Gotta disagree. Why not do more if you can and believe it will help?
I do agree you can't do less than you want others to do.
Wearing a mask outside with no one near you isn't doing more. How does it help?
That is your perception - I disagree. Mine is that it shows a leader who wants to put out a consistent image that wearing a mask is not something to be ashamed of, or to cry about like a little baby.
Also, perhaps he did not want to take it up or down based on his proximity to people. Surely it is not harmful and can only help once he comes close to people?
Also, I choose to laugh at that idiotic tweeter and anyone that agrees with anything she has to say, or who shares tweets she makes trying to garner attention/likes/support/whatever. Even looking past the lame jokes and calling Joe Biden a dipshit (when she has Trump stuff all over her page) if you just look at the tweets she makes you can see what a fool "she" is. (Russian farm tweeter?)
See it's not perception, its the scientific reality. This is what I'm talking about. No one should be going off perception.
Gotta disagree. Why not do more if you can and believe it will help?
I do agree you can't do less than you want others to do.
Wearing a mask outside with no one near you isn't doing more. How does it help?
That is your perception - I disagree. Mine is that it shows a leader who wants to put out a consistent image that wearing a mask is not something to be ashamed of, or to cry about like a little baby.
Also, perhaps he did not want to take it up or down based on his proximity to people. Surely it is not harmful and can only help once he comes close to people?
Also, I choose to laugh at that idiotic tweeter and anyone that agrees with anything she has to say, or who shares tweets she makes trying to garner attention/likes/support/whatever. Even looking past the lame jokes and calling Joe Biden a dipshit (when she has Trump stuff all over her page) if you just look at the tweets she makes you can see what a fool "she" is. (Russian farm tweeter?)
Gotta disagree. Why not do more if you can and believe it will help?
I do agree you can't do less than you want others to do.
Wearing a mask outside with no one near you isn't doing more. How does it help?
That is your perception - I disagree. Mine is that it shows a leader who wants to put out a consistent image that wearing a mask is not something to be ashamed of, or to cry about like a little baby.
Also, perhaps he did not want to take it up or down based on his proximity to people. Surely it is not harmful and can only help once he comes close to people?
Also, I choose to laugh at that idiotic tweeter and anyone that agrees with anything she has to say, or who shares tweets she makes trying to garner attention/likes/support/whatever. Even looking past the lame jokes and calling Joe Biden a dipshit (when she has Trump stuff all over her page) if you just look at the tweets she makes you can see what a fool "she" is. (Russian farm tweeter?)
See it's not perception, its the scientific reality. This is what I'm talking about. No one should be going off perception.
the guidance isn't "don't wear a mask outside", it's "you don't have to wear a mask outside". scientific reality is that contracting the virus outdoors is low, not zero.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
he's getting out of a car with other people in it (indoors) and into another mode of transportation with other people on it (you guessed it! indoors!). how hard is this to understand?
Yup, this. With a driver in a car...wear a mask. With a pilot and others in helicopter...wear a mask. A short walk between...might as well keep the mask on...though you could take it off and put it back on if you really wanted to mess with it that much.
Gotta disagree. Why not do more if you can and believe it will help?
I do agree you can't do less than you want others to do.
Wearing a mask outside with no one near you isn't doing more. How does it help?
That is your perception - I disagree. Mine is that it shows a leader who wants to put out a consistent image that wearing a mask is not something to be ashamed of, or to cry about like a little baby.
Also, perhaps he did not want to take it up or down based on his proximity to people. Surely it is not harmful and can only help once he comes close to people?
Also, I choose to laugh at that idiotic tweeter and anyone that agrees with anything she has to say, or who shares tweets she makes trying to garner attention/likes/support/whatever. Even looking past the lame jokes and calling Joe Biden a dipshit (when she has Trump stuff all over her page) if you just look at the tweets she makes you can see what a fool "she" is. (Russian farm tweeter?)
See it's not perception, its the scientific reality. This is what I'm talking about. No one should be going off perception.
Disagree given where we are.
You can support the idiot tweeter. I can support the opposing view.
I wish i had so little to worry about that I could sit around crying about the president wearing a mask during a pandemic.
Exactly.. who fucking cares if someone wants to take extra precaution. I'm just eye rolling this whole discussion. This used to be an informative thread.
Gotta disagree. Why not do more if you can and believe it will help?
I do agree you can't do less than you want others to do.
Wearing a mask outside with no one near you isn't doing more. How does it help?
That is your perception - I disagree. Mine is that it shows a leader who wants to put out a consistent image that wearing a mask is not something to be ashamed of, or to cry about like a little baby.
Also, perhaps he did not want to take it up or down based on his proximity to people. Surely it is not harmful and can only help once he comes close to people?
