I think you may be glossing over a few differences in the stories, but that's ok. You're very busy trying to blame Trump's treasonous behavior on Obama Obama Obama, so I'll cut you some slack.
Another guy who can't keep two concepts in his head at once. Behaviour by one person does not discount behaviour of another. Currently no evidence of "treason by Trump". Currently no evidence of spying conducted by Obama. All we have is the back and forth of accusations against affiliates. I am the one on here who accepts the possibility of illegal actions by both. The rest of you are singularly focused. Don't have the brain capacity to entertain ideas that run counter to your narrative. Can't compute. Can't compute. Still too damaged by the Trump victory.
Whatever you say genius.
Trump & his people keep getting caught up in lie after lie after lie & you're pushing his theories intended to distract & obfuscate reality like a good little lemming. It's almost as if you're not capable of seeing the forest for the trees.
Obama Obama Obama
I see the forest and I see the trees. You only see the russian bear in the woods.
Oh, you see the forest AND the trees, do you? Of course you do, you’re woke AF.
You also predicted the Russia story was going away. How’s that working out for ya?
Not so good, it’s only gained momentum, but that’s ok. You’re more than happy to push the distraction Herr Trump has laid out for his followers, eh? You’re a good little lemming, and cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing.
It’s all phony, right Holden?
Obama Obama Obama
Follow the rubles.
EDIT: Do you realize what a stupid analogy the bear is? Let's all ignore the perceived threat and hope it isn't real.
Your mind is wrapped into a pretzel, stop embarrassing yourself.
I think Nunes fucked Trump today. And Trump and others are too stupid to understand that. 3D chess indeed.
I agree. It makes it more likely that Nunes will have to agree to an independent prosecutor because he may have to recuse himself. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the juice was not worth the squeeze, that's for sure.
Yup. I personally don't think that was his intention. I think he was a good little lap dog and ran to his master to get a treat. Major fuck-up.
BS, how are you going to spin this? It's OK, you can have the usual day or 2 to come up with the spin.
Spin what? That it's "a major fuck-up"? Says who? What it sounds like is mass panic that Nunes has the goods. If he in fact has the goods then there will be nothing to spin. The evidence will speak for itself.
You still think this is a potential win, that Trump and the gang are playing 3D chess.
You need to start thinking of this like checkers. I will give you time, you can figure it out.
We have now had headlines declaring "no wire tapping" and are about to get evidence of surveillance. It is a win when the #resistance loses. Follow that with the prosecution of leakers which Comey said he takes very seriously and that those who did so are subject to 10 years in prison. This whole thing could be one massive counter intelligence operation to nail the law breakers. Abusing intelligence collection is a crime. 3D chess.
This is already a lost issue for Trump. Picking a fight with the former president makes no strategic sense, unless you are trying to create a distraction. You are trying to pass your budget, get Gorsuch approved and pass the health care bill which is taking a lot of political capital. Why in the world does this make sense for Trump?
I'm not even going to remind you that the tweet was false on its face... he used the words "illegal" and "Obama". Comey has said that no such thing is true. Nunes even said today that it was incidental and legal. Why is accuracy and precision suddenly so difficult for you in the last 60 days?
There you go again not contemplating alternative possibilities. You are right that picking a fight with a former President is absolutely dumb...unless the former President's people were/are actively spying on you and selectively leaking to undermine everything you do. In that case fuck it...go on offense and hammer every single one of those turds to the wall. Laws must be followed and if Obama officials were breaking them they need to be prosecuted. #lockthemup
Yea, sure, because the Obama Administration in the waning months decided to go all rogue. You are a hoot.
It must kill you that the radical, black, Muslim, socialist, Kenyan was so squeaky clean?
Follow the money, from Russia with love, all the way to impeachment. It's coming BS no matter how hard you spin or stamp your feet and say it's all Obama's fault. Now compare the above with those that Trump surrounds himself or associates with. Two dots, professor, can you connect them?
When you call someone a racist it cheapens you on here. Your arguments begin to lose weight. People stop taking you seriously. They laugh at you. What is sad though is that it also makes it difficult to call out real racism where it exists. People start to ignore real racism because they are tired of the vomitous "I don't like what you say so you must hate black muslim kenyan blah blah blah". Your words have actual harm. Those are the dots I can connect.
