I really cannot believe this is going to fail. 7 years, complete power, the best deal maker ever and they can't get it done.
it boggles the mind
Like, I have recently been thinking, maybe I am wrong, maybe they aren't completely dysfunctional and perhaps they know what they are doing (outside of the WH, obviously), but no, nope, they are a bunch of imbeciles
If I were a Republican troubleshooting the party right now, the biggest impediment to getting the agenda passed is the Freedom Caucus. Those guys want a perfect bill every time, and they'll never get to yes. That old saying, "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good" -- that's the FC.
Ironically, it appears to be that inclination that will torpedo this awful health care bill and keeps Obamacare on the books, which is kind of funny.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
I really cannot believe this is going to fail. 7 years, complete power, the best deal maker ever and they can't get it done.
it boggles the mind
Like, I have recently been thinking, maybe I am wrong, maybe they aren't completely dysfunctional and perhaps they know what they are doing (outside of the WH, obviously), but no, nope, they are a bunch of imbeciles
I really cannot believe this is going to fail. 7 years, complete power, the best deal maker ever and they can't get it done.
it boggles the mind
What boggles the mind for me is the people that believed Trump was a magic deal maker...and that the Republican party was some kind of unified force. The tea party nuts have been holding this party hostage for years. Chickens coming home to roost.
Or that the republicans actually care about providing the average person who doesn't have health insurance, with health insurance.
I really cannot believe this is going to fail. 7 years, complete power, the best deal maker ever and they can't get it done.
it boggles the mind
Like, I have recently been thinking, maybe I am wrong, maybe they aren't completely dysfunctional and perhaps they know what they are doing (outside of the WH, obviously), but no, nope, they are a bunch of imbeciles
I don't see how Ryan survives as speaker.
Where in the hell does he go from here?
Like which specific area of Hell?
Well, yes, with comments like this...
Ryan: So, the health care entitlements are the big, big, big drivers of our debt. There are three. Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare. Two out of three are going through Congress right now. So, Medicaid—sending it back to the states, capping its growth rate. We’ve been dreaming of this since you and I were drinking out of a keg.
I really cannot believe this is going to fail. 7 years, complete power, the best deal maker ever and they can't get it done.
it boggles the mind
What boggles the mind for me is the people that believed Trump was a magic deal maker...and that the Republican party was some kind of unified force. The tea party nuts have been holding this party hostage for years. Chickens coming home to roost.
Nobody on the conservative side thought the Republican party was a unified force. If you know anything about the fate of Eric Cantor, John Beohner and the election of Trump you would know that statement is based on zero substance. It is the fact that opposition to the GOP establishment has only grown through the years is what in the end will kill this bill. Paul Ryan went for a safe plan with the backing of Trump and the republican base did not bite. They did not bite because the bill is not conservative enough. The only question remaining is whether the ascendent freedom caucus and the Paul/Cruz/Lee wing in the senate will get another kick at the can. I'm not sure how they do it.
No one talks about that today President Trump was meeting with Truckers and hearing their voice, why not? Listen to the audio from the latest tweet. Nothing wrong with this in fact it is very Presidential.
Truckers are shitting themselves right now. The technology is dogfart away from replacing an entire industry there. No doubt they'll get all sorts of job protections out of this meeting.
...the free market, small government party at work...
Similar to the burger flipping/kiosk machines being incorporated into fast food chains due the rising costs of hiring more workers? Progress?
Depends on how you define it I suppose. It is certainly efficiency and increased productivity. But these same arguments were made when the cotton gin was created, the assembly line, cranes invented, etc. Nothing we see is unique. Every time there is a dramatic change in technology, people are left behind. And there's always a demagogue that says he is going to stop it....and doesn't.
That's a fair comparison. As far as people being "left behind", though, does that equate to social progress? What could be done to reduce these people being left behind when a new technology takes over an industry? There is already an issue with unemployment, so what is the leveling factor between technological innovation and social progress? We talk about it being unfair that lower education individuals (such as many in the fast food industry) are being paid poorly, but does that not specifically fit into the definition of being "left behind"? I guess they should all just suck it up and find a new skill that pays better before they become irrelevant, right? Or should society bend to assist/enable those being "left behind" in industries becoming more and more automated?
