Horrible experience at Wrigley 2 (also posted this at Given to Fly)

Horrible experience/treatment at the Pearl Jam Show on Monday August 22nd.

at the last second on the day of the show, I purchased 3 tickets on Stones side, to ADA Section 2 row 3, seats 8, 9, and 10 on the secondary market for $1197, combined(399 ea.). one ticket was for my wife, one for myself, and one for my wifes friend who lives in Chicago who we were staying with (figuring that purchasing her a ticket is the least we could do with her saving us money on hotel fees). Now before you come on here giving me crap about paying 4x face value, save it. The last thing I need to hear on this subject is more commentary from someone who doesn't know the situation that occurred. Just know this, I don't have a ton of money. This represents A LOT of money for my family, particularily with my wife currently not working in her normal teaching position to stay at home with our 2 year old son, which we deem more important in the grand scheme of life. In any event, I've always wanted to see Pearl Jam really close, and the price was relatively good compared to what other tickets were selling for on the secondary market. This was our vacation, lifes too short, so what the hell? It will be an amazing experience and we will survive. So we bought them.

When we arrived to the stadium, around 7:15, well before Pearl Jam took the stage, the majority of the ushers didn't even know what ADA seating was. Several of them sent us back out to the concourse, and most wouldn't even listen to me trying to explain that ADA was in front of GA. There was one usher in particular who controlled the entrance to field access who was just screaming uncontrollably "Move it! Move it! Move it!" on repeat to no one in particular, like it was "foxymop" on repeat. She wouldnt even look at my ticket as clearly the position was just far too stressful for her. This was a common theme in the attempt to get to our seats... people would tell us where to go without even looking at our tickets, and then those that knew, didn't know what ADA was and wouldn't listen to me trying to tell them what it actually was, that it was in front of GA. This cost us tons of time. Finally, I ran into some ushers who actually knew the stadium field layout, and got sent in the right direction.

As I was arriving to the entrance for ADA seating, which there was only one entrance into the whole area and it was on Mikes side, Pearl Jam had taken the stage and was finishing the opening song, Oceans. Two ushers, controlling the entrance, told myself, my wife, and my wifes friend, that we could not enter the ADA seating as it was full. I was dumbfounded. One usher, his name being Marc badge number B11846 (which I would find out later, due to incredible karma. More on that later) He told me that this area was GA, and it was full. I told him that he was mistaken and this is ADA seating and not GA and we have seats, row 3, seats 8, 9, and 10, in section 2 which is to the right side of the stage. He essentially told me that they were gone, given to someone else as there is a lot of "friends and family" here tonight. I said there is an actual seat number on my ticket and good for those people but I need a seat as well, and asked him to show me where on my ticket it said GA. I also told him if it was actual GA, which it wasnt, I would of been there when the doors opened. I also explain to him how much mone ythis represents to me. He basically told me paraphrasing, rude as can be, "tough," and also said to my wife, "are you trying to take a seat away from a person in a wheelchair?"

At this point I am livid and will continue to be for the remainder of the evening. First of all, my wife as a teacher before leaving to stay at home with our child was with emotionally impaired and abused children at Beacon Day Treatment in the greater Detroit area. Shit you can't even imagine. Don't try and insinuate that we don't care about disabled people, or anyone less fortunate than us. How dare you. I'm not trying to take a seat away from someone in a wheelchair... I told him just put us in the back of the ADA. I noticed how the layout was... all of the people in wheel chairs were placed towards the front with a wide berth so they had easy access in and out to go to the bathroom/concessions.etc. All of the people who werent disabled were behind them . I told them, I don't care who has my spot and they can have it, but I paid to be in the section so I could see the show, just let us in, and we will find a spot towards the back, far out of the way of any wheelchair bound fans. Secondly, don't try to make me feel immoral because I want the seat that I paid a lot of money for. Sorry if I believe we should get what we paid for. Again, this represented A LOT of money to us. Thirdly, I looked at the law BEFORE purchasing those seats, because I didn't want to take away a seat from someone, and after my research I was convinced by the letter of the law that I wouldn't. Paraphrasing ADA policy: 1) an usher doesn't have a right to ask what your disability is or if you have one, 2) a disabled person is allowed to sell their tickets on the secondary market to a non-disabled person, as that would be discriminatory if you prevented that, 3) If there is a person with a disability without accessible seating, the venue must create one for you, so effectively, anyone who had a regular seat but needed wheelchair seating would have a spot created for them.

