


  • BinauralBinaural Posts: 1,046
    maynard on acid ^^^
    ~*~*~*~*PROUD EVENFLOW PSYCHO #0026~*~*~*~*

    *^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*

    Dublin 08/06
    Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
  • BinauralBinaural Posts: 1,046
    By the way, the Opiate EP is fucking phenomenal :D
    ~*~*~*~*PROUD EVENFLOW PSYCHO #0026~*~*~*~*

    *^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*

    Dublin 08/06
    Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
  • Alex_Coe wrote:
    On AOL music there is 6 songs: The Pot, Vicarious, Viginti Tres, Right in Two, Intentioned, Rosetta Stoned, and Lost keys. I listened to The Pot, it was okay. The instrumentals were okay but I don't like the singer. Vicarious was sorta samey, but relatively good.

    these are all from the new album. i wouldn't recommend them to a casual fan. they're very complex. right in two is one of my favorite songs, but it might take a few listens to get into it.

    if you're still interested, you can find a lot of their older (and more mainstream) songs on the 100 or so fan sites that people have created on myspace.
    Alex_Coe wrote:
    Still, I can't see where this rabid fanbase is coming from.

    that's ok... i don't think the band understands it either...
  • The album Undertow was one of those albums that, I can't put my finger on it, but had a great impact on me musically. Hard to explain but you know when once in a while an album comes around and knocks the shit out of you.
    "She knows there is no success like failure
    And that failure's no success at all."

    "Don't ya think its sometimes wise not to grow up."

    "Cause life ain't nothing but a good groove
    A good mixed tape to put you in the right mood."
  • ArctangentArctangent Posts: 614
    it's not that they don't make ANY money. they make more than enough. but the record label gets a much higher cut than the band does, and it seems like this causes some bitterness in their world. of course, the record label also lets them release whatever they want without objection. so it's a two-way street.

    i really don't believe this. tool took their record company to court in the 90's which was part of the reason for the huge gap between albums. the were released from what was considered to be a restrictive contract but re-negotiated and re-signed with the same label. i can't believe having gone through all that they would have signed another crappy deal. apart from which, the 4 members of tool are now very wealthy guys thanks to money made from records and tours.
  • i don't know man, Laturalus was about half good... some of that stuff towards the end like "Reflection" were horrible. i saw them on that tour and had to sit through those longass songs (and i LOVE long songs) that go nowhere.

    i heard most of 10,000 Days and was not impressed. some of those riffs sounded straight out of a Godsmack record, plus i distinctly remember hearing a riff that i'm sure was on AEnima.

    somebody posted on here that they don't make money from their records... dude, they sell millions of copies. i'm sure all their records since Undertow are multi-platnium. obviously all bands make their real money on the road.. what w/ $30 tshirts and $40-50 hoodies.. a band the size of Tool can make a killing.. plus if the band has any say on how much to charge for parking-i doubt they do but still, look at all the other ways these bands rip you off, and i know it's not just them but every big band out there.

    i thought AEnima was a masterpiece and Laturalus was NOT worth the 6 years i waited. yeah, i know they put out Salival in between but looking back that kind of sucked. Tool annoy me. but if you guys like it, go for it you know.

    You also forgot that a band with any sort of clout will get a percentage of the concessions sold as well. Not bad, escpecially when they're selling $8 beers.
    one foot in the door
    the other foot in the gutter
    sweet smell that they adore
    I think I'd rather smother
    -The Replacements-
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    it's not that they don't make ANY money. they make more than enough. but the record label gets a much higher cut than the band does, and it seems like this causes some bitterness in their world. of course, the record label also lets them release whatever they want without objection. so it's a two-way street.

    you're absolutely right that almost all bands make their real money on the road, especially since the record label usually doesn't get a cut of the tour earnings. so for tool, touring extensively is their way of "sticking it" to the label.

    of course, money has always taken on sort of a weird meaning in the tool world. i never get tired of posting these lyrics:

    it's almost like, "we don't need your money... but FUCK YOU, we got it anyway!" money is the ultimate indicator of status in our society (for better or for worse), and it seems like tool really gets a kick out of taking it away from people through such unconventional means.