Well, think about the shocking technological progress that has happened since the 80s. Now consider the unemployment rate during that time. It doesn't seem to me that technology is actually reducing the number of jobs available. As far as I've noticed, the only kinds of jobs that have been lost en masse over that time are all the blue collar manufacturing-related jobs and agricultural jobs. And how many of those lost jobs were because of advancing technology? Weren't most of them lost because companies sent manufacturing overseas or because farming became corporate rather than because they lost their job to a mechanical arm or something? What are the real stats I wonder? Those "left behind" more seem to be so because of the cost of living vs wages rather than technology. Jobs that used to allow less educated workers to support themselves no longer pay enough for them to do so because of the ever-expanding gap between wages and cost of living. Basically, the culprit is capitalism, not technology. Thoughts?
My thought would be that if I was required to pay someone more, I would expect a higher education level and screen my employees a little more strictly...and who ends up being left behind there? I would also consider what technology could do to help the bottom line and whether it would be cheaper to buy a $15000 burger flipping machine than pay a burger flipper $20000/year. I also do not like jobs being sent overseas, but capitalism also encourages innovation and technological progress through competition. I would suggest incentives to keep jobs here/penalties for sending them overseas...maybe to the extent that it would not be profitable to do so.
So you don't believe in making wages keep up with inflation? You're saying that unless workers got more education, you'd keep minimum wage the same forever? Wages have to increase to keep up with the cost of living. That some don't seem to think that's necessary is why so many people in first world countries are living in poverty even though they work full time. That is wrong.
I'm saying that in the end, for-profit businesses are going to make business decisions based on their bottom line. If the minimum wage is too high, they will lay people off or look into automated systems or start hiring higher skilled workers that are "worth the investment". If the wages were raised too much or too fast, that person that was working full time and collecting health insurance might also be replaced by part time workers or have their hours cut to compensate...how does that help their poverty situation? It could actually hurt the demographics that are already experiencing poverty. And what about cost of living? Should the minimum wage in a town where the average cost of living is 70% be the same as a the suburb where the cost of living is 70% higher? It is an argument with a lot of factors and not as simple as just "give people more money" and make things rainbows and butterflies.
7 Years of bitching and crying, framing the ACA as the worst thing to ever happen to freedom and our country... Egg-headed followers and Obama-haters alike sopping up every piece of empty rhetoric.
7 Years, with full control of the government and they cannot come up with an alternative.
Lol. It would be funny if it werent sad that we are now being governed by these con-artists
Nunes runs to the White House without briefing his colleagues on the intelligence committee first and now all the sudden Paul Manafort is willing to testify? Voluntarily? And the public hearing with the former intelligence chiefs gets cancelled? The fix ix in folks. Time for an independent counsel to be appointed. Testimony before Congress is under oath. Manafort better be really careful with what he says. How many 5ths might he take?
Follow the money, from Russia with love, all the way to impeachment.
Rep. Adam Schiff, a Democrat, told reporters that the committee's chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes, a Republican, had canceled an open intelligence committee hearing. The hearing, with former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan and former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, was set to take place next week.
I really cannot believe this is going to fail. 7 years, complete power, the best deal maker ever and they can't get it done.
it boggles the mind
What boggles the mind for me is the people that believed Trump was a magic deal maker...and that the Republican party was some kind of unified force. The tea party nuts have been holding this party hostage for years. Chickens coming home to roost.
Nobody on the conservative side thought the Republican party was a unified force. If you know anything about the fate of Eric Cantor, John Beohner and the election of Trump you would know that statement is based on zero substance. It is the fact that opposition to the GOP establishment has only grown through the years is what in the end will kill this bill. Paul Ryan went for a safe plan with the backing of Trump and the republican base did not bite. They did not bite because the bill is not conservative enough. The only question remaining is whether the ascendent freedom caucus and the Paul/Cruz/Lee wing in the senate will get another kick at the can. I'm not sure how they do it.
