One of few tweets I do agree with. When he took office people thought world war 3 was right around the corner, yet he is ending American involvement in Syria, reducing troops in Afghanistan and while in the past , did meet with North Korea.
Ummm, sure.
He had a phone call from Erdogan - he was given talking points by his cabinet members to follow in the call. Erdogan said to pull out your troops because we are going to make a move on the Kurds (who Erdogan considers a terrorist group although they are not).
Trump was supposed to say No. We will not pull out our troops and do not make a military move on the Kurds.
Instead, Trump said Okay and wants to pull out our Marines and allow Erdogan to finally ethically cleanse the Kurds (our allies who were the people who actually fought Isis in hand to hand combat as we provided air cover and intelligence. We promised to be allied and to protect the Kurds who are responsible for being essential in reducing the amount of land that Isis controlled.
So Trump ignored his Secretary of State & other advisors - ignored his talking points and said okey dokey when Erdogan told him what to do. He is a puppet to all the strong men. Pulling out our special forces and leaving an ally to be slaughtered is unthinkable. America can no longer be trusted as a reliable ally. Not saying that we should be involved in all these areas, but this is a mission that has actually worked and since we went there and made a promise, a 'great' country would not abandon its promise to protect people who have done the dirty work of killing Isis scum.
France has already said that they will keep their troops there and the reaction around the world was one of shock. This is not something a 'great' country does.
And after cowtowing to Erdogan and saying some BS about how Russia, Iran and Syria are made that we are leaving - Putin has his year end authoritarian 'press' conference and says that 'Donald' did the right thing. But then Putin later says that Afghanistan is a place that the US should not be and lo and behold, Trump announces plans to remove our troops.
There is no way that a person can support what Trump is doing - he is flailing and disregarding any advice from advisors and not even speak to our allies or to Congress or the military. Even discussing this as if Trump is enacting a foreign policy is ridiculous. This is not normal - this is insanity and someone needs to stand up against the dangerous actions that Trump is doing with no knowledge of what the hell the circumstances or consequences are. The man doesn't have his daily briefings because they are boring - they cut into his 'executive time' of laying in bed watching the news and tweeting.
Seriously - to speak about Trump as if there is a method to his madness is missing the fact that this is all madness.
Lol. So Trump got France to grow balls? If nothing else, he accomplished that. Finally France didn’t run like a bunch of Italians ( note: not referring to Italian Americans. Just Italy itself that generally caves like a paper tent at the direction of a stern voice)
This makes less sense than a Trump tweet.
What would you like explained to you? Do you know anything about history? Just want to know where I need to start.
The only comment you have is that Trump made France grow balls? Trump doesn't have the balls to fire someone face to face. This is a person who has no regard for what keeps the world relatively safe.
Do you care about respecting alliances and being an honest broker? Do you care about America keeping its word? Are you not alarmed at the obvious affection for dictators and disrespect for our allies and all of the institutions that have kept the world safe from a world war since the aftermath of WWII?
France already had balls. Trump is incompetent and dangerous. This isn't a game. The Secretary of Defense and the Commander in Syria have resigned because they cannot follow the orders of a person who is aligning with dictatorships and ruining our alliances. That has never happened before.
There comes a point when its not funny anymore and its not about partisanship. The time for snide comments is over and It's time for Americans to start giving a shit because we are in a crisis.
Wait..lots of stuff on this thread and the most hilarious is that France already had balls....hahahaha comedy gold on the AMT!
Good to see you're focusing on the important stuff. I don't find anything hilarious about what's going on - but enjoy the destruction of our country as you laugh at one of our allies. Interesting.
By the way, if it wasn’t important why did you feel the need to defend France and their amazing military?
Why do you feel the need to emasculate France? If you know your history, you know that the people of France have acquitted themselves with bravery for oh, only about a thousand years.
One of few tweets I do agree with. When he took office people thought world war 3 was right around the corner, yet he is ending American involvement in Syria, reducing troops in Afghanistan and while in the past , did meet with North Korea.
Ummm, sure.
He had a phone call from Erdogan - he was given talking points by his cabinet members to follow in the call. Erdogan said to pull out your troops because we are going to make a move on the Kurds (who Erdogan considers a terrorist group although they are not).
Trump was supposed to say No. We will not pull out our troops and do not make a military move on the Kurds.
Instead, Trump said Okay and wants to pull out our Marines and allow Erdogan to finally ethically cleanse the Kurds (our allies who were the people who actually fought Isis in hand to hand combat as we provided air cover and intelligence. We promised to be allied and to protect the Kurds who are responsible for being essential in reducing the amount of land that Isis controlled.
So Trump ignored his Secretary of State & other advisors - ignored his talking points and said okey dokey when Erdogan told him what to do. He is a puppet to all the strong men. Pulling out our special forces and leaving an ally to be slaughtered is unthinkable. America can no longer be trusted as a reliable ally. Not saying that we should be involved in all these areas, but this is a mission that has actually worked and since we went there and made a promise, a 'great' country would not abandon its promise to protect people who have done the dirty work of killing Isis scum.