Also, I choose to laugh at that idiotic tweeter and anyone that agrees with anything she has to say, or who shares tweets she makes trying to garner attention/likes/support/whatever. Even looking past the lame jokes and calling Joe Biden a dipshit (when she has Trump stuff all over her page) if you just look at the tweets she makes you can see what a fool "she" is. (Russian farm tweeter?)
See it's not perception, its the scientific reality. This is what I'm talking about. No one should be going off perception.
Disagree given where we are.
You can support the idiot tweeter. I can support the opposing view.
Ummm...but I'm not supporting a tweeter, I'm supporting the current scientific data and guidelines. You are just one of those that will not be willing to follow the science out of the pandemic...all while probably pissed off at those that wouldn't follow it into the pandemic.
hippiemom = goodness
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,622
Gotta disagree. Why not do more if you can and believe it will help?
I do agree you can't do less than you want others to do.
Wearing a mask outside with no one near you isn't doing more. How does it help?
That is your perception - I disagree. Mine is that it shows a leader who wants to put out a consistent image that wearing a mask is not something to be ashamed of, or to cry about like a little baby.
Also, perhaps he did not want to take it up or down based on his proximity to people. Surely it is not harmful and can only help once he comes close to people?
Also, I choose to laugh at that idiotic tweeter and anyone that agrees with anything she has to say, or who shares tweets she makes trying to garner attention/likes/support/whatever. Even looking past the lame jokes and calling Joe Biden a dipshit (when she has Trump stuff all over her page) if you just look at the tweets she makes you can see what a fool "she" is. (Russian farm tweeter?)
See it's not perception, its the scientific reality. This is what I'm talking about. No one should be going off perception.
Disagree given where we are.
You can support the idiot tweeter. I can support the opposing view.
Ummm...but I'm not supporting a tweeter, I'm supporting the current scientific data and guidelines. You are just one of those that will not be willing to follow the science out of the pandemic...all while probably pissed off at those that wouldn't follow it into the pandemic.
You do not know me, nor my situation. I could make claims about what you are but that would just be me being a jerk - I do not know you.
What I am pissed off about is people spending time whining about a president who actually cares about people instead of worrying about real problems. Take a look at what is happening in India, or in sections of Europe. Look at what is happening in our own country in the Pacific Northwest.
Or, worry about if Joe Biden wears a mask to try and encourage people to keep fighting against this virus in any way possible.
So we have a good man who is trying to set a good example by being cautious to keep people from dying, and we have a tweeter who believes only one person died in the insurrection "she" supports. Guess who I think is on the sensible side? I live in the real world and the silly distractions don't matter one iota. Be safe, all.
Gotta disagree. He is supposed to set the standard. Not help continue fear with no scientific background. He's much better than the idiot before, but it's time to actually follow the recommendations. Nothing less and nothing more.
I think either approach leaves him open to criticism, and this is the less harmful approach. This doesn't give the right any ammunition to say that Biden's a hypocrite - he can use any number of truthful and legitimate reasons: acting out of an abundance of caution, showing solidarity, or delivering a reminder that this isn't over yet are all valid.
I would bet good money that Biden not wearing a mask would be weaponized for some other reason, or used as justification for not protecting when one should.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
who puts science in quotation marks, like it's the tooth fairy or something. you don't believe in science? does the magical box you are looking at right, allowing you to talk to anyone on the globe, now not exist?
Hugh, read it slow and let it sink in.... "It's common sense to know that the risks when you are outdoors....
...which we have been saying all along...
And just a reminder of what the leader of the free world did yesterday...
we've known this all along. there has never been mandates here with regards to wearing masks outdoors....UNLESS you are in a crowded space. like a trump presser at the rose garden, which was outdoors. remember that?
what biden did yesterday was symbolism, like has already been explained to you several times. if you choose to not understand what that means, that's on you.
I hate to agree with them, but I kinda do. Biden should be following the best scientific guidelines. I understand why he is wearing a mask there...but I disagree with it. They should be very clear on the current state and follow it specificially.
That said, I've take this pandemic very seriously. And yet, I hardly ever wore a mask when I was outside. Very rarely was I near anyone at all...and when I was it may have been for 4 seconds walking by on a trail. The outside mask thing when not a lot of people and very limited time contact walking past someone was always pretty dumb. But again, so was saying that masks don't help. The CDC and everyone should have just stuck to the science from the beginning.
what did biden do that appeared to be against those scientific guidelines? he did follow it specifically. he was wearing a mask before he made the announcement, then took it off after the announcement was made. I don't know how much more to the letter he could have followed the guidelines.
the announcer of guidelines, while obviously knowing prior to the general public, should follow the guidelines that public is aware of until they are also aware of the change. which he did.
