I added the boss distortion and Ibanez overdrive pedals to my collection. Love both. What’s next lol.
Cool man! I think you should look at delay, phaser and wah next. I would probably add them in that order, too.
You're off to a great start!
I got a wah and a delay too. I like the idea of a phaser! Isn’t that what Mike plays at the end of yellow Ledbetter? (As seen on stern)
most times. he also has been known to play a univibe for that as well. i have not seen the stern performance so i can't speculate, but i would imagine he used a phaser.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
interesting timing. i've got the mxr randy rhoads distortion plus shipping to me soon. preordered from sweetwater but mine has not arrived to sweetwater yet. hopefully shipping to me this week or next. my rep said they should be receiving it "any day now".
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Question for those with larger pedal boards: how are you powering large boards? I’ve never had more than 8 pedals but I’m thinking about expanding my board. Do you use multiple power supplies? Or use a 12 input supply?
On my two large boards, I am using a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 3+. Those are nice because they have two ports for adding either the Voodoo Lab x4 or x8 expansion power supplies. Those are isolated as well, are quiet and easy to find room for under the board.
I like the VL supplies because they are not only powerful and reliable, but also lightweight. Those boards each have 15 pedals on them plus the patch bays, power supplies and cables. That all adds up pretty quickly. It was not an inexpensive way to go, though.
A friend of mine has a couple large pedal boards too. He uses the a Trutone CS6 and CS7 and he loves them. I know he has daisy chained multiple pedals off of a single port on the CS6 and has had no issues. Just have to keep an eye on the mA load that each pedal needs.
If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
Ended up getting the MXR Brick power supply. I’m only trying to add a couple pedals so I’m just going to daisy chain the extra pedals. Thanks for the advice everyone!
Here’s my latest setup. I think I’m done for a minute 😜😂
That s awesome
Thanks man! I’m really digging the Soul Food overdrive. Using it all the time and getting a much warmer sound. Big Muff op amp is my go to for huge guitar sounds. I’m having a lot of fun with all of it really
it is actually more than i bargained for. i ran it into my matchless and that was ok. it sounded pretty good. i then ran it into my old marshalls and it was really really high gain. squealing feedback and really difficult to control when cranked up. i did like that i could nail the harmonics like randy used to use, which i can't normally do with just an overdrive pedal. if i had the drive down on the pedal it didn't "do the thing", but when i cranked the drive knob it was just too much. i need to spend more time and find the sweet spots on the pedal knob sweep. the demos i have seen show that when you get the output to about 2:00 and the distortion at 4:00 or more it really shines. it was too much for my marshalls at those settings. i plan to tweak my marshall settings this weekend and try it again. bring down the amp gain and bring down the mids and treble a bit. it should sound awesome once i have spent more time with it.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
forgot to add that the pedal cleans up pretty well when rolling guitar volume down some. it is clean with a bit of oompf to it. i find that if i keep my les pauls bridge volume at about 7 i still get the punch from the pedal but not that squealy feedback that i get when turning guitar volume all the way up. it makes for a snarling rhythm tone. i hate messing with my amp knobs but next time i try the pedal i will write my settings down so i don't forget them. also plan to try it on a clean princeton amp as well probably this weekend.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
here is a drunk playthrough of the mxr randy rhoads distortion plus. i probably drank 11 beers earlier and forgot some riffs, so excuse the sloppy playing. i fucked up randy's version of paranoid so i should probably give up guitar forever now, lol. signal chain was 2006 gibson les paul custom into the rhoads distortion plus, into a strymon el capistan for slight dirty tape delay, into a mr fazedelic for some very slight phaser since my flanger was on a different board at a friend's house. into a 1974 non master volume marshall jmp with a 1977 green back cab. you can hear the squeaky feedback i talked about in a prior post. the pedal is hard to control because it is an absolute beast of a pedal but it sounded really good in the room. please excuse the sloppy drunk playing... it is in no way a reflection of how i would normally play these riffs, hahaahaa..
You're off to a great start!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
1996; 9/28 New York
1997: 11/14 Oakland, 11/15 Oakland
1998: 7/5 Dallas, 7/7 Albuquerque, 7/8 Phoenix, 7/10 San Diego, 7/11 Las Vegas
2000: 10/17 Dallas
2003: 4/3 OKC
2012: 11/17 Tulsa(EV), 11/18 Tulsa(EV)
2013: 11/16 OKC
2014: 10/8 Tulsa
2022: 9/20 OKC
2023: 9/13 Ft Worth, 9/15 Ft Worth
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
how are you powering large boards? I’ve never had more than 8 pedals but I’m thinking about expanding my board. Do you use multiple power supplies? Or use a 12 input supply?
I like the VL supplies because they are not only powerful and reliable, but also lightweight. Those boards each have 15 pedals on them plus the patch bays, power supplies and cables. That all adds up pretty quickly. It was not an inexpensive way to go, though.
A friend of mine has a couple large pedal boards too. He uses the a Trutone CS6 and CS7 and he loves them. I know he has daisy chained multiple pedals off of a single port on the CS6 and has had no issues. Just have to keep an eye on the mA load that each pedal needs.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."