I Got a TC Member Kicked out of the Ten Club Today



  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    Cob wrote:
    Couldn't agree more, if were were in the Godfather or Goodfellas, he'd be "sleeping with the fishes." If I've said it once I've said it a million times, if you have a problem with scalpers, ticket brokers, or anyone selling or even trying to sell tickets for over face there is just one thing you should do, DON"T BUY THEM FROM THESE PEOPLE AND GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE.........
    pearl jam would disagree... and theyve battle scum like this guy their entire career to keep prices down for fans... glad to see that mentality has carried over to their fanbase... theres no reason to "get on with our lives" when theres a quick fix to put scalpers out of commission... theres plenty of scalper that get away with this shit all the time... this guy was stupid enough to give too much information and he got caught... end of story... people dont go out of their way to catch people... this one was easy
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"

  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Deep South Philly Posts: 17,311
    sgossard3 wrote:
    i can agree with the point that this thread itself is unnecessary and looking for praise... but the action taken was a good thing

    how immature to sit here and get pissed off at him for being a tattle tale... all he did was bring attention to something thats cheating the fan base... if you had gotten shut out of the show he was selling for you might feel different

    the bigger problem here is that between tickets and posters fans seriously have no consideration for one another and are just looking to make a buck... you seem to think we should all play nice with people "whom we've never met"

    Pissed? The only thing I'm pissed about is the fact that this post screams "Oh, look at me! Look at what I did! I'm awesome for doing so!"

    There's nothing wrong with people flipping posters for double the price, but there is with tickets? Not pointed directly at you, but why doesn't someone rat out all the members on this very board who ask for at least double what they paid for a poster when they look to sell it on here then? Why don't we all become vigilant and become as awesome as our little friend here? And you're also saying if I wasn't going to an Ed show I would be envious, and jealous enough to screw someone else while I'm at it? Nah, that's alright. Not really my thing. Oh, and yes, the mature thing is to sit here and reply about how awesome he is for his wonderful choice of action. I mean because it was the right thing to do - I mean, if not him, then who?
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    Pissed? The only thing I'm pissed about is the fact that this post screams "Oh, look at me! Look at what I did! I'm awesome for doing so!"

    There's nothing wrong with people flipping posters for double the price, but there is with tickets? Not pointed directly at you, but why doesn't someone rat out all the members on this very board who ask for at least double what they paid for a poster when they look to sell it on here then? Why don't we all become vigilant and become as awesome as our little friend here? And you're also saying if I wasn't going to an Ed show I would be envious, and jealous enough to screw someone else while I'm at it? Nah, that's alright. Not really my thing. Oh, and yes, the mature thing is to sit here and reply about how awesome he is for his wonderful choice of action. I mean because it was the right thing to do - I mean, if not him, then who?
    where did i say i have nothing wrong with people flipping posters? i mean, i wouldnt say its as big of a deal as concert tix cause i value the experience of a concert FAR more than any piece of paper... not to mention art is meant to appreciate over time... but it is annoying, needless to say, to see the instantaneous jack up in price... $300 for a '98, sure i can understand since they sat on their investment for awhile and probably didnt buy it with the intention of resale... but to see an '08 going for that much the day after the concert... its just cheating a fan out of a poster that wanted it for sentimental value...

    as far as my comment about how you would feel in the shoes of someone who got shut out of the show... you cant tell me you wouldnt be upset if you tried for hours online to get tickets and failed only to see this... maybe not upset enough to turn him in, but honestly it would be frusterating... dont mean to assume anything more about your character than that since i dont know ya

    we already agree that theres no need for this thread... he did what he thought was right... i support it but wouldnt take the time to do the same, unless it directly effected me... and youre opposed...

    to each his own :D
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"

  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Deep South Philly Posts: 17,311
    sgossard3 wrote:
    to each his own :D

  • More for me ... whooooo hoooo

  • VeddernarianVeddernarian Posts: 1,924
    I applaud your efforts and if it were in my power, I would have kicked him out, reinstated him for 5 minutes in order to kick him out twice.

    Let me tell you a few things...

    10c has rules against this exact behavior of using 10c privledges for personal profit.

    10c evaluated this person's actions with respect to the policy, and took the action they deemed appropriate given the circumstances and the spirit of the policy.

    10c could have easily found this person themselves, and would have done the same; taken the same action.

    The person notifying 10c is no different from anybody witnessing a crime or violation of a policy, and informing somebody. For example, no different than reporting someone who cut in line at Disneyland to a security guard. Consider the informants, "10c Neighborhood Watch".