Of the five neocon adjectives I used to describe Obama, why did you focus on race, comrade?
Because the neocon playbook is that when you don't get what you want legally or through the democratic process, you do it illegally, through minions and the ilk if necessary.
The time is approaching where republican leaders and their fan boys will be faced with thr choice. They can follow their original instinct and reject the clown show reality star and his operatives... or they can keep digging in and muttering "obama" to themselves (nobody buys that theory outside the gullible, wishful thinking Trumpettes). This will erode and eventually destroy any credibility the republican party has as a whole, as well as an individual basis.
Yes! Reject or be destroyed!
We've been hearing the same thing since Trump went down the escalator.
What you don't understand yet people with a conservative bent do is that this onslaught against Trump would have been used against any potential GOP president. It is what the left and democratic party does. Every conservative is Hitler. Every conservative must be destroyed. The republican base has no love affair with Trump the man but they recognize that nobody else has the ability to withstand the onslaught.
The rejection won't come as long as he keeps pushing forward on his agenda. The democrats have no agenda. They have become the thing they hated the most...Joe McCarthy Incorporated...they will not change a vote that way.
Because the other 18 republican candidates for president have or had ties to Russia? Damn, the whole party is compromised.
I think you may be glossing over a few differences in the stories, but that's ok. You're very busy trying to blame Trump's treasonous behavior on Obama Obama Obama, so I'll cut you some slack.
Another guy who can't keep two concepts in his head at once. Behaviour by one person does not discount behaviour of another. Currently no evidence of "treason by Trump". Currently no evidence of spying conducted by Obama. All we have is the back and forth of accusations against affiliates. I am the one on here who accepts the possibility of illegal actions by both. The rest of you are singularly focused. Don't have the brain capacity to entertain ideas that run counter to your narrative. Can't compute. Can't compute. Still too damaged by the Trump victory.
Whatever you say genius.
Trump & his people keep getting caught up in lie after lie after lie & you're pushing his theories intended to distract & obfuscate reality like a good little lemming. It's almost as if you're not capable of seeing the forest for the trees.
Obama Obama Obama
I see the forest and I see the trees. You only see the russian bear in the woods.
Oh, you see the forest AND the trees, do you? Of course you do, you’re woke AF.
You also predicted the Russia story was going away. How’s that working out for ya?
Not so good, it’s only gained momentum, but that’s ok. You’re more than happy to push the distraction Herr Trump has laid out for his followers, eh? You’re a good little lemming, and cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing.
It’s all phony, right Holden?
Obama Obama Obama
Follow the rubles.
EDIT: Do you realize what a stupid analogy the bear is? Let's all ignore the perceived threat and hope it isn't real.
Your mind is wrapped into a pretzel, stop embarrassing yourself.
Not expecting the results of the election is embarrassing. Remember when you all used to believe that? Now you have all taken a complete 180 on the Obama/Clinton Russian foreign policy. The only thing that has gained momentum are the conspiracy theories. Nothing else has changed. No new info has been revealed. If it comes I will listen but for now I'll stick with Clapper, Morrell, Rogers and Comey's analysis of the situation over the AMT. Bring some real evidence...otherwise you're all just a broken record.
I think you may be glossing over a few differences in the stories, but that's ok. You're very busy trying to blame Trump's treasonous behavior on Obama Obama Obama, so I'll cut you some slack.
Another guy who can't keep two concepts in his head at once. Behaviour by one person does not discount behaviour of another. Currently no evidence of "treason by Trump". Currently no evidence of spying conducted by Obama. All we have is the back and forth of accusations against affiliates. I am the one on here who accepts the possibility of illegal actions by both. The rest of you are singularly focused. Don't have the brain capacity to entertain ideas that run counter to your narrative. Can't compute. Can't compute. Still too damaged by the Trump victory.
Whatever you say genius.
Trump & his people keep getting caught up in lie after lie after lie & you're pushing his theories intended to distract & obfuscate reality like a good little lemming. It's almost as if you're not capable of seeing the forest for the trees.
Obama Obama Obama
I see the forest and I see the trees. You only see the russian bear in the woods.
Oh, you see the forest AND the trees, do you? Of course you do, you’re woke AF.
You also predicted the Russia story was going away. How’s that working out for ya?
