Yeah but when Republicans toe the mark and walk the line, the evidence is very clear, they lose every single time. When politicians start backpedaling and apologizing for this that and the other thing they're toast. Unfortunately it is a smash mouth competition Unfortunately the strategy of being brash and cocky and ( in Donald's case) uncouth works.
Don’t you mean, “and (in Team Trump Treason’s case) racist, misogynistic, homophobic and sexist works?”
”uncouth?” What an excuse.
Lables labels labels labels, it's the easiest out. It Inoculates you and every other leftist from linear thought. You're thought process is all based on emotion. You believe what ever the hell you want, you are driven by emotions not actual reality whatever you want it to be is what you believe. Have you ever been around ordinary people, or a bunch of iron workers, or a road crew or or any other type of blue collar hard hat lunch bucket folks???? They don't give a s*** about all those labels. They want results. If Donald Trump showed you his toenail clippers you would freak out man. That's how derailed you've gotten in this out rage culture. You think all these other politicians and presidents forget people in government,,,you think people in general throughout the ages past present and future are squeaky clean as the pure driven snow? Tell me who is.
I get it, you’re okay with a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic and sexist asshole as POTUS because Team Trump Treason wears those labels well. Uncouth.
Same old labels different day. Have at it my friend. It's got nothing to do with being ok with all those lables. Until your side does some work to understand The Why... You are going to continue to ask yourselves why??
Same old facts, different week. The facts about Team Trump Treason that have existed as long as he’s been alive. Facts ever matter to you? Ever try to understand how Team Trump Treason has screwed over those “blue collar” types you appear to identify with and care so much about? You ever been around the “other?” You know, the minority, the immigrant, the homosexual or transgendered? You ever “been around” the sexually assaulted? You ever been around the screwed over and marginalized, sold a bill of goods, maybe a swamp? You ever been around really, really smart people? Like intelligent? And I don’t mean like “life is like a box of chocolates” intelligent. Like people who drive innovation and the future, like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk intelligent? Until your side understands facts, the significance of them and how you’re being played as a sucker, you’ll get absolutely everything you deserve. I don’t ask myself why because I know why and I’m willing to bet that.
Stupid is as a stupid does
Forest Gump has much much more sense than a Trump supporter.
Not every Baffoon supporter is a racist but every racist did vote for him , if you were in the audience and chanted throw her out you are a racist ! He’s a racist plain & simple ..
Usually I agree with you but not this time. I believe, along with many others, that if you support a racist and or a racist agenda in any way, shape, or form, including voting that it makes you racist as well. No matter how well your financial portfolio is doing. If it is in any way related to you voting for a racist with a racist agenda then you are supporting racism.
Not every Baffoon supporter is a racist but every racist did vote for him , if you were in the audience and chanted throw her out you are a racist ! He’s a racist plain & simple ..
Usually I agree with you but not this time. I believe, along with many others, that if you support a racist and or a racist agenda in any way, shape, or form, including voting that it makes you racist as well. No matter how well your financial portfolio is doing. If it is in any way related to you voting for a racist with a racist agenda then you are supporting racism.
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
Not every Baffoon supporter is a racist but every racist did vote for him , if you were in the audience and chanted throw her out you are a racist ! He’s a racist plain & simple ..
Usually I agree with you but not this time. I believe, along with many others, that if you support a racist and or a racist agenda in any way, shape, or form, including voting that it makes you racist as well. No matter how well your financial portfolio is doing. If it is in any way related to you voting for a racist with a racist agenda then you are supporting racism.
i think anyone who supports Trump at this point has given up any moral high ground (or low ground). when i hear people who support him based on the economy I can't help think of the line "is your money that good?" from Masters of War. if you support him based on the economy you've sold your soul to the devil.
Not every Baffoon supporter is a racist but every racist did vote for him , if you were in the audience and chanted throw her out you are a racist ! He’s a racist plain & simple ..
Usually I agree with you but not this time. I believe, along with many others, that if you support a racist and or a racist agenda in any way, shape, or form, including voting that it makes you racist as well. No matter how well your financial portfolio is doing. If it is in any way related to you voting for a racist with a racist agenda then you are supporting racism.
i think anyone who supports Trump at this point has given up any moral high ground (or low ground). when i hear people who support him based on the economy I can't help think of the line "is your money that good?" from Masters of War. if you support him based on the economy you've sold your soul to the devil.