    People are passionate about attending these Ed solo shows and seats are limited. If you can't attend, you shouldn't try to get tickets. That is the spirit of the policy. True fans wanting to attend, being able to attend. To the people defending this guy's actions, is it ok to sell water bottles for $20 each to earthquake victims who don't have clean water? This guy added no value. He took something, multiplied the price by 10, and sold it, using privledges given by the 10c, when 10c said it was against their policy.

    Pretty cut n dry to me. Let it be a warning to anybody in the 10c as to how 10c feels about this kind of rule violation.
    Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    For example, no different than reporting someone who cut in line at Disneyland to a security guard.
    eh... dunno if i like this example... youre only adding fuel to the "crybaby" flames with that one... this concert is limited seating, so unless its close to closing time at disneyland and theyre only allowing a select few to get in one last ride, the circumstances are completely different... plus with the line scenerio ya gotta consider the lack of anonymity vs. reporting someone online... i would never squeal on someone for cutting in line (though it was responsible for my first fist fight in grade school) cause i dont like that kindof direct conflict whereas im ok with the internet thing... might seem like splitting hairs but hey :D
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"

  • Sprunkn7Sprunkn7 Posts: 5,286
    I say, Good Job. I mean you just have to be stupid to post something like that and not expect 10 members to want to do something about it. A crazy ass lot we are.
    When I first saw the original post about the ad on Craigslist I thought what a bastard. Thanks for being proactive.
    Thank you fellow 10 clubber for saving my ass....again!!!
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    the song RATS comes to mind
  • DanimalDanimal Posts: 2,000
    Man, between this post and the one calling you lame are just awesome. Couldn't have said it better. First off, someone with a 400xxx odd member number is not gonna make a whole hell of a lot of difference anyway. And all I know is I would've warned him first. Yeah, that might be dick for him to put his tix up for that outrageous amount, but seriously - who the hell are you for reporting him? Next thing ya know, people are gonna be doing shit like this all the time just to move themself up the list. It's really ridiculous how nuts people are getting year by year with this band. I love them as much as the next, but this is just ridiculous. Did this like stew in your brain for a while and you thought "hmm Im going to take time out of my just-assuming-productive day to fuck over some dude who's been a member for a looong time whom I've never met and would probably not have the balls to confront face-to-face"? All I know is, to me, you're just as bad as the dude selling them for a God-awful price. Whistle-blower, snitch, tattle-tail - whatever you want to call it, it's all incredibly spineless. You should've warned him first. Maybe you'll want them to revoke my 192xxx # while you're at it. It'll feel good, right? GAY.

    HAAHHAHA! Awesome and so true.

    Snitches get stitches. Plain and simple.
    "I don't believe in PJ fans but I believe there is something, not too sure what." - Thoughts_Arrive

  • DanimalDanimal Posts: 2,000
    NY PJ1 wrote:
    the song RATS comes to mind

    Thank you.
    "I don't believe in PJ fans but I believe there is something, not too sure what." - Thoughts_Arrive

  • 3inputchick3inputchick Posts: 845
    What a jerk
    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad. An optimist is one who hopes they are.
  • 3inputchick3inputchick Posts: 845
    For the record-
    Sold my 10C MSG tickets for 450.00.
    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad. An optimist is one who hopes they are.
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,413
    For the record-
    Sold my 10C MSG tickets for 450.00.
    And used the cash to buy several new pair of white pants.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • Mrs.Vedder78Mrs.Vedder78 Posts: 4,585
    sgossard3 wrote:
    naw... it says that guy is from pitt... and our ex-10clubber is from mass... and atleast the ebay guy was smart enough to not give him name or how long he was in the 10C... much harder to track down this guy... unless someone has $180 to pitch in just to get his personal interest

    In the case of this guy though there is nothing wrong with his auction, he is selling the tickets for $180 a pair that's face ... if anyone wants to pay more than that well you know how it goes....
    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,208
    LukinFan wrote:
    Very Nice!!!!

    it be very .. RAD! :P
  • 3inputchick3inputchick Posts: 845
    Poncier wrote:
    And used the cash to buy several new pair of white pants.
    Nope- bought tckets to the Mass shows!