France has already said that they will keep their troops there and the reaction around the world was one of shock. This is not something a 'great' country does.
And after cowtowing to Erdogan and saying some BS about how Russia, Iran and Syria are made that we are leaving - Putin has his year end authoritarian 'press' conference and says that 'Donald' did the right thing. But then Putin later says that Afghanistan is a place that the US should not be and lo and behold, Trump announces plans to remove our troops.
There is no way that a person can support what Trump is doing - he is flailing and disregarding any advice from advisors and not even speak to our allies or to Congress or the military. Even discussing this as if Trump is enacting a foreign policy is ridiculous. This is not normal - this is insanity and someone needs to stand up against the dangerous actions that Trump is doing with no knowledge of what the hell the circumstances or consequences are. The man doesn't have his daily briefings because they are boring - they cut into his 'executive time' of laying in bed watching the news and tweeting.
Seriously - to speak about Trump as if there is a method to his madness is missing the fact that this is all madness.
Lol. So Trump got France to grow balls? If nothing else, he accomplished that. Finally France didn’t run like a bunch of Italians ( note: not referring to Italian Americans. Just Italy itself that generally caves like a paper tent at the direction of a stern voice)
This makes less sense than a Trump tweet.
What would you like explained to you? Do you know anything about history? Just want to know where I need to start.
The only comment you have is that Trump made France grow balls? Trump doesn't have the balls to fire someone face to face. This is a person who has no regard for what keeps the world relatively safe.
Do you care about respecting alliances and being an honest broker? Do you care about America keeping its word? Are you not alarmed at the obvious affection for dictators and disrespect for our allies and all of the institutions that have kept the world safe from a world war since the aftermath of WWII?
France already had balls. Trump is incompetent and dangerous. This isn't a game. The Secretary of Defense and the Commander in Syria have resigned because they cannot follow the orders of a person who is aligning with dictatorships and ruining our alliances. That has never happened before.
There comes a point when its not funny anymore and its not about partisanship. The time for snide comments is over and It's time for Americans to start giving a shit because we are in a crisis.
Wait..lots of stuff on this thread and the most hilarious is that France already had balls....hahahaha comedy gold on the AMT!
Good to see you're focusing on the important stuff. I don't find anything hilarious about what's going on - but enjoy the destruction of our country as you laugh at one of our allies. Interesting.
By the way, if it wasn’t important why did you feel the need to defend France and their amazing military?
Why do you feel the need to emasculate France? If you know your history, you know that the people of France have acquitted themselves with bravery for oh, only about a thousand years.
Cause I found someone saying France already had balls is funny? Lighten up beavis
One of few tweets I do agree with. When he took office people thought world war 3 was right around the corner, yet he is ending American involvement in Syria, reducing troops in Afghanistan and while in the past , did meet with North Korea.
Ummm, sure.
He had a phone call from Erdogan - he was given talking points by his cabinet members to follow in the call. Erdogan said to pull out your troops because we are going to make a move on the Kurds (who Erdogan considers a terrorist group although they are not).
Trump was supposed to say No. We will not pull out our troops and do not make a military move on the Kurds.
Instead, Trump said Okay and wants to pull out our Marines and allow Erdogan to finally ethically cleanse the Kurds (our allies who were the people who actually fought Isis in hand to hand combat as we provided air cover and intelligence. We promised to be allied and to protect the Kurds who are responsible for being essential in reducing the amount of land that Isis controlled.
So Trump ignored his Secretary of State & other advisors - ignored his talking points and said okey dokey when Erdogan told him what to do. He is a puppet to all the strong men. Pulling out our special forces and leaving an ally to be slaughtered is unthinkable. America can no longer be trusted as a reliable ally. Not saying that we should be involved in all these areas, but this is a mission that has actually worked and since we went there and made a promise, a 'great' country would not abandon its promise to protect people who have done the dirty work of killing Isis scum.
France has already said that they will keep their troops there and the reaction around the world was one of shock. This is not something a 'great' country does.
And after cowtowing to Erdogan and saying some BS about how Russia, Iran and Syria are made that we are leaving - Putin has his year end authoritarian 'press' conference and says that 'Donald' did the right thing. But then Putin later says that Afghanistan is a place that the US should not be and lo and behold, Trump announces plans to remove our troops.
There is no way that a person can support what Trump is doing - he is flailing and disregarding any advice from advisors and not even speak to our allies or to Congress or the military. Even discussing this as if Trump is enacting a foreign policy is ridiculous. This is not normal - this is insanity and someone needs to stand up against the dangerous actions that Trump is doing with no knowledge of what the hell the circumstances or consequences are. The man doesn't have his daily briefings because they are boring - they cut into his 'executive time' of laying in bed watching the news and tweeting.
Seriously - to speak about Trump as if there is a method to his madness is missing the fact that this is all madness.
Lol. So Trump got France to grow balls? If nothing else, he accomplished that. Finally France didn’t run like a bunch of Italians ( note: not referring to Italian Americans. Just Italy itself that generally caves like a paper tent at the direction of a stern voice)
This makes less sense than a Trump tweet.