Trump voters believed he was the guy to kick some ass, bring the party together and get things done. The party of doers. So yeah, conservatives fell for that load of BS. Proving yet again that they were conned. Sold a bill of goods.
I really cannot believe this is going to fail. 7 years, complete power, the best deal maker ever and they can't get it done.
it boggles the mind
Like, I have recently been thinking, maybe I am wrong, maybe they aren't completely dysfunctional and perhaps they know what they are doing (outside of the WH, obviously), but no, nope, they are a bunch of imbeciles
I don't see how Ryan survives as speaker.
Where in the hell does he go from here?
I think he's done. He will have to step down and a freedom caucus member will probably run to take his place. This is what many wanted all along. Some are even suggesting it was Bannon's masterplan
Ryan does have a little bit of leverage over Trump now. He still has the power to remove the president's lapdog, Devin Nunes, from heading the Intel Committee investigation and replace him with someone a little more interested in pursuing the truth.
I'd tread a little lightly if I were the Trump camp.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Ryan does have a little bit of leverage over Trump now. He still has the power to remove the president's lapdog, Devin Nunes, from heading the Intel Committee investigation and replace him with someone a little more interested in pursuing the truth.
I'd tread a little lightly if I were the Trump camp.
And there in is where the moderates turn against their president and save the republic. Trump didn't do shit to move this bill except threaten elected members of his party. They owe him no loyalty and clearly don't need him to be reelected. In fact, it probably helps them to run from this brilliant liar. Trump is a joke. everyone knows this. The only difference is that some of us knew it before he was elected. Its a blast to watch their inability to lead and take on the big challenges facing this country. It'd be funny if innocent people weren't hurt by it.
I really cannot believe this is going to fail. 7 years, complete power, the best deal maker ever and they can't get it done.
it boggles the mind
What boggles the mind for me is the people that believed Trump was a magic deal maker...and that the Republican party was some kind of unified force. The tea party nuts have been holding this party hostage for years. Chickens coming home to roost.
Nobody on the conservative side thought the Republican party was a unified force. If you know anything about the fate of Eric Cantor, John Beohner and the election of Trump you would know that statement is based on zero substance. It is the fact that opposition to the GOP establishment has only grown through the years is what in the end will kill this bill. Paul Ryan went for a safe plan with the backing of Trump and the republican base did not bite. They did not bite because the bill is not conservative enough. The only question remaining is whether the ascendent freedom caucus and the Paul/Cruz/Lee wing in the senate will get another kick at the can. I'm not sure how they do it.
Trump voters believed he was the guy to kick some ass, bring the party together and get things done. The party of doers. So yeah, conservatives fell for that load of BS. Proving yet again that they were conned. Sold a bill of goods.
That's certainly true and on that front his image takes a hit but whether that's the end of healthcare reform we just don't know. The Freedom Caucus cannot go back to their constituents with a celebration that they defeated this bill. That will not be enough. Their constituents still want repeal so they will have to develop and bring a plan B to the table. "If" that happens...and I don't see how it can...then Trump can rebound on it. A rebound will also require movement on tax reform etc.
No one talks about that today President Trump was meeting with Truckers and hearing their voice, why not? Listen to the audio from the latest tweet. Nothing wrong with this in fact it is very Presidential.
Truckers are shitting themselves right now. The technology is dogfart away from replacing an entire industry there. No doubt they'll get all sorts of job protections out of this meeting.
...the free market, small government party at work...
Similar to the burger flipping/kiosk machines being incorporated into fast food chains due the rising costs of hiring more workers? Progress?
Depends on how you define it I suppose. It is certainly efficiency and increased productivity. But these same arguments were made when the cotton gin was created, the assembly line, cranes invented, etc. Nothing we see is unique. Every time there is a dramatic change in technology, people are left behind. And there's always a demagogue that says he is going to stop it....and doesn't.
