i only caught a couple of tunes from the woodstock performance, unfortunately. i didn't know they played fire in the hole there! must have been awesome. it's definitely one of the heaviest hip tunes, and one of my favourites from day for night...along with thugs and nautical disaster, to name a couple.
Ok everybody, list your favorite Hip albums from 1-10!
1. Day for Night
2. Phantom Power
3. In Between Evolution
4. In Violet Light
5. Road Apples
6. Trouble at the Henhouse
7. Fully Completely
8. Music@Work
9. Up to Here
10. Self-titled
I would've rated Fully Completely much higher if it weren't for Chris Tsangarides' lousy production. The guitars sound way too polished, and Johnny's drums have that unfortunate plastic-spork-hitting-mashed-potatoes kind of sound. Oh Pigeon Camera, you deserved so much more!
"I try my best to chug, stomp, weep, whisper, moan, wheeze, scat, blurt, rage, whine, and seduce. With my voice I can sound like a girl, the boogieman, a Theremin, a cherry bomb, a clown, a doctor, a murderer. I can be tribal. Ironic. Or disturbed. My voice is really my instrument."
all due respect direwolf...sorry to post this right after yours...ahem...:)
1. Fully Completely
2. Phantom Power
3. Road Apples
4. Trouble at the Henhouse
5. Day For Night
6. Up To Here
7. The Tragically Hip
8. Music @ Work
9. Live Between Us (if it's ok to include a live cd..)
10. In Violet Light
cheers from Boston
...Fellow Hip heads..
my sig speaks for itself.. everyone in "the Pit" thinks it means I'm in jail..
"it'd be better for me if you don't undertand.."
Fully Completey and Road Apples are the closest thing to representing the Hip live.. (where the real magic is) don't bother buying their live CD (Live in between) its is god awful...
Like PJ , the Hip has Tons of Boots and SBD's that are 10 times better than the live CD
But their new DVD..
"That night in Toronto" captures them in one of their greatest performances Ever!
defintely worth buying
("You want Fully... AND Completely..")
They also have a new greatest hits CD.. "Yur Favorites".. that's equally as good..
I'd start with those two..
Stay Hip..
Hey Scott!
Locked In The Trunk Of A Car... is EASILY one of my TOP 10 ALL TIME FAVES!! It's one of those songs that lights me up like a Christmas tree covered with firecrackers
I've seen them several times... even have a damn fine 'gettin to know Gord' story and they truly have to be seen live to 'get it'... not unlike our friends Pearl Jam
I downloaded One Nite In TO.... haven't given it a proper listen yet...
*heads off to scroll on iPod*
Exercising her will to lose control...
she lets go
"I try my best to chug, stomp, weep, whisper, moan, wheeze, scat, blurt, rage, whine, and seduce. With my voice I can sound like a girl, the boogieman, a Theremin, a cherry bomb, a clown, a doctor, a murderer. I can be tribal. Ironic. Or disturbed. My voice is really my instrument."
in anticipation of jamaniac's gord story...i threw on some hip...any excuse, eh?
...bill barilko disappeared...that summer...(in 1951)...he was on a fishing trip...(in a plane)...the last goal he ever scored...(in overtime)...won the leafs the cup, they didn't win another 'til 1962...the year he was discovered...
oh and pardon me for the 'purists' in the crowd...
'THAT' Night In Toronto!
I'm sure you'll find it in your hearts to forgive me
Of course we forgive you, you're a Hip fan! Welcome to the thread. It's always great to meet fellow Hipheads on another band's forum. I know a few of you post over at hipbase.com as well, but for those who don't know about it, please feel free to stop by and introduce yourself.
"I try my best to chug, stomp, weep, whisper, moan, wheeze, scat, blurt, rage, whine, and seduce. With my voice I can sound like a girl, the boogieman, a Theremin, a cherry bomb, a clown, a doctor, a murderer. I can be tribal. Ironic. Or disturbed. My voice is really my instrument."
Oh just great....I now have a lot of catching up to do, thanks to you guys!
Alright here's my favorite HIP albums from 1-10!
1. Trouble At the Henhouse
2. Fully Completely
3. Phantom Power
4. Day For Night
5. Road Apples
6. Up To Here
7. The Tragically Hip
8. In Violet Light
9. In Between Evolution
10. Music @ Work
Edit: My username over at the HipBase is pearlgem. I never posted there, I've just been lurking around.
"All the strength that you might think would disappear, resolving..."
Meanwhile....back in 1985 @ the Copperpenny show (without Paul Langlois)...
anyone heard of Psychedelic Ramblings of Rich Kids and their sweet cover of Sweet Jane?