By now were several songs in, and I say to my wife and her friend, let's try the right side of the stage again as thats the side our seats are... (not knowing this wasn't an ADA entrance on this side) Maybe we will luck into a different usher on that side who will know what ADA seating is (none of them did the first time we tried there, seeing as how we were actually supposed to be on that side.) We went over there, and they wouldn't let us pass. At that time, I figured out that this was the VIP/Backstage entrance. Fron there, we decided to go back to the left side of the stage to try again with the jerk ushers. This time, the other usher, Harry, badge # C8383, said that we could sit right against the rail in front of him... this was 5 feet from where we were arguing, and about 200 feet from where our actual seats were. I could see literally nothing, except for the left video screen. We attempted for all of 5 seconds, and then I declined.

I talked to my wife and her friend, and we didnt know what to do... we were torn with just trying to watch from the actual GA which we had access to, or go try and talk to guest services. We decided to watch from GA. At this point Corduroy was playing(love the new bridge). We walked to the GA entrance and of course could barely squeeze in, and couldn't see anything. I'm 5'9, my wife is 5'6, and her friend is 4' 11" tops. We attempted to watch the show from this vantage for a few of songs, through Animal, but were just too irritated with being denied our actual seats and not being able to see anything. We knew this was just flat out bullshit. We decided to go to guest services. After about 5 to 10 minutes, we finally figured out where that was, and found a guest services stand. We told our story and the woman listening was very nice and sympathetic, and she took us to the main guest services counter where we told our story again. During this, Given to Fly followed by Immortailty played, two of my favorite songs, but I digress. This women was also very nice and said that it was very unfortunate what had happened to us. She told me she could do a couple things. First, she could give us seats in section V, towards the back, worst case. Second, she could send the first woman with us to go talk to the ushers. I told her politely, that thank you, while I appreciate you guys just for listening, if I would have wanted Field V I would of bought something like that, and I really wanted to be in the section that we paid for. She said she understood, and the first lady took us to talk to the ADA ushers. (I forgot the names of both of these women and never got their badge numbers... i guess thats how it goes, the most helpful end up being the first forgotten, but I want to say that these two people were super nice and sympathetic and i want to tell them thanks again for the effort).



  • Anyway, we walked to the ADA seating and actually took a different path... for a second I thought we were actually going backstage and everything in the world was lining up for us finally, but instead we actually went to the ADA ushers. The guest services woman talked to Marc, who at first told her rudely no, and turned his back on her, to which point she told us that he was one of her least favorite co-workers. She went to talk to him again, and finally after some deliberation, Marc relented and let us in. Thats when Harry stepped in. Harry was at this point hostile and told her that they offered us seats (the ones right next to them at the entrance, nowhere near the actual section) and that under no uncertain circumstances were we going to come into the section. At this point, there was basically a standstill where the guest services woman didnt know what to do or say, and I was pleading with Harry. The guest services woman didnt know what to do and just left. This was during Deep or jeremy. I then started screaming at Harry and took down his badge number. I cannot believe an usher would trump Guest services.

    From this point, we decided to try and watch from GA again, I'm not sure why, but I think we had just given up... and up until about Lukin, I recall this because I remember being able to see the video screen to watch Eddie stop the show to remove the asshole we stayed in the back of GA. Aroudn this point, we came to the agreement that if we wanted to watch a video screen, we could of periscoped the show and saved 1197 dollars. After this, We went back to the ADA entrance to plead our case again. We were denied by Marc, and essentially now my "concert" became watching Marc and Harry.

