I don't know if its that I am just getting older or what the deal might be. I saw PJ this tour 8 times and it just didnt feel the same. It did at times but it never lasted like it has before. I was very upset over the boston shows thinking there might be something special happening. But night 2 I walked out at the end just so disgusted with the setlist being so similar to the first night. Hartford I thought was a much better show, and then Eddie saying they would play past curfew which ended up being a lie.
Then to top it off the whole ticket issue today for the shows. I tried for both solo shows 45 minutes for the first one and almost 2 hours for the second. Poor planing and a poor system they run here.
I guess the whole teaming up with Verizon, basically starting with Guaranteed for whatever they did with Verizon. But come on was that shit really ment to be put out there on a new technological platform? Its a kick in the face to its meaning.
Ive even gone as far as possibly calling up tenclub and canceling my membership which I just renewed and selling my 25 or so posters.
dont come to me looking for someone to relate to. I can't stand a lot of the people on here that whine about setlists when they've seen PJ a million times. It really bugs the hell out of me. just go to one show a tour, you are burnt out.
you must be the biggest pain in the ass come birthdays and christmas.....although it sounds like you have an overwhelming sense of entitlement which you received from your parents spoiling your useless ass so i think we should blame those assholes for this piece of shit post
"Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
For one there was more than just the set list that I was unhappy about. Some of you figured out how to read more than two lines. But for those who do you probably get your news from Fox, or at least thats what I am betting.
There were plenty of other issues that I didnt even mention. Someone mentioned the whole Hartford things. And to name another at the Camden show there was a bunch of Corporate Suits behind me, took up 2 or 3 rows that were suppose to be fan club.
Also, I am not rich. I dont know where you people come up with this shit? Just because I went to 8 shows doesnt make me rich. I used up most of my vacation time, put 3,000 miles on my car, slept at rest areas for 2 hrs a night. I drive a friggin Kia so dont call me rich.
I also dont live in rockport anymore so you can take the bearskin neck thing and walk it yourself.
I didnt come here to offend people but 99% of you feel like my complaining was based off of the set list in boston, when it was a number of things. I mentioned a few, in the first post and more here. But if your going to respond to something why dont you read the whole thing first and if you do that, then I wont mind your criticism.
And no i wouldnt sell my ticks to a scalper or on ebay. I said it to get a rise out of some of the idiots in here, which many of you think I am but I dont really care.
Wow. Spoiled doesn't begin to describe your comments.
First, tickets aren't a guarantee, its an opportunity to get in before the rest of the world, a chance. One few other bands even afford their fans. Second, expecting the band to break curfew every night and play for 3 hours is an impossible standard, that few (if any) other bands do as regularly as this band.
Your expectations are completely out of whack. Perspective is needed.
Not sure how many people can relate to anything you wrote...you got to see them 8 times and you are upset about their ticket system? You saw them 8 times but because they played 9 songs from the previous night the show suffered?!
I was at both Mansfield shows and the energy the boys played with both nights, as well as the brilliance of their musicianship was a sight to behold (have you ever felt the ground of an outdoor venue shake before? - betterman)
I can't imagine a group of guys on stage and 20,000 people having so much fun at the same time...it was a special atmosphere and if you weren't so worried about how many rare songs were played you may have enjoyed it yourself.
I've seen them around 40 times now and some of the shows on this tour were the most enjoyable and memorable. the band and audience reactions were unforgettable, the energy off the charts. Mansfield 1 and 2 rank right up there..and I was there for Mansfield 3 in '03...
The brilliant part of Mansfield 2 was the band almost took on the curfew as a challenge, as if they were saying "we are going to rock as hard as we can as well as we can...we don't need to break curfew to have a special show."
The show was a blur. went so quickly you had no concept for time, each song they performed incredibly well. I turned around many times in that show to see smiling faces, people dancing, jumping, just geeking out all the way to the back of the lawn. Frankly, you don't see audiences respond that way to many bands today...or before. Their shows this tour almost seemed like a religous experience at times.
I see a lot of shows, at clubs, at arenas...I still haven't found a band that is better live or treats their fans better.
This band is in the upper echelon of rock history and if you can't see the forest thru the trees of your 8 shows you need to reassess.
I can't think of anything more fun than seeing these 5 guys (and boom!) play music.