Not so good, it’s only gained momentum, but that’s ok. You’re more than happy to push the distraction Herr Trump has laid out for his followers, eh? You’re a good little lemming, and cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing.
It’s all phony, right Holden?
Obama Obama Obama
Follow the rubles.
EDIT: Do you realize what a stupid analogy the bear is? Let's all ignore the perceived threat and hope it isn't real.
Your mind is wrapped into a pretzel, stop embarrassing yourself.
Not expecting the results of the election is embarrassing. Remember when you all used to believe that? Now you have all taken a complete 180 on the Obama/Clinton Russian foreign policy. The only thing that has gained momentum are the conspiracy theories. Nothing else has changed. No new info has been revealed. If it comes I will listen but for now I'll stick with Clapper, Morrell, Rogers and Comey's analysis of the situation over the AMT. Bring some real evidence...otherwise you're all just a broken record.
...... says the guy trying to blame Obama for the corruption in the current admin. Talk about a broken record.
I think you may be glossing over a few differences in the stories, but that's ok. You're very busy trying to blame Trump's treasonous behavior on Obama Obama Obama, so I'll cut you some slack.
Another guy who can't keep two concepts in his head at once. Behaviour by one person does not discount behaviour of another. Currently no evidence of "treason by Trump". Currently no evidence of spying conducted by Obama. All we have is the back and forth of accusations against affiliates. I am the one on here who accepts the possibility of illegal actions by both. The rest of you are singularly focused. Don't have the brain capacity to entertain ideas that run counter to your narrative. Can't compute. Can't compute. Still too damaged by the Trump victory.
Whatever you say genius.
Trump & his people keep getting caught up in lie after lie after lie & you're pushing his theories intended to distract & obfuscate reality like a good little lemming. It's almost as if you're not capable of seeing the forest for the trees.
Obama Obama Obama
I see the forest and I see the trees. You only see the russian bear in the woods.
Oh, you see the forest AND the trees, do you? Of course you do, you’re woke AF.
You also predicted the Russia story was going away. How’s that working out for ya?
Not so good, it’s only gained momentum, but that’s ok. You’re more than happy to push the distraction Herr Trump has laid out for his followers, eh? You’re a good little lemming, and cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing.
It’s all phony, right Holden?
Obama Obama Obama
Follow the rubles.
EDIT: Do you realize what a stupid analogy the bear is? Let's all ignore the perceived threat and hope it isn't real.
Your mind is wrapped into a pretzel, stop embarrassing yourself.
Not expecting the results of the election is embarrassing. Remember when you all used to believe that? Now you have all taken a complete 180 on the Obama/Clinton Russian foreign policy. The only thing that has gained momentum are the conspiracy theories. Nothing else has changed. No new info has been revealed. If it comes I will listen but for now I'll stick with Clapper, Morrell, Rogers and Comey's analysis of the situation over the AMT. Bring some real evidence...otherwise you're all just a broken record.
...... says the guy trying to blame Obama for the corruption in the current admin. Talk about a broken record.
Obama Obama Obama
You're embarrassing yourself.
Blaming Obama for the corruption in the current admin? Is that what is happening? Clearly another person who can't read.
I think you may be glossing over a few differences in the stories, but that's ok. You're very busy trying to blame Trump's treasonous behavior on Obama Obama Obama, so I'll cut you some slack.
Another guy who can't keep two concepts in his head at once. Behaviour by one person does not discount behaviour of another. Currently no evidence of "treason by Trump". Currently no evidence of spying conducted by Obama. All we have is the back and forth of accusations against affiliates. I am the one on here who accepts the possibility of illegal actions by both. The rest of you are singularly focused. Don't have the brain capacity to entertain ideas that run counter to your narrative. Can't compute. Can't compute. Still too damaged by the Trump victory.
Whatever you say genius.
Trump & his people keep getting caught up in lie after lie after lie & you're pushing his theories intended to distract & obfuscate reality like a good little lemming. It's almost as if you're not capable of seeing the forest for the trees.
Obama Obama Obama
I see the forest and I see the trees. You only see the russian bear in the woods.
Oh, you see the forest AND the trees, do you? Of course you do, you’re woke AF.
You also predicted the Russia story was going away. How’s that working out for ya?