I also have a song called Susie Q from '88. Man this is some funky and rockin' out tune!
i've heard the cover of sweet jane. it's phenomenal! i wish i had a better version of it...sound quality i mean...still a great tune, though.
i also like the bob dylan cover of seven days..same story, poor sound quality, but what a cover! it starts out with gord wishing bob dylan a happy birthday, i think.
i've heard the cover of sweet jane. it's phenomenal! i wish i had a better version of it...sound quality i mean...still a great tune, though.
i also like the bob dylan cover of seven days..same story, poor sound quality, but what a cover! it starts out with gord wishing bob dylan a happy birthday, i think.
The saxophone was too awesome in that song! I just love it! God I wish the guys would release a compilation of some of their old shows from back in the day....
I haven't heard of the Dylan cover yet!
"All the strength that you might think would disappear, resolving..."
was anyone here at the show at The Regent... Summerside PEI... winter 90/91?
i remember seeing the newspaper add for this gig but was still 4 years under bar age to get in, but my cousin did land a gig driving em around with his limo service
very interested on why you posted this, hmmm
i read an interview w/ Gord D somewhere about them bein in summerside (my town!) and bein so drunk they were pouring pitchers of beer over themselves hehe
heard of it, but haven't heard it yet...there's a board over at hipbase to discuss the project, but i haven't gotten around to checking it out yet.
It's pretty good stuff, good vocals, lyrics...love the guitar work especially. It's quite funky and bluesy. I just got the album as of late...so it still need some more spinnin'.
found that interview i mentioned, perhaps i was wrong and the pouring of beer occured in charlottetown?
Downie: Yeah, Charlottetown. Never played there. A big oversight. We got drunk there on St. Patrick's Day once… The St. Patrick's Day Massacre, we call it. We had played Summerside and had a layover on St. Patrick's Day in Charlottetown. We were pouring beer on each other's heads in a bar. It was awesome. What a night! One for the books.
i havent heard stripper's union yet, but i met greg at a 'kids in the hall' autograph signing back in 2002 and caught him with 'THE ODDS' openin for the hip during my first show back in 95 Moncton (change of heart also played)
haha... sorry... not that big a story... just didn't have time to tell it!
We drove up from Charlottetown and it seems going anywhere was a 'huge roadtrip'! (I think that comes from 'small town mentality'?) None of us had been to the Regent in Summerside nor had seen the Hip! The venue was very cool, very tiny used to be a movie theartre and was all slanted... that's okay... so were we
Many cocktails later the band takes the stage... we were blown away! Lots of room on the dance floor to actually 'dance'... I couldn't believe there were people staying in their seats?! I think a lot of people didn't make the show because the weather was bad?
Anyhoo... there was a lull between songs and in my drunken stupor I figured it'd be a good time to 'say hello' to the band I'm sure I was very attractive! Off I went double fisting rum & cokes and dragging on a cigarette. When I got to the stage the band just started the lead in to 'Long Time Running' ... that's what I was going to ask for! Gord came over to me and of course I was all 'ooohh... that's just what I wanted to hear... I LoVE it!'... He asked my name... asked if he could have a drag of my smoke... told me to 'hang on to my drinks' and picked me up and put me on the stage. I was of course... beaming... He sat me on an amp... gave me the cig back and took one of the cocktails... walked over to the mic... started singing the song... and turned and sang to ME! About half way through the song a big black bouncer came side stage and pointed at me and yelled "Get the Fuck off the Stage!" Gord stopped mid verse... looked at the guy and said "Fuck off man... that's my Wife!" and the crowd cheered... and in the tiny town of Summerside... I was famous
It really was a kick... I had people coming up to me for weeks saying... Hey... was that you on stage at the Hip show?
I moved to Calgary in March of '91 and saw them that spring at The Silver Dollar Action Center... I couldn't believe Gord didn't recognize me
Exercising her will to lose control...
she lets go
Gord screamin the opening lines to fire in the hole (live)
nothin beats that
edit : i'm kleh on hipbase.com
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
Ok everybody, list your favorite Hip albums from 1-10!
1. Day for Night
2. Phantom Power
3. In Between Evolution
4. In Violet Light
5. Road Apples
6. Trouble at the Henhouse
7. Fully Completely
8. Music@Work
9. Up to Here
10. Self-titled
I would've rated Fully Completely much higher if it weren't for Chris Tsangarides' lousy production. The guitars sound way too polished, and Johnny's drums have that unfortunate plastic-spork-hitting-mashed-potatoes kind of sound. Oh Pigeon Camera, you deserved so much more!
-Tom Waits
1. Fully Completely
2. Phantom Power
3. Road Apples
4. Trouble at the Henhouse
5. Day For Night
6. Up To Here
7. The Tragically Hip
8. Music @ Work
9. Live Between Us (if it's ok to include a live cd..)
10. In Violet Light
Hey Scott!