That's a fair comparison. As far as people being "left behind", though, does that equate to social progress? What could be done to reduce these people being left behind when a new technology takes over an industry? There is already an issue with unemployment, so what is the leveling factor between technological innovation and social progress? We talk about it being unfair that lower education individuals (such as many in the fast food industry) are being paid poorly, but does that not specifically fit into the definition of being "left behind"? I guess they should all just suck it up and find a new skill that pays better before they become irrelevant, right? Or should society bend to assist/enable those being "left behind" in industries becoming more and more automated?
Well, think about the shocking technological progress that has happened since the 80s. Now consider the unemployment rate during that time. It doesn't seem to me that technology is actually reducing the number of jobs available. As far as I've noticed, the only kinds of jobs that have been lost en masse over that time are all the blue collar manufacturing-related jobs and agricultural jobs. And how many of those lost jobs were because of advancing technology? Weren't most of them lost because companies sent manufacturing overseas or because farming became corporate rather than because they lost their job to a mechanical arm or something? What are the real stats I wonder? Those "left behind" more seem to be so because of the cost of living vs wages rather than technology. Jobs that used to allow less educated workers to support themselves no longer pay enough for them to do so because of the ever-expanding gap between wages and cost of living. Basically, the culprit is capitalism, not technology. Thoughts?
My thought would be that if I was required to pay someone more, I would expect a higher education level and screen my employees a little more strictly...and who ends up being left behind there? I would also consider what technology could do to help the bottom line and whether it would be cheaper to buy a $15000 burger flipping machine than pay a burger flipper $20000/year. I also do not like jobs being sent overseas, but capitalism also encourages innovation and technological progress through competition. I would suggest incentives to keep jobs here/penalties for sending them overseas...maybe to the extent that it would not be profitable to do so.
So you don't believe in making wages keep up with inflation? You're saying that unless workers got more education, you'd keep minimum wage the same forever? Wages have to increase to keep up with the cost of living. That some don't seem to think that's necessary is why so many people in first world countries are living in poverty even though they work full time. That is wrong.
I'm saying that in the end, for-profit businesses are going to make business decisions based on their bottom line. If the minimum wage is too high, they will lay people off or look into automated systems or start hiring higher skilled workers that are "worth the investment". If the wages were raised too much or too fast, that person that was working full time and collecting health insurance might also be replaced by part time workers...how does that help their poverty situation? It could actually hurt the demographics that are already experiencing poverty. And what about cost of living? Should the minimum wage in a town where the average cost of living is 70% be the same as a the suburb where the cost of living is 70% higher? It is an argument with a lot of factors and not as simple as just "give people more money" and make things rainbows and butterflies.
But with that inflation, the profits also go up for the company, because they charge more for whatever it is they're producing in order to manage the inflation. It's not like the company's profits remain stagnant while the cost of living increases. Yeah, in an ideal world, the wages would go up gradually right along with the rest of the economy. Unfortunately, the capitalist system encourages that this doesn't happen (because the owners want to keep more and more profit), and then you end up with the situation we've got now, where lower wage earners are horribly underpaid, and therefore can't contribute to the economy themselves, which hurts the economy in general, which then forces some to try and push through significant wage increases all at once so they can catch up. Basically, they're doing it wrong. I do agree that minimum wages should be determined on regional economics and not federal though. Someone earning $50K in Winnipeg, say, is comfortable, whereas someone who earns $50K in Vancouver is really, really struggling because the housing costs are the 3rd most expensive in the world but salaries remain stagnant (and $50K is actually still above the Vancouver's average salary, and minimum wage is still in the $10 CAD range, which seem almost criminal. They're doing it very very wrong).
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I really cannot believe this is going to fail. 7 years, complete power, the best deal maker ever and they can't get it done.
it boggles the mind
What boggles the mind for me is the people that believed Trump was a magic deal maker...and that the Republican party was some kind of unified force. The tea party nuts have been holding this party hostage for years. Chickens coming home to roost.