Not so good, it’s only gained momentum, but that’s ok. You’re more than happy to push the distraction Herr Trump has laid out for his followers, eh? You’re a good little lemming, and cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing.
It’s all phony, right Holden?
Obama Obama Obama
Follow the rubles.
EDIT: Do you realize what a stupid analogy the bear is? Let's all ignore the perceived threat and hope it isn't real.
Your mind is wrapped into a pretzel, stop embarrassing yourself.
Not expecting the results of the election is embarrassing. Remember when you all used to believe that? Now you have all taken a complete 180 on the Obama/Clinton Russian foreign policy. The only thing that has gained momentum are the conspiracy theories. Nothing else has changed. No new info has been revealed. If it comes I will listen but for now I'll stick with Clapper, Morrell, Rogers and Comey's analysis of the situation over the AMT. Bring some real evidence...otherwise you're all just a broken record.
...... says the guy trying to blame Obama for the corruption in the current admin. Talk about a broken record.
Obama Obama Obama
You're embarrassing yourself.
Blaming Obama for the corruption in the current admin? Is that what is happening? Clearly another person who can't read.
The first step in acquiescing to political pressure...
I think you may be glossing over a few differences in the stories, but that's ok. You're very busy trying to blame Trump's treasonous behavior on Obama Obama Obama, so I'll cut you some slack.
Another guy who can't keep two concepts in his head at once. Behaviour by one person does not discount behaviour of another. Currently no evidence of "treason by Trump". Currently no evidence of spying conducted by Obama. All we have is the back and forth of accusations against affiliates. I am the one on here who accepts the possibility of illegal actions by both. The rest of you are singularly focused. Don't have the brain capacity to entertain ideas that run counter to your narrative. Can't compute. Can't compute. Still too damaged by the Trump victory.
Whatever you say genius.
Trump & his people keep getting caught up in lie after lie after lie & you're pushing his theories intended to distract & obfuscate reality like a good little lemming. It's almost as if you're not capable of seeing the forest for the trees.
Obama Obama Obama
I see the forest and I see the trees. You only see the russian bear in the woods.
Oh, you see the forest AND the trees, do you? Of course you do, you’re woke AF.
You also predicted the Russia story was going away. How’s that working out for ya?
Not so good, it’s only gained momentum, but that’s ok. You’re more than happy to push the distraction Herr Trump has laid out for his followers, eh? You’re a good little lemming, and cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing.
It’s all phony, right Holden?
Obama Obama Obama
Follow the rubles.
EDIT: Do you realize what a stupid analogy the bear is? Let's all ignore the perceived threat and hope it isn't real.
Your mind is wrapped into a pretzel, stop embarrassing yourself.
Not expecting the results of the election is embarrassing. Remember when you all used to believe that? Now you have all taken a complete 180 on the Obama/Clinton Russian foreign policy. The only thing that has gained momentum are the conspiracy theories. Nothing else has changed. No new info has been revealed. If it comes I will listen but for now I'll stick with Clapper, Morrell, Rogers and Comey's analysis of the situation over the AMT. Bring some real evidence...otherwise you're all just a broken record.
...... says the guy trying to blame Obama for the corruption in the current admin. Talk about a broken record.
Obama Obama Obama
You're embarrassing yourself.
Blaming Obama for the corruption in the current admin? Is that what is happening? Clearly another person who can't read.
Please...... the house is on fire & you're crying about the smoke alarms & who called the fire department.
The AMT has become the land of unfettered surveillance and Russia hawks! The quick turnaround is fascinatingly impressive.
I am not sure what you mean by that last line.
The NSA.... not cool. I agree that the NSA has been given the okay to be totally out of control, which is pretty sinister. Obama was good in many ways IMO, but how he handled the whole NSA thing during his terms was one of my biggest complaints against him.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I think you may be glossing over a few differences in the stories, but that's ok. You're very busy trying to blame Trump's treasonous behavior on Obama Obama Obama, so I'll cut you some slack.
Another guy who can't keep two concepts in his head at once. Behaviour by one person does not discount behaviour of another. Currently no evidence of "treason by Trump". Currently no evidence of spying conducted by Obama. All we have is the back and forth of accusations against affiliates. I am the one on here who accepts the possibility of illegal actions by both. The rest of you are singularly focused. Don't have the brain capacity to entertain ideas that run counter to your narrative. Can't compute. Can't compute. Still too damaged by the Trump victory.
