I know lol sorry my bad bafoon bafoon man what are we gonna do once he's no longer in charge oh wait I forgot he's not in charge its Putin & Bannon the racist who are pulling bafoon's strings lol what a puppet !
Transparency is going to be Trump's greatest legacy. Not because he wants to be transparent, it's just that he has assembled a merry band of idiots that don't know how to coordinate
I would love to see President Trump go head to head w/ a few of you on AMT. Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the Obama Administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia? The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by "intelligence" like candy. Very un-American!
I think optimism is speaking in this thread recently.
I'm not so sure Trump has one foot out the door, folks.
I hope he stays all 4 years because he is obviously a disaster and this is the best thing to ever happen to the progressive movement in North America...
The best part of this fiasco is that it is destroying their credibility and agenda...
But honestly... I want this orange bully to be proven to be a traitor in bed with the Russians and do the perp walk out of the White House.
it's all fun and games until a nuke goes off
I'm of the same thinking. I want his 4 years of nonsense to destroy the republican far right, but at the same time, how much damage is he going to do if he's in office that long.
People thought his candidacy alone would destroy the republican party and yet they are more republicans in government then ever. The Flynn resignation certainly doesn't look good but there is no evidence that Trump is doing "damage". The policies he has put in place are still in line with what his voters wanted and I don't see that changing regardless how messy it appears. His campaign was messy...he had three different campaign managers until he found success. People will be hired and fired based on results and it's quite possible the removal of Flynn will be a blessing in disguise as there has always been tension between him and the intelligence agencies. Nothing that has happened so far has made the electoral terrain any better for the Dems in 2018. The question is when/if the messiness becomes electorally significant?
I think optimism is speaking in this thread recently.
I'm not so sure Trump has one foot out the door, folks.
I hope he stays all 4 years because he is obviously a disaster and this is the best thing to ever happen to the progressive movement in North America...
The best part of this fiasco is that it is destroying their credibility and agenda...
But honestly... I want this orange bully to be proven to be a traitor in bed with the Russians and do the perp walk out of the White House.
it's all fun and games until a nuke goes off
I'm of the same thinking. I want his 4 years of nonsense to destroy the republican far right, but at the same time, how much damage is he going to do if he's in office that long.
People thought his candidacy alone would destroy the republican party and yet they are more republicans in government then ever. The Flynn resignation certainly doesn't look good but there is no evidence that Trump is doing "damage". The policies he has put in place are still in line with what his voters wanted and I don't see that changing regardless how messy it appears. His campaign was messy...he had three different campaign managers until he found success. People will be hired and fired based on results and it's quite possible the removal of Flynn will be a blessing in disguise as there has always been tension between him and the intelligence agencies. Nothing that has happened so far has made the electoral terrain any better for the Dems in 2018. The question is when/if the messiness becomes electorally significant?
Can you tell me the policies that he put in place that are in effect today? I literally can think of zero. All of those EO's he signed were a bunch of marketing fluff.
It certainly isn't much so far but it is a sense of direction. Pipeline approvals aren't fluff. Removal of burdensome regulations is not fluff. A conservative supreme court judge is certainly not fluff. Add to that a direction of a better business environment through improving the tax code, eliminating Obamacare, continued removal of regulation. Add to that a focus on school choice. Add to the enforcing the rule of law. Add to that a harder stance in the war on terror and a tougher stance on Iran. These things are happening and will continue to happen with time.
He didn't do any of the things (outside nominating a SCOTUS). Did you read the Dodd Frank related EO? No substance. Read the first paragraph here:
While not unimportant, the order is largely aspirational as it sets out a broad outline for the reforms the Trump administration will seek in financial regulation. However, the order, in and of itself, does not affect any regulatory changes.
The order does, however, include a directive to the secretary of the Treasury, but that directive — produce a report — will not produce any meaningful changes either.
