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  • mfc2006mfc2006 HTOWN Posts: 37,484
    go to

    Also a buddy of mine is a parole & probation officer outside of Portland and he said that ICE has been all over their complex today.
  • PJfanwillneverleave1PJfanwillneverleave1 Posts: 12,885
    edited January 2017
    Post edited by PJfanwillneverleave1 on
  • mace1229 said:

    benjs said:


    First, I'm never in favour of the embellishment or sensationalization of an idea, but I do understand why politicians do it: the American population, by and large, has admitted that they are participants in democracy not to be informed, but to be entertained. Until this changes, politicians will deliver their grandest performances, and they will be nothing more or less than actors.

    Next, Make America Great Again on its own is a noble pursuit, but rather than focus on what greatness looks like, Trump instead talked about the abolishment of today-state. This definition of today-state included epidemics of corrupt politicians who will not speak for you, joblessness through a malicious China, an influx of rapists from Mexico, terrorists from Muslim nations, gun violence from inner city residents, attacks on national pride through poor trade deals, nuclear warfare from Iran (and the perception that they are not being watched), abandonment of principled efforts to unequivocally and unilaterally support Israel. Were those not fear-mongering tactics? Some of these issues exist, but when the scale of an issue is inflated so greatly, the only reason I can think of is to induce fear of the trajectory of a Trump-free United States. For example, a simple cost-benefit analysis would suggest that raising regulations on car safety requirements or mandating grippy shower floors (yes, I shit you not) would yield fewer casualties at a lower cost in America than extreme vetting of Middle East-originated humans in America, and with no increase in divisive social rhetoric.

    On Clinton: the thing about mistakes, is that people have opportunities to learn. Do you think any Clinton would ever again negate security in his or her dealings? I doubt it. It's only the unintelligent and/or arrogant who will repeat the same mistakes again and again without reflection on how to learn from mistakes. I have no reason to believe that Hillary Clinton was either.

    On "Islamic terrorists": frankly, I don't really care, any reasonable person shouldn't care, and we shouldn't be pandering to the person who does. I've said it here as well, but call them the Parade of Bombing Teddy Bears if you want - we're still zero steps closer to resolving the perceived problem. The fixation on a name is an attempt at misdirection from both pacifists and interventionists alike.

    On comparisons to Nazi Germany - applying censorship, judging human worth by place of origin and/or by religious affiliation, discrediting dissidents, diminishing checks and balances, and broadcasting conclusions based on skewed versions of reality are all welcome methods of thought control employed by most authoritarian regimes. It is inevitable that Trump would be compared to history's most well-known authoritarian dictator when he exhibits the same methods of control.

    Thank you for an actual thoughtful response, one of about two I've read.

    First I'm not a fan of Trump and I'm not going to pretend he's going to go down as one of the best presidents in history. My first post was in response to multiple claims of a fear-mongering campaign from the right. I agree with your opening paragraphs, but my argument was, and still is, that the claims the left and Clinton made are worse. Seems extremely hypocritical to me by what the left gets away with.

    Repeatedly on AMT, and just about any other social networking site, anyone who voted for or supports Trump is immediately given a nasty label. It's been defended as "shame" or several other similar terms, but its not. People have the right to believe who will make a better president, and to immediately label them for having a different view is wrong, and I stick by that being a more powerful fear tactic than any Trump used. People are afraid to admit in the work place or on social media that they voted for Trump, and not because they regret it, it is because of the stigma the left has placed on you if you don't agree with them. People can't support Trump at work because of the labels the left will give them-that is a fantastic fear tactic-fear of being labeled horrible names.

    I'm not stuck on the phrase "Islamic terrorist" either, but just used that as an example how quickly you earn a label for having one view point, but you can shoot 100 people in a theater and no one wants to label that.

    There can be comparisons between Nazi Germany and Trump, but I just don't see the level of comparison that has been drawn. For Clinton to paint the image of people being deported by box cars was to serve only one purpose, to put the fear of Hitler in everyone's head. There was no truth to that comment. His all out bans of races and religions have been retracted as well.