This is closer to how I feel. I would not go so far as saying every Republican is a racist. Is Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) a racist? Probably not, seems sort of weird and self loathing. He is enabling racism though. That's how I would describe it.
Not every Baffoon supporter is a racist but every racist did vote for him , if you were in the audience and chanted throw her out you are a racist ! He’s a racist plain & simple ..
Usually I agree with you but not this time. I believe, along with many others, that if you support a racist and or a racist agenda in any way, shape, or form, including voting that it makes you racist as well. No matter how well your financial portfolio is doing. If it is in any way related to you voting for a racist with a racist agenda then you are supporting racism.
i think anyone who supports Trump at this point has given up any moral high ground (or low ground). when i hear people who support him based on the economy I can't help think of the line "is your money that good?" from Masters of War. if you support him based on the economy you've sold your soul to the devil.
Yeah I think some people support him cause the economy is good and he is actually doing something about illegal immigration, etc. But, they are having to overlook the method and just be ok with some results (not even a lot of results really other than the economy which the president really has little power).
I personally don't know how someone can overlook all of the negative (not policy-based disagreements, but the racism, sexism, etc). Honestly it comes down to people being afraid that if Donald Trump doesn't win that means a Democrat will. And a Democrat will raise my taxes and have me paying more $. I think that's highly likely and I do not look forward to it.
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
I've tried to get this point across too, but have since given up. The thought around here (and most left-leaning places) is that President Donald Trump is nobody's fault except for the people that voted for him (and Russia I guess). The won't accept the argument that everybody in this country (Dem or Repub, white or black, gay or straight, rich or poor, natural citizen or illegal immigrant, whatever) has contributed to cultivating a society where someone like Donald Trump can be the president.
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
I've tried to get this point across too, but have since given up. The thought around here (and most left-leaning places) is that President Donald Trump is nobody's fault except for the people that voted for him (and Russia I guess). The won't accept the argument that everybody in this country (Dem or Repub, white or black, gay or straight, rich or poor, natural citizen or illegal immigrant, whatever) has contributed to cultivating a society where someone like Donald Trump can be the president.
bullshit. i bear no responsibility for morons voting for this scumbag.
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
I've tried to get this point across too, but have since given up. The thought around here (and most left-leaning places) is that President Donald Trump is nobody's fault except for the people that voted for him (and Russia I guess). The won't accept the argument that everybody in this country (Dem or Repub, white or black, gay or straight, rich or poor, natural citizen or illegal immigrant, whatever) has contributed to cultivating a society where someone like Donald Trump can be the president.
That's a pretty esoteric argument. That same society cultivated an environment where Barack Obama could be president too. I'm not saying you're wrong, but people are responsible for the lever they pull and the choices they make. There's enough people in this country that saw Trump as an abomination, but our electoral college led to a different conclusion. John Kasich could have beaten Hillary easily. Why did the Republican primary voters go with him? That's not everyone's fault, in my opinion.
Taxes I paid over 5 thousand in April because of his tax plan , who should I complain too Pelosi ? That’s the 1st time I had to pay that much most yrs I would brake even or even bring home some cash not this yr ..
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
I've tried to get this point across too, but have since given up. The thought around here (and most left-leaning places) is that President Donald Trump is nobody's fault except for the people that voted for him (and Russia I guess). The won't accept the argument that everybody in this country (Dem or Repub, white or black, gay or straight, rich or poor, natural citizen or illegal immigrant, whatever) has contributed to cultivating a society where someone like Donald Trump can be the president.
bullshit. i bear no responsibility for morons voting for this scumbag.
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
I've tried to get this point across too, but have since given up. The thought around here (and most left-leaning places) is that President Donald Trump is nobody's fault except for the people that voted for him (and Russia I guess). The won't accept the argument that everybody in this country (Dem or Repub, white or black, gay or straight, rich or poor, natural citizen or illegal immigrant, whatever) has contributed to cultivating a society where someone like Donald Trump can be the president.
What point that he’s not a racist lol the man has been a racist his whole adult life , yes the country has over 50million racist that love him and believe he was sent by god to part the seas !
