ISO - Apollo 1 Ticket



  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I just had the oddest realization when I was looking Green Day releases chronologically (yes these things happen) and I saw that Dookie came out in 94 (I was a sophomore in high school) and American Idiot came out in 2004 (I was an "adult). That gap between my purchases of Green Day albums is a gap of time that I can't even comprehend. Now, I can sniff at five or ten years but that period in between those albums was life altering.....
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    So I've given up on the news for the time being. Not because we have a new president but because even though things have "changed" they are very much the same. It's hard to continue to watch toxicity in action without any care about the human collateral damage it incurs. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    It's interesting how some bands are made to learn about from their live shows: Grateful Dead, Phish, Dave Matthews...while others are strictly albums U2, Coldplay, Radiohead (all good live acts but I don't think I'd ever miss anything not seeing them live) and others are both: Pearl Jam, Springsteen...
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    My musical immersion continues - Jay-Z Unplugged confirms his greatness and makes me want to dig into The Roots. I hope they make boat loads of money as Fallon's house band. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    It's funny that certain bands/artists came to me with age - Metallica, Grateful Dead, Jay-Z, and R.E.M. being just a few. R.E.M. especially. I did a deep dive and was astonished. Never have a band that I liked well enough ended up becoming a top 5 artist. A friend and I were discussing Chris Cornell and he freely admitted that he missed that boat until lately and it's funny what hits us and when. As I look at the world I think we go one of two ways as we age: we either become more open or close minded. The second is so sad, not just because of music but the world at large. Open up and be ready to be wrong because you're only going to benefit from it. At some point I said all of those bands were overrated and I was dumb to say so. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I hate to write over Boston 2 Puke (it has quite a following - more so than this) but....

    Last night I had that random anxiety of bidding on eBay and holding the highest bid until the last 90 seconds. I hate that feeling when you realize you shouldn't have bid and then you just wait and hope someone bails you out. I got bailed out. It wasn't a huge bid, but I just didn't need the thing. Good Karma to someone somewhere on the Internet. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I've been on a Dave Matthews bender I wonder why jam bands don't get the respect others get. When I was young, and much less intelligent I thought it was a lazy style but I couldn't have been more wrong. The musicianship it takes to really extend songs and play off one another is astonishing, these groups and their ability to change on a dime is second nature and fascinating. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • andrew68andrew68 Toronto Posts: 1,841
    1. persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