Has he changed the tax code (don't answer that because you well know that he cannot do that). Has he repealed Obamacare? He also has no power to do that. Rule of law? You mean the EO last week about that? Go ahead and read them and tell me what it actually does.
You are aware that I said "sense of a direction"? I know that he hasn't done these things but this is where policy seems to be moving. Like I said he will be judged on results.
I was reacting to this line "The policies he has put in place are still in line with what his voters wanted and I don't see that changing regardless how messy it appears." I can't find any of those policies. I find statements.
Not much Mrussel but an example where EO's actually have some practical effect.
That's actually quite interesting. And a change like that where the IRS WILL NOT enforce would be material. However, while this story piqued my interest (my wife is a CPA and this is high tax season and we actually had a conversation about the mandate last night), the correction at the bottom was pretty material. Did you see it? The entry of the data wasn't even mandatory in 2016. Now the article says the change was set to go in effect in 17 but is that true? Who knows. The whole point of the article is that Trump wrote an EO and now Obamacare penalties are gone. But that's not true. And the mandate isn't gone. If someone gets audited and they didn't have insurance, they would subject to the amount, the fees and the penalties. No professional CPA is going to recommend to their client that they leave that blank.
Correction: The IRS did not reject silent returns last year, as this story originally indicated. The plan was to go into effect this year, for 2016 returns, but the IRS reversed course on February 3. Reason regrets the error.
I would love to see President Trump go head to head w/ a few of you on AMT. Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the Obama Administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia? The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by "intelligence" like candy. Very un-American!
But he has no problem with a foreign government hacking his political opponents and making their emails public. Waaaaaaaa, all I can do is tweet. With my small, small, sad hands. So sad!!
I would love to see President Trump go head to head w/ a few of you on AMT. Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the Obama Administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia? The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by "intelligence" like candy. Very un-American!
That is a major false equivalencey in regard to Crimea. Bigly.
Team Trump, per reports, was made aware of the Flynn issue several weeks ago, yet seems to have not hatched a plan to downplay the events in that time frame. Odd.
He seems to be the most competent of the group. I don't think he is leaking. Remember, he is the only true politician.
that's exactly why he is leaking...
Trump is the outsider... Pence is the insider... there is no question the republican establishment knows that Trump is a disaster that should have never gotten near the Oval Office... he hurts their chances of getting anything accomplished at this point and its only going to get worse... they also know he is likely going to kill their chances in 2018 & 2020... they ALL hate him and let it be known in the primary season... so they are going to take his ass out and Pence will be installed... and don't think for 1 second that Pence isn't in on it... I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the writing is on the wall
He seems to be the most competent of the group. I don't think he is leaking. Remember, he is the only true politician.
that's exactly why he is leaking...
Trump is the outsider... Pence is the insider... there is no question the republican establishment knows that Trump is a disaster that should have never gotten near the Oval Office... he hurts their chances of getting anything accomplished at this point and its only going to get worse... they also know he is likely going to kill their chances in 2018 & 2020... they ALL hate him and let it be known in the primary season... so they are going to take his ass out and Pence will be installed... and don't think for 1 second that Pence isn't in on it... I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the writing is on the wall
I don't know if that's totally true. First time voters/ Trump voters carried many of the GOP congressmen to victory last year. If there's one thing folks in DC are loyal to, it's someone who drives their numbers up and keeps them in power for a couple more years. Some in the GOP are intelligent enough to ignore that on the fact that there's no way Trump can produce numbers again like he did in 2016. But some are still completely oblivious to it and will be loyal until the end.
A goof. A complete idiot. And an exceptionally unfit, unhealthy, and greasy guy.
If his supporters aren't completely embarrassed at this point... they're too simple to realize they should be embarrassed.
The ship is sinking and rats are fleeing. This is proving to be a landmark event. Hopefully, something positive can come from it when the US sheds its scabs and rebounds from such a debacle.
Has there been a more tumultuous time in our era for that country?