What would you like explained to you? Do you know anything about history? Just want to know where I need to start.
The only comment you have is that Trump made France grow balls? Trump doesn't have the balls to fire someone face to face. This is a person who has no regard for what keeps the world relatively safe.
Do you care about respecting alliances and being an honest broker? Do you care about America keeping its word? Are you not alarmed at the obvious affection for dictators and disrespect for our allies and all of the institutions that have kept the world safe from a world war since the aftermath of WWII?
France already had balls. Trump is incompetent and dangerous. This isn't a game. The Secretary of Defense and the Commander in Syria have resigned because they cannot follow the orders of a person who is aligning with dictatorships and ruining our alliances. That has never happened before.
There comes a point when its not funny anymore and its not about partisanship. The time for snide comments is over and It's time for Americans to start giving a shit because we are in a crisis.
Wait..lots of stuff on this thread and the most hilarious is that France already had balls....hahahaha comedy gold on the AMT!
Good to see you're focusing on the important stuff. I don't find anything hilarious about what's going on - but enjoy the destruction of our country as you laugh at one of our allies. Interesting.
By the way, if it wasn’t important why did you feel the need to defend France and their amazing military?
Why do you feel the need to emasculate France? If you know your history, you know that the people of France have acquitted themselves with bravery for oh, only about a thousand years.
Cause I found someone saying France already had balls is funny? Lighten up beavis
One of few tweets I do agree with. When he took office people thought world war 3 was right around the corner, yet he is ending American involvement in Syria, reducing troops in Afghanistan and while in the past , did meet with North Korea.
Ummm, sure.
He had a phone call from Erdogan - he was given talking points by his cabinet members to follow in the call. Erdogan said to pull out your troops because we are going to make a move on the Kurds (who Erdogan considers a terrorist group although they are not).
Trump was supposed to say No. We will not pull out our troops and do not make a military move on the Kurds.
Instead, Trump said Okay and wants to pull out our Marines and allow Erdogan to finally ethically cleanse the Kurds (our allies who were the people who actually fought Isis in hand to hand combat as we provided air cover and intelligence. We promised to be allied and to protect the Kurds who are responsible for being essential in reducing the amount of land that Isis controlled.
So Trump ignored his Secretary of State & other advisors - ignored his talking points and said okey dokey when Erdogan told him what to do. He is a puppet to all the strong men. Pulling out our special forces and leaving an ally to be slaughtered is unthinkable. America can no longer be trusted as a reliable ally. Not saying that we should be involved in all these areas, but this is a mission that has actually worked and since we went there and made a promise, a 'great' country would not abandon its promise to protect people who have done the dirty work of killing Isis scum.
France has already said that they will keep their troops there and the reaction around the world was one of shock. This is not something a 'great' country does.
And after cowtowing to Erdogan and saying some BS about how Russia, Iran and Syria are made that we are leaving - Putin has his year end authoritarian 'press' conference and says that 'Donald' did the right thing. But then Putin later says that Afghanistan is a place that the US should not be and lo and behold, Trump announces plans to remove our troops.
There is no way that a person can support what Trump is doing - he is flailing and disregarding any advice from advisors and not even speak to our allies or to Congress or the military. Even discussing this as if Trump is enacting a foreign policy is ridiculous. This is not normal - this is insanity and someone needs to stand up against the dangerous actions that Trump is doing with no knowledge of what the hell the circumstances or consequences are. The man doesn't have his daily briefings because they are boring - they cut into his 'executive time' of laying in bed watching the news and tweeting.
Seriously - to speak about Trump as if there is a method to his madness is missing the fact that this is all madness.
Lol. So Trump got France to grow balls? If nothing else, he accomplished that. Finally France didn’t run like a bunch of Italians ( note: not referring to Italian Americans. Just Italy itself that generally caves like a paper tent at the direction of a stern voice)
This makes less sense than a Trump tweet.
What would you like explained to you? Do you know anything about history? Just want to know where I need to start.
The only comment you have is that Trump made France grow balls? Trump doesn't have the balls to fire someone face to face. This is a person who has no regard for what keeps the world relatively safe.
Do you care about respecting alliances and being an honest broker? Do you care about America keeping its word? Are you not alarmed at the obvious affection for dictators and disrespect for our allies and all of the institutions that have kept the world safe from a world war since the aftermath of WWII?
France already had balls. Trump is incompetent and dangerous. This isn't a game. The Secretary of Defense and the Commander in Syria have resigned because they cannot follow the orders of a person who is aligning with dictatorships and ruining our alliances. That has never happened before.
There comes a point when its not funny anymore and its not about partisanship. The time for snide comments is over and It's time for Americans to start giving a shit because we are in a crisis.
Wait..lots of stuff on this thread and the most hilarious is that France already had balls....hahahaha comedy gold on the AMT!
Good to see you're focusing on the important stuff. I don't find anything hilarious about what's going on - but enjoy the destruction of our country as you laugh at one of our allies. Interesting.