    speaking of unconventional... lateralus and 10,000 days. i think they're both amazing albums. you obviously feel differently, and that's fine. i think we can all agree that tool's newer material isn't going to appeal to everyone. it's not intended to. lateralus and 10,000 days require MANY listens in order to gain full appreciation, and i guess a lot of people aren't really interested in putting in that kind of time.

    but dude... godsmack?!? lol... c'mon... godsmack is one of the most simplistic and derivative bands in the world. tool is one of the most complex and original. sure, adam jones plays a lot of power chords. but i feel that the complexity of his recent riffs is the result of the odd time signatures that he uses more so than the specific chords that he plays. of course, this is all just my opinion.
    i know how terrible and simple Godsmack is, that's why i was so surprised when i heard some of those riffs on 10,000 Days!

    what about all those mini songs or bullshit tracks Tool put on Aenima and Laturalus.. not sure on 10,000 Days.. like "Message To Harry Manback", "(-) Ions, Die Er Von Satan or whatever that is... do any of you guys actually listen to those tracks more than a few times before you skip over them? what's the point of that? you take those tracks away and how many songs are actually on a record? i guess PJ did that w/ "Pry, To", "Aye Davineta" and "Hey Foxymophandlemoma, That's Me".... that was pretty annoying too.
  • IDgotIIDgotI Posts: 262
    yosi wrote:
    I like 'em. Hopefully one of these days I'll get to see them in concert.

    Going to see TOOL play live is like visiting the Grand Canyon. I was invited to a show by a friend. Actually he was "returning the favor" because I took him to a Pearl Jam show. I had more of an emotional connection to the PJ show because I know the songs. But the TOOL show was an all out musical assault. They are jaw droppingly tight and poweful.

    I still have more of an emotional connection to the PJ's material, and so I prefer them as a band (not that it really matters) but I would say that anyone who enjoys live music should really make an effort to check out TOOL.

    They have the most awe inspringly tight rhythm section this side of James Brown. Regardless of how much one does / does not like their material, their musicianship is just staggering and a phenomenal sight to behold when taken in live.

    It's like watching Michael Jordan play. Whether you like basketball or not, it was worth catching Michael Jordan sail through the air. Greatness is just inspiring to behold. TOOL live is something to see.

    (edit: To be fair I found the "middle section" of their show really dull and "Spinal Tap" like. This is where they dragged out some 10 minute long each mid tempo and down tempo numbers. I didn't / still don't know their albums that well, so these songs meant nothing to me and just dragged. I understand where people are coming from who critique their song writing. This definately isn't a band about verse chorus verse chorus bridge type song structure. But when those guys dig in to play the double time stuff... they are just staggering virtuosos. It might not come across on record, but live it's amazing. When they start laying on the polyrhythms and insane time changes there's not much else to do but drop your jaw and 'Hail Hail')
  • ArctangentArctangent Posts: 614
    i know how terrible and simple Godsmack is, that's why i was so surprised when i heard some of those riffs on 10,000 Days!

    ha! godsmack can dream. never heard such a load of wibble in my life!

    what about all those mini songs or bullshit tracks Tool put on Aenima and Laturalus.. not sure on 10,000 Days.. like "Message To Harry Manback", "(-) Ions, Die Er Von Satan or whatever that is... do any of you guys actually listen to those tracks more than a few times before you skip over them? what's the point of that? you take those tracks away and how many songs are actually on a record? i guess PJ did that w/ "Pry, To", "Aye Davineta" and "Hey Foxymophandlemoma, That's Me".... that was pretty annoying too.

