No Fuckin Way Mccready!!!!!!!



  • LukinFanLukinFan Florida Posts: 29,077
    zootown wrote:
    Just come hang in Missoula for awhile, its bound to happen....
    haha, that's what I've heard. I was thinking about going back to school :)

    1996: Ft Lauderdale
    1998: Birmingham
    2000: Charlotte, Tampa
    2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
    2004: Kissimmee
    2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
    2010: MSG2
    2012: Music Midtown
    2014: Memphis
    2016: Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Jacksonville, JazzFest
    2018: Wrigley 1, Fenway 1
    2022: Nashville
    2023: Ft. Worth II
    2024: Baltimore

    Upcoming: 2025 Hollywood, FL Night 2
  • stickboystickboy Posts: 2,981
    SENROCK! wrote:
    THATS RIGHT. It was YOUR time. WE were planning that together but things didnt work out for me this time but DEFINITELY for you and YOU represented!!! You make me damn proud!!!! And LYDIA hugged The Master way back in...03. I told HER it would happen if she believed and it did! You see? More people need to listen to me!! :D I can only IMAGINE the squeals that were heard thru the streets of ny!!! :D Give the girls a hug for me!!!!
    dude...that shoulda been a youtube moment..between ME SCREAMING NO FUCKKIN WAY..Pati..pointing at the master, jaw to the floor, and chiqui about to just lose it..Lyd was just as hyped the Master looked SOOOO confused I felt bad cause I think I freaked him out for a sec and then he's like..oh theyre fans and he just had this smile and talked to us like we been peeps fuckin real that man, it hurts
    his parents were prolly thinking at that point wow..Our son is a huge star!

    and his wife?? so sweet.took a second picture for us even, with Mike rockin the Aloha in one hand and the devil horns on the other...oh MAN wait till the girls post those new profile pic, my new wallpaper, screensaver...we just stared at hose pics and teared up, and left speechless for all these emotions and it was like...closure for MSG
    it couldnt have ended any better
    Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
    Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
    Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
  • stickboystickboy Posts: 2,981
    SENROCK! wrote:
    dude CHIQSTER got THEE GREATEST birthday gift EVER if u ask me!!!! And i love too how sticky just went for the hug!!!! :D Thats my boy!!!!!
    LMFAO!! poor mike..puts his hand out and I was like nah mike fuck that and he seen me go for the hug and for those 10 seconds just telling him THANK YOU THANK YOU not letting go

    Im an asshole cause I SOOOO wanted to tell him wish my homegirl a happy Bday and I totally forgot :(,
    but still her gift walked right into us on that corner and she loved it...she got her gift :D
    Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
    Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
    Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
  • evenflowmanevenflowman Posts: 1,347
    Man great story i have met him a few times he is such a class act!!!!1
  • AllieAllie Posts: 2,908
    SENROCK! wrote:
    dude CHIQSTER got THEE GREATEST birthday gift EVER if u ask me!!!! And i love too how sticky just went for the hug!!!! :D Thats my boy!!!!!
    it's awesome
    I felt like I was there reading the description of the story. I know exactly where that spot in the Park is.
    " a word misplaced, nothing said, what a waste.."
    "Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
    Free Speedy
    and Metsy!
  • WhizbangWhizbang Posts: 1,314
    stickboy wrote:
    I wake up today ready to go meet chiqui, ved head and pati for a strol thru central park and strawberry fields and we got caught up and emotional and all I kept thinking how cool would that be if Mike would just happen to visit the same time we did. It didnt happen of course so we left cause VED HEAD had to pee really bad and as we're waling up past the Dakota on 72 and Columbus, Im walkiin a bit ahead by meself and as I turn left to the corner my mind just fuckin LOST IT!
    I was like NO FUCKIN WAY>>NO FUCKIN WAAAAAYYYYY!!! And the girls were like WAH WAH?? and PATI looks over and I scream MIKE FUCKIN MCCREADY!!!!!! the 4 of us nearly dropped and poor mike he saw me flip and starts looking behind him like in the street like WHY is this dude bugging oout?? and soon as he heard me he knew..his wife and his mom and dad SMILING EAR TO EAR behind me!! I tell them after I shook his hand 'You gys raised the BEST guitarist EVER" Mom and da are like.."yea we know, lmao!!!" and i tell them back no but for real hes the best human being like what a great after the girls were done chatting with him and I recollected myself he ogoes to shake my hand and Im like "nah mike..FUCK that, and I hugged the shit out of him THANKING HIM for Black Diamond and for just everything! and he embraced me back sooo fuckin heartfelt...wait till yall see the pics..hes cheesin ot as much as much love on the corner of 72 and Columbus about an hour ago..WOW!
    MY MSG experience just ended with a bang!