    We then went and stood a couple feet behind Marc. A few minutes later, Marc let several attractive, non disabled, women into ADA, one of which was a gorgeous blonde who proceeded to start walking on chairs well into the section and stood on one to watch the show Marc watched all of this. My wife was video taping. I got in his face about how he would let them in but not us, why was that? Did it have anything to do with their looks? Marc won't talk to me. A few minutes later my wifes friend, who is attractive, and was never prominently featured in any of the arguing shows Marc her ticket AND MARC LETS HER THROUGH. I follow behind and Marc runs down to get me and grabs me to pull me out of the section. I get him off of me, and tell him do you realize what you just did? You let her in (my wifes friend). Why did you let her in? Do you only let in attractive women? He realized he had fucked up. I ask to see his badge and he TUCKED HIS BADGE IN HIS SHIRT. I am not joking. I asked for Marc to remove it, and he refused. I asked his name... at first he said it was Marcus, and then he said it was Michael. hes now openly lying to me about his name (as I said, of which I will find out later, including his badge number.) I am fuming. A couple behind tells me to calm down. I turn around and as calmly as I can, and i think I did a decent job, tell them "you have no idea what we have been through with these two ushers."

    Several minutes later, into the encores, a fight breaks out at the entrance to ADA seating, by Marc and Harry. A violent drunk guy throws another guy onto a man in a wheelchair who was trying to return to his seat. My wife and I help the man off of the man in the wheelchair. The violent drunk guy who started the fight runs away. 5 minutes later, that guy returns, and I shit you not, Marc LETS HIM IN. I step in immediately and scream at Marc, "Youre going to let him in?? He threw a guy onto a guy in a wheelchair." Marc is at this point, easily the worst usher in the history of concerts. The security guy behind the rail (affiliated with the band maybe?) who had been standing there since the first note of the show, literally grabbed the violent drunk guy from over the rail and drags him out of the show. This little factoid makes me feel validated that I am justified in my grievance and not an asshole. This security guy has been witness to most of the interaction between Myself and Marc/Harry, which I've been screaming through large portions of. Ive made a point to never touch either of the two jerk ushers, and I'm not that kind of person anyway... but the security guy could of easily removed me, but never did. At this point, Marc tells me I have ruined the show for myself. hes now rubbing my nose in it.
    The rest of the concert goes like this with me trying to get Marcs badge. Towards the end, in "Alive" I believe, Marc says to me, "ok... Ill let you guys go in now." I know what hes trying to do... hes trying to give me a little something so I don't file a complaint. I say to him, "oh youre going to let me enjoy the show from where I was supposed to for about 5 to 7 songs? Gee thanks." marc tells me (badge still in shirt btw," that "oh no... these guys play like 9 encores. The shows just started." I am not in the mood to argue how Pearl Jam setlists work and at what point "Alive" is usually featured, and I know I shouldn't take his handout, but I accept. Harry however, steps in and screams no... like hell you will come in here. This guy was a peach. I am not exagerrating, he was fullblown hostile. I scream irrationally at Harry. The show goes on.

    During Yellow Ledbetter with the lights on and people are now leaving the section to beat traffic, Harry says if you want ,we can sit in these seats right here... he points at them... theyre right in front of where were arguing... just like before. I barely have an angle on the video screen, let alone seeing any of the actual show. I tell Harry, heavy sarcasm, "Oh Thanks Harry!!! Gracious, generous Harry!!! thanks, but no thanks. Go fuck yourself."

    The show is now over and my main goal in life is to try and keep tabs on Marc to get his actual name and badge number. I'm also watching people come out of ADA seating, and some of their disabilities are sketchy at best, but the best one for certain has to be this woman clearly drunk walking with this fashionable cane, and she doesn't even know a this point what side her limp is supposed to be or what hand she should use the cane with. She actually switches the cane several times and which leg shes limping on. I am not exagerrating. It was sickening. I DO NOT however, say anything about this to anyone other than my wife, because I don't feel like getting into this sort of thing, and karma is going to fuck that woman over hard one of these days, I figure.