He seems to be the most competent of the group. I don't think he is leaking. Remember, he is the only true politician.
that's exactly why he is leaking...
Trump is the outsider... Pence is the insider... there is no question the republican establishment knows that Trump is a disaster that should have never gotten near the Oval Office... he hurts their chances of getting anything accomplished at this point and its only going to get worse... they also know he is likely going to kill their chances in 2018 & 2020... they ALL hate him and let it be known in the primary season... so they are going to take his ass out and Pence will be installed... and don't think for 1 second that Pence isn't in on it... I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the writing is on the wall
I have assumed that the Republicans have been formulating plans to use Trump as a patsy all along. I doubt they would stand behind him or fight for him very hard if he was impeached. He got the Republicans back in control, but loyalty to him is probably pretty thin. Pence is in a win win situation where he may be viewed as the "savior" to the Trump mess if it came down to it and if the liberal tears kept flowing, it would only be seen as the usual partisan crying. It's a pretty solid political strategy...
He seems to be the most competent of the group. I don't think he is leaking. Remember, he is the only true politician.
that's exactly why he is leaking...
Trump is the outsider... Pence is the insider... there is no question the republican establishment knows that Trump is a disaster that should have never gotten near the Oval Office... he hurts their chances of getting anything accomplished at this point and its only going to get worse... they also know he is likely going to kill their chances in 2018 & 2020... they ALL hate him and let it be known in the primary season... so they are going to take his ass out and Pence will be installed... and don't think for 1 second that Pence isn't in on it... I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the writing is on the wall
I have assumed that the Republicans have been formulating plans to use Trump as a patsy all along. I doubt they would stand behind him or fight for him very hard if he was impeached. He got the Republicans back in control, but loyalty to him is probably pretty thin. Pence is in a win win situation where he may be viewed as the "savior" to the Trump mess if it came down to it and if the liberal tears kept flowing, it would only be seen as the usual partisan crying. It's a pretty solid political strategy...
Oh, wait, that was only female attacking female for outing a man who committed workplace sexual abuse rather than supporting her. Faulty analogy.
Yes it's the first recorded time when a woman (or man) was angry with the person that slept with her/his spouse. In most everyday lives, the woman would side with the other woman and they would end up drinking International Coffee in Paris together. But Hillary being angry with Monica was WAY out of bounds and highly inconsistent with human behavior.
But, she's above all that. She represents all women, and how dare any of them vote against her. She's the pillar of all they stand for. And letting your husband get a blow job from an intern and attacking said intern is what that person stands for as a powerful woman.
I don't disagree with your human behavior comment. But, what kind of human?
And, if I ever got a BJ from an intern and my wife not only stayed with me, but attacked that woman publically, I think I'd have to divorce her.
Yeah sure you would.. You would certainly have the moral high ground in that situation.
utterly laughable.
Did you guys miss the point of that last statement? Too funny. I'll try to talk slower next time.
please, do tell. because to this guy who apparently reads too quickly, it makes very little sense.
Obviously, the scenario I played out is satirical to make a point. It's neither high moral ground nor laughable other than in a satirical sense. So, starting with the "Yeah sure you would," the entirety of the responses are pretty funny. I'm sure most of the folks on here were already in on the joke. Now the 2 of you are, too.
yeah, I get it was satirical. but the point you were making is still obviously non-existent, since you still failed to express it. I'm guessing you won't.
your condescension is cute. clearly the smartest guy in the room.
kinda like my 10 year old.
I am far from smartest guy in the room. But, while the internet is tough on interpreting things like sarcasm and satire, that one was fairly self evident. I mean c'mon. Who's dumb enough to get caught (see? I did it again. I'm not really doing that - or am I? Jesus. Who knows any more? No. Really I'm not. Maybe.)