By the way, if it wasn’t important why did you feel the need to defend France and their amazing military?
Why do you feel the need to emasculate France? If you know your history, you know that the people of France have acquitted themselves with bravery for oh, only about a thousand years.
Cause I found someone saying France already had balls is funny? Lighten up beavis
One of few tweets I do agree with. When he took office people thought world war 3 was right around the corner, yet he is ending American involvement in Syria, reducing troops in Afghanistan and while in the past , did meet with North Korea.
Ummm, sure.
He had a phone call from Erdogan - he was given talking points by his cabinet members to follow in the call. Erdogan said to pull out your troops because we are going to make a move on the Kurds (who Erdogan considers a terrorist group although they are not).
Trump was supposed to say No. We will not pull out our troops and do not make a military move on the Kurds.
Instead, Trump said Okay and wants to pull out our Marines and allow Erdogan to finally ethically cleanse the Kurds (our allies who were the people who actually fought Isis in hand to hand combat as we provided air cover and intelligence. We promised to be allied and to protect the Kurds who are responsible for being essential in reducing the amount of land that Isis controlled.
So Trump ignored his Secretary of State & other advisors - ignored his talking points and said okey dokey when Erdogan told him what to do. He is a puppet to all the strong men. Pulling out our special forces and leaving an ally to be slaughtered is unthinkable. America can no longer be trusted as a reliable ally. Not saying that we should be involved in all these areas, but this is a mission that has actually worked and since we went there and made a promise, a 'great' country would not abandon its promise to protect people who have done the dirty work of killing Isis scum.
France has already said that they will keep their troops there and the reaction around the world was one of shock. This is not something a 'great' country does.
And after cowtowing to Erdogan and saying some BS about how Russia, Iran and Syria are made that we are leaving - Putin has his year end authoritarian 'press' conference and says that 'Donald' did the right thing. But then Putin later says that Afghanistan is a place that the US should not be and lo and behold, Trump announces plans to remove our troops.
There is no way that a person can support what Trump is doing - he is flailing and disregarding any advice from advisors and not even speak to our allies or to Congress or the military. Even discussing this as if Trump is enacting a foreign policy is ridiculous. This is not normal - this is insanity and someone needs to stand up against the dangerous actions that Trump is doing with no knowledge of what the hell the circumstances or consequences are. The man doesn't have his daily briefings because they are boring - they cut into his 'executive time' of laying in bed watching the news and tweeting.
Seriously - to speak about Trump as if there is a method to his madness is missing the fact that this is all madness.
Lol. So Trump got France to grow balls? If nothing else, he accomplished that. Finally France didn’t run like a bunch of Italians ( note: not referring to Italian Americans. Just Italy itself that generally caves like a paper tent at the direction of a stern voice)
This makes less sense than a Trump tweet.
What would you like explained to you? Do you know anything about history? Just want to know where I need to start.
The only comment you have is that Trump made France grow balls? Trump doesn't have the balls to fire someone face to face. This is a person who has no regard for what keeps the world relatively safe.
Do you care about respecting alliances and being an honest broker? Do you care about America keeping its word? Are you not alarmed at the obvious affection for dictators and disrespect for our allies and all of the institutions that have kept the world safe from a world war since the aftermath of WWII?
France already had balls. Trump is incompetent and dangerous. This isn't a game. The Secretary of Defense and the Commander in Syria have resigned because they cannot follow the orders of a person who is aligning with dictatorships and ruining our alliances. That has never happened before.
There comes a point when its not funny anymore and its not about partisanship. The time for snide comments is over and It's time for Americans to start giving a shit because we are in a crisis.
Wait..lots of stuff on this thread and the most hilarious is that France already had balls....hahahaha comedy gold on the AMT!
Good to see you're focusing on the important stuff. I don't find anything hilarious about what's going on - but enjoy the destruction of our country as you laugh at one of our allies. Interesting.
By the way, if it wasn’t important why did you feel the need to defend France and their amazing military?
Why do you feel the need to emasculate France? If you know your history, you know that the people of France have acquitted themselves with bravery for oh, only about a thousand years.
Cause I found someone saying France already had balls is funny? Lighten up beavis
Grow up butthead
Damn we both forgot to capitalize
You didn't use commas when you addressed each other as well, Cincy.
One of few tweets I do agree with. When he took office people thought world war 3 was right around the corner, yet he is ending American involvement in Syria, reducing troops in Afghanistan and while in the past , did meet with North Korea.
Ummm, sure.
He had a phone call from Erdogan - he was given talking points by his cabinet members to follow in the call. Erdogan said to pull out your troops because we are going to make a move on the Kurds (who Erdogan considers a terrorist group although they are not).
Trump was supposed to say No. We will not pull out our troops and do not make a military move on the Kurds.
Instead, Trump said Okay and wants to pull out our Marines and allow Erdogan to finally ethically cleanse the Kurds (our allies who were the people who actually fought Isis in hand to hand combat as we provided air cover and intelligence. We promised to be allied and to protect the Kurds who are responsible for being essential in reducing the amount of land that Isis controlled.