    I'm still keeping tabs on Marc, and I'm telling him, I can't believe you denied us our seats. We paid over a weeks pay for these. These two fans from Australia emerge from the middle of the ADA seating and appear with their opinion. Both able-bodied, the first one, extrememly tall with ripped muscles tells me that I need to calm down... Im an asshole trying to take seats from wheelchair bound people. So basically, I have a guy who obviously has a lot more disposable income then me who was sitting in ADA, possibly even in my seats, telling me I need to calmp down. Obviously hes just trying to act like a hardass. His friend, my size, tells my wife "Shes hot, and one of the most beautiful women hes ever seen." In front of me. Im not kidding. My wife and I don't have time for this sort of testerone induced bullshit, but to whomever you two are... there is a good chance youre reading the boards... Fuck off.

  • Somehow Marc during the Australian commentary slips out, and I try and follow him but lose him. I am depressed and demoralized. We decide to go to Murphys to meet up with our friend who was also at the show. Who do I run into at Murphys??? MARC. Karma is a bitch. I finally get his badge, and his name. Marc with a C. I have now given up yelling about anything and I am just talking to him normally. He tells me how sorry he is and he really wishes in retrospect that he would of given us our seats. He says he really wanted to let us in, but Harry refused and basically Harrys his boss and it's all Harrys fault. I tell him how much we paid for the tickets and he said, "oh my god, you should of just told me. (Seriously... what does it matter how much it is when I say over a weeks pay?) He buys my wife and I a drink. Afterwards, he tells me that he has cancer and he has maybe 3 years to live (but hes not telling me this to feel sorry for him.) I am not kidding. I go from pencil to penning this guy as a grade A asshole, and not out loud but to myself, I doubt his cancer considering he is ripping shots of Jameson and hitting on girls half his age. We call an uber and head back to my wifes friends apartment. We are all dejected and depressed.

    The following day, I go to the stubhub office and tell my story and ask for a full refund. They are mortified... but they say the best that they can do is refund me half of the money, and that I should of called stubhub the moment the ushers wouldn't let me pass as they have agents there to handle things. I wish I would have thought to call them, but I didn't. Its hard to think straight when youre getting effed with. They told me to contact wrigley, which I will do, but I tell them there isn't a whole lot wrigley can do for me. I live in Detroit. What are they going to do? Give me Cubs tickets? That doesn't do a whole lot for me."

    Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience here. The show seemed like a good one. Too bad I missed most of it. I just wanted to see Pearl Jam from very close and rock out for 3 hours. I thought that was going to happen that night. Boy was I wrong.

    Thanks to anyone and everyone who reads this far, and if you're commenting to give me shit, please note that I have already taken a lot of it.

  • Edit:

    I wont post on Given to Fly. One thread is good enough. Sorry.
  • a5pja5pj Posts: 3,882
    wow, sucks
    Wouldn't it be funny if the world ended in 2010, with lots of fire?

  • jbalicki10jbalicki10 Posts: 517
    Holy Wall of Text.... tltr:
    1) Man overpays for ADA seating for himself and friends
    2) Gets denied for ADA seating as it looks like it was oversold
    3) Runs around trying to fix it during the concert to no avail.
    4) Finally gets a seat at the end for 2 songs
    5) Stub Hub refunds only half the money.
    6) Still pissed... because of crappy ushers...

  • Tim SimmonsTim Simmons Posts: 7,803
    Sounds shitty. One thing I'm unclear on, were any of you three disabled?
  • No. None of us were disabled. The majority of the people sitting ADA were not disabled.
  • jbalicki10jbalicki10 Posts: 517

    No. None of us were disabled. The majority of the people sitting ADA were not disabled.