    If you don't agree with the left on nearly every issue you're labeled sexist, racist, homophobic, a bigot, etc. If you voted for another candidate you have the same stigma. And very few acknowledge that. Pro-life females were not allowed to march in the women's marches that occurred this weekend, how hypocritical is that to march for your rights, but not allow a certain group to march because of their belief? How am I the only one that sees this?

    Not to say there wasn't any fear with Trump's campaign, but I still stand by the fear tactics used on the left are worse. Hilary herself called you a deplorable if you didn't vote for her (or at best a 50/50 chance of being one). Vote for me or else you're a sexist, racist deplorable who hates gays and will be responsible for nuclear war and WWIII and the fall of mankind. Doesn't even seem to compare with Trump's lack-of-thought comments.
    Its a false equivalency. You can cherry pick Clinton statements or find anything horrible in social media comments. Clinton publicly expressed regret for her statement about deplorables. But Trump made fear the driving motive of his campaign. There is not a single speech without it. You may be called names on the internet for supporting a candidate who brags about nonconsensual kissing and fingering strangers. Thats not fear mongering, its the internet. Declaring that our close allies are sending people to rape you is fear mongering. Accusing your opponent of inviting the country to be flooded with brown people wanting to enslave women and kill gays is fear mongering.
  • what dreamswhat dreams Posts: 1,761
    "Paul Ryan is writing his heart out. And we're actually going to sign the stuff he is writing." Trump at the Republican Congressional Retreat today (30 minute video):
  • what dreamswhat dreams Posts: 1,761
    edited January 2017
    Quoted from many pages back "People are afraid to admit in the work place or on social media that they voted for Trump, and not because they regret it, it is because of the stigma the left has placed on you if you don't agree with them. People can't support Trump at work because of the labels the left will give them-that is a fantastic fear tactic-fear of being labeled horrible names."

    I keep reading people say this kind of thing, and I call bullshit. If someone doesn't have the courage of his or her convictions in this country to say, "I voted for Trump," then that's on them. Don't give me this crap about how "the left" is going to call you "a horrible name" if you voted for Trump. Do you know how much crap I've endured for 25 years for openly supporting Hillary Clinton for just being a basic human being, never mind a presidential candidate? Not once did I ever cower. If you can't admit you've voted for Trump, then you are a . . . wait for it . . . PINK HAT.
    Post edited by what dreams on
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    Maybe it's because I live in rural southern Illinois, but the Trump voters here not only own their vote, they own the shit out of it. It's like a badge of honor.

    I know that isn't true everywhere in the country but it baffles me.
  • what dreamswhat dreams Posts: 1,761

    Maybe it's because I live in rural southern Illinois, but the Trump voters here not only own their vote, they own the shit out of it. It's like a badge of honor.

    I know that isn't true everywhere in the country but it baffles me.

    Yeah, I don't know any coward Trump voters either. They throw it in my face every time we talk -- which is why I'm sick of the real cowards with the "I'm so afraid tell people." Give me a break.
  • mace1229mace1229 Posts: 9,569

    Maybe it's because I live in rural southern Illinois, but the Trump voters here not only own their vote, they own the shit out of it. It's like a badge of honor.

    I know that isn't true everywhere in the country but it baffles me.

    Yeah, I don't know any coward Trump voters either. They throw it in my face every time we talk -- which is why I'm sick of the real cowards with the "I'm so afraid tell people." Give me a break.
    But then again you wouldn't, right? Because they are too coward to admit it.
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 9,325
    edited January 2017
    mace1229 said:

    Maybe it's because I live in rural southern Illinois, but the Trump voters here not only own their vote, they own the shit out of it. It's like a badge of honor.

    I know that isn't true everywhere in the country but it baffles me.

