



  • Options
    The JugglerThe Juggler Behind that bush over there. Posts: 47,501
    unsung said:

    unsung said:

    unsung said:

    I don't get why the guy who always plays the smartest man in the room role around here would post something as moronic as that tweet from Rob Schneider. The former NSA is offering testimony in exchange for immunity. THAT ALONE tells you that there's a fire to this smoke that just keeps pouring out. It's not that hard to understand. I'm not saying it goes all the way to Trump, but the slime balls around him are certainly hiding something.

    Of course they are slimeballs, they are government.

    I don't care if Trump signed a deal with the Devil, as long as it kept Hillary Clinton out of that office.

    Now we need to start working on her offspring.
    Good lord. You have no problem if he committed treason?

    What's wrong with you?
    You had no problems for the last eight years.

    I had plenty of problems over the last 8 years. You are confusing me for a democrat....which I am not .

    Please answer the questions:

    First: you have no problem if he committed treason?

    And, as a follow up: what's wrong with you?

    I'll wait. Thanks.
    I do, always have.

    I also will reinforce my comment as there is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful that Hillary Clinton will never be President.

    Being against her is not an endorsement of any other government policy. I know it is hard for some to understand but one battle at a time.
    Well, it is hard to understand. You're saying you happy with an enemy of the state running our country instead of Hillary Clinton.

    HRC was a horrific candidate and a poor secretary of state.......but at least she's not a traitor. What could be worse than a traitor in the oval office?
  • Options
    CM189191CM189191 Minneapolis via Chicago Posts: 6,802
    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    Not sure if serious...what's scary is people actually believe this.

    His approval rating is well below those of other presidents at the same point in their presidencies.
    Trump Is Beating Previous Presidents At Being Unpopular

    Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%

    Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was
    WI 6/27/98 WI 10/8/00 MO 10/11/00 IL 4/23/03 MN 6/26/06 MN 6/27/06 WI 6/30/06 IL 8/5/07 IL 8/21/08 (EV) IL 8/22/08 (EV) IL 8/23/09 IL 8/24/09 IN 5/7/10 IL 6/28/11 (EV) IL 6/29/11 (EV) WI 9/3/11 WI 9/4/11 IL 7/19/13 NE 10/09/14 IL 10/17/14 MN 10/19/14 FL 4/11/16 IL 8/20/16 IL 8/22/16 IL 08/18/18 IL 08/20/18 IT 07/05/2020 AT 07/07/2020
  • Options
    HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,130
    unsung said:

    unsung said:

    unsung said:

    I don't get why the guy who always plays the smartest man in the room role around here would post something as moronic as that tweet from Rob Schneider. The former NSA is offering testimony in exchange for immunity. THAT ALONE tells you that there's a fire to this smoke that just keeps pouring out. It's not that hard to understand. I'm not saying it goes all the way to Trump, but the slime balls around him are certainly hiding something.

    Of course they are slimeballs, they are government.

    I don't care if Trump signed a deal with the Devil, as long as it kept Hillary Clinton out of that office.

    Now we need to start working on her offspring.
    Good lord. You have no problem if he committed treason?

    What's wrong with you?
    You had no problems for the last eight years.

    I had plenty of problems over the last 8 years. You are confusing me for a democrat....which I am not .

    Please answer the questions:

    First: you have no problem if he committed treason?

    And, as a follow up: what's wrong with you?

    I'll wait. Thanks.
    I do, always have.

    I also will reinforce my comment as there is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful that Hillary Clinton will never be President.

    Being against her is not an endorsement of any other government policy. I know it is hard for some to understand but one battle at a time.
    you hate government. you hate the wastefulness and corruption of politicians. yet, to serve your own agenda, you are willing to cast those positions aside.

    sounds pretty hypocritical to me.
    Flight Risk out NOW!


  • Options
    unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    I am just happy it wasn't her. So happy it hurts. I can't stop smiling.
  • Options
    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    I would agree that America is moving 'somewhat' right and to a place that is more in the middle. I don't think that is such a bad movement either. From my way of thinking... slightly left of the middle would be ideal.