Whatever you say genius.
Trump & his people keep getting caught up in lie after lie after lie & you're pushing his theories intended to distract & obfuscate reality like a good little lemming. It's almost as if you're not capable of seeing the forest for the trees.
Obama Obama Obama
I see the forest and I see the trees. You only see the russian bear in the woods.
Oh, you see the forest AND the trees, do you? Of course you do, you’re woke AF.
You also predicted the Russia story was going away. How’s that working out for ya?
Not so good, it’s only gained momentum, but that’s ok. You’re more than happy to push the distraction Herr Trump has laid out for his followers, eh? You’re a good little lemming, and cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing.
It’s all phony, right Holden?
Obama Obama Obama
Follow the rubles.
EDIT: Do you realize what a stupid analogy the bear is? Let's all ignore the perceived threat and hope it isn't real.
Your mind is wrapped into a pretzel, stop embarrassing yourself.
Not expecting the results of the election is embarrassing. Remember when you all used to believe that? Now you have all taken a complete 180 on the Obama/Clinton Russian foreign policy. The only thing that has gained momentum are the conspiracy theories. Nothing else has changed. No new info has been revealed. If it comes I will listen but for now I'll stick with Clapper, Morrell, Rogers and Comey's analysis of the situation over the AMT. Bring some real evidence...otherwise you're all just a broken record.
...... says the guy trying to blame Obama for the corruption in the current admin. Talk about a broken record.
Obama Obama Obama
You're embarrassing yourself.
Blaming Obama for the corruption in the current admin? Is that what is happening? Clearly another person who can't read.
The first step in acquiescing to political pressure...
This must confuse the hell out of BS, who saw nothing improper or irregular about Nunes' actions yesterday. It sure got the attention of the Oversight Committee. But again, nothing improper.
MSNBC security analyst Jeremy Bash noted that he served as counsel to the House Intelligence Committee in the past while pointing out that he “never heard of a chairman of an oversight committee going to brief the President of the United States about concerns he had about things he read in an intelligence report.”
"The job of the committee is to do oversight of the executive branch,” Bash exclaimed. “Not to bring them into their investigation or to tip them off to things they may be looking at.”
He continued, “I’ve gotta believe that other members of the committee are horrified at what they just witnessed. This is a chairman that’s supposed to be doing impartial, bipartisan investigations of the president’s inner circle and instead he basically goes and tells the president and his team everything he knows.”
Perhaps instead of saying irregular I should have said unprecedented. Either way BS, you're on the wrong side of this one. I usually appreciate your opposing analysis and opinions and from time to time agree with them, but this was a swing and a miss for you.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
I think you may be glossing over a few differences in the stories, but that's ok. You're very busy trying to blame Trump's treasonous behavior on Obama Obama Obama, so I'll cut you some slack.
Another guy who can't keep two concepts in his head at once. Behaviour by one person does not discount behaviour of another. Currently no evidence of "treason by Trump". Currently no evidence of spying conducted by Obama. All we have is the back and forth of accusations against affiliates. I am the one on here who accepts the possibility of illegal actions by both. The rest of you are singularly focused. Don't have the brain capacity to entertain ideas that run counter to your narrative. Can't compute. Can't compute. Still too damaged by the Trump victory.
Whatever you say genius.
Trump & his people keep getting caught up in lie after lie after lie & you're pushing his theories intended to distract & obfuscate reality like a good little lemming. It's almost as if you're not capable of seeing the forest for the trees.
Obama Obama Obama
I see the forest and I see the trees. You only see the russian bear in the woods.
Oh, you see the forest AND the trees, do you? Of course you do, you’re woke AF.
You also predicted the Russia story was going away. How’s that working out for ya?
Not so good, it’s only gained momentum, but that’s ok. You’re more than happy to push the distraction Herr Trump has laid out for his followers, eh? You’re a good little lemming, and cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing.
It’s all phony, right Holden?
Obama Obama Obama
Follow the rubles.
EDIT: Do you realize what a stupid analogy the bear is? Let's all ignore the perceived threat and hope it isn't real.
Your mind is wrapped into a pretzel, stop embarrassing yourself.