I never said tickets were guaranteed. I believe I said something about there should have been a better system than what they were doing. Was it really necessary to do whatever they did so that it took an hour or two to sell out and everyone had to keep keep hitting refresh and such?
I didnt say they should break curfew every night did I? No.. However I believe Ed did say they were going to during the show. So I was disappointed he lied. Lying isnt cool even if you are Eddie Vedder, I am sure he got a lot of peoples hopes up that they would play longer. I know a bunch of my friends were disappointed they didnt after they said they would.
I wasnt complaining about the amount of rare songs I heard. I was upset with the setlist because for the previous 6 shows this tour that I went to they seemed to play something new they hadnt played this tour, which doesnt mean it was a rarity. Big wave was played in Hartford, hadnt heard it in the other 5 shows i went to before an such. I was just saying they set lists seemed a lot similar to me than the other shows I saw this tour.
I didnt complain about the crowd, I thought the crowd was great.
But there was more to my post than just the set lists in boston. I suggest you read more and stop jumping to conclusions on things as you have done. Unless you work for Fox News or something?
I felt that releasing Guaranteed on the verizon wireless platform defeated the purpose of the song and the movie.
PJ talks a lot about big corporations and greed yet they sign a deal with verizon who isnt the prettiest corporation?
I had good seats in Camden and wasnt really happy that the row behind me didnt go to tenclub fans as we are told they should. Went to a bunch of corporate suits as well as some of the seats in front of me. They should have went to the real fans not some corporate low life who's heard 1 or 2 songs before in their life.
I've been to every boston show since 98 and you just always get the impression that they will do something great, youll get blown away. And every boston tour they have done something special but I felt this time it was just an average two shows. Ive always rated the boston shows up high over the other locations I see them during that tour, but this time I probably rate them at the bottom of the 8 I saw this tour.
I am just stating what I felt and what I saw and what my thoughts are and it doesnt just have to do with the boston shows so you dont need to keep pointing out oh this guys an idiot hes criticizing the boston show, when it is more than just that.
Hatford '96 Albany '03 Boston 1 '98 Uniondale '03
8/29/00 8/30/00 Boston 1, 2, 3 '03 Boston 1, 2 '04
Montreal '05 Ottawa '05 Albany '06 Hartford '06
Boston 1, 2 '06 Columbia, SC '08 Virginia Beach '08 Camden 1, 2 '08 Washington D.C. '08 Hartford '08
Boston 1, 2 '08
For one there was more than just the set list that I was unhappy about. Some of you figured out how to read more than two lines. But for those who do you probably get your news from Fox, or at least thats what I am betting.
There were plenty of other issues that I didnt even mention. Someone mentioned the whole Hartford things. And to name another at the Camden show there was a bunch of Corporate Suits behind me, took up 2 or 3 rows that were suppose to be fan club.
Also, I am not rich. I dont know where you people come up with this shit? Just because I went to 8 shows doesnt make me rich. I used up most of my vacation time, put 3,000 miles on my car, slept at rest areas for 2 hrs a night. I drive a friggin Kia so dont call me rich.
I also dont live in rockport anymore so you can take the bearskin neck thing and walk it yourself.
I didnt come here to offend people but 99% of you feel like my complaining was based off of the set list in boston, when it was a number of things. I mentioned a few, in the first post and more here. But if your going to respond to something why dont you read the whole thing first and if you do that, then I wont mind your criticism.
And no i wouldnt sell my ticks to a scalper or on ebay. I said it to get a rise out of some of the idiots in here, which many of you think I am but I dont really care.
For one there was more than just the set list that I was unhappy about. Some of you figured out how to read more than two lines. But for those who do you probably get your news from Fox, or at least thats what I am betting.
There were plenty of other issues that I didnt even mention. Someone mentioned the whole Hartford things. And to name another at the Camden show there was a bunch of Corporate Suits behind me, took up 2 or 3 rows that were suppose to be fan club.
Also, I am not rich. I dont know where you people come up with this shit? Just because I went to 8 shows doesnt make me rich. I used up most of my vacation time, put 3,000 miles on my car, slept at rest areas for 2 hrs a night. I drive a friggin Kia so dont call me rich.
I also dont live in rockport anymore so you can take the bearskin neck thing and walk it yourself.