    There'll be strong right proponents of course, but ultimately, I don't think there is enough people to buy in to such an archaic model of thought (unless all my simpleton/Cletus characterization actually bear weight).

    As far as Trump sticking around for eight years... I wouldn't bet my mortgage on it. I think some people are being optimistic around here and I can hardly blame them, but my gut is telling me he's around for another three and a half years.
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • Options
    rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    unsung said:

    I am just happy it wasn't her. So happy it hurts. I can't stop smiling.

    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • Options
    The JugglerThe Juggler Behind that bush over there. Posts: 47,501
    unsung said:

    I am just happy it wasn't her. So happy it hurts. I can't stop smiling.

    Even if it means a treasonous traitor becomes our president. You're fine with that. Yikes.

    You, ma'am, are a bad American.
  • Options
    lolobugglolobugg BLUE RDGE MTNS Posts: 8,192

    unsung said:

    I am just happy it wasn't her. So happy it hurts. I can't stop smiling.

    Even if it means a treasonous traitor becomes our president. You're fine with that. Yikes.

    You, ma'am, are a bad American.
    I don't understand how you can hate someone so much that you would rather see a traitor and his cronies in the position of POTUS
    what would Ron Paul think??


    1995- New Orleans, LA  : New Orleans, LA

    1996- Charleston, SC

    1998- Atlanta, GA: Birmingham, AL: Greenville, SC: Knoxville, TN

    2000- Atlanta, GA: New Orleans, LA: Memphis, TN: Nashville, TN

    2003- Raleigh, NC: Charlotte, NC: Atlanta, GA

    2004- Asheville, NC (hometown show)

    2006- Cincinnati, OH

    2008- Columbia, SC

    2009- Chicago, IL x 2 / Ed Vedder- Atlanta, GA x 2

    2010- Bristow, VA

    2011- Alpine Valley, WI (PJ20) x 2 / Ed Vedder- Chicago, IL

    2012- Atlanta, GA

    2013- Charlotte, NC

    2014- Cincinnati, OH

    2015- New York, NY

    2016- Greenville, SC: Hampton, VA:: Columbia, SC: Raleigh, NC : Lexington, KY: Philly, PA 2: (Wrigley) Chicago, IL x 2 (holy shit): Temple of the Dog- Philly, PA

    2017- ED VED- Louisville, KY

    2018- Chicago, IL x2, Boston, MA x2

    2020- Nashville, TN 

    2022- Smashville 

    2023- Austin, TX x2

    2024- Baltimore

  • Options
    OnWis97OnWis97 St. Paul, MN Posts: 4,845
    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    Not sure if serious...what's scary is people actually believe this.

    His approval rating is well below those of other presidents at the same point in their presidencies.
    Trump Is Beating Previous Presidents At Being Unpopular

    Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%

    Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was
    People believed the pre-election polls, too. Remember that annoying Trumpy in your life that said "there's a silent majority that loves Trump but is kind of scared to admit it publicly?" That turned out to be true.

    Polling is no longer meaningful.

    Maybe I overstated how well liked he is, but America is, at least, content with him being in office.
    1995 Milwaukee     1998 Alpine, Alpine     2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston     2004 Boston, Boston     2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty)     2011 Alpine, Alpine     
    2013 Wrigley     2014 St. Paul     2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley     2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley     2021 Asbury Park     2022 St Louis     2023 Austin, Austin
  • Options
    slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    Not sure if serious...what's scary is people actually believe this.

    His approval rating is well below those of other presidents at the same point in their presidencies.
    Trump Is Beating Previous Presidents At Being Unpopular

    Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%

    Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was
    I'm assuming that post was satire. It had to be. Otherwise ... sheesh.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • Options
    OnWis97OnWis97 St. Paul, MN Posts: 4,845
    lolobugg said:

    unsung said:

    I am just happy it wasn't her. So happy it hurts. I can't stop smiling.