To me the amusing part is how both of you have taken a our side, his side that you're blinded by anything that's said no matter how obvious. We all fall into that trap (myself included). Doesn't make it any less amusing.
still didn't tell me the point. which I knew you wouldn't/couldn't.
carry on.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
He seems to be the most competent of the group. I don't think he is leaking. Remember, he is the only true politician.
that's exactly why he is leaking...
Trump is the outsider... Pence is the insider... there is no question the republican establishment knows that Trump is a disaster that should have never gotten near the Oval Office... he hurts their chances of getting anything accomplished at this point and its only going to get worse... they also know he is likely going to kill their chances in 2018 & 2020... they ALL hate him and let it be known in the primary season... so they are going to take his ass out and Pence will be installed... and don't think for 1 second that Pence isn't in on it... I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the writing is on the wall
I have assumed that the Republicans have been formulating plans to use Trump as a patsy all along. I doubt they would stand behind him or fight for him very hard if he was impeached. He got the Republicans back in control, but loyalty to him is probably pretty thin. Pence is in a win win situation where he may be viewed as the "savior" to the Trump mess if it came down to it and if the liberal tears kept flowing, it would only be seen as the usual partisan crying. It's a pretty solid political strategy...
It might be me, but I can't imagine republicans thinking they've got an all star on their hands. I'm pretty sure exit strategies are the most common 'between you and me' conversations over scotch and cigars these days.
I think optimism is speaking in this thread recently.
I'm not so sure Trump has one foot out the door, folks.
I hope he stays all 4 years because he is obviously a disaster and this is the best thing to ever happen to the progressive movement in North America...
The best part of this fiasco is that it is destroying their credibility and agenda...
But honestly... I want this orange bully to be proven to be a traitor in bed with the Russians and do the perp walk out of the White House.
it's all fun and games until a nuke goes off
I'm of the same thinking. I want his 4 years of nonsense to destroy the republican far right, but at the same time, how much damage is he going to do if he's in office that long.
People thought his candidacy alone would destroy the republican party and yet they are more republicans in government then ever. The Flynn resignation certainly doesn't look good but there is no evidence that Trump is doing "damage". The policies he has put in place are still in line with what his voters wanted and I don't see that changing regardless how messy it appears. His campaign was messy...he had three different campaign managers until he found success. People will be hired and fired based on results and it's quite possible the removal of Flynn will be a blessing in disguise as there has always been tension between him and the intelligence agencies. Nothing that has happened so far has made the electoral terrain any better for the Dems in 2018. The question is when/if the messiness becomes electorally significant?
I think optimism is speaking in this thread recently.
I'm not so sure Trump has one foot out the door, folks.
I hope he stays all 4 years because he is obviously a disaster and this is the best thing to ever happen to the progressive movement in North America...
The best part of this fiasco is that it is destroying their credibility and agenda...
But honestly... I want this orange bully to be proven to be a traitor in bed with the Russians and do the perp walk out of the White House.
it's all fun and games until a nuke goes off
I'm of the same thinking. I want his 4 years of nonsense to destroy the republican far right, but at the same time, how much damage is he going to do if he's in office that long.
People thought his candidacy alone would destroy the republican party and yet they are more republicans in government then ever. The Flynn resignation certainly doesn't look good but there is no evidence that Trump is doing "damage". The policies he has put in place are still in line with what his voters wanted and I don't see that changing regardless how messy it appears. His campaign was messy...he had three different campaign managers until he found success. People will be hired and fired based on results and it's quite possible the removal of Flynn will be a blessing in disguise as there has always been tension between him and the intelligence agencies. Nothing that has happened so far has made the electoral terrain any better for the Dems in 2018. The question is when/if the messiness becomes electorally significant?
Can you tell me the policies that he put in place that are in effect today? I literally can think of zero. All of those EO's he signed were a bunch of marketing fluff.
