Is he peeing ON Russian prostitutes in this alleged video, or being peed on BY Russian prostitutes? Maybe both?
Allegedly....... he watched them pee on each other to ruin the bed Obama slept in....
It's al bullshit
You're silly amounts of sure about that, considering this is a man who wanted to get slapped on the ass with a magazine with himself on the cover.
Saying its for sure "bullshit" is just stupid.
Prove me wrong
Prove me it's "bullshit".
For a crew that demands data and links for everything you sure have a lot of blind faith in a bullshit dossier
The dossier and the ptape are bullshit... and it's starting to become pretty obvious 3 years later
Just call me when it drops, water sports arent my thing, but i'll watch lol
I have not said I have blind faith in anything. I just don't see what would make any sane person not see it as probable?
If the dossier stated "Trump can use magic and teleport himself" I would call that bullshit. But the dossier says "Trump bought prostitutes, and during his time with them he had them pee on each other/the bed".
I don't see what's "bullshit" levels of improbable about that. Or why you would think so. But maybe you have reasons to believe Trump just like Mike Pence-esque missionary stuff with his eyes closed kind of things. But him being slapped on his ass with a rolled up magazine speaks against that.
As we noted, our interest is in assessing the Steele dossier as a raw intelligence document, not a finished piece of analysis. The Mueller investigation has clearly produced public records that confirm pieces of the dossier. And even where the details are not exact, the general thrust of Steele’s reporting seems credible in light of what we now know about extensive contacts between numerous individuals associated with the Trump campaign and Russian government officials.
However, there is also a good deal in the dossier that has not been corroborated in the official record and perhaps never will be—whether because it’s untrue, unimportant or too sensitive. As a raw intelligence document, the Steele dossier, we believe, holds up well so far.
Saying the dossier is bullshit is bullshit. And it just makes you seem more Tucker Carlson than ever.
Well there it is, that blog says it's real, so now we know it's real
You really think getting smacked on the ass with a magazine is some wildy perverted thing, that shows he is into golden showers? If i was on Time magazine i would have no problem letting a girlfriend of mine smacking me on the ass with it, and i'm not into golden showers. Spanking and water sports are two different worlds my friend, and with you making such a big deal over a little spanking it sounds like the Swedish sex scene is pretty fucking lame LMAO
You know, in this age of wonders, you can read the Steele Dossier for yourself and see how much of it’s been verified by checking other sources and news reports of indictments, court filings, etc. You don’t have to take some blog’s word for it, unless you prefer to be lazy and ignorant. LOL.
This is what I find odd. People keep claiming the dossier is fake when it’s actually been confirmed more and more over time. Even in here, where many of us are pointing out the facts of the investigation. I guess the power of suggestion is strong.
People are lazy. They read headlines and not articles. They listen to sound bites and not full texts. It’s easy to manipulate people in this day and age of social media...just ask Donald Trump.
And some smart folks vote in knowing support of unjust wars, torture, indefinite detainment without charge, the looting of the treasury, and outright homophobia...
Isn't that funny?
Wait...... here it comes........... LOL
Case in point
Ummmmmm, ok?
Not sure what your point it, explain it to me like i'm ignorant & lazy
Is he peeing ON Russian prostitutes in this alleged video, or being peed on BY Russian prostitutes? Maybe both?
Allegedly....... he watched them pee on each other to ruin the bed Obama slept in....
It's al bullshit
You're silly amounts of sure about that, considering this is a man who wanted to get slapped on the ass with a magazine with himself on the cover.
Saying its for sure "bullshit" is just stupid.
Prove me wrong
Prove me it's "bullshit".
For a crew that demands data and links for everything you sure have a lot of blind faith in a bullshit dossier
The dossier and the ptape are bullshit... and it's starting to become pretty obvious 3 years later
Just call me when it drops, water sports arent my thing, but i'll watch lol
I have not said I have blind faith in anything. I just don't see what would make any sane person not see it as probable?
If the dossier stated "Trump can use magic and teleport himself" I would call that bullshit. But the dossier says "Trump bought prostitutes, and during his time with them he had them pee on each other/the bed".
I don't see what's "bullshit" levels of improbable about that. Or why you would think so. But maybe you have reasons to believe Trump just like Mike Pence-esque missionary stuff with his eyes closed kind of things. But him being slapped on his ass with a rolled up magazine speaks against that.
As we noted, our interest is in assessing the Steele dossier as a raw intelligence document, not a finished piece of analysis. The Mueller investigation has clearly produced public records that confirm pieces of the dossier. And even where the details are not exact, the general thrust of Steele’s reporting seems credible in light of what we now know about extensive contacts between numerous individuals associated with the Trump campaign and Russian government officials.