    Even if it means a treasonous traitor becomes our president. You're fine with that. Yikes.

    You, ma'am, are a bad American.
    I don't understand how you can hate someone so much that you would rather see a traitor and his cronies in the position of POTUS
    what would Ron Paul think??
    In fairness, I recognized Hillary as a bad candidate but would be ecstatic today that we dodged the Trump bullet. Is that different? (OK, I think it is, but to most, it's not)
    1995 Milwaukee     1998 Alpine, Alpine     2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston     2004 Boston, Boston     2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty)     2011 Alpine, Alpine     
    2013 Wrigley     2014 St. Paul     2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley     2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley     2021 Asbury Park     2022 St Louis     2023 Austin, Austin
  • Options
    HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,130
    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    keep winning? he's done nothing but lost in his first two months.
    the dems always lose? you realize a democrat was in the WH the last 8 years, right?
    most popular president since reagan? are you serious? his approval rating is the lowest of any president EVER at this point in a presidency. or do you believe trump when he says those polls are fake news?

    I believe, given his astonishingly and embarassingly low approval rating, if a do-over were to happen, the result would be MUCH different.
    Flight Risk out NOW!


  • Options
    polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    is traitor the new label people are hoping sticks with him? ... good grief ...

    i think the energy people have trying to demonize trump is better spent recognizing how the cuss someone like him got elected in the first place ... and why someone like Clinton could lose to a guy like that ... seriously, take a step back and try and be objective about this ... you will see that the crux of the issue is much larger than trump ... trump is merely a symbol of how royally fucked up the system and people really are ...
  • Options
    CM189191CM189191 Minneapolis via Chicago Posts: 6,802
    OnWis97 said:

    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    Not sure if serious...what's scary is people actually believe this.

    His approval rating is well below those of other presidents at the same point in their presidencies.
    Trump Is Beating Previous Presidents At Being Unpopular

    Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%

    Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was
    People believed the pre-election polls, too. Remember that annoying Trumpy in your life that said "there's a silent majority that loves Trump but is kind of scared to admit it publicly?" That turned out to be true.

    Polling is no longer meaningful.

    Maybe I overstated how well liked he is, but America is, at least, content with him being in office.
    3Million votes. The silent majority turned out to be paid Russian trolls.

    And the likes of you turned out to be Useful Idiots.

    How does it feel to be duped into betraying your country?
    WI 6/27/98 WI 10/8/00 MO 10/11/00 IL 4/23/03 MN 6/26/06 MN 6/27/06 WI 6/30/06 IL 8/5/07 IL 8/21/08 (EV) IL 8/22/08 (EV) IL 8/23/09 IL 8/24/09 IN 5/7/10 IL 6/28/11 (EV) IL 6/29/11 (EV) WI 9/3/11 WI 9/4/11 IL 7/19/13 NE 10/09/14 IL 10/17/14 MN 10/19/14 FL 4/11/16 IL 8/20/16 IL 8/22/16 IL 08/18/18 IL 08/20/18 IT 07/05/2020 AT 07/07/2020
  • Options
    HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,130
    polaris_x said:

    is traitor the new label people are hoping sticks with him? ... good grief ...

    i think the energy people have trying to demonize trump is better spent recognizing how the cuss someone like him got elected in the first place ... and why someone like Clinton could lose to a guy like that ... seriously, take a step back and try and be objective about this ... you will see that the crux of the issue is much larger than trump ... trump is merely a symbol of how royally fucked up the system and people really are ...

    yes, the system is fucked up and corrupt. but that doesn't take away how royally unfit for the job he is and how much damage he is doing.

    I think colluding with a foeign and unfriendly power to win the white house can be considered treasonous, don't you?
    Flight Risk out NOW!


  • Options
    OnWis97OnWis97 St. Paul, MN Posts: 4,845
    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    Not sure if serious...what's scary is people actually believe this.

