Getting a pretty nice response on YouTube (as far as likes/dislikes go). The audio on PJ's YouTube has 240K views (13K likes, 618 dislikes), and the video has 53K views (5.2K likes, 114 dislikes).
Pretty cool. I had a bad feeling this song might not get over well with the more casual fans. But, maybe those fans (like many of us here) were really pining for something new and different. Many of the songs over the last 11 years (The Fixer, Can't Deny Me, many others in my opinion) sound like they were whipped up by some sort of automated Pearl Jam Bot. I've listened to DOTC more times today than I've listened in The Fixer in the past 11 years.
Getting a pretty nice response on YouTube (as far as likes/dislikes go). The audio on PJ's YouTube has 240K views (13K likes, 618 dislikes), and the video has 53K views (5.2K likes, 114 dislikes).
Pretty cool. I had a bad feeling this song might not get over well with the more casual fans. But, maybe those fans (like many of us here) were really pining for something new and different. Many of the songs over the last 11 years (The Fixer, Can't Deny Me, many others in my opinion) sound like they were whipped up by some sort of automated Pearl Jam Bot. I've listened to DOTC more times today than I've listened in The Fixer in the past 11 years.
Agree completely with your last two sentences.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Getting a pretty nice response on YouTube (as far as likes/dislikes go). The audio on PJ's YouTube has 240K views (13K likes, 618 dislikes), and the video has 53K views (5.2K likes, 114 dislikes).
Pretty cool. I had a bad feeling this song might not get over well with the more casual fans. But, maybe those fans (like many of us here) were really pining for something new and different. Many of the songs over the last 11 years (The Fixer, Can't Deny Me, many others in my opinion) sound like they were whipped up by some sort of automated Pearl Jam Bot. I've listened to DOTC more times today than I've listened in The Fixer in the past 11 years.
Agreed. The last couple records felt like it was Pearl Jam the Institution making music they felt fans wanted from them. Bound out of obligation. This feels like Pearl Jam the Band making music for themselves.
I think it is great how the band is still taking risks in Year 30. Song reminds me a lot of Eminence Front by The Who. Hard to imagine anyone expected this from Pearl Jam. Love the surprises... this is why they have such a big following, long after TEN.
I think initially you go, holy shit this is Pearl Jam, my favorite band on Earth, doing electronic beats...but the groove and lyrics are infectious and you become sort of tangled in a world of an 80s cold war whats wrong with the world vibe. I fucking love it and I am proud as hell of these guys for growing as a band. And for the haters, keep your pants on, everyone heard Aye Davanita back in the day and thought Ed had gone full on crazy. All is fine.
Sweet, I'm loving it. Does feel a bit retro or 80s for some reason, which I totally love. When the first few electronic notes began, I though "oh no, not for me... " but then Ed's voice kicks in, then the guitars, and I'm hooked. It's catchy as hell. Love it!
Sounds like something Matt Cameron wrote, its different but I dig it.
Pittsburgh, PA September 28, 2005 || Washington, DC June 22, 2008 || Barstow, VA May 13, 2010 || Seattle, WA August 10, 2018 || Dana Point, CA September 29, 2018 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 28, 2019 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 25, 2021 (EV) || Dana Point, CA October 1, 2021 || Dana Point, CA October 2, 2021 || Chicago, IL August 29, 2024
I was initially just happy that there was a new album because that meant a new tour. But i am now very excited for this album. Love this song and it gives me hope that gigaton will be as different from the last two albums as No Code was from their previous albums. Can not wait to hear this live! We will be grooving. I know the girls wanna dance...
Song reminds me a lot of Eminence Front by The Who.
Yes! Totally does.
1998: East Troy 2000: East Troy, Rosemont 2003: Champaign 2006: Chicago (UC), Milwaukee 2007: Chicago (Lolla) 2009: Chicago (UC), Chicago (UC) 2010: Noblesville 2011: East Troy (PJ20), East Troy (PJ20) 2013: Chicago (WF), Seattle 2014: St. Louis 2016: Chicago (WF), Chicago (WF) 2018: Chicago (WF), Chicago (WF) 2022: St. Louis 2023: Chicago (UC), Chicago (UC) 2024: Chicago (WF), Chicago (WF)
+1 It's just OK. If I heard the exact same thing but it was by a band that wasn't Pearl Jam, I wouldn't listen to it twice. Because it's Pearl Jam, I think it's just OK.
Good point. I like it but wouldn't listen to it twice (or even once) if it weren't PJ. The title alone would signal cheezy cliche.
I can't say that I love it on first listen, but I can't say that I hate it.
I am one to take a new album and to consume it whole. I sit and very intensely listen to each song and in the order it was intended. A sneak peek of an album can be okay, but I think that this one wants me to take it in with all of the other friends it has on the album.
I'm encouraged by the new music. This little bite leaves me curious for what more is to come.
Totally dig it. Thanks Ryan Lendt and Matt from Let's Play All" for putting out the lessons for how top play it. You guys are awesome. Looking forward to the rest of the Album and seeing them in St. Louis.
After my first listen I wasn't sure. But it's a solid tune, Eds melody is great. Definitely has a MC (you are) feel to it. I'm hoping there's some rockers on the album though McCready needs to be unleashed.
Pretty cool. I had a bad feeling this song might not get over well with the more casual fans. But, maybe those fans (like many of us here) were really pining for something new and different. Many of the songs over the last 11 years (The Fixer, Can't Deny Me, many others in my opinion) sound like they were whipped up by some sort of automated Pearl Jam Bot. I've listened to DOTC more times today than I've listened in The Fixer in the past 11 years.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
-EV 8/14/93
I am one to take a new album and to consume it whole. I sit and very intensely listen to each song and in the order it was intended. A sneak peek of an album can be okay, but I think that this one wants me to take it in with all of the other friends it has on the album.
I'm encouraged by the new music. This little bite leaves me curious for what more is to come.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1