      Much Respect !
    Any new realizations... would have to wait...
    Til he had more time,... more time...
    Time to dream,... to himself... he waves goodbye,
    To himself... I'll see you on the other side...
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Keeping the hope alive. A little was dashed yesterday when I saw Milwaukee is pushing back SummerFest from June/July to September. I guess I should still call it good news that they're still planning on September. Gotta take the little victories and hope for the big ones. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I think I take solace in the fact that I still have my tickets for the St. Louis 2020 show. I know we haven't heard a peep and I get it but just knowing I still have a seat is comforting. One day we'll hear these Gigaton songs in person. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • andrew68andrew68 Toronto Posts: 1,841
    CP218430 said:
    I think I take solace in the fact that I still have my tickets for the St. Louis 2020 show. I know we haven't heard a peep and I get it but just knowing I still have a seat is comforting. One day we'll hear these Gigaton songs in person. 
    we are def getting closer....i can't imagine the first show...all that pent-up energy.....POW ! ! ! 
    Any new realizations... would have to wait...
    Til he had more time,... more time...
    Time to dream,... to himself... he waves goodbye,
    To himself... I'll see you on the other side...
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    First show of any type but yes, first Pearl Jam show will be a celebration of magnitudes I haven't known since I first saw them in 98. I don't know if anything can touch that but this would be close. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    My kids are into The Greatest Showman (for what it's worth it's not bad) and there is a number where the actress doesn't sing the number "Never Enough" so I looked up the real singer and I was shocked to find the singer came in 13th on The Voice. So I wondered why? How could someone with that amazing of a voice be a third rate finisher on a television talent show? I looked her up and she's attractive, she has a great voice. So I still don't get it. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    My wife brings me music, mostly Billboard stuff that I'd never listen to but I'm a sucker for good pop and she brought up this song "Driver's License." It's good. She has a voice like old school Ani DiFranco and the song has a nostalgia factor most songs don't. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Been making my way through award nominated movies (I eventually get through em all) and Ma Rainey's Black Bottom Blues is better than advertised. Da Five Bloods was tops but if this one keeps it up, it might hit the notes just a little better. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I watched Jon Stewart's movie Irresistible yesterday and it was fine. Nothing bad to say, I guess I just can't watch movies about politics. It's subversive in a smart way that you don't fully grasp until the end, which I liked. I also have to say showing the political process on a microcosm level using middle America was savvy but I think I'm just done with politics. Done with the vanity of it all. Imagine if we took all the money used to fund campaigns and put it into education, lower socio economic towns/ much good.  
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • andrew68andrew68 Toronto Posts: 1,841
    CP218430 said:
    Imagine if we took all the money used to fund campaigns and put it into education, lower socio economic towns/ much good.  
    too true
    Any new realizations... would have to wait...
    Til he had more time,... more time...
    Time to dream,... to himself... he waves goodbye,
    To himself... I'll see you on the other side...
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    My district has been talking up vaccine appointments but from what I've found in my area it's every person for themselves. I've been signed up in two counties (where I live and where I work, grocery store and pharmacies) the last two of which you have to log in early to get a nibble. I was lucky this morning but htey were gone when I reached out to my co-workers. It's upsetting - people are working hard and working through this all in what I would kindly call meh conditions. I get that not everyone wants one but there are enough Essential Workers that aren't allowed to find what they need. I've had people I know travel 100 plus miles. Maybe we're nuts and I get if people don't feel it's safe to take right now but I'm ready for a piece of mind and luckily mine comes on Saturday. But for those still looking portals like Walgreens open up at 6 A.M. with new information. Spread the word. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I'm not an impulse buyer but if Covid has done anything it's made me look for crap I don't need. I have to say I'm better than most and I resist immediate urge to spend, now I'm resisting that immediate urge to have a drink or a second drink. No, not now it's 9:30 in morning but I think part of digging out of this pandemic will be adjusting back to normal. Cause we're close. So close. I have to say that to believe it but I do actually think it. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I find the term cancel culture fascinating...people have their free speech but that doesn't mean freedom from repercussions. Businesses oftentimes don't want or simply can't be associated with hateful and/or potentially ignorant rhetoric. You have the freedom to speak but that doesn't mean the chickens won't come home to roost. It's a loaded term because it's usually emblematic of hateful speech or hurtful rhetoric directed at a person or group of people. If those are your thoughts, then there is an equal and/or opposite reaction depending how the rest of the world views it, and the news is - if you're spewing lies and/or vitriolic hate then it's not canceling it's appropriating what society will tolerate. In the past tolerance has lead to atrocious consequences when people didn't speak up. Are there over reactions? Of course. Are there self corrections? Sure. Do people deserve second chances? For the most part, they do. You have the freedom to speak cruelly, but don't expect it to be welcomed or tolerated, because in the end your intolerance or misappropriation of your right to free speech doesn't mean people can't come back at you. Every day I live a fine line of espousing fact and keeping opinion to myself because that's my job and outside of my job I know there are indeed consequences if I were to speak in certain terms. I steer clear of it because I like to be left alone but in the end opt for kindness because the crusades most people want to fight are from a deluded place that isn't saving anyone, but often harming those who are already on the margins. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Along with yesterday's idea of cancel I keep hearing about people that worked with Joss Whedon coming out about his toxic behavior and I always wonder how to separate one's art with who they are...I can do it with athletes but with musicians/writers/directors/actors I have a harder time..not their politics (unless you go wing nut) but more so inhumane behavior. I loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it shouldn't change how I see it but that's hard. It's like whenever I hear Michael Jackson, I can't tell I should still enjoy it...this is a me problem, I get that and I think I'll wrestle with it. I also hope it has people trying to be better. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    It's funny how musical taste evolves. Right now I'm in a jam band phase (Neil and Crazy Horse count right?) and solid pop radio songs (Levitating is catchy as hell) wife introduced me to the second and I introduced her to Chris Cornell. She loves his voice and it makes me hear it again for the first time, it's a gift to rediscover the astonishing. Happy Valentine's Day. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    I returned to Neil Young Crazy Horse and man is their music just fun and adventurous. They're one of the acts I've loved for quite a long time and haven't seen. Most bands that I've come to love in the last 5 years I won't see (R.E.M. unless they decide to come back for some reason - fingers crossed) or haven't gotten to but will (Metallica). I'm hoping this pandemic brings everyone to the road and they come out epic. I know Neil is no spring chicken but there's always hoping he will saddle up the horse again and we can get down with some jams. I found Crazy Horse in Year of the Horse (which I only bought cause I hoped Eddie would be on a song) talk about a long shot and I couldn't be happier. It's my favorite live album by the band. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    You know you're getting old when moving snow hurts your back. I feel like this must be how it is to live in Canada, but every single year. I love Canada, and would love living there but the cold and the amount of snow (and I'm not a snow hater) would just destroy me. Stay warm and safe Jammers. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    Today's been one of the Murphy's Law type days. Be good to each other and let's hope some good karma comes your way. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • LoujoeLoujoe Posts: 10,376

  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    No clue there was even a band with that name but it has to be a punk band right? That's awesome! Great poster and from an era when we could see live music....ah the memories. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
  • andrew68andrew68 Toronto Posts: 1,841
    From this day forth I propose Murphy's Law to be abolished 
    Any new realizations... would have to wait...
    Til he had more time,... more time...
    Time to dream,... to himself... he waves goodbye,
    To himself... I'll see you on the other side...
  • LoujoeLoujoe Posts: 10,376
    CP218430 said:
    No clue there was even a band with that name but it has to be a punk band right? That's awesome! Great poster and from an era when we could see live music....ah the memories. 
    Yes. Good guess. Look them up. I'd call them more like a party hardcore music. They have a sax player. Mix a little ska in there. but you are likely to get kicked in the head or decked, all in good fun, at a show. BRING IT ON!!!

     ok i'm I'm done
  • CP218430CP218430 Posts: 1,944
    It's amazing how fun that sounds. Just all out jamming in a po-dunk club to some great tunes. I can see the Jam Band vibe now and I love it. 
    98: St. Louis. 2000: Alpine. 2003: Chicago. 2006: Chicago Night 2, Milwaukee Night 1. 2007: Chicago (Lolla). 2009: Chicago 1 & 2. 2011: Alpine 1 & 2. 2013: Chicago & LA Night 1. 2016: Chicago 1 & 2. 2018: Chicago 1 & 2. 

    "Let the Ocean dissolve away my past."
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