    His approval rating is well below those of other presidents at the same point in their presidencies.
    Trump Is Beating Previous Presidents At Being Unpopular

    Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%

    Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was
    People believed the pre-election polls, too. Remember that annoying Trumpy in your life that said "there's a silent majority that loves Trump but is kind of scared to admit it publicly?" That turned out to be true.

    Polling is no longer meaningful.

    Maybe I overstated how well liked he is, but America is, at least, content with him being in office.
    3Million votes. The silent majority turned out to be paid Russian trolls.

    And the likes of you turned out to be Useful Idiots.

    How does it feel to be duped into betraying your country?
    I voted for Hillary. Had to hold my nose a bit...but I was well aware that Trump was uniquely unqualified.
    1995 Milwaukee     1998 Alpine, Alpine     2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston     2004 Boston, Boston     2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty)     2011 Alpine, Alpine     
    2013 Wrigley     2014 St. Paul     2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley     2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley     2021 Asbury Park     2022 St Louis     2023 Austin, Austin
  • Options
    CM189191CM189191 Minneapolis via Chicago Posts: 6,802
    OnWis97 said:

    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    Not sure if serious...what's scary is people actually believe this.

    His approval rating is well below those of other presidents at the same point in their presidencies.
    Trump Is Beating Previous Presidents At Being Unpopular

    Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%

    Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was
    People believed the pre-election polls, too. Remember that annoying Trumpy in your life that said "there's a silent majority that loves Trump but is kind of scared to admit it publicly?" That turned out to be true.

    Polling is no longer meaningful.

    Maybe I overstated how well liked he is, but America is, at least, content with him being in office.
    3Million votes. The silent majority turned out to be paid Russian trolls.

    And the likes of you turned out to be Useful Idiots.

    How does it feel to be duped into betraying your country?
    I voted for Hillary. Had to hold my nose a bit...but I was well aware that Trump was uniquely unqualified.
    In that case, my sincerest apologies for calling you 'Useful'
    WI 6/27/98 WI 10/8/00 MO 10/11/00 IL 4/23/03 MN 6/26/06 MN 6/27/06 WI 6/30/06 IL 8/5/07 IL 8/21/08 (EV) IL 8/22/08 (EV) IL 8/23/09 IL 8/24/09 IN 5/7/10 IL 6/28/11 (EV) IL 6/29/11 (EV) WI 9/3/11 WI 9/4/11 IL 7/19/13 NE 10/09/14 IL 10/17/14 MN 10/19/14 FL 4/11/16 IL 8/20/16 IL 8/22/16 IL 08/18/18 IL 08/20/18 IT 07/05/2020 AT 07/07/2020
  • Options
    Halifax2TheMaxHalifax2TheMax Posts: 37,007
    We had our own Pizzagate troll right here on AMT, miss characterizing repeatedly, the meaning and/or content of Podesta's emails. Imagine the average Facetard user in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio and you can see how Pepe the Frog influenced an election. And Trump was in on it, as was Flynn, Manafort, etc., etc.
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • Options
    The JugglerThe Juggler Behind that bush over there. Posts: 47,501
    edited March 2017
    OnWis97 said:

    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    Not sure if serious...what's scary is people actually believe this.

    His approval rating is well below those of other presidents at the same point in their presidencies.
    Trump Is Beating Previous Presidents At Being Unpopular

    Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%

    Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was
    People believed the pre-election polls, too. Remember that annoying Trumpy in your life that said "there's a silent majority that loves Trump but is kind of scared to admit it publicly?" That turned out to be true.

    Polling is no longer meaningful.

    Maybe I overstated how well liked he is, but America is, at least, content with him being in office.

    National polls were correct. They all had HRC ahead by about 3%. She won pop vote by over 2% (w/in margin of error).

    You are confusing 2 or 3 swing state polls....and even they were close to margin of error. Election was decided by about 70,000 people in 3 states.
  • Options
    The JugglerThe Juggler Behind that bush over there. Posts: 47,501
    polaris_x said:

    is traitor the new label people are hoping sticks with him? ... good grief ...

    i think the energy people have trying to demonize trump is better spent recognizing how the cuss someone like him got elected in the first place ... and why someone like Clinton could lose to a guy like that ... seriously, take a step back and try and be objective about this ... you will see that the crux of the issue is much larger than trump ... trump is merely a symbol of how royally fucked up the system and people really are ...