    Yeah, I don't know any coward Trump voters either. They throw it in my face every time we talk -- which is why I'm sick of the real cowards with the "I'm so afraid tell people." Give me a break.
    But then again you wouldn't, right? Because they are too coward to admit it.
    I think they're the ones who, before the election said they were conservative, and now in a group setting if someone comments on how ridiculous trump is, they stay quiet and try not to make eye contact with anyone.
  • Leezestarr313Leezestarr313 Temple of the cat Posts: 14,374
    The trumpgrets twitter is lifting my mood.
  • PJPOWERPJPOWER Posts: 6,499
    edited January 2017

    mace1229 said:

    Maybe it's because I live in rural southern Illinois, but the Trump voters here not only own their vote, they own the shit out of it. It's like a badge of honor.

    I know that isn't true everywhere in the country but it baffles me.

    Yeah, I don't know any coward Trump voters either. They throw it in my face every time we talk -- which is why I'm sick of the real cowards with the "I'm so afraid tell people." Give me a break.
    But then again you wouldn't, right? Because they are too coward to admit it.
    I think they're the ones who, before the election said they were conservative, and now in a group setting if someone comments on how ridiculous trump is, they stay quiet and try not to make eye contact with anyone.
    Not everywhere...plenty of pro trump bumper stickers and what not around here. Your perception is relative to your experience or location. Of course Texas has had to deal with some major cartel issues for a while now...I'm guessing that earned Trump a vote or two.
    Post edited by PJPOWER on
  • what dreamswhat dreams Posts: 1,761
    mace1229 said:

    Maybe it's because I live in rural southern Illinois, but the Trump voters here not only own their vote, they own the shit out of it. It's like a badge of honor.

    I know that isn't true everywhere in the country but it baffles me.

    Yeah, I don't know any coward Trump voters either. They throw it in my face every time we talk -- which is why I'm sick of the real cowards with the "I'm so afraid tell people." Give me a break.
    But then again you wouldn't, right? Because they are too coward to admit it.
    I believe I quoted your comment about these mysterious people who are afraid to admit it . . . You must know some of them, or be one of them, if you are privy to this phenomenon.
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    The anti-trump crowd is intolerant, occasionally mentally unwell, and when agitated capable of real violence. No sensible Trump supporter should advertise his or her support for him. They should quietly go about their business and only show support where necessary. It is not worth the ugliness, the boycotts, nor the bloodshed.

    Many of you are the lady on the plane.
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 9,325
    PJPOWER said:

    mace1229 said:

    Maybe it's because I live in rural southern Illinois, but the Trump voters here not only own their vote, they own the shit out of it. It's like a badge of honor.

    I know that isn't true everywhere in the country but it baffles me.

    Yeah, I don't know any coward Trump voters either. They throw it in my face every time we talk -- which is why I'm sick of the real cowards with the "I'm so afraid tell people." Give me a break.
    But then again you wouldn't, right? Because they are too coward to admit it.
    I think they're the ones who, before the election said they were conservative, and now in a group setting if someone comments on how ridiculous trump is, they stay quiet and try not to make eye contact with anyone.
    Not everywhere...plenty of pro trump bumper stickers and what not around here. Your perception is relative to your experience or location. Of course Texas has had to deal with some major cartel issues for a while now...I'm guessing that earned Trump a vote or two.
    I thought it was clear I was talking about my own experience. What I also see is that rural trump voters tend to be the most vocal. It's too bad to see the low income trump voter be excited when they're the one who will be taking the biggest hit.
  • what dreamswhat dreams Posts: 1,761
    BS44325 said:

    The anti-trump crowd is intolerant, occasionally mentally unwell, and when agitated capable of real violence. No sensible Trump supporter should advertise his or her support for him. They should quietly go about their business and only show support where necessary. It is not worth the ugliness, the boycotts, nor the bloodshed.

    Many of you are the lady on the plane.