So Trump ignored his Secretary of State & other advisors - ignored his talking points and said okey dokey when Erdogan told him what to do. He is a puppet to all the strong men. Pulling out our special forces and leaving an ally to be slaughtered is unthinkable. America can no longer be trusted as a reliable ally. Not saying that we should be involved in all these areas, but this is a mission that has actually worked and since we went there and made a promise, a 'great' country would not abandon its promise to protect people who have done the dirty work of killing Isis scum.
France has already said that they will keep their troops there and the reaction around the world was one of shock. This is not something a 'great' country does.
And after cowtowing to Erdogan and saying some BS about how Russia, Iran and Syria are made that we are leaving - Putin has his year end authoritarian 'press' conference and says that 'Donald' did the right thing. But then Putin later says that Afghanistan is a place that the US should not be and lo and behold, Trump announces plans to remove our troops.
There is no way that a person can support what Trump is doing - he is flailing and disregarding any advice from advisors and not even speak to our allies or to Congress or the military. Even discussing this as if Trump is enacting a foreign policy is ridiculous. This is not normal - this is insanity and someone needs to stand up against the dangerous actions that Trump is doing with no knowledge of what the hell the circumstances or consequences are. The man doesn't have his daily briefings because they are boring - they cut into his 'executive time' of laying in bed watching the news and tweeting.
Seriously - to speak about Trump as if there is a method to his madness is missing the fact that this is all madness.
Lol. So Trump got France to grow balls? If nothing else, he accomplished that. Finally France didn’t run like a bunch of Italians ( note: not referring to Italian Americans. Just Italy itself that generally caves like a paper tent at the direction of a stern voice)
This makes less sense than a Trump tweet.
What would you like explained to you? Do you know anything about history? Just want to know where I need to start.
The only comment you have is that Trump made France grow balls? Trump doesn't have the balls to fire someone face to face. This is a person who has no regard for what keeps the world relatively safe.
Do you care about respecting alliances and being an honest broker? Do you care about America keeping its word? Are you not alarmed at the obvious affection for dictators and disrespect for our allies and all of the institutions that have kept the world safe from a world war since the aftermath of WWII?
France already had balls. Trump is incompetent and dangerous. This isn't a game. The Secretary of Defense and the Commander in Syria have resigned because they cannot follow the orders of a person who is aligning with dictatorships and ruining our alliances. That has never happened before.
There comes a point when its not funny anymore and its not about partisanship. The time for snide comments is over and It's time for Americans to start giving a shit because we are in a crisis.
Wait..lots of stuff on this thread and the most hilarious is that France already had balls....hahahaha comedy gold on the AMT!
Good to see you're focusing on the important stuff. I don't find anything hilarious about what's going on - but enjoy the destruction of our country as you laugh at one of our allies. Interesting.
By the way, if it wasn’t important why did you feel the need to defend France and their amazing military?
Why do you feel the need to emasculate France? If you know your history, you know that the people of France have acquitted themselves with bravery for oh, only about a thousand years.
Cause I found someone saying France already had balls is funny? Lighten up beavis
Grow up butthead
Damn we both forgot to capitalize
You didn't use commas when you addressed each other as well, Cincy.
One of few tweets I do agree with. When he took office people thought world war 3 was right around the corner, yet he is ending American involvement in Syria, reducing troops in Afghanistan and while in the past , did meet with North Korea.
Ummm, sure.
He had a phone call from Erdogan - he was given talking points by his cabinet members to follow in the call. Erdogan said to pull out your troops because we are going to make a move on the Kurds (who Erdogan considers a terrorist group although they are not).
Trump was supposed to say No. We will not pull out our troops and do not make a military move on the Kurds.
Instead, Trump said Okay and wants to pull out our Marines and allow Erdogan to finally ethically cleanse the Kurds (our allies who were the people who actually fought Isis in hand to hand combat as we provided air cover and intelligence. We promised to be allied and to protect the Kurds who are responsible for being essential in reducing the amount of land that Isis controlled.
So Trump ignored his Secretary of State & other advisors - ignored his talking points and said okey dokey when Erdogan told him what to do. He is a puppet to all the strong men. Pulling out our special forces and leaving an ally to be slaughtered is unthinkable. America can no longer be trusted as a reliable ally. Not saying that we should be involved in all these areas, but this is a mission that has actually worked and since we went there and made a promise, a 'great' country would not abandon its promise to protect people who have done the dirty work of killing Isis scum.
France has already said that they will keep their troops there and the reaction around the world was one of shock. This is not something a 'great' country does.
And after cowtowing to Erdogan and saying some BS about how Russia, Iran and Syria are made that we are leaving - Putin has his year end authoritarian 'press' conference and says that 'Donald' did the right thing. But then Putin later says that Afghanistan is a place that the US should not be and lo and behold, Trump announces plans to remove our troops.
