 80s. You think Stone wore funny hats now, he wore even stranger hats back then! :eek:
how do you do
the things that you do?
the master of riffs
the master of groove
PIMPIN it up
wherever you go
not afraid to shake your ass
or let that beard grow
always yourself
always the best
a musical mastermind
with talent that refuses to rest
said it before but it can't be said enough
we love you oh mighty duck
You rock our worlds
Stoney G
the love & praise
is never-ending
RIGHT ON Nadia! You know I care. Damn (as I always say) I STILL cannot get over that solo show and STILL cannot believe we were there. :eek: Like WHOA...LIKE (you know who™x3 ) WHOA!
Funny you mention BAYLEAF---I've actually had FITS in my head all damn day. I think I'll go listen to it before I go to sleep. Then I'm off to dream of plaid, flip flops, and tail feathers. haha.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Can anyone give me a site where i can buy or download stones solo stuff, ive asked 2 record stores to order it in for me and the fuckers never got it. I had to travel 60miles to find a mlb album so i suspect its gonna be the same with stones solo stuff. Ive got a better chance of finding a pot of gold under a rainbow than a stone gossard album in ireland!
Awww dear garypower, my fellow STONE can NOT be without BAYLEAF!! :eek: That's just wrong. What is Ireland thinking?!?! You poor deprived soul. I would be more than happy to help you attain this STONEY goodness. Can you PM me your email address please?
<~~ always down to spread the STONEY love ....especially to those that recognize & appreciate the greatness that is STONEY G!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Man, I am aching to see another Stoney solo show...I am SO down to driving 13 hours again to see the duck man sing!!
And Lydi™, it was amazing, what a great night we all had...too bad we didn't run into Eddie, but eh, it was cool just standing there in front of the duckman singing Bayleaf songs, a new Brad song, and a PJ song!! :eek: TOO MUCH overload!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I know Nadi™.....I really STILL cannot believe that happened and to tell you the truth, I'm glad there were some hardcore Stoney Ponies in attendance...people that truely love & respect the man! THIN AIR though?!?! :eek: We were squeezing each other soooooooo damn hard during that shit. haha. I remember we sang the missing verse too....ha. See, it's not just ED that forgets his OWN lyrics. :rolleyes: hehe. It happens to the best of em. I mean after all, the guys are only human (hard to believe I know ).
I know Nadi™.....I really STILL cannot believe that happened and to tell you the truth, I'm glad there were some hardcore Stoney Ponies in attendance...people that truely love & respect the man! THIN AIR though?!?! :eek: We were squeezing each other soooooooo damn hard during that shit. haha. I remember we sang the missing verse too....ha. See, it's not just ED that forgets his OWN lyrics. :rolleyes: hehe. It happens to the best of em. I mean after all, the guys are only human (hard to believe I know ).
I agree with you girl...I mean, DAMN, there was SO much love that night, and then b/f and after the show, running into MORE Stoney fans!! That was TOO cool!! I SO remember that, we could not believe we were hearing THIN AIR out of stone's mouth!! :eek: I remember when he forgot it, I was like, 'wait a minute, he is missing a verse right?"
I mean, WOW!! Talk about an evolution change...he looks SO different, that sometimes some people can't recognize him I know I did when I saw PJ on SNL back in 1992 and then in 1994, when i was 13, i was like 'where's that long hair dude?!' I didn't know he cut his hair! hahahaha (I had NO mtv at the time so I didn't see the music awards)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Glad you enjoyed the pics girl. There certainly is a noticeable evolution of the duck. He does look waaaay different over the years but the coolness is always there---even with the vests...even with the half up/half down hair with SCRUNCHIES! :eek: The guy is just always pimpin it. There's just something about the way he holds himself. PIMP! The INNER PIMP is always thriving. haha.
The long hair was definitely super good times. I do love the modern Stoney too...he just ROCKS it all.
So I'm listening to an old interview with the man, right before the VFC tour kicked off. Pretty damn cool. It's always great to hear him speak..and even more so on important issues. Oh he talks about BRAD too! For sure worth a listen.....
I agree~ (gee, doesn't this sound like how we first met? ) Stoney likes to talk a lot, which is cool!! The inner nerd is in there too!!
I love it when Brad was on 120 Minutes, Matt P., the host, asked him why he chose Motley Crue and he said that he was a fan of theirs, their older stuff, including "Too Fast For Love" He certainly is a fan of butt rock! hahaha
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
haha! HELL YES! Yet another reason the man ROCKS...he loves BUTT ROCK! Wooo hoo!
Ok, I'll also never forget that footage where he's with Brad and he's asked why he has so many projects going on-PJ, Brad, solo...and he just smiles and says "Cuze I'm not through sleeping around" HA! LOVE IT!
STONEY G ROCKS me like a hurricane! :eek:
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh whats this.........thats not stone;););)
EWWW!! ahahahaa. Man, some of these "look alikes" trip me the hell out...although at times I CAN admit I do see the Harry Potter thing. I'll always stand by Tony Hawk...Stoney Hawk. This though?!?!? :eek: hahaaa. Wrong...just wrong.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Tampa 00'
West Palm Beach 03'
House of Blues 03'
Tampa 03'
Kissimmee 04'
West Palm Beach 08'
Tampa 08'
Eddie Vedder Clearwater both nights 2012
"not afraid to shake your ass" LMAO
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
Rockin' out to Creadles
Show your love for the duckman!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
haha....glad you dig the ode stonesgstring.
garypower...RIGHT the hell ON! We need more people like you around in the PJ world.