    What would you call "coordinating" with a foreign adversary to influence an election? If true, I think that's the definition of a traitor.
  • Options
    CM189191CM189191 Minneapolis via Chicago Posts: 6,802
    polaris_x said:

    is traitor the new label people are hoping sticks with him? ... good grief ...

    i think the energy people have trying to demonize trump is better spent recognizing how the cuss someone like him got elected in the first place ... and why someone like Clinton could lose to a guy like that ... seriously, take a step back and try and be objective about this ... you will see that the crux of the issue is much larger than trump ... trump is merely a symbol of how royally fucked up the system and people really are ...

    Little Marco
    Lyin' Ted
    Crooked Hillary
    Low Energy Jeb
    Goofy Elizabeth Warren
    Crazy Bernie

    Treasonous Traitor Trump

    rolls right off the tongue
    WI 6/27/98 WI 10/8/00 MO 10/11/00 IL 4/23/03 MN 6/26/06 MN 6/27/06 WI 6/30/06 IL 8/5/07 IL 8/21/08 (EV) IL 8/22/08 (EV) IL 8/23/09 IL 8/24/09 IN 5/7/10 IL 6/28/11 (EV) IL 6/29/11 (EV) WI 9/3/11 WI 9/4/11 IL 7/19/13 NE 10/09/14 IL 10/17/14 MN 10/19/14 FL 4/11/16 IL 8/20/16 IL 8/22/16 IL 08/18/18 IL 08/20/18 IT 07/05/2020 AT 07/07/2020
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    Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 8,740

    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    I would agree that America is moving 'somewhat' right and to a place that is more in the middle. I don't think that is such a bad movement either. From my way of thinking... slightly left of the middle would be ideal.

    There'll be strong right proponents of course, but ultimately, I don't think there is enough people to buy in to such an archaic model of thought (unless all my simpleton/Cletus characterization actually bear weight).

    As far as Trump sticking around for eight years... I wouldn't bet my mortgage on it. I think some people are being optimistic around here and I can hardly blame them, but my gut is telling me he's around for another three and a half years.
    I disagree that the country is moving right. Elections aren't evidence of any movement. Look at the research. Most of the country wants or currently holds attitudes in line with what's thought of as liberal or leaning liberal.
  • Options
    rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    Not sure if serious...what's scary is people actually believe this.

    His approval rating is well below those of other presidents at the same point in their presidencies.
    Trump Is Beating Previous Presidents At Being Unpopular

    Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%

    Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was
    People believed the pre-election polls, too. Remember that annoying Trumpy in your life that said "there's a silent majority that loves Trump but is kind of scared to admit it publicly?" That turned out to be true.

    Polling is no longer meaningful.

    Maybe I overstated how well liked he is, but America is, at least, content with him being in office.
    3Million votes. The silent majority turned out to be paid Russian trolls.

    And the likes of you turned out to be Useful Idiots.

    How does it feel to be duped into betraying your country?
    I voted for Hillary. Had to hold my nose a bit...but I was well aware that Trump was uniquely unqualified.
    In that case, my sincerest apologies for calling you 'Useful'
    That doesn't make much sense.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • Options
    dignindignin Posts: 9,304
    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    Not sure if serious...what's scary is people actually believe this.

    His approval rating is well below those of other presidents at the same point in their presidencies.
    Trump Is Beating Previous Presidents At Being Unpopular

    Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%

    Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was
    People believed the pre-election polls, too. Remember that annoying Trumpy in your life that said "there's a silent majority that loves Trump but is kind of scared to admit it publicly?" That turned out to be true.

    Polling is no longer meaningful.

    Maybe I overstated how well liked he is, but America is, at least, content with him being in office.
    3Million votes. The silent majority turned out to be paid Russian trolls.