    Oh, and I bought 10C tickets so those without sin cast the first stone!
    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad. An optimist is one who hopes they are.
  • 3inputchick3inputchick Posts: 845
    I did happen to wear really cute Banana Republic white capris to the Mass show night 2- but used $ from a set of Foo Fighter tickets I sold!
    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad. An optimist is one who hopes they are.
  • Mrs.Vedder78Mrs.Vedder78 Posts: 4,585
    I did happen to wear really cute Banana Republic white capris to the Mass show night 2- but used $ from a set of Foo Fighter tickets I sold!

    LMAO! :D
    You put a smile on my face this morning... off to make breakfast :)
    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • swardsward Posts: 586
    The 10C has clear rules about this, so not one person here can feel bad about the outcome. That said, it certainly would have been a little more proper to let the seller know that something stinks in stinkville and there's gonna be trouble unless he rectifies it. BUT.....is that really going to stop the guy? Likely not, he'd just repost it elsewhere, or sell them on the sly, or whatever. No easy answer on this one.

    And calling the other dude a Rat? That was funny. Somehow the Jamily (teehee) became a mob.

  • Some thoughts:
    what are the 10C rules regarding selling tix? refresh my memory.
    did the guy actually sell the tickets? or did he attempt to sell them?
    if he has only attempted to sell them, has he done anything wrong?

    Im not condoning this and actually I think its great he is made example of but we need the facts to come forward before we continue this endless thread. Please explain more if you can.
    Sad part is he would have never gotten $600 for them, at least I would hope not.

    ps. just in case: at least 5 members from this board can verify that i sell my tickets at face and may sell at least 1 if not two for NYC I bec im going to bos this weekend.
  • dangerboydangerboy Posts: 1,569
    sgossard3 wrote:
    naw... it says that guy is from pitt... and our ex-10clubber is from mass... and atleast the ebay guy was smart enough to not give him name or how long he was in the 10C... much harder to track down this guy... unless someone has $180 to pitch in just to get his personal interest

    actually, since it's on ebay, it will be easier to track down. 10c has an ebay membership, they can request user info. especially since they are the distributors of the tickets

    ebay isn't evil people are

    The South is Much Obliged
  • ashtrayrockashtrayrock Posts: 167
    I don't support people who want to try to become the world's police, and especially for posting about being so damn proud of it.

    Let the 10C do their job...if they so choose to go after him, then so be it.

    What I would have done, IF I even wanted to get involved, is to warn the guy.

    I see little difference in selling concert tickets vs posters, at inflated prices.
    For Those About To Rock !

    Art changes people. People change the world.
  • dangerboydangerboy Posts: 1,569
    Some thoughts:
    what are the 10C rules regarding selling tix? refresh my memory.

    anything you buy from 10c that requires you to be a member of 10c is not for resale.
    did the guy actually sell the tickets? or did he attempt to sell them?
    if he has only attempted to sell them, has he done anything wrong?

    did that thug actually kill you? or did he attempt to kill you? if he has only attempted to kill you, has he done anything wrong?

    Im not condoning this and actually I think its great he is made example of but we need the facts to come forward before we continue this endless thread. Please explain more if you can.
    Sad part is he would have never gotten $600 for them, at least I would hope not.

    ps. just in case: at least 5 members from this board can verify that i sell my tickets at face and may sell at least 1 if not two for NYC I bec im going to bos this weekend.

    i don't think anyone has a problem with selling for face. in fact, i have a group of friends that upgrades each other, sells a single back and forth, buys an extra pair to make sure there's leftovers on the day of a show for last-minute friends to occupy. but we do it amongst each other, for the benefit of each other, and strictly at reimbursement cost only.

    and yes, he probably could have gotten 600 for them. that's as low as half of what i've seen some going for.....

    ebay isn't evil people are

    The South is Much Obliged
  • marcPJfanmarcPJfan Austin, TX Posts: 841
    I don't support people who want to try to become the world's police, and especially for posting about being so damn proud of it.

    Let the 10C do their job...if they so choose to go after him, then so be it.

    What I would have done, IF I even wanted to get involved, is to warn the guy.

    I see little difference in selling concert tickets vs posters, at inflated prices.
    Why should the guy be warned? If he was a member for 13+ years he should know the rules. Did the 10c give him a warning?