There is no way that a person can support what Trump is doing - he is flailing and disregarding any advice from advisors and not even speak to our allies or to Congress or the military. Even discussing this as if Trump is enacting a foreign policy is ridiculous. This is not normal - this is insanity and someone needs to stand up against the dangerous actions that Trump is doing with no knowledge of what the hell the circumstances or consequences are. The man doesn't have his daily briefings because they are boring - they cut into his 'executive time' of laying in bed watching the news and tweeting.
Seriously - to speak about Trump as if there is a method to his madness is missing the fact that this is all madness.
Lol. So Trump got France to grow balls? If nothing else, he accomplished that. Finally France didn’t run like a bunch of Italians ( note: not referring to Italian Americans. Just Italy itself that generally caves like a paper tent at the direction of a stern voice)
This makes less sense than a Trump tweet.
What would you like explained to you? Do you know anything about history? Just want to know where I need to start.
The only comment you have is that Trump made France grow balls? Trump doesn't have the balls to fire someone face to face. This is a person who has no regard for what keeps the world relatively safe.
Do you care about respecting alliances and being an honest broker? Do you care about America keeping its word? Are you not alarmed at the obvious affection for dictators and disrespect for our allies and all of the institutions that have kept the world safe from a world war since the aftermath of WWII?
France already had balls. Trump is incompetent and dangerous. This isn't a game. The Secretary of Defense and the Commander in Syria have resigned because they cannot follow the orders of a person who is aligning with dictatorships and ruining our alliances. That has never happened before.
There comes a point when its not funny anymore and its not about partisanship. The time for snide comments is over and It's time for Americans to start giving a shit because we are in a crisis.
Wait..lots of stuff on this thread and the most hilarious is that France already had balls....hahahaha comedy gold on the AMT!
Good to see you're focusing on the important stuff. I don't find anything hilarious about what's going on - but enjoy the destruction of our country as you laugh at one of our allies. Interesting.
By the way, if it wasn’t important why did you feel the need to defend France and their amazing military?
Why do you feel the need to emasculate France? If you know your history, you know that the people of France have acquitted themselves with bravery for oh, only about a thousand years.
Cause I found someone saying France already had balls is funny? Lighten up beavis
Grow up butthead
Damn we both forgot to capitalize
You didn't use commas when you addressed each other as well, Cincy.
Ah man your right!
yes I know it’s you’re
Hope you’re enjoying your break (if you’re having one).
(no cheekiness intended with my outstanding employment of ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ in my response to you lol)
One of few tweets I do agree with. When he took office people thought world war 3 was right around the corner, yet he is ending American involvement in Syria, reducing troops in Afghanistan and while in the past , did meet with North Korea.
Ummm, sure.
He had a phone call from Erdogan - he was given talking points by his cabinet members to follow in the call. Erdogan said to pull out your troops because we are going to make a move on the Kurds (who Erdogan considers a terrorist group although they are not).
Trump was supposed to say No. We will not pull out our troops and do not make a military move on the Kurds.
Instead, Trump said Okay and wants to pull out our Marines and allow Erdogan to finally ethically cleanse the Kurds (our allies who were the people who actually fought Isis in hand to hand combat as we provided air cover and intelligence. We promised to be allied and to protect the Kurds who are responsible for being essential in reducing the amount of land that Isis controlled.
So Trump ignored his Secretary of State & other advisors - ignored his talking points and said okey dokey when Erdogan told him what to do. He is a puppet to all the strong men. Pulling out our special forces and leaving an ally to be slaughtered is unthinkable. America can no longer be trusted as a reliable ally. Not saying that we should be involved in all these areas, but this is a mission that has actually worked and since we went there and made a promise, a 'great' country would not abandon its promise to protect people who have done the dirty work of killing Isis scum.
France has already said that they will keep their troops there and the reaction around the world was one of shock. This is not something a 'great' country does.
And after cowtowing to Erdogan and saying some BS about how Russia, Iran and Syria are made that we are leaving - Putin has his year end authoritarian 'press' conference and says that 'Donald' did the right thing. But then Putin later says that Afghanistan is a place that the US should not be and lo and behold, Trump announces plans to remove our troops.
There is no way that a person can support what Trump is doing - he is flailing and disregarding any advice from advisors and not even speak to our allies or to Congress or the military. Even discussing this as if Trump is enacting a foreign policy is ridiculous. This is not normal - this is insanity and someone needs to stand up against the dangerous actions that Trump is doing with no knowledge of what the hell the circumstances or consequences are. The man doesn't have his daily briefings because they are boring - they cut into his 'executive time' of laying in bed watching the news and tweeting.
Seriously - to speak about Trump as if there is a method to his madness is missing the fact that this is all madness.
Lol. So Trump got France to grow balls? If nothing else, he accomplished that. Finally France didn’t run like a bunch of Italians ( note: not referring to Italian Americans. Just Italy itself that generally caves like a paper tent at the direction of a stern voice)
This makes less sense than a Trump tweet.
What would you like explained to you? Do you know anything about history? Just want to know where I need to start.
The only comment you have is that Trump made France grow balls? Trump doesn't have the balls to fire someone face to face. This is a person who has no regard for what keeps the world relatively safe.