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
I've tried to get this point across too, but have since given up. The thought around here (and most left-leaning places) is that President Donald Trump is nobody's fault except for the people that voted for him (and Russia I guess). The won't accept the argument that everybody in this country (Dem or Repub, white or black, gay or straight, rich or poor, natural citizen or illegal immigrant, whatever) has contributed to cultivating a society where someone like Donald Trump can be the president.
What point that he’s not a racist lol the man has been a racist his whole adult life , yes the country has over 50million racist that love him and believe he was sent by god to part the seas !
The point is that maybe, just maybe, there are other factors to Trump's political success besides racism. And I'm not minimizing the racist aspect of all of this. But if you think over 60 million people just thought "Finally! A real racist! He's got my vote!" then whatever, keep thinking that.
This is something that someone really needs to compile; a list of all his contradictory tweets. There's many lists of his lies, but there seems to be so many contradictions between the stuff he tweeted pre-presidency and now during his presidency that I'd be interested to see how many there really are.
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
I've tried to get this point across too, but have since given up. The thought around here (and most left-leaning places) is that President Donald Trump is nobody's fault except for the people that voted for him (and Russia I guess). The won't accept the argument that everybody in this country (Dem or Repub, white or black, gay or straight, rich or poor, natural citizen or illegal immigrant, whatever) has contributed to cultivating a society where someone like Donald Trump can be the president.
What point that he’s not a racist lol the man has been a racist his whole adult life , yes the country has over 50million racist that love him and believe he was sent by god to part the seas !
The point is that maybe, just maybe, there are other factors to Trump's political success besides racism. And I'm not minimizing the racist aspect of all of this. But if you think over 60 million people just thought "Finally! A real racist! He's got my vote!" then whatever, keep thinking that.
Well, not that blatantly (also, nobody thinks of themselves as racist)...I cannot prove it, but I don't think Trump happens without Obama...I think the whole "Finally, a president that LOVES America" shtick is absolutely derived from having a black president for eight years. What's the term..."racial anxiety."
Like most topics, this is much more nuanced than we'll be able to pull off here. There's the definition of racist...their motivations...the "straight ticket" voter...the whole "I hate career politicians" thing. To me, race/racism was a factor, but not THE factor. Of course, I'm going to have a harder time making excuses and pointing to other things when he wins in 2020.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
This is something that someone really needs to compile; a list of all his contradictory tweets. There's many lists of his lies, but there seems to be so many contradictions between the stuff he tweeted pre-presidency and now during his presidency that I'd be interested to see how many there really are.
Gotta be hundreds of them.
The funny (or sad depending on how you look at it) thing is the he's always so forceful in his opinions. So it always makes him look like that much more of a fucking hypocritical dope.
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
This is sort of the conventional wisdom of the day. But I'm not really seeing it...unless you mean, they've swung really far left since the dixiecrats were prominent. Was Obama really that different? When did this terrible swing start? What key issues are that different?
I guess the "justice dems" are partly responsible for the perception...and may Bernie is, too (even though he's only a dem when it's convenient). But now that Trump is dedicating some effort to screaming "socialist" it's kind of being a self-fulling prophecy. "OMG, they're sooooooo liberal."
Your second bold is kinda true...but the problem for the Dems is that in order to "acknowledge" that, they have to placate he "racial anxiety" that afflicts the base. Then they lose a chunk of their voters. Or else, what is it that they have to dial back?
Post edited by OnWis97 on
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
I've tried to get this point across too, but have since given up. The thought around here (and most left-leaning places) is that President Donald Trump is nobody's fault except for the people that voted for him (and Russia I guess). The won't accept the argument that everybody in this country (Dem or Repub, white or black, gay or straight, rich or poor, natural citizen or illegal immigrant, whatever) has contributed to cultivating a society where someone like Donald Trump can be the president.
What point that he’s not a racist lol the man has been a racist his whole adult life , yes the country has over 50million racist that love him and believe he was sent by god to part the seas !
The point is that maybe, just maybe, there are other factors to Trump's political success besides racism. And I'm not minimizing the racist aspect of all of this. But if you think over 60 million people just thought "Finally! A real racist! He's got my vote!" then whatever, keep thinking that.
Well, not that blatantly (also, nobody thinks of themselves as racist)...I cannot prove it, but I don't think Trump happens without Obama...I think the whole "Finally, a president that LOVES America" shtick is absolutely derived from having a black president for eight years. What's the term..."racial anxiety."
