Does White Privilege Exist?
White privilege (or white skin privilege) is a term for societal privileges that benefit people identified as white in Western countries, beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstances. Academic perspectives such as critical race theory and whiteness studies use the concept of "white privilege" to analyze how racism and racialized societies affect the lives of white or white-skinned people.
I'm fair-skinned due to my dad's heritage, but my mom is one of them brown-skinned folks. I'm proud of how her family turned nothing into something (someONES) after coming to the US in the 40s, and later in the 70s.
Guess I consider myself fortunate vs the term privileged as I had wonderful building blocks as a kid, but I worked my ass off to stack them in a way to make a happy life, overall.
I thought about adding another option but in my opinion it either exists or it doesn't. I think it's that black and white. If you think it does exist we can debate to what degree....and add in variables and nuance.
Look at it this way, if you believe racism exists then you don't have to take a giant leap to believe that white privilege exists. All of our systems are made up of people.....if any person with any kind of power (mostly white males) within that system has racial bias, whether intentional or not, than that person or system will put the people of colour at a disadvantage.....therefore giving whites a leg up. Does that make sense?
So in turn you would have to believe that racism no longer exists, if white privilege doesn't exist.
sexism+males= male privilege
same as
racism+whites= white privilege
Clear as mud?
Edit: I should also be a bit more clear here....I don't mean to say that just because I benefit from the system (I'm a white male) that makes me sexist/ just means that I benefit.
Instead of focusing on bringing whites down because of some imagined privilege, focus on why blacks have racist actions toward them.
But people like jesse and al need a job.
Every candidate since I've been an adult, which is 4 or 5 elections always has equality as a major component of their campaign. We've become so culturally sensitive to counteract even the slightest impression of racism. Many schools aren't even allowed to celebrate cinco de mayo because they are afraid to offend someone.
Yes some individuals are racist, but it is not socially acceptable and is by far the minority. and like I said you can find them of all colors.
What in the actual fuck???
They have racist actions toward them BECAUSE THERE ARE RACISTS!
I guess you're one of the people who defends rapists because the girl wore a skirt. Cuz ya know, let's focus on why women have rape actions toward them.
White on black crime is nearly nothing, black on black crime is the highest amount of crime, by far, done to black people.
Their response: White Privilege.
If I'm walking with my black friend, his name will be Mark, and a cop walks up to us and accuses Mark of a crime it isn't because of white privilege. It's because the cop either has someone that fits his description, or he's racist. Blaming me for that is a liberal made up safe space cop out.