    And the likes of you turned out to be Useful Idiots.

    How does it feel to be duped into betraying your country?
    I voted for Hillary. Had to hold my nose a bit...but I was well aware that Trump was uniquely unqualified.
    In that case, my sincerest apologies for calling you 'Useful'
    I don't think that is being fair.

    I may not agree with OnWis97's pessimism but insults are not called for.
  • Options
    OnWis97OnWis97 St. Paul, MN Posts: 4,845

    OnWis97 said:

    CM189191 said:

    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    Not sure if serious...what's scary is people actually believe this.

    His approval rating is well below those of other presidents at the same point in their presidencies.
    Trump Is Beating Previous Presidents At Being Unpopular

    Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%

    Trump’s approval rating is lower than Obama’s ever was
    People believed the pre-election polls, too. Remember that annoying Trumpy in your life that said "there's a silent majority that loves Trump but is kind of scared to admit it publicly?" That turned out to be true.

    Polling is no longer meaningful.

    Maybe I overstated how well liked he is, but America is, at least, content with him being in office.

    National polls were correct. They all had HRC ahead by about 3%. She won pop vote by over 2% (w/in margin of error).

    You are confusing 2 or 3 swing state polls....and even they were close to margin of error. Election was decided by about 70,000 people in 3 states.
    Some projections were not just popular vote...538 usually had a pretty safe win for Hillary. (though it fluctuated). I think there was some "silent" factor for Trump...though there was probably also under-estimation to how despised Hillary was and how that would keep moderate left-leaning people from the polls.

    The smartest thing Trump has said is that he could shoot someone and lose no supporters. They are digging their heels. The question is, will he bring out opposition. (Actually, given the title of this thread, the question is whether he'll make it out of this mess; I think he will)
    1995 Milwaukee     1998 Alpine, Alpine     2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston     2004 Boston, Boston     2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty)     2011 Alpine, Alpine     
    2013 Wrigley     2014 St. Paul     2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley     2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley     2021 Asbury Park     2022 St Louis     2023 Austin, Austin
  • Options
    Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 8,740
    There can be more to come even if trump makes it through this: shady financial dealings overseas, conflict of interest with his businesses, and hiring his kids.
  • Options

    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    I would agree that America is moving 'somewhat' right and to a place that is more in the middle. I don't think that is such a bad movement either. From my way of thinking... slightly left of the middle would be ideal.

    There'll be strong right proponents of course, but ultimately, I don't think there is enough people to buy in to such an archaic model of thought (unless all my simpleton/Cletus characterization actually bear weight).

    As far as Trump sticking around for eight years... I wouldn't bet my mortgage on it. I think some people are being optimistic around here and I can hardly blame them, but my gut is telling me he's around for another three and a half years.
    I disagree that the country is moving right. Elections aren't evidence of any movement. Look at the research. Most of the country wants or currently holds attitudes in line with what's thought of as liberal or leaning liberal.
    Just a feeling.

    Definitely the last election results revealed something about moving right.
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • Options
    josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 28,474
    unsung said:

    I am just happy it wasn't her. So happy it hurts. I can't stop smiling.

    But you still live here in the continental United States so no matter how bad or good things get you still have to abide by the system you hate in other words you can't escape being part of it ...
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • Options
    Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 8,740

    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    I would agree that America is moving 'somewhat' right and to a place that is more in the middle. I don't think that is such a bad movement either. From my way of thinking... slightly left of the middle would be ideal.

    There'll be strong right proponents of course, but ultimately, I don't think there is enough people to buy in to such an archaic model of thought (unless all my simpleton/Cletus characterization actually bear weight).

    As far as Trump sticking around for eight years... I wouldn't bet my mortgage on it. I think some people are being optimistic around here and I can hardly blame them, but my gut is telling me he's around for another three and a half years.
    I disagree that the country is moving right. Elections aren't evidence of any movement. Look at the research. Most of the country wants or currently holds attitudes in line with what's thought of as liberal or leaning liberal.
    Just a feeling.