Like most topics, this is much more nuanced than we'll be able to pull off here. There's the definition of racist...their motivations...the "straight ticket" voter...the whole "I hate career politicians" thing. To me, race/racism was a factor, but not THE factor. Of course, I'm going to have a harder time making excuses and pointing to other things when he wins in 2020.
Well said. I don't necessarily agree with your hypothesis that following a black president was a big factor. But it might've been. I guess it'd be hard to tangibly prove.
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
This is sort of the conventional wisdom of the day. But I'm not really seeing it...unless you mean, they've swung really far left since the dixiecrats were prominent. Was Obama really that different? When did this terrible swing start? What key issues are that different?
I guess the "justice dems" are partly responsible for the perception...and may Bernie is, too (even though he's only a dem when it's convenient). But now that Trump is dedicating some effort to screaming "socialist" it's kind of being a self-fulling prophecy. "OMG, they're sooooooo liberal."
Your second bold is kinda true...but the problem for the Dems is that in order to "acknowledge" that, they have to placate he "racial anxiety" that afflicts the base. Then they lose a chunk of their voters. Or else, what is it that they have to dial back?
Bingo. I'm assuming Ryme believes a lot of what Trump says and watches Fox News. Bang. Done. All Dems are socialists. Echo Chamber.
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
This is sort of the conventional wisdom of the day. But I'm not really seeing it...unless you mean, they've swung really far left since the dixiecrats were prominent. Was Obama really that different? When did this terrible swing start? What key issues are that different?
I guess the "justice dems" are partly responsible for the perception...and may Bernie is, too (even though he's only a dem when it's convenient). But now that Trump is dedicating some effort to screaming "socialist" it's kind of being a self-fulling prophecy. "OMG, they're sooooooo liberal."
Your second bold is kinda true...but the problem for the Dems is that in order to "acknowledge" that, they have to placate he "racial anxiety" that afflicts the base. Then they lose a chunk of their voters. Or else, what is it that they have to dial back?
I think the handling of illegal immigration might be the key issue that's different. Obama deported over a million people. Hillary, Shumer, and the rest have all voted for fencing at the border and other measures to keep out illegal immigrants. But once Trump took that rhetoric to another level, and kind of hijacked illegal immigration as "his issue," there became sections of the democratic party so desperate to oppose him at every turn, that it gave rise to prominent democrats like AOC that argue that crossing the border illegally shouldn't be a crime. So I'm not so sure the entire party has swung too far left. But some of the loudest voices and most visible people (like Bernie as you pointed out, AOC's "squad") might have swung too left for moderate democrats and Trump-hating republicans.
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
This is sort of the conventional wisdom of the day. But I'm not really seeing it...unless you mean, they've swung really far left since the dixiecrats were prominent. Was Obama really that different? When did this terrible swing start? What key issues are that different?
I guess the "justice dems" are partly responsible for the perception...and may Bernie is, too (even though he's only a dem when it's convenient). But now that Trump is dedicating some effort to screaming "socialist" it's kind of being a self-fulling prophecy. "OMG, they're sooooooo liberal."
Your second bold is kinda true...but the problem for the Dems is that in order to "acknowledge" that, they have to placate he "racial anxiety" that afflicts the base. Then they lose a chunk of their voters. Or else, what is it that they have to dial back?
Bingo. I'm assuming Ryme believes a lot of what Trump says and watches Fox News. Bang. Done. All Dems are socialists. Echo Chamber.
I know there are a few people that are annoyed that the Moving Train is an echo chamber.
But as a liberal, the rest of the internet is my Moving Train.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Has the Team Trump Treason Administration denounced this yet? If not, what are they waiting for? We know how Team Trump Treason is fond of Putin on the Ritz and Putin on the ritz's feelings toward the LGBQT community.
Tension is growing
between a burgeoning LGBT rights movement and a conservative backlash. The
Polish ruling party has been accused of fueling and exploiting it.
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
I've tried to get this point across too, but have since given up. The thought around here (and most left-leaning places) is that President Donald Trump is nobody's fault except for the people that voted for him (and Russia I guess). The won't accept the argument that everybody in this country (Dem or Repub, white or black, gay or straight, rich or poor, natural citizen or illegal immigrant, whatever) has contributed to cultivating a society where someone like Donald Trump can be the president.