However, there is also a good deal in the dossier that has not been corroborated in the official record and perhaps never will be—whether because it’s untrue, unimportant or too sensitive. As a raw intelligence document, the Steele dossier, we believe, holds up well so far.
Saying the dossier is bullshit is bullshit. And it just makes you seem more Tucker Carlson than ever.
Well there it is, that blog says it's real, so now we know it's real
You really think getting smacked on the ass with a magazine is some wildy perverted thing, that shows he is into golden showers? If i was on Time magazine i would have no problem letting a girlfriend of mine smacking me on the ass with it, and i'm not into golden showers. Spanking and water sports are two different worlds my friend, and with you making such a big deal over a little spanking it sounds like the Swedish sex scene is pretty fucking lame LMAO
You know, in this age of wonders, you can read the Steele Dossier for yourself and see how much of it’s been verified by checking other sources and news reports of indictments, court filings, etc. You don’t have to take some blog’s word for it, unless you prefer to be lazy and ignorant. LOL.
This is what I find odd. People keep claiming the dossier is fake when it’s actually been confirmed more and more over time. Even in here, where many of us are pointing out the facts of the investigation. I guess the power of suggestion is strong.
People are lazy. They read headlines and not articles. They listen to sound bites and not full texts. It’s easy to manipulate people in this day and age of social media...just ask Donald Trump.
And some smart folks vote in knowing support of unjust wars, torture, indefinite detainment without charge, the looting of the treasury, and outright homophobia...
Isn't that funny?
Wait...... here it comes........... LOL
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
“This subpoena is an unprecedented abuse of power and simply the latest attempt by House Democrats to attack the president and our family for political gain,” Eric Trump said in a statement. He added that the subpoenas “set a horrible precedent for all taxpayers.”
Is he peeing ON Russian prostitutes in this alleged video, or being peed on BY Russian prostitutes? Maybe both?
Allegedly....... he watched them pee on each other to ruin the bed Obama slept in....
It's al bullshit
You're silly amounts of sure about that, considering this is a man who wanted to get slapped on the ass with a magazine with himself on the cover.
Saying its for sure "bullshit" is just stupid.
Prove me wrong
Prove me it's "bullshit".
For a crew that demands data and links for everything you sure have a lot of blind faith in a bullshit dossier
The dossier and the ptape are bullshit... and it's starting to become pretty obvious 3 years later
Just call me when it drops, water sports arent my thing, but i'll watch lol
I have not said I have blind faith in anything. I just don't see what would make any sane person not see it as probable?
If the dossier stated "Trump can use magic and teleport himself" I would call that bullshit. But the dossier says "Trump bought prostitutes, and during his time with them he had them pee on each other/the bed".
I don't see what's "bullshit" levels of improbable about that. Or why you would think so. But maybe you have reasons to believe Trump just like Mike Pence-esque missionary stuff with his eyes closed kind of things. But him being slapped on his ass with a rolled up magazine speaks against that.
As we noted, our interest is in assessing the Steele dossier as a raw intelligence document, not a finished piece of analysis. The Mueller investigation has clearly produced public records that confirm pieces of the dossier. And even where the details are not exact, the general thrust of Steele’s reporting seems credible in light of what we now know about extensive contacts between numerous individuals associated with the Trump campaign and Russian government officials.
However, there is also a good deal in the dossier that has not been corroborated in the official record and perhaps never will be—whether because it’s untrue, unimportant or too sensitive. As a raw intelligence document, the Steele dossier, we believe, holds up well so far.
Saying the dossier is bullshit is bullshit. And it just makes you seem more Tucker Carlson than ever.
Well there it is, that blog says it's real, so now we know it's real
You really think getting smacked on the ass with a magazine is some wildy perverted thing, that shows he is into golden showers? If i was on Time magazine i would have no problem letting a girlfriend of mine smacking me on the ass with it, and i'm not into golden showers. Spanking and water sports are two different worlds my friend, and with you making such a big deal over a little spanking it sounds like the Swedish sex scene is pretty fucking lame LMAO
You know, in this age of wonders, you can read the Steele Dossier for yourself and see how much of it’s been verified by checking other sources and news reports of indictments, court filings, etc. You don’t have to take some blog’s word for it, unless you prefer to be lazy and ignorant. LOL.
This is what I find odd. People keep claiming the dossier is fake when it’s actually been confirmed more and more over time. Even in here, where many of us are pointing out the facts of the investigation. I guess the power of suggestion is strong.
People are lazy. They read headlines and not articles. They listen to sound bites and not full texts. It’s easy to manipulate people in this day and age of social media...just ask Donald Trump.