Locked In The Trunk Of A Car... is EASILY one of my TOP 10 ALL TIME FAVES!! It's one of those songs that lights me up like a Christmas tree covered with firecrackers
I've seen them several times... even have a damn fine 'gettin to know Gord' story
I downloaded One Nite In TO.... haven't given it a proper listen yet...
*heads off to scroll on iPod*
she lets go
so this is where you've all been hiding...
damn sneaky Canucks
she lets go
'THAT' Night In Toronto!
I'm sure you'll find it in your hearts to forgive me
she lets go
Yep. Sure do.
-Tom Waits
...bill barilko disappeared...that summer...(in 1951)...he was on a fishing trip...(in a plane)...the last goal he ever scored...(in overtime)...won the leafs the cup, they didn't win another 'til 1962...the year he was discovered...
oh hip yeah!
right on, i just registered as let me out. i saw the name over there and put 2 + 2 together...:)
Of course we forgive you, you're a Hip fan! Welcome to the thread. It's always great to meet fellow Hipheads on another band's forum. I know a few of you post over at hipbase.com as well, but for those who don't know about it, please feel free to stop by and introduce yourself.
-Tom Waits
was anyone here at the show at The Regent... Summerside PEI... winter 90/91?
she lets go
she lets go
Alright here's my favorite HIP albums from 1-10!
1. Trouble At the Henhouse
2. Fully Completely
3. Phantom Power
4. Day For Night
5. Road Apples
6. Up To Here
7. The Tragically Hip
8. In Violet Light
9. In Between Evolution
10. Music @ Work
Edit: My username over at the HipBase is pearlgem. I never posted there, I've just been lurking around.
anyone heard of Psychedelic Ramblings of Rich Kids and their sweet cover of Sweet Jane?
I also have a song called Susie Q from '88. Man this is some funky and rockin' out tune!
tell us the story!!!
i've heard the cover of sweet jane. it's phenomenal! i wish i had a better version of it...sound quality i mean...still a great tune, though.
i also like the bob dylan cover of seven days..same story, poor sound quality, but what a cover! it starts out with gord wishing bob dylan a happy birthday, i think.
The saxophone was too awesome in that song! I just love it! God I wish the guys would release a compilation of some of their old shows from back in the day....
I haven't heard of the Dylan cover yet!
But no one has mentioned about Rob Baker's side project with Craig Northey yet!
Stripper's Union Local 518! Come on....any love for it?
i remember seeing the newspaper add for this gig but was still 4 years under bar age to get in, but my cousin did land a gig driving em around with his limo service
very interested on why you posted this, hmmm
i read an interview w/ Gord D somewhere about them bein in summerside (my town!) and bein so drunk they were pouring pitchers of beer over themselves hehe
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
jamaniac is teasing us...holding out on the story, LC !
It's pretty good stuff, good vocals, lyrics...love the guitar work especially. It's quite funky and bluesy. I just got the album as of late...so it still need some more spinnin'.
Come on jamaniac...the suspense is killin' us. I wanna hear about it too.
found that interview i mentioned, perhaps i was wrong and the pouring of beer occured in charlottetown?
Downie: Yeah, Charlottetown. Never played there. A big oversight. We got drunk there on St. Patrick's Day once… The St. Patrick's Day Massacre, we call it. We had played Summerside and had a layover on St. Patrick's Day in Charlottetown. We were pouring beer on each other's heads in a bar. It was awesome. What a night! One for the books.
they have since played ch'town, back in 1999
i havent heard stripper's union yet, but i met greg at a 'kids in the hall' autograph signing back in 2002 and caught him with 'THE ODDS' openin for the hip during my first show back in 95 Moncton (change of heart also played)
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
they opened for the hip several times here in the maritimes.
sorry to hear they haven't made their way to the island in a while LC...thanks for the interview, though.
We drove up from Charlottetown and it seems going anywhere was a 'huge roadtrip'! (I think that comes from 'small town mentality'?) None of us had been to the Regent in Summerside nor had seen the Hip! The venue was very cool, very tiny used to be a movie theartre and was all slanted... that's okay... so were we
Many cocktails later the band takes the stage... we were blown away! Lots of room on the dance floor to actually 'dance'... I couldn't believe there were people staying in their seats?! I think a lot of people didn't make the show because the weather was bad?
Anyhoo... there was a lull between songs and in my drunken stupor I figured it'd be a good time to 'say hello' to the band
It really was a kick... I had people coming up to me for weeks saying... Hey... was that you on stage at the Hip show?
I moved to Calgary in March of '91 and saw them that spring at The Silver Dollar Action Center... I couldn't believe Gord didn't recognize me
she lets go