I didnt come here to offend people but 99% of you feel like my complaining was based off of the set list in boston, when it was a number of things. I mentioned a few, in the first post and more here. But if your going to respond to something why dont you read the whole thing first and if you do that, then I wont mind your criticism.
And no i wouldnt sell my ticks to a scalper or on ebay. I said it to get a rise out of some of the idiots in here, which many of you think I am but I dont really care.
You sound like a real unhappy dude. You must be loads of fun at parties and bah mitzvahs.
This band is causing you nothing but pain and suffering, it sounds like. Why subject yourself to this?
Music is supposed to be fun. A diversion from, you know, real problems. The day a band starts causing all these terrible problems for you is probably the day you start liking another band.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
For one there was more than just the set list that I was unhappy about. Some of you figured out how to read more than two lines. But for those who do you probably get your news from Fox, or at least thats what I am betting.
There were plenty of other issues that I didnt even mention. Someone mentioned the whole Hartford things. And to name another at the Camden show there was a bunch of Corporate Suits behind me, took up 2 or 3 rows that were suppose to be fan club.
Also, I am not rich. I dont know where you people come up with this shit? Just because I went to 8 shows doesnt make me rich. I used up most of my vacation time, put 3,000 miles on my car, slept at rest areas for 2 hrs a night. I drive a friggin Kia so dont call me rich.
I also dont live in rockport anymore so you can take the bearskin neck thing and walk it yourself.
I didnt come here to offend people but 99% of you feel like my complaining was based off of the set list in boston, when it was a number of things. I mentioned a few, in the first post and more here. But if your going to respond to something why dont you read the whole thing first and if you do that, then I wont mind your criticism.
And no i wouldnt sell my ticks to a scalper or on ebay. I said it to get a rise out of some of the idiots in here, which many of you think I am but I dont really care.
oh man! We had already forgotten all about you!
But now that you bring it back up... people (I think) reacted to you being "disgusted" with the setlist... you are a spolied fan and you should limit the shows that you go to if you are going to feel "disgusted" because they didn't play the songs YOU wanted to hear.. or because they didn't manage to avoid playing repeats :rolleyes:
Why many didn't address your issue with the tickets today? Because many can understand today a lot of fans are frustrated with not getting tix, so in my case I chose not to say anything about that...
with that said I would like to clarify that I get my news from CNN except for my celebrity news I get those from TMZ
"Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
Wow!!! 8 shows!!! I'd give just about anything to see PJ just once. Yep - still a concert virgin.
Think how fortunate you are that you were able to afford tickets to 8 shows. That you aren't a single parent, abandoned by a spouse, and struggling to care for your family much less afford the luxury of concert tickets. Or maybe be happy that your time isn't taken by an elderly parent who has become as dependent on you as your children and you have the freedom and time in your life to travel and attend amazing events.
Possibly look on the bright side that you were able to score tickets to 8 separate shows. It seemed like a lot of 10c members weren't as fortunate as you. Be happy that all the band members are still alive - can't say the same for many bands that have been around as long as PJ much less hailed from Seattle.
Sometimes ya just have to remember that the same glass that is 1/2 empty is also at the exact same time 1/2 full.
And as for the events I mentioned in my first paragraph, all things I have fought through or am currently doing battle with. And I will win and some day I'm gonna have a concert date to add to my signature.
For being a whinny baby who didn't get 27 different songs for each of the 8 shows you attended...? or is it because Ed lied to you and didn't feel like paying a fine for breaking curfew....?
and you are callin' US a-holes??!?!?... GO FIGURE!
yea, no kidding.
anyway, i hate when people put sooo much emphasis on setlists. i saw 2 shows and the second, Hartford, was my favorite show ever...better than either Gorge show in '06 that i went to...and they played some good stuff there...obviously some of it has to do with the setlist, but mainly it is do to the circumstances and the people we met.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
For one there was more than just the set list that I was unhappy about. Some of you figured out how to read more than two lines. But for those who do you probably get your news from Fox, or at least thats what I am betting.
There were plenty of other issues that I didnt even mention. Someone mentioned the whole Hartford things. And to name another at the Camden show there was a bunch of Corporate Suits behind me, took up 2 or 3 rows that were suppose to be fan club.