Not expecting the results of the election is embarrassing. Remember when you all used to believe that? Now you have all taken a complete 180 on the Obama/Clinton Russian foreign policy. The only thing that has gained momentum are the conspiracy theories. Nothing else has changed. No new info has been revealed. If it comes I will listen but for now I'll stick with Clapper, Morrell, Rogers and Comey's analysis of the situation over the AMT. Bring some real evidence...otherwise you're all just a broken record.
...... says the guy trying to blame Obama for the corruption in the current admin. Talk about a broken record.
Obama Obama Obama
You're embarrassing yourself.
Blaming Obama for the corruption in the current admin? Is that what is happening? Clearly another person who can't read.
The first step in acquiescing to political pressure...
This must confuse the hell out of BS, who saw nothing improper or irregular about Nunes' actions yesterday. It sure got the attention of the Oversight Committee. But again, nothing improper.
MSNBC security analyst Jeremy Bash noted that he served as counsel to the House Intelligence Committee in the past while pointing out that he “never heard of a chairman of an oversight committee going to brief the President of the United States about concerns he had about things he read in an intelligence report.”
"The job of the committee is to do oversight of the executive branch,” Bash exclaimed. “Not to bring them into their investigation or to tip them off to things they may be looking at.”
He continued, “I’ve gotta believe that other members of the committee are horrified at what they just witnessed. This is a chairman that’s supposed to be doing impartial, bipartisan investigations of the president’s inner circle and instead he basically goes and tells the president and his team everything he knows.”
Perhaps instead of saying irregular I should have said unprecedented. Either way BS, you're on the wrong side of this one. I usually appreciate your opposing analysis and opinions and from time to time agree with them, but this was a swing and a miss for you.
Yeah, and considering Nunes turned around & apologized today, it's safe to say BS missed by a mile.
To the neocon, all of Trump's irregularities are regular. And I'm not talking Metamucil.
Follow the money, from Russia with love, all the way to impeachment.
Neoconservatism is essentially incompatible with nationalism. When the neocons defend Trump, it's clear that it's never about principle, rather the letter next to the name. Democrats have the same issue.
The AMT has become the land of unfettered surveillance and Russia hawks! The quick turnaround is fascinatingly impressive.
I am not sure what you mean by that last line.
The NSA.... not cool. I agree that the NSA has been given the okay to be totally out of control, which is pretty sinister. Obama was good in many ways IMO, but how he handled the whole NSA thing during his terms was one of my biggest complaints against him.
Fair. You actually have been pretty consistent on this.
You also predicted the Russia story was going away. How’s that working out for ya?
Not so good, it’s only gained momentum, but that’s ok. You’re more than happy to push the distraction Herr Trump has laid out for his followers, eh? You’re a good little lemming, and cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing.
It’s all phony, right Holden?
Obama Obama Obama
Follow the rubles.
EDIT: Do you realize what a stupid analogy the bear is? Let's all ignore the perceived threat and hope it isn't real.
Your mind is wrapped into a pretzel, stop embarrassing yourself.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The guy is unhinged, and he is clearly not very intelligent.
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
How does this idiot keep getting shit right?
Obama Obama Obama
You're embarrassing yourself.
Spin, spin, spin the orange POTUS!
what are your thoughts on Tillerson skipping the NATO conference and heading to Russia instead?
bodies are dropping... Putin is blatantly taking everyone out
I bet Manafort didn't cry when he got the news
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Pence just visited and made the Trump position on NATO known.
Deflect, distract, deny.
You're a good little lemming.
The AMT has become the land of unfettered surveillance and Russia hawks! The quick turnaround is fascinatingly impressive.
The NSA.... not cool. I agree that the NSA has been given the okay to be totally out of control, which is pretty sinister. Obama was good in many ways IMO, but how he handled the whole NSA thing during his terms was one of my biggest complaints against him.
But let's not argue about my use of the word irregular, which BS objected to. Let's hear what a former Intelligence Committee counsel said about it: Perhaps instead of saying irregular I should have said unprecedented. Either way BS, you're on the wrong side of this one. I usually appreciate your opposing analysis and opinions and from time to time agree with them, but this was a swing and a miss for you.
Yeah, and considering Nunes turned around & apologized today, it's safe to say BS missed by a mile.
Follow the money, from Russia with love, all the way to impeachment.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.