    i listen to them every time i play those albums - the are part of the album, so i play them, in the same way as i don't skip Viginti Tres when i listen to 10,000 days all the way through. what's the point? tool wanted to put them there, that's the point. take away the 5 between-song songs on aenema and you still have 10 songs. i fail to see what how many songs is on an album has to do with whether it any good or not. i have some amazing hour+albums with only 6 or so songs on them. anyone who uses the number of songs on an album as to whether its a good album or not, or whther they will buy it or not is a bit strange. it all boils down to quality over quantity again.
  • Arctangent wrote:
    i really don't believe this. tool took their record company to court in the 90's which was part of the reason for the huge gap between albums. the were released from what was considered to be a restrictive contract but re-negotiated and re-signed with the same label. i can't believe having gone through all that they would have signed another crappy deal. apart from which, the 4 members of tool are now very wealthy guys thanks to money made from records and tours.

    well i don't know the specific details of their re-negotiated contract, obviously. so you may be right about that. i'm just going by what i've heard, which is that certain members of the band are still bitter.

    of course they have money. but it's not about that for them. they come across as the type of band that doesn't want "outsiders" to profit from their creativity... and this includes their own record label.

    a band as established as tool should have a better contract than a band that is just starting out. but even still, there are very few record labels in the world (if any at all) that will give you the majority cut of your record sales. this is the price you pay to make a well-produced album and gain widespread exposure with it. i personally think it's worth it. but obviously not everybody sees it this way.

    hence the tension between tool and their label. this was the point that i was originally trying to make about tool "not making enough money off their albums." they're not struggling to survive. it's more of pride issue. i see now that i wasn't very clear in my original argument. hopefully i've done a better job of explaining my point this time around.
  • i know how terrible and simple Godsmack is, that's why i was so surprised when i heard some of those riffs on 10,000 Days!

    what about all those mini songs or bullshit tracks Tool put on Aenima and Laturalus.. not sure on 10,000 Days.. like "Message To Harry Manback", "(-) Ions, Die Er Von Satan or whatever that is... do any of you guys actually listen to those tracks more than a few times before you skip over them? what's the point of that? you take those tracks away and how many songs are actually on a record? i guess PJ did that w/ "Pry, To", "Aye Davineta" and "Hey Foxymophandlemoma, That's Me".... that was pretty annoying too.

    depends on my mood. if i'm trying to listen to an album in it's entirety (as tool intended), i will listen to those songs. but no, i'm not scrolling through tracks specifically to hear (-)ions.

    that being said, these "mini songs" usually serve an interesting purpose. on 10,000 days, for example:

    but it's one of those things where you really have to want to take the time. most people don't, and that's understandable.

    and it doesn't really bother me how many songs are on each album, because the extended length of each song ensures that you're still getting an acceptable amount of music. for those of us who enjoy their complex progressions and instrumentation, this is an essential element of a tool album.
  • yield2meyield2me Posts: 1,291
    Tool was probably the 2nd best show I've ever seen...PJ still has that top spot :)

    These guys are really incredible live plus 10,000 days is just brilliant
    “May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” - Frank Sinatra
  • Alex_Coe wrote:
    On AOL music there is 6 songs: The Pot, Vicarious, Viginti Tres, Right in Two, Intentioned, Rosetta Stoned, and Lost keys. I listened to The Pot, it was okay. The instrumentals were okay but I don't like the singer. Vicarious was sorta samey, but relatively good.

    Still, I can't see where this rabid fanbase is coming from.

    Depth of lyrics
    The only thing I enjoy is having no feelings....being numb rocks!

    And I won't make the same mistakes
    (Because I know)
    Because I know how much time that wastes
    (And function)
    Function is the key
  • yield2me wrote:
    Tool was probably the 2nd best show I've ever seen...PJ still has that top spot :)

    These guys are really incredible live plus 10,000 days is just brilliant

    I agree, but Fugazi is still #1 live in my books
    The only thing I enjoy is having no feelings....being numb rocks!

    And I won't make the same mistakes
    (Because I know)
    Because I know how much time that wastes
    (And function)
    Function is the key
  • Alex_CoeAlex_Coe Posts: 762
    Depth of lyrics

    I don't consider that shit to be "deep". It's good, but not that good.
  • bharQbharQ Posts: 1,201
    new tool is a lot different from the old stuff...... i think Opiate and the shows they were playing in 1991 would have blown away anyone just as much as seeing Nirvana and Pearl Jam in a club back then would have.... Maynard's voice at his prime is some of the craziest shit you will have ever heard.... even more powerful than Cornell at his prime I would say.