    Just to be fair to this guy, ADA seating is opened to all after an amount of tickets are sold. However, technically he could get booted from a seat to make accommodations to other ADA people. What it sounds like, there were some ADA people who were added to the section after they purchased normal seats. This caused the oversold because their friends wanted to be near by. They didnt kick non ADA people out. Which they should have done.... source... I was an usher/security long time ago...
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,680
    yeah, I don't know how that goes... are ADA typically set aside specifically for people with disabilities (and anyone who may be a friend)? Are they on sale to the general public?

    I think if I bought ADA tickets on the secondary market I know I would be a bit stressed that this would happen.
  • Wma31394Wma31394 Posts: 3,045
    edited August 2016
    "we were torn with just trying to watch from the actual GA which we had access to"

    (I know people who would have given fingers for GA)

    No disabled people??..how do you know?
    "Going where the water tastes like wine!"
  • Whoa..so sorry you guys had to go through all that. I hope you are able to work something out with stubhub and get a full refund. Why do some people have to be complete a**holes??????
    I wish I was an alien at home behind the sun.....
    I wanna race..with the sundown..I want a last breath..I don't let out...
  • I would like to think in a perfect world, an ADA person sold me my tickets on stubhub and profited. Odds are though, it was probably just a mass broker. It doesn't matter. You can't prevent ADA people from selling to non ADA people as that would be discriminatory. You don't have to be ADA to sit ADA. They just have to make seating available to people who need wheel chair access. I've looked this up. I didnt do anything wrong, and as I stated, I wasn't trying to take a seat from someone in a wheelchair. I told him to put us in the back.
  • pjalive21pjalive21 Posts: 2,818
    edited August 2016
    sounds like an overall crappy experience that was mismanaged from all angles, but it sounds like ADA is a roll of the dice if you aren't handicapped
    Post edited by pjalive21 on
  • LukinFanLukinFan Posts: 29,040
    Wma31394 said:

    "we were torn with just trying to watch from the actual GA which we had access to"

    (I know people who would have given fingers for GA)

    No disabled people??..how do you know?

    I think he/she is saying that no one in their party was disabled.

    1996: Ft Lauderdale
    1998: Birmingham
    2000: Charlotte, Tampa
    2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
    2004: Kissimmee
    2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
    2010: MSG2
    2012: Music Midtown
    2014: Memphis
    2016: Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Jacksonville, JazzFest
    2018: Wrigley 1, Fenway 1
    2022: Nashville
    2023: Ft. Worth II
  • Wma31394 said:

    "we were torn with just trying to watch from the actual GA which we had access to"

    (I know people who would have given fingers for GA)

    No disabled people??..how do you know?

    I gave 1197 dollars to sit in my seats. If I would of know GA was my only option, I would have gotten there a hell of a lot earlier. You clearly didnt read most of what I wrote, which is understandable since it is long... but if youre not going to read it, then don't comment.
  • Wma31394Wma31394 Posts: 3,045
    I would never buy seats for designated disabled...from any market.
    "Going where the water tastes like wine!"
  • Wma31394Wma31394 Posts: 3,045
    edited August 2016

    Wma31394 said:

    "we were torn with just trying to watch from the actual GA which we had access to"

    (I know people who would have given fingers for GA)

    No disabled people??..how do you know?

    I gave 1197 dollars to sit in my seats. If I would of know GA was my only option, I would have gotten there a hell of a lot earlier. You clearly didnt read most of what I wrote, which is understandable since it is long... but if youre not going to read it, then don't comment.
    How much you paid is irrelevant..listen I don't think your a scumbag or anything I'm just saying I wouldn't buy tix in that area. You should have had access to your seats.
    Post edited by Wma31394 on
    "Going where the water tastes like wine!"
  • LukinFan said:

    Wma31394 said:

    "we were torn with just trying to watch from the actual GA which we had access to"

    (I know people who would have given fingers for GA)

    No disabled people??..how do you know?