Also, I am not rich. I dont know where you people come up with this shit? Just because I went to 8 shows doesnt make me rich. I used up most of my vacation time, put 3,000 miles on my car, slept at rest areas for 2 hrs a night. I drive a friggin Kia so dont call me rich.
I also dont live in rockport anymore so you can take the bearskin neck thing and walk it yourself.
I didnt come here to offend people but 99% of you feel like my complaining was based off of the set list in boston, when it was a number of things. I mentioned a few, in the first post and more here. But if your going to respond to something why dont you read the whole thing first and if you do that, then I wont mind your criticism.
And no i wouldnt sell my ticks to a scalper or on ebay. I said it to get a rise out of some of the idiots in here, which many of you think I am but I dont really care.
You are only responding like this because you read all of our posts and know how we all feel. You started this, don't try to snake out now. I knew you were trying to get a rise out of us when I called you out on it. Let it die your true colors have already shined through.
anyway, i hate when people put sooo much emphasis on setlists. i saw 2 shows and the second, Hartford, was my favorite show ever...better than either Gorge show in '06 that i went to...and they played some good stuff there...obviously some of it has to do with the setlist, but mainly it is do to the circumstances and the people we met.
This is absolutely correct.... the setlist Im sure counts for everyone but its all about what you make of it....
Mansfield was a bigger expense that I thought it would be when I bought the plane tix with a week in advance and while I missed In Hiding twice by one day and I didn't get to see All Night live I wouldn't change my mind about going if I had the chance to do it again... Mansfield was great because the setlist was awesome and I got to see friends I hadn't seen in years and got to meet new ones that had yet to meet face to face after knowing each other online for years... at this point in my life (and Im talking outta maturity here as I will be 30 in 1/2 an hour) ... LOL
nah for real, Pearl Jam for me has turned into more than just the music, its everything that travelling to shows to see them bring with it, specially the wonderful people I get to hang with every single time...
"Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
My b-day gift to myself is my first tatoo. I know where its going and I'm pretty close on deciding on what I want. At the Hartford and Boston one show it kinda came to me.
Wow. Spoiled doesn't begin to describe your comments.
First, tickets aren't a guarantee, its an opportunity to get in before the rest of the world, a chance. One few other bands even afford their fans. Second, expecting the band to break curfew every night and play for 3 hours is an impossible standard, that few (if any) other bands do as regularly as this band.
Your expectations are completely out of whack. Perspective is needed.
Not sure how many people can relate to anything you wrote...you got to see them 8 times and you are upset about their ticket system? You saw them 8 times but because they played 9 songs from the previous night the show suffered?!
I was at both Mansfield shows and the energy the boys played with both nights, as well as the brilliance of their musicianship was a sight to behold (have you ever felt the ground of an outdoor venue shake before? - betterman)
I can't imagine a group of guys on stage and 20,000 people having so much fun at the same time...it was a special atmosphere and if you weren't so worried about how many rare songs were played you may have enjoyed it yourself.
I've seen them around 40 times now and some of the shows on this tour were the most enjoyable and memorable. the band and audience reactions were unforgettable, the energy off the charts. Mansfield 1 and 2 rank right up there..and I was there for Mansfield 3 in '03...
The brilliant part of Mansfield 2 was the band almost took on the curfew as a challenge, as if they were saying "we are going to rock as hard as we can as well as we can...we don't need to break curfew to have a special show."
The show was a blur. went so quickly you had no concept for time, each song they performed incredibly well. I turned around many times in that show to see smiling faces, people dancing, jumping, just geeking out all the way to the back of the lawn. Frankly, you don't see audiences respond that way to many bands today...or before. Their shows this tour almost seemed like a religous experience at times.
I see a lot of shows, at clubs, at arenas...I still haven't found a band that is better live or treats their fans better.
This band is in the upper echelon of rock history and if you can't see the forest thru the trees of your 8 shows you need to reassess.
I can't think of anything more fun than seeing these 5 guys (and boom!) play music.