Nobody on the conservative side thought the Republican party was a unified force. If you know anything about the fate of Eric Cantor, John Beohner and the election of Trump you would know that statement is based on zero substance. It is the fact that opposition to the GOP establishment has only grown through the years is what in the end will kill this bill. Paul Ryan went for a safe plan with the backing of Trump and the republican base did not bite. They did not bite because the bill is not conservative enough. The only question remaining is whether the ascendent freedom caucus and the Paul/Cruz/Lee wing in the senate will get another kick at the can. I'm not sure how they do it.
18 other republican candidates stepped aside and failed to criticize Trump during the campaign and allowed him to take the nomination without nary a fight. Nobody on the republican side called him out on his bullshit. You can't be more unified than that. And sure, that's the "only" remaining question. They should have listened to their post 2012 internal after action report. Brilliance.
I really cannot believe this is going to fail. 7 years, complete power, the best deal maker ever and they can't get it done.
it boggles the mind
What boggles the mind for me is the people that believed Trump was a magic deal maker...and that the Republican party was some kind of unified force. The tea party nuts have been holding this party hostage for years. Chickens coming home to roost.
Nobody on the conservative side thought the Republican party was a unified force. If you know anything about the fate of Eric Cantor, John Beohner and the election of Trump you would know that statement is based on zero substance. It is the fact that opposition to the GOP establishment has only grown through the years is what in the end will kill this bill. Paul Ryan went for a safe plan with the backing of Trump and the republican base did not bite. They did not bite because the bill is not conservative enough. The only question remaining is whether the ascendent freedom caucus and the Paul/Cruz/Lee wing in the senate will get another kick at the can. I'm not sure how they do it.
18 other republican candidates stepped aside and failed to criticize Trump during the campaign and allowed him to take the nomination without nary a fight. Nobody on the republican side called him out on his bullshit. You can't be more unified than that. And sure, that's the "only" remaining question. They should have listened to their post 2012 internal after action report. Brilliance.
You clearly didn't even watch the primaries then. I swear you have a Trump level ability of making shit up.
I really cannot believe this is going to fail. 7 years, complete power, the best deal maker ever and they can't get it done.
it boggles the mind
What boggles the mind for me is the people that believed Trump was a magic deal maker...and that the Republican party was some kind of unified force. The tea party nuts have been holding this party hostage for years. Chickens coming home to roost.
Nobody on the conservative side thought the Republican party was a unified force. If you know anything about the fate of Eric Cantor, John Beohner and the election of Trump you would know that statement is based on zero substance. It is the fact that opposition to the GOP establishment has only grown through the years is what in the end will kill this bill. Paul Ryan went for a safe plan with the backing of Trump and the republican base did not bite. They did not bite because the bill is not conservative enough. The only question remaining is whether the ascendent freedom caucus and the Paul/Cruz/Lee wing in the senate will get another kick at the can. I'm not sure how they do it.
18 other republican candidates stepped aside and failed to criticize Trump during the campaign and allowed him to take the nomination without nary a fight. Nobody on the republican side called him out on his bullshit. You can't be more unified than that. And sure, that's the "only" remaining question. They should have listened to their post 2012 internal after action report. Brilliance.
You clearly didn't even watch the primaries then. I swear you have a Trump level ability of making shit up.
Show me specific examples of anyone of them calling Trump out for his utter lack of public/government/elected experience? For his sexual assaults of women? For his failed casino and business enterprises? For his denigration of McCain? For his Russian ties and failure to release his tax returns? And not just on the debate stage but a prolonged, engaged campaign attack? They all deferred to him in the hopes of an appointment or VP pick and what they now realize is that he's an empty suit not suited for the office. Your political astuteness is neither astute nor brilliant.
I really cannot believe this is going to fail. 7 years, complete power, the best deal maker ever and they can't get it done.
it boggles the mind
What boggles the mind for me is the people that believed Trump was a magic deal maker...and that the Republican party was some kind of unified force. The tea party nuts have been holding this party hostage for years. Chickens coming home to roost.