Do you care about respecting alliances and being an honest broker? Do you care about America keeping its word? Are you not alarmed at the obvious affection for dictators and disrespect for our allies and all of the institutions that have kept the world safe from a world war since the aftermath of WWII?
France already had balls. Trump is incompetent and dangerous. This isn't a game. The Secretary of Defense and the Commander in Syria have resigned because they cannot follow the orders of a person who is aligning with dictatorships and ruining our alliances. That has never happened before.
There comes a point when its not funny anymore and its not about partisanship. The time for snide comments is over and It's time for Americans to start giving a shit because we are in a crisis.
Wait..lots of stuff on this thread and the most hilarious is that France already had balls....hahahaha comedy gold on the AMT!
Good to see you're focusing on the important stuff. I don't find anything hilarious about what's going on - but enjoy the destruction of our country as you laugh at one of our allies. Interesting.
By the way, if it wasn’t important why did you feel the need to defend France and their amazing military?
Why do you feel the need to emasculate France? If you know your history, you know that the people of France have acquitted themselves with bravery for oh, only about a thousand years.
Cause I found someone saying France already had balls is funny? Lighten up beavis
Grow up butthead
Damn we both forgot to capitalize
You didn't use commas when you addressed each other as well, Cincy.
Ah man your right!
yes I know it’s you’re
Hope you’re enjoying your break (if you’re having one).
(no cheekiness intended with my outstanding employment of ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ in my response to you lol)
One of few tweets I do agree with. When he took office people thought world war 3 was right around the corner, yet he is ending American involvement in Syria, reducing troops in Afghanistan and while in the past , did meet with North Korea.
Ummm, sure.
He had a phone call from Erdogan - he was given talking points by his cabinet members to follow in the call. Erdogan said to pull out your troops because we are going to make a move on the Kurds (who Erdogan considers a terrorist group although they are not).
Trump was supposed to say No. We will not pull out our troops and do not make a military move on the Kurds.
Instead, Trump said Okay and wants to pull out our Marines and allow Erdogan to finally ethically cleanse the Kurds (our allies who were the people who actually fought Isis in hand to hand combat as we provided air cover and intelligence. We promised to be allied and to protect the Kurds who are responsible for being essential in reducing the amount of land that Isis controlled.
So Trump ignored his Secretary of State & other advisors - ignored his talking points and said okey dokey when Erdogan told him what to do. He is a puppet to all the strong men. Pulling out our special forces and leaving an ally to be slaughtered is unthinkable. America can no longer be trusted as a reliable ally. Not saying that we should be involved in all these areas, but this is a mission that has actually worked and since we went there and made a promise, a 'great' country would not abandon its promise to protect people who have done the dirty work of killing Isis scum.
France has already said that they will keep their troops there and the reaction around the world was one of shock. This is not something a 'great' country does.
And after cowtowing to Erdogan and saying some BS about how Russia, Iran and Syria are made that we are leaving - Putin has his year end authoritarian 'press' conference and says that 'Donald' did the right thing. But then Putin later says that Afghanistan is a place that the US should not be and lo and behold, Trump announces plans to remove our troops.
There is no way that a person can support what Trump is doing - he is flailing and disregarding any advice from advisors and not even speak to our allies or to Congress or the military. Even discussing this as if Trump is enacting a foreign policy is ridiculous. This is not normal - this is insanity and someone needs to stand up against the dangerous actions that Trump is doing with no knowledge of what the hell the circumstances or consequences are. The man doesn't have his daily briefings because they are boring - they cut into his 'executive time' of laying in bed watching the news and tweeting.
Seriously - to speak about Trump as if there is a method to his madness is missing the fact that this is all madness.
Lol. So Trump got France to grow balls? If nothing else, he accomplished that. Finally France didn’t run like a bunch of Italians ( note: not referring to Italian Americans. Just Italy itself that generally caves like a paper tent at the direction of a stern voice)
This makes less sense than a Trump tweet.
What would you like explained to you? Do you know anything about history? Just want to know where I need to start.
The only comment you have is that Trump made France grow balls? Trump doesn't have the balls to fire someone face to face. This is a person who has no regard for what keeps the world relatively safe.
Do you care about respecting alliances and being an honest broker? Do you care about America keeping its word? Are you not alarmed at the obvious affection for dictators and disrespect for our allies and all of the institutions that have kept the world safe from a world war since the aftermath of WWII?
France already had balls. Trump is incompetent and dangerous. This isn't a game. The Secretary of Defense and the Commander in Syria have resigned because they cannot follow the orders of a person who is aligning with dictatorships and ruining our alliances. That has never happened before.
There comes a point when its not funny anymore and its not about partisanship. The time for snide comments is over and It's time for Americans to start giving a shit because we are in a crisis.
Wait..lots of stuff on this thread and the most hilarious is that France already had balls....hahahaha comedy gold on the AMT!
Good to see you're focusing on the important stuff. I don't find anything hilarious about what's going on - but enjoy the destruction of our country as you laugh at one of our allies. Interesting.