"I remember when you sang that song about today, now it's tomorrow and everything has changed." - Bu$hleaguer
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
7-11-95, 6-14-98, 6-26-98, 6-27-98, 6-29-98, 8-17-98, 08-18-00, 8-20-00, 09-05-00, 10-7-00, 10-8-00, 10-9-00, 10-11-00, 4-21-03, 4-22-03, 4-23-03, 4-25-03, 04-26-03, 6-18-03, 6-21-03, 6-22-03, 6-25-03, 06-26-03, 10-3-04, 9-11-05, 9-12-05, 9-13-05, 5-9-06, 5-10-06, 5-16-06, 5-17-06, 5-19-06, 5-20-06, 6-23-06, 6-24-06, 6-29-06, 8-5-07, E.V. Milwaukee and Chicago night 1, 8-23-09,08-24-09, 5-7-10, 5-9-10, E.V. 6-28-011, 9-3-11, 9-4-11, 7-19-13, 10-11-13, 10-3-14, 10-17-14, 10-20-14, E.V. 04-26-16, 08-20-16, 08-22-16, 8-20-18, 8-22-18, 9-16-22, 9-18-22, 9-5-23, 9-7-23, 9-10-23
oh man!!! didn't think of that.. I changed my original post - LOL!
7-11-95, 6-14-98, 6-26-98, 6-27-98, 6-29-98, 8-17-98, 08-18-00, 8-20-00, 09-05-00, 10-7-00, 10-8-00, 10-9-00, 10-11-00, 4-21-03, 4-22-03, 4-23-03, 4-25-03, 04-26-03, 6-18-03, 6-21-03, 6-22-03, 6-25-03, 06-26-03, 10-3-04, 9-11-05, 9-12-05, 9-13-05, 5-9-06, 5-10-06, 5-16-06, 5-17-06, 5-19-06, 5-20-06, 6-23-06, 6-24-06, 6-29-06, 8-5-07, E.V. Milwaukee and Chicago night 1, 8-23-09,08-24-09, 5-7-10, 5-9-10, E.V. 6-28-011, 9-3-11, 9-4-11, 7-19-13, 10-11-13, 10-3-14, 10-17-14, 10-20-14, E.V. 04-26-16, 08-20-16, 08-22-16, 8-20-18, 8-22-18, 9-16-22, 9-18-22, 9-5-23, 9-7-23, 9-10-23
Happy Birthday my fellow Moonchild !!!
That's what I heard too.... and I can't wait to embrace my new twenties!!!
I have come to the same conclusion...
awwww you guys are so nice
well that was my 4th attempt....the other ones would have got me banned
happy early b-day!!! you'll love your 30's....i am
don't get rugburns
2006: Camden 1&2, East Ruth 1&2
2008: BONNAROO, MSG1, MSG2, Hartford
2009: Philly 1, 2, 4
2010: Hartford, MSG1, MSG2
2012: Made in America
2013: BK1, BK2, Hartford
2015: Global Citizens
2016: MSG 2 (ISO MSG1)
EV Solo: NJPAC 2008; Tower Theatre, PA 2009; Hartford 2011
Happy Birthday you young whippersnapper!!!!
For one there was more than just the set list that I was unhappy about. Some of you figured out how to read more than two lines. But for those who do you probably get your news from Fox, or at least thats what I am betting.
There were plenty of other issues that I didnt even mention. Someone mentioned the whole Hartford things. And to name another at the Camden show there was a bunch of Corporate Suits behind me, took up 2 or 3 rows that were suppose to be fan club.
Also, I am not rich. I dont know where you people come up with this shit? Just because I went to 8 shows doesnt make me rich. I used up most of my vacation time, put 3,000 miles on my car, slept at rest areas for 2 hrs a night. I drive a friggin Kia so dont call me rich.
I also dont live in rockport anymore so you can take the bearskin neck thing and walk it yourself.
I didnt come here to offend people but 99% of you feel like my complaining was based off of the set list in boston, when it was a number of things. I mentioned a few, in the first post and more here. But if your going to respond to something why dont you read the whole thing first and if you do that, then I wont mind your criticism.
And no i wouldnt sell my ticks to a scalper or on ebay. I said it to get a rise out of some of the idiots in here, which many of you think I am but I dont really care.
I never said tickets were guaranteed. I believe I said something about there should have been a better system than what they were doing. Was it really necessary to do whatever they did so that it took an hour or two to sell out and everyone had to keep keep hitting refresh and such?
I didnt say they should break curfew every night did I? No.. However I believe Ed did say they were going to during the show. So I was disappointed he lied. Lying isnt cool even if you are Eddie Vedder, I am sure he got a lot of peoples hopes up that they would play longer. I know a bunch of my friends were disappointed they didnt after they said they would.