    I think he/she is saying that no one in their party was disabled.
    Yes. No one in my party was disabled. Also, the majority of the people who were in the ADA seating section were not disabled. Being disabled isn't an actual requirement to sit ADA. Again, I wasn't trying to take a seat from anyone who was disabled. My wife and I are not like that. MY seats were taken from me, and I was denied access to the entire section. I should have been allowed to join those who were essentially standing room only in the ADA, which I would of been happy with.
  • Wma31394 said:

    Wma31394 said:

    "we were torn with just trying to watch from the actual GA which we had access to"

    (I know people who would have given fingers for GA)

    No disabled people??..how do you know?

    I gave 1197 dollars to sit in my seats. If I would of know GA was my only option, I would have gotten there a hell of a lot earlier. You clearly didnt read most of what I wrote, which is understandable since it is long... but if youre not going to read it, then don't comment.
    How much you paid is irrelevant.
    I'm sorry? You're telling me what is relevant to the situation now?
  • Gtilley8Gtilley8 Posts: 985
    As the named "friend" in the story who was also at the show, I've got to vouch for Franny. When I showed up at Murphy's to meet him and his wife after the show, I noticed he was in an extremely mild-mannered conversation with said Marc. When i heard the story, I was even more impressed with how he handled himself. Now that I've heard more details than were able to be said at that time, I'm really embarrassed about it.... Considering I'm a life-long Cubs fan and huge champion of all things Wrigley. Every summer I attempt to coax friends to go out to Wrigley with me, see a game, take in the amazing area that is Wrigleyville, and come away loving it as much as I do. I'm guessing this will not be the case with Franny, and i totally understand.
    2000 - 8/21 - Columbus, OH
    2003 - 6/18 - Chicago, IL
    2006 - 5/22 - Auburn Hills, MI
    2007 - 8/5 - Chicago, IL
    2015 - 9/26 - New York, NY
    2016 - 4/16 - Greenville, SC; 8/20 - Chicago, IL; 8/22 - Chicago, IL
    2018 - 8/18 - Chicago, IL; 8/20 - Chicago, IL

  • pjalive21 said:

    sounds like an overall crappy experience that was mismanaged from all angles, but it sounds like ADA is a roll of the dice if you aren't handicapped

    Thanks. Yeah... never again. I really wanted to sit close for once and the price seemed (relatively) good. If I ever impulsively buy tix again, it will be in an arena, and never any baseball stadium situation, again. This still doesn't excuse how incompetent the two ushers were.
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,680
    I think I would be more sympathetic if you weren't so judgemental at times throughout your story. You had tickets for the ADA section, were denied entry (whether it was right or wrong I have no clue).... and in the process of telling the story you accuse various people of faking disabilities and even faking cancer.

    Oh yeah, Stubhub does have that guarantee, although some operator would have tried to get you 'comparable' tickets which really do not exist at that point.

    This is kind of a recurring nightmare I have in various forms, whether attending a concert or getting ready to play in/watch a sporting event, etc.
  • jbalicki10jbalicki10 Posts: 517
    OP: Chalk it up a painful lesson learned.... dont buy ADA unless ADA. Sorry for your loss it sucks. Believe it or not there are a lot of ADA PJ fans out there that need those seats. If you were ADA or anyone in your group, you have a big lawsuit. Your lucky stub hub paid money back. I hope you have better luck next time.

  • MayDay10 said:

    I think I would be more sympathetic if you weren't so judgemental at times throughout your story. You had tickets for the ADA section, were denied entry (whether it was right or wrong I have no clue).... and in the process of telling the story you accuse various people of faking disabilities and even faking cancer.

    Oh yeah, Stubhub does have that guarantee, although some operator would have tried to get you 'comparable' tickets which really do not exist at that point.

    This is kind of a recurring nightmare I have in various forms, whether attending a concert or getting ready to play in/watch a sporting event, etc.