By the way, if it wasn’t important why did you feel the need to defend France and their amazing military?
Why do you feel the need to emasculate France? If you know your history, you know that the people of France have acquitted themselves with bravery for oh, only about a thousand years.
Cause I found someone saying France already had balls is funny? Lighten up beavis
Grow up butthead
Damn we both forgot to capitalize
You didn't use commas when you addressed each other as well, Cincy.
Ah man your right!
yes I know it’s you’re
Hope you’re enjoying your break (if you’re having one).
(no cheekiness intended with my outstanding employment of ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ in my response to you lol)
Didn’t even know who was responsible for coordinating US efforts to defeat ISIS. Probably because Team Trump Treason thinks he himself is responsible. Suckers.
The treasury secretary calls the 6 largest bank CEOs to check on liquidity and then releases a statement saying "everything is cool". Who thought otherwise, why would he do this? Seems like another stupid Trump idea. Now the markets are worried about what they don't know.
The treasury secretary calls the 6 largest bank CEOs to check on liquidity and then releases a statement saying "everything is cool". Who thought otherwise, why would he do this? Seems like another stupid Trump idea. Now the markets are worried about what they don't know.
The treasury secretary calls the 6 largest bank CEOs to check on liquidity and then releases a statement saying "everything is cool". Who thought otherwise, why would he do this? Seems like another stupid Trump idea. Now the markets are worried about what they don't know.
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
Most kids learn many lessons on the playground. I'm thinking the reason why Trump flaps his pursed lips so much about other people is because nobody ever lumped him out back in the day. Cadbury always resided over the chubby little orange kid when he unsuccessfully tried to interact with other children and as a result... he grew up thinking he was untouchable.
If, on a few occasions back in the day, he'd been socked in the nose when trying to talk tough... he'd have learned a modicum of respect.
It's going to be a fabulous and most fitting day when he is finally shamed and fully humiliated.
Stock market closed the lowest in a decade. Is America great again?
Ha ha ha. I think you either need to choose your news sources better or interpret the actual facts better.
we are still above 22,000. It was at 18,000 when Trump was elected (over 22% growth in 2 years! I think I will take that). And well below 10,000 10 years ago. My 401 (K) is just fine, thank you.
a year end drop after a significant 2 year bull run In a favorable tax year with Democrats about to control House for profit taking is not only highly likely but expected. Especially considering the consistent fed rate hikes (not saying I’m against them other than for personal reasons. We do not want to return to the Jimmy Carter amazingly stupid stagflation)
im not going to tell you what you’re misinterpreting. You’d be better served figuring that out yourself.
Two year bull run... are you fucking daft? Did you sit the first 7 years of it to show Obama who is boss?
Lol. I didn’t say that either. The last 2 years gains before the drop (which I’m not ignoring just putting in proper perspective) out paced the prior. But yeah, good times all around. This was an extreme bull market the last 2 years. But wasn’t ignoring that it had been gaining since the last recession. I enjoyed that too. Thanks.
now can you remind me what Obama’s prison reform accomplishment was? I have forgotten that, too.
How do you call something a two year gain when the entire 2018 increase has been wiped out, in fact the year started at 25 and we are at 22 It's a one year gain, 2017 only.
Well, before the drop it was a 2 year gain. So, yes the drop eliminated the current year gain. I will bet you a dollar the new year will see a surge before Independence Day. Current year tax favorability with a new congressional unknown leads to profit taking. It’s really not all that complicated.
This isn't profit taking. The drop is much too precipitous for the answer to be that simple. It is time for a correction under normal conditions, but Trump's trade policies, which creates instability, has exacerbated any normal drop. This scale of the last six months is completely his fault.
And if he fires the fed chair, knock off another 10% easy.
I'll take your bet that on July 4th the Dow will not be 25.
It is huge profit taking 😉.
whos saying 25? I would take 23. How about 23,5 and I will legit bet either a beer at next show or a bootleg.
Were there some desperate investors today that needed extra cash for last minute amazon shopping? You sticking with the profit taking argument? Does the treasury secretary usually check in on liquidity and release statements when investors see profit taking?
If you know your history, you know that the people of France have acquitted themselves with bravery for oh, only about a thousand years.
You didn't use commas when you addressed each other as well, Cincy.
yes I know it’s you’re
(no cheekiness intended with my outstanding employment of ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ in my response to you lol)
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
Didn’t even know who was responsible for coordinating US efforts to defeat ISIS. Probably because Team Trump Treason thinks he himself is responsible. Suckers.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Trump Gets Into Holiday Spirit by Settling Scores on Twitter
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Most kids learn many lessons on the playground. I'm thinking the reason why Trump flaps his pursed lips so much about other people is because nobody ever lumped him out back in the day. Cadbury always resided over the chubby little orange kid when he unsuccessfully tried to interact with other children and as a result... he grew up thinking he was untouchable.
If, on a few occasions back in the day, he'd been socked in the nose when trying to talk tough... he'd have learned a modicum of respect.
It's going to be a fabulous and most fitting day when he is finally shamed and fully humiliated.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.