    I didn't read the rest of the thread....this was enough!!!! This is fucking awesome babe!!!!! can't wait to see the photos!!! you're coming to Hartford, right????? :D
    believe it or not, we don't "need" anything. that is only the spoiled brat in us trying to fill some temporary solution to an emptyness that does not exist.

    I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
  • SENROCKSENROCK Posts: 10,736
    stickboy wrote:
    dude...that shoulda been a youtube moment..between ME SCREAMING NO FUCKKIN WAY..Pati..pointing at the master, jaw to the floor, and chiqui about to just lose it..Lyd was just as hyped the Master looked SOOOO confused I felt bad cause I think I freaked him out for a sec and then he's like..oh theyre fans and he just had this smile and talked to us like we been peeps fuckin real that man, it hurts
    his parents were prolly thinking at that point wow..Our son is a huge star!

    and his wife?? so sweet.took a second picture for us even, with Mike rockin the Aloha in one hand and the devil horns on the other...oh MAN wait till the girls post those new profile pic, my new wallpaper, screensaver...we just stared at hose pics and teared up, and left speechless for all these emotions and it was like...closure for MSG
    it couldnt have ended any better
    i think i woulda just passed out cold. tried to scream but wouldnt have made it.
    ~~~~~~ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD TIME~~~~~~
    Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!

    "Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95

    It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
  • stickboystickboy Posts: 2,981
    LukinFan wrote:
    will I ever meet Jeff? :D
    lol I was telling the girls after meeting mike if another one of the band members creep up on us Im gonna scream THIS IS BULLSHIT! next NOW you guys are setting us up, lmao 2 pj members in one day..of course THAT didnt happen and I just found out from another friend who sold my sis his ticket he spotted Stone at the Strawberry fields yest and as far as Jeff I told them I knew a few skating parks where he mighta been, causer thats just waht jeff does, lol..either that or him and ed stayed at msg for the NBA draft today? I know they had all these games and festivities by where the trucks and band entrance/exit is but I didnt see anyone

    so now I got the girls saying NO FUCKIN WAY MIKE FUCKIN MCCREADY and THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!
    Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
    Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
    Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
  • stickboystickboy Posts: 2,981
    Whizbang wrote:
    I didn't read the rest of the thread....this was enough!!!! This is fucking awesome babe!!!!! can't wait to see the photos!!! you're coming to Hartford, right????? :D
    yea, I guess after that..I dont want it to end now, nd after B, Pati and Lyd and my boy Angelo here trying to convince me..I just gave up...SO Im in for Hartford :D I just need a place to crash for me and my boy now
    Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
    Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
    Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
  • LukinFanLukinFan Florida Posts: 29,077
    stickboy wrote:
    lol I was telling the girls after meeting mike if another one of the band members creep up on us Im gonna scream THIS IS BULLSHIT! next NOW you guys are setting us up, lmao 2 pj members in one day..of course THAT didnt happen and I just found out from another friend who sold my sis his ticket he spotted Stone at the Strawberry fields yest and as far as Jeff I told them I knew a few skating parks where he mighta been, causer thats just waht jeff does, lol..either that or him and ed stayed at msg for the NBA draft today? I know they had all these games and festivities by where the trucks and band entrance/exit is but I didnt see anyone

    so now I got the girls saying NO FUCKIN WAY MIKE FUCKIN MCCREADY and THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!
    please post pics in the 1st post when you get a chance

    1996: Ft Lauderdale
    1998: Birmingham
    2000: Charlotte, Tampa
    2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
    2004: Kissimmee
    2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
    2010: MSG2
    2012: Music Midtown
    2014: Memphis
    2016: Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Jacksonville, JazzFest
    2018: Wrigley 1, Fenway 1
    2022: Nashville
    2023: Ft. Worth II
    2024: Baltimore

    Upcoming: 2025 Hollywood, FL Night 2
  • gobrowns19gobrowns19 Posts: 1,447
    SENROCK! wrote:
    Im cryyyyin like a girl after reading this.

    Haha, aren't you a girl though? That's kind of funny.
    Happiness is only real when shared
  • SENROCKSENROCK Posts: 10,736
    gobrowns19 wrote:
    Haha, aren't you a girl though? That's kind of funny.

    yeeeeeah but im very UN girl like. :D
    ~~~~~~ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD TIME~~~~~~
    Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!