    Definitely the last election results revealed something about moving right.
    The last election was about match ups. Republicans blew it in the primaries because there were too many in the mix. Core trump voters have always been there and they just vote R anyway. Hillary was then a bad match up with trump, for reasons already covered. I'm confident Sanders would've beat trump, based on head to head numbers. He also doesn't have a Benghazi and a hit squad that takes people out with the wave of a hand. After Sanders would've won, the subject would be how liberal we've become with a smaller group of staunch conservatives clinging to life.
  • Options
    OnWis97OnWis97 St. Paul, MN Posts: 4,845

    OnWis97 said:

    It's astonishing to see people predicting bad things for Trump. He's going to be just fine. He's going to keep winning. He's going to lose no supporters. He's the most popular president since Reagan (with the exception of W's roughly 18-month post-9/11 honeymoon).

    Rob Schneider is right. The Dems always lose because they don't reflect what Americans believe. America is moving further and further right. Get used to it. And America is also becoming more and more enchanted with Twitter-troll behavior. We have Trump for eight years. I feel bad for anyone who thinks that Trump's downfall is just around the corner. It's Never. Gonna. Happen. If we were magically given a do-over on the election tomorrow, he'd still win.

    2018 is going to be fascinating. A lot of Republicans are going to lose their primaries to pro-Trump Republicans. Then, starting in 2019, the true will of the American people will be served. It's going to be ugly.

    I would agree that America is moving 'somewhat' right and to a place that is more in the middle. I don't think that is such a bad movement either. From my way of thinking... slightly left of the middle would be ideal.

    There'll be strong right proponents of course, but ultimately, I don't think there is enough people to buy in to such an archaic model of thought (unless all my simpleton/Cletus characterization actually bear weight).

    As far as Trump sticking around for eight years... I wouldn't bet my mortgage on it. I think some people are being optimistic around here and I can hardly blame them, but my gut is telling me he's around for another three and a half years.
    I disagree that the country is moving right. Elections aren't evidence of any movement. Look at the research. Most of the country wants or currently holds attitudes in line with what's thought of as liberal or leaning liberal.
    Just a feeling.

    Definitely the last election results revealed something about moving right.
    The last election was about match ups. Republicans blew it in the primaries because there were too many in the mix. Core trump voters have always been there and they just vote R anyway. Hillary was then a bad match up with trump, for reasons already covered. I'm confident Sanders would've beat trump, based on head to head numbers. He also doesn't have a Benghazi and a hit squad that takes people out with the wave of a hand. After Sanders would've won, the subject would be how liberal we've become with a smaller group of staunch conservatives clinging to life.
    How'd your pool turn out? :)

    Your take on the GOP primary is right. They had too many in the mix and almost all of them were terrible. A Mitt Romney '12 may have had a decent shot.

    And the Dems did not have a great candidate. There's some anecdotal evidence about not wanting to vote for a woman, but most importantly, 25 years of hate is just too much to overcome. The Dems blew it by thinking it was her "turn." It was pretty arrogant.

    I am not sure I agree about Bernie, though. He's got that accent. He's Jewish. He's been branded a "Socialist." True, the long-term hate and scandal factor would have gone away. But I think people thought of him as too unrealistic (ironic, I know); a good guy to have in the Senate to bring about key points of view but do we really want him as President? (Yes for me)

    The only way Bernie has a chance is if he runs against a total buffoon. So maybe. If the entire election was about Hillary, then a reasonably well-liked candidate could have won. I don't know that Bernie could have done it though. Given the way the Electoral College deck is stacked against the Democrats, they lose the tie. They need someone that really enthuses people the way Obama did. And not just the hard-core liberals like Bernie did, but the centrists and the apolitical.
    1995 Milwaukee     1998 Alpine, Alpine     2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston     2004 Boston, Boston     2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty)     2011 Alpine, Alpine     
    2013 Wrigley     2014 St. Paul     2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley     2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley     2021 Asbury Park     2022 St Louis     2023 Austin, Austin
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