It certainly isn't much so far but it is a sense of direction. Pipeline approvals aren't fluff. Removal of burdensome regulations is not fluff. A conservative supreme court judge is certainly not fluff. Add to that a direction of a better business environment through improving the tax code, eliminating Obamacare, continued removal of regulation. Add to that a focus on school choice. Add to the enforcing the rule of law. Add to that a harder stance in the war on terror and a tougher stance on Iran. These things are happening and will continue to happen with time.
He didn't do any of the things (outside nominating a SCOTUS). Did you read the Dodd Frank related EO? No substance. Read the first paragraph here:
While not unimportant, the order is largely aspirational as it sets out a broad outline for the reforms the Trump administration will seek in financial regulation. However, the order, in and of itself, does not affect any regulatory changes.
The order does, however, include a directive to the secretary of the Treasury, but that directive — produce a report — will not produce any meaningful changes either.
Has he changed the tax code (don't answer that because you well know that he cannot do that). Has he repealed Obamacare? He also has no power to do that. Rule of law? You mean the EO last week about that? Go ahead and read them and tell me what it actually does.
You are aware that I said "sense of a direction"? I know that he hasn't done these things but this is where policy seems to be moving. Like I said he will be judged on results.
I was reacting to this line "The policies he has put in place are still in line with what his voters wanted and I don't see that changing regardless how messy it appears." I can't find any of those policies. I find statements.
Not much Mrussel but an example where EO's actually have some practical effect.
That's actually quite interesting. And a change like that where the IRS WILL NOT enforce would be material. However, while this story piqued my interest (my wife is a CPA and this is high tax season and we actually had a conversation about the mandate last night), the correction at the bottom was pretty material. Did you see it? The entry of the data wasn't even mandatory in 2016. Now the article says the change was set to go in effect in 17 but is that true? Who knows. The whole point of the article is that Trump wrote an EO and now Obamacare penalties are gone. But that's not true. And the mandate isn't gone. If someone gets audited and they didn't have insurance, they would subject to the amount, the fees and the penalties. No professional CPA is going to recommend to their client that they leave that blank.
Correction: The IRS did not reject silent returns last year, as this story originally indicated. The plan was to go into effect this year, for 2016 returns, but the IRS reversed course on February 3. Reason regrets the error.
I didn't see that...might have gone up after I posted. Either way that's a massive error by Reason. Makes the article almost meaningless.
That Netanyahu press conference really confused me. I thought this administation was stacked with Bannon like anti-semites and nazis?! Please help me figure this out?
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
I told you guys this was more fun than the W years lol
Is Stephen Miller an alien? Or is he a cyborg? I'm torn
seems obvious to me
Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the Obama Administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia? The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by "intelligence" like candy. Very un-American!
Correction: The IRS did not reject silent returns last year, as this story originally indicated. The plan was to go into effect this year, for 2016 returns, but the IRS reversed course on February 3. Reason regrets the error.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Trump is the outsider... Pence is the insider... there is no question the republican establishment knows that Trump is a disaster that should have never gotten near the Oval Office... he hurts their chances of getting anything accomplished at this point and its only going to get worse... they also know he is likely going to kill their chances in 2018 & 2020... they ALL hate him and let it be known in the primary season... so they are going to take his ass out and Pence will be installed... and don't think for 1 second that Pence isn't in on it... I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the writing is on the wall
If his supporters aren't completely embarrassed at this point... they're too simple to realize they should be embarrassed.
The ship is sinking and rats are fleeing. This is proving to be a landmark event. Hopefully, something positive can come from it when the US sheds its scabs and rebounds from such a debacle.
Has there been a more tumultuous time in our era for that country?
carry on.
-EV 8/14/93
Drug catapult found attached to Mexican side of US border fence
Published February 15, 2017 FoxNews.com
President Trump's gonna need a taller wall.
Following up on a tip by the U.S. Border Patrol, Mexican authorities in the border town of Agua Prieta seized a catapult being used to throw bundles of marijuana and possibly other drugs over the border to Douglas, Arizona. see more at
-EV 8/14/93
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14