Nobody on the conservative side thought the Republican party was a unified force. If you know anything about the fate of Eric Cantor, John Beohner and the election of Trump you would know that statement is based on zero substance. It is the fact that opposition to the GOP establishment has only grown through the years is what in the end will kill this bill. Paul Ryan went for a safe plan with the backing of Trump and the republican base did not bite. They did not bite because the bill is not conservative enough. The only question remaining is whether the ascendent freedom caucus and the Paul/Cruz/Lee wing in the senate will get another kick at the can. I'm not sure how they do it.
18 other republican candidates stepped aside and failed to criticize Trump during the campaign and allowed him to take the nomination without nary a fight. Nobody on the republican side called him out on his bullshit. You can't be more unified than that. And sure, that's the "only" remaining question. They should have listened to their post 2012 internal after action report. Brilliance.
You clearly didn't even watch the primaries then. I swear you have a Trump level ability of making shit up.
Show me specific examples of anyone of them calling Trump out for his utter lack of public/government/elected experience? For his sexual assaults of women? For his failed casino and business enterprises? For his denigration of McCain? For his Russian ties and failure to release his tax returns? And not just on the debate stage but a prolonged, engaged campaign attack? They all deferred to him in the hopes of an appointment or VP pick and what they now realize is that he's an empty suit not suited for the office. Your political astuteness is neither astute nor brilliant.
the best example is when Rubio decided to act like a childish, unhinged clown for a week
I think Nunes fucked Trump today. And Trump and others are too stupid to understand that. 3D chess indeed.
I agree. It makes it more likely that Nunes will have to agree to an independent prosecutor because he may have to recuse himself. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the juice was not worth the squeeze, that's for sure.
Yup. I personally don't think that was his intention. I think he was a good little lap dog and ran to his master to get a treat. Major fuck-up.
BS, how are you going to spin this? It's OK, you can have the usual day or 2 to come up with the spin.
Spin what? That it's "a major fuck-up"? Says who? What it sounds like is mass panic that Nunes has the goods. If he in fact has the goods then there will be nothing to spin. The evidence will speak for itself.
You still think this is a potential win, that Trump and the gang are playing 3D chess.
You need to start thinking of this like checkers. I will give you time, you can figure it out.
We have now had headlines declaring "no wire tapping" and are about to get evidence of surveillance. It is a win when the #resistance loses. Follow that with the prosecution of leakers which Comey said he takes very seriously and that those who did so are subject to 10 years in prison. This whole thing could be one massive counter intelligence operation to nail the law breakers. Abusing intelligence collection is a crime. 3D chess.
This is already a lost issue for Trump. Picking a fight with the former president makes no strategic sense, unless you are trying to create a distraction. You are trying to pass your budget, get Gorsuch approved and pass the health care bill which is taking a lot of political capital. Why in the world does this make sense for Trump?
I'm not even going to remind you that the tweet was false on its face... he used the words "illegal" and "Obama". Comey has said that no such thing is true. Nunes even said today that it was incidental and legal. Why is accuracy and precision suddenly so difficult for you in the last 60 days?
There you go again not contemplating alternative possibilities. You are right that picking a fight with a former President is absolutely dumb...unless the former President's people were/are actively spying on you and selectively leaking to undermine everything you do. In that case fuck it...go on offense and hammer every single one of those turds to the wall. Laws must be followed and if Obama officials were breaking them they need to be prosecuted. #lockthemup
Yea, sure, because the Obama Administration in the waning months decided to go all rogue. You are a hoot.
It must kill you that the radical, black, Muslim, socialist, Kenyan was so squeaky clean?
Follow the money, from Russia with love, all the way to impeachment. It's coming BS no matter how hard you spin or stamp your feet and say it's all Obama's fault. Now compare the above with those that Trump surrounds himself or associates with. Two dots, professor, can you connect them?
When you call someone a racist it cheapens you on here. Your arguments begin to lose weight. People stop taking you seriously. They laugh at you. What is sad though is that it also makes it difficult to call out real racism where it exists. People start to ignore real racism because they are tired of the vomitous "I don't like what you say so you must hate black muslim kenyan blah blah blah". Your words have actual harm. Those are the dots I can connect.