    Sounds remarkably similar to what we said about the Tea Party when they erupted after Obama's election. We quietly went about our business. Look at what that got us. Nope. No more. We are not going quietly about anything, and we are taking our lessons from the Tea Party playbook. You ain't seen nothing yet.
  • PJPOWERPJPOWER Posts: 6,499

    BS44325 said:

    The anti-trump crowd is intolerant, occasionally mentally unwell, and when agitated capable of real violence. No sensible Trump supporter should advertise his or her support for him. They should quietly go about their business and only show support where necessary. It is not worth the ugliness, the boycotts, nor the bloodshed.

    Many of you are the lady on the plane.

    Sounds remarkably similar to what we said about the Tea Party when they erupted after Obama's election. We quietly went about our business. Look at what that got us. Nope. No more. We are not going quietly about anything, and we are taking our lessons from the Tea Party playbook. You ain't seen nothing yet.
    Ahhhhh, Rand will be so prowd when he hears he has been your inspiration all along :)
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124

    BS44325 said:

    The anti-trump crowd is intolerant, occasionally mentally unwell, and when agitated capable of real violence. No sensible Trump supporter should advertise his or her support for him. They should quietly go about their business and only show support where necessary. It is not worth the ugliness, the boycotts, nor the bloodshed.

    Many of you are the lady on the plane.

    Sounds remarkably similar to what we said about the Tea Party when they erupted after Obama's election. We quietly went about our business. Look at what that got us. Nope. No more. We are not going quietly about anything, and we are taking our lessons from the Tea Party playbook. You ain't seen nothing yet.
    Try reading it again. I said that the Trump supporter should go quietly about his/her business. I don't expect the anti-trump crowd to do anything quietly.
  • BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    The anti-trump crowd is intolerant, occasionally mentally unwell, and when agitated capable of real violence. No sensible Trump supporter should advertise his or her support for him. They should quietly go about their business and only show support where necessary. It is not worth the ugliness, the boycotts, nor the bloodshed.

    Many of you are the lady on the plane.

    Sounds remarkably similar to what we said about the Tea Party when they erupted after Obama's election. We quietly went about our business. Look at what that got us. Nope. No more. We are not going quietly about anything, and we are taking our lessons from the Tea Party playbook. You ain't seen nothing yet.
    Try reading it again. I said that the Trump supporter should go quietly about his/her business. I don't expect the anti-trump crowd to do anything quietly.

    It's social suicide to betray the fact that your values fall in line with Trump's.
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124

    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    The anti-trump crowd is intolerant, occasionally mentally unwell, and when agitated capable of real violence. No sensible Trump supporter should advertise his or her support for him. They should quietly go about their business and only show support where necessary. It is not worth the ugliness, the boycotts, nor the bloodshed.

    Many of you are the lady on the plane.

    Sounds remarkably similar to what we said about the Tea Party when they erupted after Obama's election. We quietly went about our business. Look at what that got us. Nope. No more. We are not going quietly about anything, and we are taking our lessons from the Tea Party playbook. You ain't seen nothing yet.
    Try reading it again. I said that the Trump supporter should go quietly about his/her business. I don't expect the anti-trump crowd to do anything quietly.

    It's social suicide to betray the fact that your values fall in line with Trump's.
    Yes. Correct. This is absolutely how it is perceived. Thank you.
  • InHiding80InHiding80 Upland,CA Posts: 7,623

    When I read that article on Bannon, I felt like he was Lester Bangs from Almost Famous. That's just what it seemed to me. Coincidentally, that role was played by Bannon's doppelgänger, Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

    He kind of resembles Matt Groening to me.
  • InHiding80InHiding80 Upland,CA Posts: 7,623
    tbergs said:

    pjhawks said:

    how can i contact the president?anyone can help?
    i need to build a wall so the goat of my neighbor doesnt jump on my yard..and need the mexicans to pay for it

    1-800-dipshit :rofl:
    Trump is 976 EVIL.
    Good song!
    Love Deftones. I was thinking of the movie it was named after though. Freddy Kruger himself directed it.
  • InHiding80InHiding80 Upland,CA Posts: 7,623
    edited January 2017

    "Paul Ryan is writing his heart out. And we're actually going to sign the stuff he is writing." Trump at the Republican Congressional Retreat today (30 minute video):

  • InHiding80InHiding80 Upland,CA Posts: 7,623

    The trumpgrets twitter is lifting my mood.

