i saw trump told israel to hold off on announcing new settlements.
for a single second i thought he might end up doing the right thing relating to israel. then i realized he probably wanted them to hold off so he can get in on the development deals....
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
i saw trump told israel to hold off on announcing new settlements.
for a single second i thought he might end up doing the right thing relating to israel. then i realized he probably wanted them to hold off so he can get in on the development deals....
That is entirely possible. As some say follow the money but how does this market exist in the first place to capitalize upon for a realtor?
i saw trump told israel to hold off on announcing new settlements.
for a single second i thought he might end up doing the right thing relating to israel. then i realized he probably wanted them to hold off so he can get in on the development deals....
It was an interesting statement released by WH...for 50 years our position hasn't changed...we seek a process to piece settlements MAY NOT be helpful to peace. May not be, really. He will bend over and ankle grab when netnyahoo visits like all the presidents have done before him over the last 50 while Israel steals land.
i saw trump told israel to hold off on announcing new settlements.
for a single second i thought he might end up doing the right thing relating to israel. then i realized he probably wanted them to hold off so he can get in on the development deals....
It was an interesting statement released by WH...for 50 years our position hasn't changed...we seek a process to piece settlements MAY NOT be helpful to peace. May not be, really. He will bend over and ankle grab when netnyahoo visits like all the presidents have done before him over the last 50 while Israel steals land.
Yep and there will never be peace in the whole region not in our lifetimes or my kids !
My silly Canuck friend, any Republican politician in America stating that a church should give up their tax exempt status is a (politically) walking dead man.
Come on, man. For a not religious fellow who magically became religious when he ran for President, he's been jacking off the religious right the last couple of days. Did you see that article about Jerry Falwell getting a role? And, he absolutely is a politician. You want to know what type of person trademarks their re-election campaign slogan days after getting into office and not up for four years? A politician. Now, he's not a good one...but he's good enough to win.
Come on, man. For a not religious fellow who magically became religious when he ran for President, he's been jacking off the religious right the last couple of days. Did you see that article about Jerry Falwell getting a role? And, he absolutely is a politician. You want to know what type of person trademarks their re-election campaign slogan days after getting into office and not up for four years? A politician. Now, he's not a good one...but he's good enough to win.
There is no fucking way in God's green earth that they will be losing their tax exempt status... not a chance.
Under President Trump or any future government?
Ever. Few Democrats would touch that one. Very few.
Even though I occasionally play a lawyer on AMT, I still have the question if needs a politician or would it be the department of revenue taking them to court?
Lol, yep, left one of Obama's executive orders in there. I'm just fine with it
Second thing we agree on today. I applaud Trump for upholding this.
Really? You think him not shitting on human and civil rights that already exist is worth applauding? This should never have even been something anyone was worried about in the first place. I truly am all for giving credit where credit is due, even if it means complimenting Trump, but come on. This isn't worthy of a compliment. As I said before, just the fact that this is news tells us that not keeping it was actually under consideration (I bet Pence was all over it in particular). That alone is horrifying IMO. This is certainly better than a kick in the head obviously, but to celebrate it? I dunno, is that direction we're going with Trump? When he decides to simply not go through with something horrible that he or his people brought up in the first place we cheer? I hope not. That said, I have never thought of Trump as a homophobe. He did, however, choose a VP who is an extreme one. That does not earn Trump a point in my book.
You're right, it should have never been a thing for people to worry about. And I am grateful & relieved he didn't fuck it up.
Nice vid
for a single second i thought he might end up doing the right thing relating to israel. then i realized he probably wanted them to hold off so he can get in on the development deals....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
As some say follow the money but how does this market exist in the first place to capitalize upon for a realtor?
Let the religious nutbars speak freely and engage in politics.
For sure.
Will this not happen?
During regular activities is pretty broad.
May not be, really. He will bend over and ankle grab when netnyahoo visits like all the presidents have done before him over the last 50 while Israel steals land.
President Trump is not a politician and I think this broad outline worries the church.
Yeah I don't see this guy giving up his tax exemption without a fight.
I am sure that it would interfere with furnishing his meager abode.
victory ...