What point that he’s not a racist lol the man has been a racist his whole adult life , yes the country has over 50million racist that love him and believe he was sent by god to part the seas !
The point is that maybe, just maybe, there are other factors to Trump's political success besides racism. And I'm not minimizing the racist aspect of all of this. But if you think over 60 million people just thought "Finally! A real racist! He's got my vote!" then whatever, keep thinking that.
Well, not that blatantly (also, nobody thinks of themselves as racist)...I cannot prove it, but I don't think Trump happens without Obama...I think the whole "Finally, a president that LOVES America" shtick is absolutely derived from having a black president for eight years. What's the term..."racial anxiety."
Like most topics, this is much more nuanced than we'll be able to pull off here. There's the definition of racist...their motivations...the "straight ticket" voter...the whole "I hate career politicians" thing. To me, race/racism was a factor, but not THE factor. Of course, I'm going to have a harder time making excuses and pointing to other things when he wins in 2020.
Well said. I don't necessarily agree with your hypothesis that following a black president was a big factor. But it might've been. I guess it'd be hard to tangibly prove.
I don't pretend that racism doesn't exist. Of course it does. I don't think it plays nearly as big a role as some people think it does. I think the left plays the race card way to often, any time it suits them. I have a number of black friends who would be happy to back me on this. I have Hispanic friends who feel the same way. The word ALL can not be applied almost anywhere. There are misguided goofs in every walk of life, can't help that. *(Following the first black president) had absolutely nothing to do with my vote. I don't give a damn what color the president's skin color is. All I care about is what direction he or she is intends to take the country.
Thats it!!!
Reasonable people can disagree on which way the country should be run.
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
I've tried to get this point across too, but have since given up. The thought around here (and most left-leaning places) is that President Donald Trump is nobody's fault except for the people that voted for him (and Russia I guess). The won't accept the argument that everybody in this country (Dem or Repub, white or black, gay or straight, rich or poor, natural citizen or illegal immigrant, whatever) has contributed to cultivating a society where someone like Donald Trump can be the president.
What point that he’s not a racist lol the man has been a racist his whole adult life , yes the country has over 50million racist that love him and believe he was sent by god to part the seas !
The point is that maybe, just maybe, there are other factors to Trump's political success besides racism. And I'm not minimizing the racist aspect of all of this. But if you think over 60 million people just thought "Finally! A real racist! He's got my vote!" then whatever, keep thinking that.
Well, not that blatantly (also, nobody thinks of themselves as racist)...I cannot prove it, but I don't think Trump happens without Obama...I think the whole "Finally, a president that LOVES America" shtick is absolutely derived from having a black president for eight years. What's the term..."racial anxiety."
Like most topics, this is much more nuanced than we'll be able to pull off here. There's the definition of racist...their motivations...the "straight ticket" voter...the whole "I hate career politicians" thing. To me, race/racism was a factor, but not THE factor. Of course, I'm going to have a harder time making excuses and pointing to other things when he wins in 2020.
Well said. I don't necessarily agree with your hypothesis that following a black president was a big factor. But it might've been. I guess it'd be hard to tangibly prove.
I don't pretend that racism doesn't exist. Of course it does. I don't think it plays nearly as big a role as some people think it does. I think the left plays the race card way to often, any time it suits them. I have a number of black friends who would be happy to back me on this. I have Hispanic friends who feel the same way. The word ALL can not be applied almost anywhere. There are misguided goofs in every walk of life, can't help that. *(Following the first black president) had absolutely nothing to do with my vote. I don't give a damn what color the president's skin color is. All I care about is what direction he or she is intends to take the country.
Thats it!!!
Reasonable people can disagree on which way the country should be run.
your President was elected based strictly on a racist platform. don't tell me about overplaying the race card.
I've tried to make this point 10 different ways it's just not going to sink in here. The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
I've tried to get this point across too, but have since given up. The thought around here (and most left-leaning places) is that President Donald Trump is nobody's fault except for the people that voted for him (and Russia I guess). The won't accept the argument that everybody in this country (Dem or Repub, white or black, gay or straight, rich or poor, natural citizen or illegal immigrant, whatever) has contributed to cultivating a society where someone like Donald Trump can be the president.