    "Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95

    It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
  • stickboystickboy Posts: 2,981
    LukinFan wrote:
    please post pics in the 1st post when you get a chance
    will do in a few..the girls are heading back so I should have i up withn the hour, with their approval of course...if not then I'll just crop it down to me and him and yall could check it :)
    Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
    Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
    Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
  • UnevenflowUnevenflow Posts: 19
    Eli... that is so SWEEEEEEEEET! You deserve it my friend!!!
  • stickboystickboy Posts: 2,981
    Unevenflow wrote:
    Eli... that is so SWEEEEEEEEET! You deserve it my friend!!!
    what is even sweeter than that is getting to see you again bro and hanging with you..tell your wifey I said hello and nice to officially meet guys are the shit! :D
    Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
    Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
    Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
  • WhizbangWhizbang Posts: 1,314
    stickboy wrote:
    yea, I guess after that..I dont want it to end now, nd after B, Pati and Lyd and my boy Angelo here trying to convince me..I just gave up...SO Im in for Hartford :D I just need a place to crash for me and my boy now

    awwwwww yeah!!! We will be hanging some!!!! Let me see if my crew is staying in Hartford, I can't remember if they are. I'm staying with Tony & Lindsay.
    believe it or not, we don't "need" anything. that is only the spoiled brat in us trying to fill some temporary solution to an emptyness that does not exist.

    I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
  • elmerelmer Posts: 1,683
    you sound like a royal pain in the ass mate!
  • corduroidcorduroid Posts: 293
    Dude's out strolling around with his wife and parents after those monster MSG stops? What a freakin' cool thing to read ~

    Good on ya, stickboy! :D
  • stickboystickboy Posts: 2,981
    Whizbang wrote:
    awwwwww yeah!!! We will be hanging some!!!! Let me see if my crew is staying in Hartford, I can't remember if they are. I'm staying with Tony & Lindsay.
    nice..Im gonna try and get in touch with Larry see if me and my boy can crash with him...winds up were just comin in tom nite..the girls got a car and are headed to CT right the pic should be up later or tomorrow
    Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
    Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
    Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
  • stickboystickboy Posts: 2,981
    elmer wrote:
    you sound like a royal pain in the ass mate!
    you're saying that like Im one who cares about what you think
    Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
    Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
    Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
  • This story would be cooler if you didn;t freak out like a 12 year old in the 80's when you saw Michael Jackson outside the elementary school. bwhahaha
    "One just escapes, one's left inside the well... and he who forgets will be destined to remember"
  • FahkaFahka Posts: 3,187
    So awesome eli, that just made me smile so big!! Thats such a neat story, wow:)

    and i cant believe you are going to hartford, you lucky biz
  • FahkaFahka Posts: 3,187
    Solat13 wrote:
    Very cool story!!!

    Couldn't have happened to better people!

  • stickboystickboy Posts: 2,981
    This story would be cooler if you didn;t freak out like a 12 year old in the 80's when you saw Michael Jackson outside the elementary school. bwhahaha

    Good one, good one, you got me, lol ...I just couldnt contain myself tho...and Ive met Mike b4 and I didnt react like that in 04...its just the way we were talking about him and like 5 minutes he falls into me, right after he kicked my ass 2 nights in a row, and in my hometown ...c' can you NOT freak out. The cool thing was it just became a mutual appreciation right after that between us all
    Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
    Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
    Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
  • stickboystickboy Posts: 2,981
    So awesome eli, that just made me smile so big!! Thats such a neat story, wow:)

    and i cant believe you are going to hartford, you lucky biz
    they wouldnt let me say no :p
    Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
    Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
    Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
  • PineappleAnaPineappleAna Posts: 255
    These girls finally got to our hotel room in Hartford last night and never said a word to me...just let me scroll through there pictures and there he fucking is.

    How they kept something like that from me all day I'll never know!

    It couldn't of happened to a better group of people, I'm so happy for all of them.
  • LukinFanLukinFan Florida Posts: 29,077
    elmer wrote:
    you sound like a royal pain in the ass mate!
    why woud you say that? If I was famous, I'd love for people to come up talk to me about whatever- like I was just some regular dude

    1996: Ft Lauderdale
    1998: Birmingham
    2000: Charlotte, Tampa
    2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
    2004: Kissimmee
    2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
    2010: MSG2
    2012: Music Midtown
    2014: Memphis
    2016: Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Jacksonville, JazzFest
    2018: Wrigley 1, Fenway 1
    2022: Nashville
    2023: Ft. Worth II
    2024: Baltimore

    Upcoming: 2025 Hollywood, FL Night 2
  • chimechime Posts: 7,839
    Only just stumbled on this. That is so cool :D

    Made me grin like a fool sat here at work ... and now you're off to Hartford ... ain't no stopping you now :p

    Can't wait to see the pics :)
    So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
  • piombapiomba Posts: 103
    This is a great story :). I will be smiling all day thinking about. Hope to see you all again in Mansfield...
  • TrixieCatTrixieCat Posts: 5,756
    That is such an awesome story! I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Chiqui at McGarry's on her birthday and am so excited to see her again tonite!
    I am so happy for all of you.
    Stick, i met you very briefly inside of the garden. Was that you sister you were with? She is beautiful.
    Great story!
    Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
    And I don't feel right when you're gone away
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