I wasnt complaining about the amount of rare songs I heard. I was upset with the setlist because for the previous 6 shows this tour that I went to they seemed to play something new they hadnt played this tour, which doesnt mean it was a rarity. Big wave was played in Hartford, hadnt heard it in the other 5 shows i went to before an such. I was just saying they set lists seemed a lot similar to me than the other shows I saw this tour.
I didnt complain about the crowd, I thought the crowd was great.
But there was more to my post than just the set lists in boston. I suggest you read more and stop jumping to conclusions on things as you have done. Unless you work for Fox News or something?
I felt that releasing Guaranteed on the verizon wireless platform defeated the purpose of the song and the movie.
PJ talks a lot about big corporations and greed yet they sign a deal with verizon who isnt the prettiest corporation?
I had good seats in Camden and wasnt really happy that the row behind me didnt go to tenclub fans as we are told they should. Went to a bunch of corporate suits as well as some of the seats in front of me. They should have went to the real fans not some corporate low life who's heard 1 or 2 songs before in their life.
I've been to every boston show since 98 and you just always get the impression that they will do something great, youll get blown away. And every boston tour they have done something special but I felt this time it was just an average two shows. Ive always rated the boston shows up high over the other locations I see them during that tour, but this time I probably rate them at the bottom of the 8 I saw this tour.
I am just stating what I felt and what I saw and what my thoughts are and it doesnt just have to do with the boston shows so you dont need to keep pointing out oh this guys an idiot hes criticizing the boston show, when it is more than just that.
8/29/00 8/30/00 Boston 1, 2, 3 '03 Boston 1, 2 '04
Montreal '05 Ottawa '05 Albany '06 Hartford '06
Boston 1, 2 '06 Columbia, SC '08 Virginia Beach '08 Camden 1, 2 '08 Washington D.C. '08 Hartford '08
Boston 1, 2 '08
I never do
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
You sound like a real unhappy dude. You must be loads of fun at parties and bah mitzvahs.
This band is causing you nothing but pain and suffering, it sounds like. Why subject yourself to this?
Music is supposed to be fun. A diversion from, you know, real problems. The day a band starts causing all these terrible problems for you is probably the day you start liking another band.
for the least they could possibly do
Oh my goodness! I haven't seen or heard that word in ages! - LOL
And I'll be 30 in less then a month.
I laughed when I saw that too, my Papaw used to call my brother and I whippersnappers
R.I.P. Sir
2006: Camden 1&2, East Ruth 1&2
2008: BONNAROO, MSG1, MSG2, Hartford
2009: Philly 1, 2, 4
2010: Hartford, MSG1, MSG2
2012: Made in America
2013: BK1, BK2, Hartford
2015: Global Citizens
2016: MSG 2 (ISO MSG1)
EV Solo: NJPAC 2008; Tower Theatre, PA 2009; Hartford 2011
oh man! We had already forgotten all about you!
But now that you bring it back up... people (I think) reacted to you being "disgusted" with the setlist... you are a spolied fan and you should limit the shows that you go to if you are going to feel "disgusted" because they didn't play the songs YOU wanted to hear.. or because they didn't manage to avoid playing repeats :rolleyes:
Why many didn't address your issue with the tickets today? Because many can understand today a lot of fans are frustrated with not getting tix, so in my case I chose not to say anything about that...
with that said I would like to clarify that I get my news from CNN except for my celebrity news I get those from TMZ
Wow!!! 8 shows!!! I'd give just about anything to see PJ just once. Yep - still a concert virgin.
Think how fortunate you are that you were able to afford tickets to 8 shows. That you aren't a single parent, abandoned by a spouse, and struggling to care for your family much less afford the luxury of concert tickets. Or maybe be happy that your time isn't taken by an elderly parent who has become as dependent on you as your children and you have the freedom and time in your life to travel and attend amazing events.
Possibly look on the bright side that you were able to score tickets to 8 separate shows. It seemed like a lot of 10c members weren't as fortunate as you. Be happy that all the band members are still alive - can't say the same for many bands that have been around as long as PJ much less hailed from Seattle.
Sometimes ya just have to remember that the same glass that is 1/2 empty is also at the exact same time 1/2 full.