What point that he’s not a racist lol the man has been a racist his whole adult life , yes the country has over 50million racist that love him and believe he was sent by god to part the seas !
The point is that maybe, just maybe, there are other factors to Trump's political success besides racism. And I'm not minimizing the racist aspect of all of this. But if you think over 60 million people just thought "Finally! A real racist! He's got my vote!" then whatever, keep thinking that.
Well, not that blatantly (also, nobody thinks of themselves as racist)...I cannot prove it, but I don't think Trump happens without Obama...I think the whole "Finally, a president that LOVES America" shtick is absolutely derived from having a black president for eight years. What's the term..."racial anxiety."
Like most topics, this is much more nuanced than we'll be able to pull off here. There's the definition of racist...their motivations...the "straight ticket" voter...the whole "I hate career politicians" thing. To me, race/racism was a factor, but not THE factor. Of course, I'm going to have a harder time making excuses and pointing to other things when he wins in 2020.
Well said. I don't necessarily agree with your hypothesis that following a black president was a big factor. But it might've been. I guess it'd be hard to tangibly prove.
I don't pretend that racism doesn't exist. Of course it does. I don't think it plays nearly as big a role as some people think it does. I think the left plays the race card way to often, any time it suits them. I have a number of black friends who would be happy to back me on this. I have Hispanic friends who feel the same way. The word ALL can not be applied almost anywhere. There are misguided goofs in every walk of life, can't help that. *(Following the first black president) had absolutely nothing to do with my vote. I don't give a damn what color the president's skin color is. All I care about is what direction he or she is intends to take the country.
Thats it!!!
Reasonable people can disagree on which way the country should be run.
And when the trump voter who says they aren’t bigoted says they voted for trump because when Obama was president, things went “too far”, what does that mean?
I believe, along with many others, that if you support a racist and or a racist agenda in any way, shape, or form, including voting that it makes you racist as well.
No matter how well your financial portfolio is doing. If it is in any way related to you voting for a racist with a racist agenda then you are supporting racism.
The Democrat Party has swung way too far to the left. It's not about race or sexism or any of those other things. Until you wrap your head around that , or until the Democrat Party dials it back a bit, you're just going to continue making the wrong assumptions and generalizations. Your refusal to acknowledge what I'm trying to tell you is going to help get him elected again.
I personally don't know how someone can overlook all of the negative (not policy-based disagreements, but the racism, sexism, etc). Honestly it comes down to people being afraid that if Donald Trump doesn't win that means a Democrat will. And a Democrat will raise my taxes and have me paying more $. I think that's highly likely and I do not look forward to it.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Like most topics, this is much more nuanced than we'll be able to pull off here. There's the definition of racist...their motivations...the "straight ticket" voter...the whole "I hate career politicians" thing. To me, race/racism was a factor, but not THE factor. Of course, I'm going to have a harder time making excuses and pointing to other things when he wins in 2020.
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The funny (or sad depending on how you look at it) thing is the he's always so forceful in his opinions. So it always makes him look like that much more of a fucking hypocritical dope.
I guess the "justice dems" are partly responsible for the perception...and may Bernie is, too (even though he's only a dem when it's convenient). But now that Trump is dedicating some effort to screaming "socialist" it's kind of being a self-fulling prophecy. "OMG, they're sooooooo liberal."
Your second bold is kinda true...but the problem for the Dems is that in order to "acknowledge" that, they have to placate he "racial anxiety" that afflicts the base. Then they lose a chunk of their voters. Or else, what is it that they have to dial back?
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Bang. Done. All Dems are socialists. Echo Chamber.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
But as a liberal, the rest of the internet is my Moving Train.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Poland’s right-wing ruling party has found a new target: ‘LGBT ideology’
Tension is growing between a burgeoning LGBT rights movement and a conservative backlash. The Polish ruling party has been accused of fueling and exploiting it.
By Rick Noack ● Read more »
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The word ALL can not be applied almost anywhere. There are misguided goofs in every walk of life, can't help that.
*(Following the first black president) had absolutely nothing to do with my vote.
I don't give a damn what color the president's skin color is. All I care about is what direction he or she is intends to take the country.
Thats it!!!
Reasonable people can disagree on which way the country should be run.