like if ripping off "why go" wasn't enough, listen "The unforgiven III"... the piano part sounds identically to Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb... they are pathetic.
has anybody downloaded the full new metallica album on guitar hero 3 for the xbox 360? it's up. tempted to buy it. friend has already got it and kicks ass. it will also be available for guitar hero 4 when it comes out next month or so. i might just wait till then for the ps3 maybe if it's available for download.
yes the song is a rip off of why go, but i gotta tell ya, away from that part, i think the album rocks. way better then st. anger. the catchy riffs are great. sorry, i've been into metallica since '89 when they came here to halifax (which .. i missed the point, but got video of that night). justice for all album rocked the hell out of me before i went to junior high school.
I walked into Virgin the other day and me and my brother heard this and were like,'Awesome,they're playing Pearl Jam' I thought it was a remix of Why Go or something.Then I heard James Hetfield,disgusted I was. Ah well,PJ did rip off Going To California so these things happen I guess.
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Beavis: All my friends are brown and red? What does that mean?
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
great album. the 3rd song does have a 'why go' sounding riff to it. different key i believe. welcome back metallica. its been 20 years since i bought something of theirs...
yes the song is a rip off of why go, but i gotta tell ya, away from that part, i think the album rocks. way better then st. anger. the catchy riffs are great. sorry, i've been into metallica since '89 when they came here to halifax (which .. i missed the point, but got video of that night). justice for all album rocked the hell out of me before i went to junior high school.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
imitation is the best ...
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
it sounds more like Metallica than Why Go