And as for the events I mentioned in my first paragraph, all things I have fought through or am currently doing battle with. And I will win and some day I'm gonna have a concert date to add to my signature.
Hang in there.
yea, no kidding.
anyway, i hate when people put sooo much emphasis on setlists. i saw 2 shows and the second, Hartford, was my favorite show ever...better than either Gorge show in '06 that i went to...and they played some good stuff there...obviously some of it has to do with the setlist, but mainly it is do to the circumstances and the people we met.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
7-11-95, 6-14-98, 6-26-98, 6-27-98, 6-29-98, 8-17-98, 08-18-00, 8-20-00, 09-05-00, 10-7-00, 10-8-00, 10-9-00, 10-11-00, 4-21-03, 4-22-03, 4-23-03, 4-25-03, 04-26-03, 6-18-03, 6-21-03, 6-22-03, 6-25-03, 06-26-03, 10-3-04, 9-11-05, 9-12-05, 9-13-05, 5-9-06, 5-10-06, 5-16-06, 5-17-06, 5-19-06, 5-20-06, 6-23-06, 6-24-06, 6-29-06, 8-5-07, E.V. Milwaukee and Chicago night 1, 8-23-09,08-24-09, 5-7-10, 5-9-10, E.V. 6-28-011, 9-3-11, 9-4-11, 7-19-13, 10-11-13, 10-3-14, 10-17-14, 10-20-14, E.V. 04-26-16, 08-20-16, 08-22-16, 8-20-18, 8-22-18, 9-16-22, 9-18-22, 9-5-23, 9-7-23, 9-10-23
ALRIGHT!!! You are joining me soon!
This is absolutely correct.... the setlist Im sure counts for everyone but its all about what you make of it....
Mansfield was a bigger expense that I thought it would be when I bought the plane tix with a week in advance and while I missed In Hiding twice by one day and I didn't get to see All Night live I wouldn't change my mind about going if I had the chance to do it again... Mansfield was great because the setlist was awesome and I got to see friends I hadn't seen in years and got to meet new ones that had yet to meet face to face after knowing each other online for years... at this point in my life (and Im talking outta maturity here as I will be 30 in 1/2 an hour)
nah for real, Pearl Jam for me has turned into more than just the music, its everything that travelling to shows to see them bring with it, specially the wonderful people I get to hang with every single time...
Yup I'll be 30 on August 2nd.
My b-day gift to myself is my first tatoo. I know where its going and I'm pretty close on deciding on what I want. At the Hartford and Boston one show it kinda came to me.
First, tickets aren't a guarantee, its an opportunity to get in before the rest of the world, a chance. One few other bands even afford their fans. Second, expecting the band to break curfew every night and play for 3 hours is an impossible standard, that few (if any) other bands do as regularly as this band.
Your expectations are completely out of whack. Perspective is needed.
Not sure how many people can relate to anything you wrote...you got to see them 8 times and you are upset about their ticket system? You saw them 8 times but because they played 9 songs from the previous night the show suffered?!
I was at both Mansfield shows and the energy the boys played with both nights, as well as the brilliance of their musicianship was a sight to behold (have you ever felt the ground of an outdoor venue shake before? - betterman)
I can't imagine a group of guys on stage and 20,000 people having so much fun at the same time...it was a special atmosphere and if you weren't so worried about how many rare songs were played you may have enjoyed it yourself.
I've seen them around 40 times now and some of the shows on this tour were the most enjoyable and memorable. the band and audience reactions were unforgettable, the energy off the charts. Mansfield 1 and 2 rank right up there..and I was there for Mansfield 3 in '03...
The brilliant part of Mansfield 2 was the band almost took on the curfew as a challenge, as if they were saying "we are going to rock as hard as we can as well as we can...we don't need to break curfew to have a special show."
The show was a blur. went so quickly you had no concept for time, each song they performed incredibly well. I turned around many times in that show to see smiling faces, people dancing, jumping, just geeking out all the way to the back of the lawn. Frankly, you don't see audiences respond that way to many bands today...or before. Their shows this tour almost seemed like a religous experience at times.
I see a lot of shows, at clubs, at arenas...I still haven't found a band that is better live or treats their fans better.
This band is in the upper echelon of rock history and if you can't see the forest thru the trees of your 8 shows you need to reassess.
I can't think of anything more fun than seeing these 5 guys (and boom!) play music.