    My favorite one is one who gave up on Trump after his Kanye meeting a year ago. There is hope.
  • what dreamswhat dreams Posts: 1,761
    edited January 2017
    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    The anti-trump crowd is intolerant, occasionally mentally unwell, and when agitated capable of real violence. No sensible Trump supporter should advertise his or her support for him. They should quietly go about their business and only show support where necessary. It is not worth the ugliness, the boycotts, nor the bloodshed.

    Many of you are the lady on the plane.

    Sounds remarkably similar to what we said about the Tea Party when they erupted after Obama's election. We quietly went about our business. Look at what that got us. Nope. No more. We are not going quietly about anything, and we are taking our lessons from the Tea Party playbook. You ain't seen nothing yet.
    Try reading it again. I said that the Trump supporter should go quietly about his/her business. I don't expect the anti-trump crowd to do anything quietly.
    Right. And I said we are seeing a repeat of what happened in 2009, except the tables are now turned. It would suit our purpose just fine if the Trump folks go quietly about their business. While you try to do your business, we are going to make it a living hell.
    Post edited by what dreams on
  • vaggar99vaggar99 San Diego USA Posts: 3,431

    Quoted from many pages back "People are afraid to admit in the work place or on social media that they voted for Trump, and not because they regret it, it is because of the stigma the left has placed on you if you don't agree with them. People can't support Trump at work because of the labels the left will give them-that is a fantastic fear tactic-fear of being labeled horrible names."

    I keep reading people say this kind of thing, and I call bullshit. If someone doesn't have the courage of his or her convictions in this country to say, "I voted for Trump," then that's on them. Don't give me this crap about how "the left" is going to call you "a horrible name" if you voted for Trump. Do you know how much crap I've endured for 25 years for openly supporting Hillary Clinton for just being a basic human being, never mind a presidential candidate? Not once did I ever cower. If you can't admit you've voted for Trump, then you are a . . . wait for it . . . PINK HAT.

    most suburbanites (my crowd) that voted for Trump are ashamed as hell.
  • MeanMr.MustardMeanMr.Mustard TBA Posts: 127
    Since taking office, President Trump has looked to fulfill some of his campaign promises by using executive orders. Here are the orders he has signed so far:
    •Multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending “catch-and-release” policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.
    •Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access piplines. He also signed three other related orders that would: expedite the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines; direct the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process; and give the Commerce Department 180 days to maximize the use of U.S. steel in the pipeline.

    •An order to reinstate the so-called "Mexico City Policy" – a ban on federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. The policy was instituted in 1984 by President Reagan, but has gone into and out of effect depending on the party in power in the White House.
    •He signed a notice that the U.S. will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump called the order "a great thing for the American worker."
    •An order imposing a hiring freeze for some federal government workers as a way to shrink the size of government. This excludes the military, as Trump noted at the signing.
    •An order that directs federal agencies to ease the “regulatory burdens” of ObamaCare. It orders agencies to “waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement” of ObamaCare that imposes a “fiscal burden on any State or a cost, fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden on individuals, families, healthcare providers, health insurers, patients, recipients of healthcare services, purchasers of health insurance, or makers of medical devices, products, or medications.”

    man ! did he hit the ground running or what ?
  • BentleyspopBentleyspop Craft Beer Brewery, Colorado Posts: 11,043
    Another trump supporter hard at work making 'murica great again :murica:

    Trump-loving passenger cuffed for harassing Muslim Delta worker
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    dignin said:
    Does anyone know what the Nazi propaganda referenced actually is? OP H2M?
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    edited January 2017
    Shhh... be wery wery quiet
    physical infrastructure enhancements to prevent unlawful border entry and facilitate border access by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, such as additional checkpoints, all weather access roads, and vehicle barriers.
This discussion has been closed.