*does the Don't Gimme No Lip bounce*
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
It is SO true VEDHEAD27, Stone DID brings us together...your never-ending Stone praise thread made it HAPPENED, and shit, it changed the course of my life for the BETTER!! And what a better way of sharing the love of the duck man with fellow Stoney's Ponies, as we made our 13 hour trip to see Stone's solo show in Ballard, WA, at Sunset Tavern! SO worth it!! Only 3 feet way from him?! Truly a magical experience! The look on his face when me and you started singing the songs off his solo album :cool: PRICELESS!!
Who said that Stone CAN'T be a frontman?! HELLO?! Watching him do his solo show, which was in a SMALL ass bar, he proved that he can DO IT!! interacting with the audience, his band, and eye contact with the fans...truly amazing! Yeah, I know he was kind of awkward at the Ottawa show, BUT, HELLO?! He did not have his guitar with him, of course he didn't know what to do b/c he CONSTANTLY had his guitar or some kind of instrument.
If Stone does a solo show again, we don't mind either flying or taking another road trip to WA!;)
PRAISE the DUCK MAN and shake your tail feathers STONEY!! :cool:
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
A whisper and a chill
"Why do I bother?"
The 11th Commandment.
As far as your long hair comments...*purrs*
*drools uncontrollably*
WHOA STONEY! :eek: Whoa............
Ali?! Shame on you. LONG LIVE THE FLIP FLOPS!!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Stone kicks SO much ass, I can't get over it, that I had this crush on this man ever since I saw Even Flow played on MTV and then watching them on SNL back in 1992! :eek: WHOA! Stoney was sure moving around a lot during those performances and that SISSY shirt is always funny!!
Stone is truly a Renassiance man...MLB?! Come on?! Don't get me started on Mother Love Bone?! one of the coolest glam bands of the 80s. You think Stone wore funny hats now, he wore even stranger hats back then! :eek:
like WHOA there Stoney!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
you are so talented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!amazing
Make sure you pay a visit to the Tram before it goes......
hahah. Aww, you're too kind The Kids Are Alright (aka my little board crush
@$# haha. "How good is he?" <~~ exactly!
In honor of you, my cute little YIELD brotha, I shall go blast one of Stoney's greatest from the motherload album..............
{{{{ All Those Yesterdays }}}}}
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
just finished another viewing of SVT.......i feel inspired:):):):)
Make sure you pay a visit to the Tram before it goes......
*recalls that 8/2004 show*
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Funny you mention BAYLEAF---I've actually had FITS in my head all damn day. I think I'll go listen to it before I go to sleep. Then I'm off to dream of plaid, flip flops, and tail feathers.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
<~~ always down to spread the STONEY love
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Man, I am aching to see another Stoney solo show...I am SO down to driving 13 hours again to see the duck man sing!!
And Lydi™, it was amazing, what a great night we all had...too bad we didn't run into Eddie, but eh, it was cool just standing there in front of the duckman singing Bayleaf songs, a new Brad song, and a PJ song!! :eek: TOO MUCH overload!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I know Nadi™.....I really STILL cannot believe that happened and to tell you the truth, I'm glad there were some hardcore Stoney Ponies in attendance...people that truely love & respect the man!
STONEY goodness.....
Awwwwww!! Don't make ya?!?!
This guy is THE BEST! Mr. COOL! :cool:
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
.....but the shoes have "GOT TO GO";)
Golf just isnt my bag-baby...
A whisper and a chill
"Why do I bother?"
The 11th Commandment.
I agree with you girl...I mean, DAMN, there was SO much love that night, and then b/f and after the show, running into MORE Stoney fans!! That was TOO cool!!
I LOVE those pics that u posted girl!! HOT DAMN!!
Who would have thought this was Stone THEN (my love affair w/the duckman started from here):
grrrrr *like a kittie*
and now:
I mean, WOW!! Talk about an evolution change...he looks SO different, that sometimes some people can't recognize him
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
The long hair was definitely super good times. I do love the modern Stoney too...he just ROCKS it all.
So I'm listening to an old interview with the man, right before the VFC tour kicked off. Pretty damn cool. It's always great to hear him speak..and even more so on important issues.
PART 2 =
Stoney : " Buy a bottle of Wild Turkey and sign up man!"
The guy is frickin hilarious!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I love it when Brad was on 120 Minutes, Matt P., the host, asked him why he chose Motley Crue and he said that he was a fan of theirs, their older stuff, including "Too Fast For Love" He certainly is a fan of butt rock! hahaha
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Ok, I'll also never forget that footage where he's with Brad and he's asked why he has so many projects going on-PJ, Brad, solo...and he just smiles and says "Cuze I'm not through sleeping around" HA! LOVE IT!
STONEY G ROCKS me like a hurricane! :eek:
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh whats this.........thats not stone;););)
Make sure you pay a visit to the Tram before it goes......
EWWW!! ahahahaa. Man, some of these "look alikes" trip me the hell out...although at times I CAN admit I do see the Harry Potter thing.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Make sure you pay a visit to the Tram before it goes......
Eeek! No you didn't!!! :eek: Shame on you!! haha.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√