    Listen to Jerk-Off and Cold&Ugly off of Opiate or try and find some old DVDs and you will know what I mean... or "Hush" !!

    from the early stuff to aenima I think their lyrics and sound continued to evolve.. and then even more so on Lateralus... I wouldn't say they evolved a whole lot from Lateralus but they have stuck to that sound. I've seen em 3 times live and every time was amazing.
    09/04/05 - Calgary, AB
    08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
  • HaijayHaijay Posts: 378
    Sure there's nothing wrong with cranking a little prison sex,sober, stinkfist,the pot or 46 and 2 when boozing it up, but most of the songs are long, repetitive and boring as hell. Part of the real attraction is that hard rock and "metal" sucks shit these days and they're one of the only "good" ones. Doesn't anyone ever wonder how a band as bad as korn can hang around? Apart from being the mtv and mainstream whores they are.
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    I saw tool last night here in Atlanta. Very Good show. Not as good as when i saw them 5 years ago on the Lateralius show but good.

    Maynard was into it. Not talkative but dancing and havign a good time. The bass player was animated and seemed to be into the show and Danny dominated the drum kit as usual. Their guitarist (i think his name is adam) might as well have been in death cab for cutie. He really did not seem into it at all but he played very well and that is all that matters i guess.

    The light show was FANFUCKINTASTIC. Possibly the coolest i've ever seen. During some of the slow songs or songs that build slowly the light show really kept my interest. That and all the interesting shit on the screens they had set up behind them. My favorite background bit was during rosetta stoned. They had all kinds of spacey shit going on it was sweet.

    They played Push It..... I don't know if i need to say more that was insane and it made me so happy it is one of my top 3 tool songs. Maynard killed the end of it.

    Also there was a drum solo section during the end of Lateralius and Brann from Mastodon came out and did a dueling drum solo with him on this small stand alone bongo/drum kit they set up for him. this was fucking awesome. To hear my two favorite drummers going back and forth with each other.

    all and all the experience was awesome. Some of the 10,000 days songs with long intros got a little tedious but besides that it was good. They played for about 2 hours.

    Here was the setlist:

    Stinkfist (extended)
    46 & 2
    Schism (extended)
    Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned
    Wings For Marie / 10,000 days
    Lateralus (with brann from mastodon during drum solo)

    anyone else see them on this tour have a review?
    Charlotte 00
    Charlotte 03
    Asheville 04
    Atlanta 12
    Greenville 16, Columbia 16
    Seattle 18 
    Nashville 22
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    ugh. another tool thread. this is not quite as bad as the cornell threads but c'mon guys! Tool is really not that amazing. i've listened to them since Undertow came out and after AEnima it just got really really old.
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    ugh. another tool thread. this is not quite as bad as the cornell threads but c'mon guys! Tool is really not that amazing. i've listened to them since Undertow came out and after AEnima it just got really really old.

    Why so offended? THis is an old thread. I used the search function. I picked out a general tool thread and shared a concert review?

    I did not start a new thread just for the atlanta show like the 5 cornel threads for each show he plays.

    Plus i just looked on the first three pages there is not another tool thread on any of the first three pages.

    I hate all the cornell threads so i purposely used the search function to find another tool thread instead of making a new one.
    Charlotte 00
    Charlotte 03
    Asheville 04
    Atlanta 12
    Greenville 16, Columbia 16
    Seattle 18 
    Nashville 22
  • intodeep wrote:
    I saw tool last night here in Atlanta. Very Good show. Not as good as when i saw them 5 years ago on the Lateralius show but good.

    Maynard was into it. Not talkative but dancing and havign a good time. The bass player was animated and seemed to be into the show and Danny dominated the drum kit as usual. Their guitarist (i think his name is adam) might as well have been in death cab for cutie. He really did not seem into it at all but he played very well and that is all that matters i guess.