    Both the phony disability situation and the cancer thing occurred when the show was over, and the latter happening at the bar. It doesn't matter if someone was or wasn't disabled... You didn't ened to be to sit ADA. and as for Marc telling me he has cancer... why??? Seriously, why even tell me that?
  • Gtilley8 said:

    As the named "friend" in the story who was also at the show, I've got to vouch for Franny. When I showed up at Murphy's to meet him and his wife after the show, I noticed he was in an extremely mild-mannered conversation with said Marc. When i heard the story, I was even more impressed with how he handled himself. Now that I've heard more details than were able to be said at that time, I'm really embarrassed about it.... Considering I'm a life-long Cubs fan and huge champion of all things Wrigley. Every summer I attempt to coax friends to go out to Wrigley with me, see a game, take in the amazing area that is Wrigleyville, and come away loving it as much as I do. I'm guessing this will not be the case with Franny, and i totally understand.

    Thanks Greg.
    You should have known better than to try and find a loophole to get into the ADA section.
    This was nobody's fault but your own.
    4/22/92 St. Petersburg, 8/23/92 Orlando, 3/29/94 St. Petersburg, 10/7/96 Ft. Lauderdale, 9/8/98 East Rutherford, 9/22/98 West Palm Beach, 9/23/98 West Palm Beach, 8/9/00 West Palm Beach, 8/10/00 West Palm Beach, 8/12/00 Tampa, 4/11/03 West Palm Beach, 4/13/03 Tampa, 6/2/03 Irvine, 6/3/03 Irvine, 9/28/04 Boston, 9/29/04 Boston, 9/1/05 George WA, 9/11/05 Kitchener, 9/12/05 London, 9/13/05 Hamilton, 10/03/05 Philadelphia, 5/16/06 Chicago, 5/17/06 Chicago, 6/23/06 Pittsburgh, 6/24/06 Cincinnati, 6/11/08, West Palm Beach, 6/12/08 Tampa, 6/19/08 Camden, 6/20/08 Camden, 8/23/09 Chicago, 8/24/09 Chicago, 10/27/09 Philadelphia, 10/28/09 Philadelphia, 10/30/09 Philadelphia, 10/31/09 Philadelphia, 5/18/10 New Jersey, 5/20/10 New York, 5/21/10 New York, 9/3/11 East Troy, 9/4/11 East Troy, 9/11/11 Toronto, 9/12/11 Toronto, 9/02/12 Philadelphia, 9/21/12 Pensacola, 7/19/13 Chicago, 10/18/13 Brooklyn, 10/19/13 Brooklyn, 11/23/13 LA, 10/24/13 LA, 11/16/13 Oklahoma City, 10/1/14 Cincinnati, 10/20/14 Milwaukee, 10/22/14 Denver, 4/8/16 Ft. Lauderdale, 4/9/16 Miami, 4/11/16 Tampa, 5/1/16 New York, 5/2/16 New York, 8/5/16 Boston, 8/7/16 Boston, 8/20/16 Chicago, 8/22/16 Chicago, 4/07/17 New York, 8/08/18 Seattle, 8/10/18 Seattle, 8/20/18 Chicago
    9/02/18 Boston, 9/04/18 Boston, 9/11/22 New York, 9/16/22 Nashville, 9/22/22 Denver, 8/31/23, St. Paul, 9/2/23 St. Paul, 9/18/23 Austin, 9/19/23 Austin
  • PJINFLA said:

    You should have known better than to try and find a loophole to get into the ADA section.
    This was nobody's fault but your own.

    Wow... this wasn't some loophole. You could accuse the majority of people sitting ADA about said loophole. I bought my ticket on the secondary market. You can't deny someone disabled from selling to only disabled people. Did you even read how the ushers treated me or the actions of said ushers? If I was such a bad person, why was guest services on my side?
  • jbalicki10jbalicki10 Posts: 517
    If your not ADA and you have ADA tickets:

    An individual who has purchased a non-accessible seat through the secondary market but needs an accessible seat must be permitted to exchange the ticket for a comparable accessible seat, if one is available. A venue may choose to move a patron to another seat in order to give that accessible seat to a patron with a disability who requires it, but is not obligated to do so.

    Source: https://www.ada.gov/ticketing_2010.htm
  • Wma31394Wma31394 Posts: 3,045
    "Going where the water tastes like wine!"
This discussion has been closed.