Care to explain why the one true adjective offended you so much? Rather than the other four that are untrue?
I really cannot believe this is going to fail. 7 years, complete power, the best deal maker ever and they can't get it done.
it boggles the mind
What boggles the mind for me is the people that believed Trump was a magic deal maker...and that the Republican party was some kind of unified force. The tea party nuts have been holding this party hostage for years. Chickens coming home to roost.
Nobody on the conservative side thought the Republican party was a unified force. If you know anything about the fate of Eric Cantor, John Beohner and the election of Trump you would know that statement is based on zero substance. It is the fact that opposition to the GOP establishment has only grown through the years is what in the end will kill this bill. Paul Ryan went for a safe plan with the backing of Trump and the republican base did not bite. They did not bite because the bill is not conservative enough. The only question remaining is whether the ascendent freedom caucus and the Paul/Cruz/Lee wing in the senate will get another kick at the can. I'm not sure how they do it.
18 other republican candidates stepped aside and failed to criticize Trump during the campaign and allowed him to take the nomination without nary a fight. Nobody on the republican side called him out on his bullshit. You can't be more unified than that. And sure, that's the "only" remaining question. They should have listened to their post 2012 internal after action report. Brilliance.
You clearly didn't even watch the primaries then. I swear you have a Trump level ability of making shit up.
Show me specific examples of anyone of them calling Trump out for his utter lack of public/government/elected experience? For his sexual assaults of women? For his failed casino and business enterprises? For his denigration of McCain? For his Russian ties and failure to release his tax returns? And not just on the debate stage but a prolonged, engaged campaign attack? They all deferred to him in the hopes of an appointment or VP pick and what they now realize is that he's an empty suit not suited for the office. Your political astuteness is neither astute nor brilliant.
the best example is when Rubio decided to act like a childish, unhinged clown for a week
That is absolutely one example. He did a whole riff ripping on Trump's tweets. Bush ripped on him. Cruz did as well once the field narrowed and attacked him at the friggin convention! The conservative wing and most of conservative talk radio (aside from Rush) went to war with Trump throughout the primaries and especially in Wisconsin where Trump lost big. This continued bashing by talk radio continued into October where people like Hugh Hewitt encouraged Trump to step down. The neocons like Bill Kristol went after Trump. Paul Ryan went after Trump as well. Halifax2theMaxineWaters lives in a completely alternative universe where none of this happened! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
Ironically, it appears to be that inclination that will torpedo this awful health care bill and keeps Obamacare on the books, which is kind of funny.
for the least they could possibly do
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Ryan: So, the health care entitlements are the big, big, big drivers of our debt. There are three. Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare. Two out of three are going through Congress right now. So, Medicaid—sending it back to the states, capping its growth rate. We’ve been dreaming of this since you and I were drinking out of a keg.
And what about cost of living? Should the minimum wage in a town where the average cost of living is 70% be the same as a the suburb where the cost of living is 70% higher? It is an argument with a lot of factors and not as simple as just "give people more money" and make things rainbows and butterflies.
7 Years, with full control of the government and they cannot come up with an alternative.
Lol. It would be funny if it werent sad that we are now being governed by these con-artists
Follow the money, from Russia with love, all the way to impeachment.
Rep. Adam Schiff, a Democrat, told reporters that the committee's chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes, a Republican, had canceled an open intelligence committee hearing. The hearing, with former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan and former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, was set to take place next week.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I'd tread a little lightly if I were the Trump camp.
for the least they could possibly do
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I do agree that minimum wages should be determined on regional economics and not federal though. Someone earning $50K in Winnipeg, say, is comfortable, whereas someone who earns $50K in Vancouver is really, really struggling because the housing costs are the 3rd most expensive in the world but salaries remain stagnant (and $50K is actually still above the Vancouver's average salary, and minimum wage is still in the $10 CAD range, which seem almost criminal. They're doing it very very wrong).
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
for the least they could possibly do
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.