Ten reissue sampler set - colour coded vinyls to sleeves - For sale

pdalowskypdalowsky Doncaster,UK Posts: 15,097
The collectionzz.com site owner asked me to flag up that he managed to secure a small quantity of the sampler sets for sale on the collectionzz.com site for the Pearl Jam Collecting community, heres what he has posted up there: -

"I have gotten a lot of interest and requests for these Vinyl sets and thought it would be great to get our hands on some and offer them to the collecting community. I know there have been a few of these that turned up over the past few months...but there are only 200 and we are trying to help reallocate some of the supply from that same owner and collection. They are 100% authentic, original and MINT and part of the editions of 200. If they ever turn out not to be for any insane reason.... I will offer a lifetime full money back guarantee.

We have 3 sets available at the moment and are offering them very reasonably priced...."

They can be purchased via this link,


The source of this records is the only place I have ever seen these records for sale, he is connected directly to the pressing plant that produced them. I got caught out big time on this item, paying a huge premium for my set some years ago now, but I never saw them dropping to this kind of bargain price at any time.....But then that's the collectors gamble - sometimes we hold off and then miss the prize and its never seen again. You win some you lose some, and on this occasion I lost, but that means this can be someone else gain. Grab them whilst they are there.

Shipping will be from NYC


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