    The light show was FANFUCKINTASTIC. Possibly the coolest i've ever seen. During some of the slow songs or songs that build slowly the light show really kept my interest. That and all the interesting shit on the screens they had set up behind them. My favorite background bit was during rosetta stoned. They had all kinds of spacey shit going on it was sweet.

    They played Push It..... I don't know if i need to say more that was insane and it made me so happy it is one of my top 3 tool songs. Maynard killed the end of it.

    Also there was a drum solo section during the end of Lateralius and Brann from Mastodon came out and did a dueling drum solo with him on this small stand alone bongo/drum kit they set up for him. this was fucking awesome. To hear my two favorite drummers going back and forth with each other.

    all and all the experience was awesome. Some of the 10,000 days songs with long intros got a little tedious but besides that it was good. They played for about 2 hours.

    Here was the setlist:

    Stinkfist (extended)
    46 & 2
    Schism (extended)
    Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned
    Wings For Marie / 10,000 days
    Lateralus (with brann from mastodon during drum solo)

    anyone else see them on this tour have a review?

    Tonight's my turn! :D
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • MLB5150MLB5150 Posts: 70
    Tool is an extremley talented band, their music is intricate and powerful. But I don't think there is such a thing as a casual listener to Tool. You either worship them or ecknowledge that they're there. I go in and out of listening/ liking them.

    But, Danny Carry is disguistingly good. Schism has what 7 different time signatures? He comes up with really strange ways of which to approach the kit, using religion and philosophy to create music and the actual construction and set up of his instruments.

    If anyone wants some Tool bootlegs, you can find them on this site:

    There are like 3 or 4 shows on there.
    "Who did you say you were, replacing might for miracles?" - ajc
  • ArctangentArctangent Posts: 614
    Alex_Coe wrote:
    I don't consider that shit to be "deep". It's good, but not that good.

    then you obviously have no idea about all the hidden meanings in their songs and artwork.

    and damn you guys seeing tool in america who get pushit (and last night they played flood!);)
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    whoever said you either get TOOL or you dont, was dead on. i get TOOL and have been getting them for 15 years.
    as with all music i listen to, the only person's opinion that counts is MINE. so all you detractors can trash them and all you lovers can praise them to the heavens, it makes not a lick of difference to me.
    prison sex literally makes my skin crawl and if a song can do that then halle-fucking-lujah!!! the band is doing something right.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • ArctangentArctangent Posts: 614
    prison sex literally makes my skin crawl and if a song can do that then halle-fucking-lujah!!! the band is doing something right.

    that song also has one of the creepiest, most disturbing videos ever made to accompany it
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Arctangent wrote:
    that song also has one of the creepiest, most disturbing videos ever made to accompany it

    its the only TOOL video i understand. besides HUSH. :D:p
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    Saturday night I have the opportunity to see Tool. I hope I can talk my husband into going. I really enjoy my two Tool CD's - especially Lateralus. I am listening to 10,000 Days now.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    Saturday night I have the opportunity to see Tool. I hope I can talk my husband into going. I really enjoy my two Tool CD's - especially Lateralus. I am listening to 10,000 Days now.
    The second half of the show has a very cool light show. Even if he is not a big fan of the band i think most folks can appreciate that.
    Charlotte 00
    Charlotte 03
    Asheville 04
    Atlanta 12
    Greenville 16, Columbia 16
    Seattle 18 
    Nashville 22
  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    intodeep wrote:
    The second half of the show has a very cool light show. Even if he is not a big fan of the band i think most folks can appreciate that.

    He likes that kind of stuff. Any explosives or fireworks? (just kidding).

    I have to say I was surprised to see that they were playing at SEMO (Southeastern Missouri University) in Cape Girardeau, MO. I didn't expect that, but glad I checked it out, especially since it appears that I will not be able to see PJ this year.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • i've always though tool was too pretentious to actually be a fan of.

    I'm like anyone else though.....cranking one of their songs that has a good riff while drinking a few beers is jsut fine.
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