    You don't see a difference in selling tickets vs posters at inflated prices? Posters appreciate in value. Concert tickets have a face value and do not. Pretty simple I would say.
    09/16/95, 09/16/96, 06/29/98, 07/02/98, 07/05/98, 09/08/98, 09/10/98, 09/11/98, 09/18/98, 09/19/98, 06/13/99, 10/30/99, 10/31/99, 05/29/00, 05/30/00, 10/14/00, 10/17/00, 10/18/00, 11/05/00, 10/20/01, 10/21/01, 12/06/02, 04/05/03, 04/06/03, 06/09/03, 10/22/03, 09/24/04, 05/12/06, 05/13/06, 05/27/06, 05/28/06, 07/22/06, 07/23/06, 06/11/08, 06/12/08, 08/01/08, 09/21/09, 09/22/09, 10/04/09, 05/03/10, 05/04/10, 05/06/10, 05/07/10, 07/02/11, 09/03/11, 09/04/11, 10/23/11, 11/15/13, 11/16/13, 10/19/14, 10/25/14, 10/26/14, 11/28/15, 04/23/16, 08/05/16, 08/07/16, 09/09/17, 08/18/18, 09/02/18, 09/04/18, 10/01/21, 10/02/21, 05/06/22, 05/07/22, 05/12/22, 05/13/22, 08/31/23, 09/02/23, 09/13/23, 09/15/23, 09/18/23, 09/19/23, 05/16/24, 08/29/24, 08/31/24, 09/15/24, 09/17/24
  • Strangest TribeStrangest Tribe Posts: 2,502
    Hey all you guys should be cops.
    the Minions
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    Hey all you guys should be cops.

    nah being a waste of time rat is not my gig
  • You don't see a difference in selling tickets vs posters at inflated prices? Posters appreciate in value. Concert tickets have a face value and do not. Pretty simple I would say.[/quote]

    Weak argument..

    Posters- not as much demand and not as many avenues to sell vs tickets.
  • stateeshastateesha Posts: 274
    Red Lukin wrote:
    Oh he knows..thats how I know it's official. The TC won't email me back letting me know the outcome, but he let me know his #121,xxx is done, and that he was reported "with evidence" (his words). Also his tickets for the show were evoked.
    Good! I need tickets to night one so maybe they will be released day of!!!

    thanks for watching out for the group!
    92 Atlanta; 93 Boulder; 94 Denver 1-2; 95 Red Rocks 1-2; 96 Charlotte, Charleston; 98 Atlanta, Greenville, Knoxville, Columbia, Washington; 99 Bridge 1-2; 00 Atlanta, Vegas; 01 Bridge 1-2, Seattle; 02 Seattle; 03 Vegas, Bridge 1-2; 04 Asheville; 05 Toronto; 06 E. Ruth 1-2, Hawaii 1-2; 07 London; 08 Columbia, MSG 1 & 2, Hartford, Boston 1 & 2, Beacon
  • marcPJfanmarcPJfan Austin, TX Posts: 841
    You don't see a difference in selling tickets vs posters at inflated prices? Posters appreciate in value. Concert tickets have a face value and do not. Pretty simple I would say.

    Weak argument..

    Posters- not as much demand and not as many avenues to sell vs tickets.[/quote]
    Well, the real difference is selling posters at inflated prices is allowed whereas tickets is not. I really can't believe how many people don't see a problem with scalping and are almost defending this guy that got busted.
    09/16/95, 09/16/96, 06/29/98, 07/02/98, 07/05/98, 09/08/98, 09/10/98, 09/11/98, 09/18/98, 09/19/98, 06/13/99, 10/30/99, 10/31/99, 05/29/00, 05/30/00, 10/14/00, 10/17/00, 10/18/00, 11/05/00, 10/20/01, 10/21/01, 12/06/02, 04/05/03, 04/06/03, 06/09/03, 10/22/03, 09/24/04, 05/12/06, 05/13/06, 05/27/06, 05/28/06, 07/22/06, 07/23/06, 06/11/08, 06/12/08, 08/01/08, 09/21/09, 09/22/09, 10/04/09, 05/03/10, 05/04/10, 05/06/10, 05/07/10, 07/02/11, 09/03/11, 09/04/11, 10/23/11, 11/15/13, 11/16/13, 10/19/14, 10/25/14, 10/26/14, 11/28/15, 04/23/16, 08/05/16, 08/07/16, 09/09/17, 08/18/18, 09/02/18, 09/04/18, 10/01/21, 10/02/21, 05/06/22, 05/07/22, 05/12/22, 05/13/22, 08/31/23, 09/02/23, 09/13/23, 09/15/23, 09/18/23, 09/19/23, 05/16/24, 08/29/24, 08/31/24, 09/15/24, 09/17/24
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