And some smart folks vote in knowing support of unjust wars, torture, indefinite detainment without charge, the looting of the treasury, and outright homophobia...
Isn't that funny?
Wait...... here it comes........... LOL
Case in point
Ummmmmm, ok?
Not sure what your point it, explain it to me like i'm ignorant & lazy
So i took a second scroll the replys to trumps tweet... ir's all fake trolls on both sides posting ridiculous shit, social media is such trash it's amazing....
So one of them seemed to be a Q-bert..... that picture above was maybe my favorite.... nice touch including the noose around Hillarys neck
So thos is politics 2019? Lol, yeah, i think i'm moving to a mountain and by starting a garden lol
What would you say the ridiculous shit percentage split is, between the ones to dumb to understand what climate change is and the ones who think health care is a human right?
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
When Bernie crushed it so much that Trump can't even lie about how horrible it went.
It's instructive that Trump calls Fox "we", during his criticism of Fox hiring Brazile.
I love (not love) the 'Twitter for iPhone' link on the bottom of the President of the United States tweet. I'm sure there is no data that can be mined through that link, or the many others that I am unaware of since I am not a hacker (damn it).
The 'we' is indeed a scary reminder that we have our own version of RT in America.
What would you say the ridiculous shit percentage split is, between the ones to dumb to understand what climate change is and the ones who think health care is a human right?
Please show where the Democrats think healthcare is human right??? I would not consider paying thousands a year in premiums on top of taxes and then get slammed with a huge deductible when you need to access it as nothing more than a money grab by the insurance industry and the healthcare industry that is supported by both parties, that have both been heavily lobbied...
What would you say the ridiculous shit percentage split is, between the ones to dumb to understand what climate change is and the ones who think health care is a human right?
Please show where the Democrats think healthcare is human right??? I would not consider paying thousands a year in premiums on top of taxes and then get slammed with a huge deductible when you need to access it as nothing more than a money grab by the insurance industry and the healthcare industry that is supported by both parties, that have both been heavily lobbied...
from the official homepage of the Democratic party in California...
2018 Platform: Health Care
California Democrats believe that health care is a human right not a privilege. The CDP recognizes that the health and well-being of Californians cannot continue to be based on arbitrary private and public financial decisions and therefore advocates legislation to create and implement a publicly-funded single-payer, privately delivered, fiscally tractable, affordable, comprehensive, secure, high quality, efficient, and sustainable health care system for all Californians.
When Bernie crushed it so much that Trump can't even lie about how horrible it went.
It's instructive that Trump calls Fox "we", during his criticism of Fox hiring Brazile.
I love (not love) the 'Twitter for iPhone' link on the bottom of the President of the United States tweet. I'm sure there is no data that can be mined through that link, or the many others that I am unaware of since I am not a hacker (damn it).
The 'we' is indeed a scary reminder that we have our own version of RT in America.
I'm of the belief that someone way to the left like Bernie would increase the odds of Trump winning (if he's on the ballot), but from what I've read, it looks like he came off pretty well. I think the other dems are making a mistake by avoiding that network all together. Just stay away from the prime time partisan hack garbage.
When Bernie crushed it so much that Trump can't even lie about how horrible it went.
It's instructive that Trump calls Fox "we", during his criticism of Fox hiring Brazile.
I love (not love) the 'Twitter for iPhone' link on the bottom of the President of the United States tweet. I'm sure there is no data that can be mined through that link, or the many others that I am unaware of since I am not a hacker (damn it).
The 'we' is indeed a scary reminder that we have our own version of RT in America.
I'm of the belief that someone way to the left like Bernie would increase the odds of Trump winning (if he's on the ballot), but from what I've read, it looks like he came off pretty well. I think the other dems are making a mistake by avoiding that network all together. Just stay away from the prime time partisan hack garbage.
Agreed. Stop letting Fox define you. Get up there and define yourself.
Not sure what your point it, explain it to me like i'm ignorant & lazy
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Have a great week.
And yes he is.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
So one of them seemed to be a Q-bert..... that picture above was maybe my favorite.... nice touch including the noose around Hillarys neck
So thos is politics 2019? Lol, yeah, i think i'm moving to a mountain and by starting a garden lol
The 'we' is indeed a scary reminder that we have our own version of RT in America.
2018 Platform: Health Care
California Democrats believe that health care is a human right not a privilege. The CDP recognizes that the health and well-being of Californians cannot continue to be based on arbitrary private and public financial decisions and therefore advocates legislation to create and implement a publicly-funded single-payer, privately delivered, fiscally tractable, affordable, comprehensive, secure, high quality, efficient, and sustainable health care system for all Californians.
lol donors paying for a multimillionaire’s golfing , suckers