I think this whole thing has gotten way more attention than it deserves. When I saw it I gave a simple, single mental chuckle of "heh" and didn't think about it again until I responded to a comment here pretty much saying the same thing. When I saw it my thoughts went back to his speech a month ago saying if we follow the guidelines we might be able to have a small bbq outside for the 4th of July. People have been not wearing a mask outside for a year, and people got together in small groups over the summer, outside, last year. The CDC guidelines have only been to wear a mask if you are less than 6 feet away from people. I'm rarely less than 6 feet from others when I'm outside unless its my wife or kids. So to have this long walk, by himself, outside, wearing a mask to announce that we no longer need one outside when nothing has really changed and everyone has been doing it anyway made me go "heh" and forget about it. Like I started, this got way more attention that it deserved and wasn't a big deal. If he announces in a couple months "Good job America, you can have your small bbq outside for 4th of July" I'll go "heh" again and move on, and have my bbq either way. Whether it made someone chuckle for a brief moment or not, it doesn't deserve multiple pages of discussion.
What the hell are you all arguing about. Who cares if the guy wears a mask or not? He thinks he’s in Disney World. Or walking his dog. Or at the beach. He doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing- whatever it is he’s doing is only because someone made him that way a few minutes before and in this case he has a mask on his face. Just be glad he has clothes on. Xiden’s sleep walking at this point, you can almost see the strings attached as he wobbles around- they oughta put him in baggier clothes like Stop Making Sense, it would be a cool effect and I could dig it
What the hell are you all arguing about. Who cares if the guy wears a mask or not? He thinks he’s in Disney World. Or walking his dog. Or at the beach. He doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing- whatever it is he’s doing is only because someone made him that way a few minutes before and in this case he has a mask on his face. Just be glad he has clothes on. Xiden’s sleep walking at this point, you can almost see the strings attached as he wobbles around- they oughta put him in baggier clothes like Stop Making Sense, it would be a cool effect and I could dig it
Says the guy who’s senator fell asleep last night before 10:00 p.m. and dreamt of warm sandy beaches and POOTWH applying his sunscreen, NTTIAWWT.
What the hell are you all arguing about. Who cares if the guy wears a mask or not? He thinks he’s in Disney World. Or walking his dog. Or at the beach. He doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing- whatever it is he’s doing is only because someone made him that way a few minutes before and in this case he has a mask on his face. Just be glad he has clothes on. Xiden’s sleep walking at this point, you can almost see the strings attached as he wobbles around- they oughta put him in baggier clothes like Stop Making Sense, it would be a cool effect and I could dig it
And your guy lost to him by 7 million votes and huge electoral deficit. Pretty pathetic on Trump's part, eh? What a loser.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,622
Also, that fat fucker could no sooner pick a dandelion from the earth than he could jump over a one foot chance.
What the hell are you all arguing about. Who cares if the guy wears a mask or not? He thinks he’s in Disney World. Or walking his dog. Or at the beach. He doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing- whatever it is he’s doing is only because someone made him that way a few minutes before and in this case he has a mask on his face. Just be glad he has clothes on. Xiden’s sleep walking at this point, you can almost see the strings attached as he wobbles around- they oughta put him in baggier clothes like Stop Making Sense, it would be a cool effect and I could dig it
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
-EV 8/14/93
I wish i had so little to worry about that I could sit around crying about the president wearing a mask during a pandemic.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
-EV 8/14/93
For some perspective, all of this is going on while Rudy gets raided by the FBI.
The former presidents personal lawyer, whose previous personal lawyer, Cohen was also raided. Not a peep from Trumps cult.
But holy shit, he's wearing a mask outside!!! The monster.
I would bet good money that Biden not wearing a mask would be weaponized for some other reason, or used as justification for not protecting when one should.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
When I saw it my thoughts went back to his speech a month ago saying if we follow the guidelines we might be able to have a small bbq outside for the 4th of July. People have been not wearing a mask outside for a year, and people got together in small groups over the summer, outside, last year. The CDC guidelines have only been to wear a mask if you are less than 6 feet away from people. I'm rarely less than 6 feet from others when I'm outside unless its my wife or kids. So to have this long walk, by himself, outside, wearing a mask to announce that we no longer need one outside when nothing has really changed and everyone has been doing it anyway made me go "heh" and forget about it.
Like I started, this got way more attention that it deserved and wasn't a big deal. If he announces in a couple months "Good job America, you can have your small bbq outside for 4th of July" I'll go "heh" again and move on, and have my bbq either way.
Whether it made someone chuckle for a brief moment or not, it doesn't deserve multiple pages of discussion.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
To go along with racist and xenophobic
Typical qtRUmplican
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.