def has some cool action sequences, but the story is lacking. Snyder isn't a great story teller, Ben Affleck was really good...looking forward to stand alone Batman films with him...hope he directs at least one of them.
I wanted to like this more, but its mediocre overall
its snyders attachment to this movie that gives me pause... but my love of ben Affleck is too strong so.... lol
Haha Cate....we are so detestment for Ben Affleck is too strong.....I just don't like the guy...he gives no depth in any of his performances. I was saying to my husband last night the only good movies he's ever made were Chasing Amy and Dogma and that is only because of everyone else in them....
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
$170,100,000 domestic $424.1 million worldwide. It'll probably make around $62 million domestic next week. As there's usually a big drop off the 2nd week.
$170,100,000 domestic $424.1 million worldwide. It'll probably make around $62 million domestic next week. As there's usually a big drop off the 2nd week.
$170,100,000 domestic $424.1 million worldwide. It'll probably make around $62 million domestic next week. As there's usually a big drop off the 2nd week.
Huge numbers
If the reviews were better the number would be higher.
$170,100,000 domestic $424.1 million worldwide. It'll probably make around $62 million domestic next week. As there's usually a big drop off the 2nd week.
Huge numbers
If the reviews were better the number would be higher.
Perhaps......could also say the numbers are more impressive considering the bad reviews though.
def has some cool action sequences, but the story is lacking. Snyder isn't a great story teller, Ben Affleck was really good...looking forward to stand alone Batman films with him...hope he directs at least one of them.
I wanted to like this more, but its mediocre overall
its snyders attachment to this movie that gives me pause... but my love of ben Affleck is too strong so.... lol
Haha Cate....we are so detestment for Ben Affleck is too strong.....I just don't like the guy...he gives no depth in any of his performances. I was saying to my husband last night the only good movies he's ever made were Chasing Amy and Dogma and that is only because of everyone else in them....
chasing amy and dogma are two of my fave movies(big kevin smith fan) and I freely admit I am a bigger fan of ben affleck as director than ben affleck as actor... but theres just something about him that tends(to me) to give him the benefit of the doubt as an actor. in gone girl he was perfect as the difficult to like dumb arse husband who was his own worse enemy. as daredevil he had the misfortune of coming up against colin farrell as bullseye... a difficult task for any actor. no one likes him as daredevil. for me batman is weird. I totally understand his darkness but a superhero??? im still coming to terms with that terminology. batmans strongest weapon is his psychosis.... hes a rich disturbed guy with access to technology and his own disturbances... if I had his access to his technology I hate to think who id go after. but no doubt id think I was righteous in my actions, as he does.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Just saw it. Nothin' wrong with Batfleck imo. Homie hit the gym too. Wasn't a huge fan of WW to be honest. Gal Gadot's performance was perfectly adequate, but she's built like a ballerina.
I heard this movie got bad critic reviews but I didn't really read any of them. Heard there's plot problems and I'd agree. It's more like a bunch of scenes one after another than an actual cohesive film.
That said I enjoyed it. Lawrence Fishburne (Cowboy Curtis) has some of the best lines in the film. Whatshiface as Alfred was disappointing, but he's a much less prominent Alfred than Michael Caine was so it's a minor issue imo. Eisenberg's Lex Luthor greatly upset the comic book nerds I was watching this with.
I would have enjoyed more topless Cavill scenes though. Especially if he had a wax.
def has some cool action sequences, but the story is lacking. Snyder isn't a great story teller, Ben Affleck was really good...looking forward to stand alone Batman films with him...hope he directs at least one of them.
I wanted to like this more, but its mediocre overall
its snyders attachment to this movie that gives me pause... but my love of ben Affleck is too strong so.... lol
Haha Cate....we are so detestment for Ben Affleck is too strong.....I just don't like the guy...he gives no depth in any of his performances. I was saying to my husband last night the only good movies he's ever made were Chasing Amy and Dogma and that is only because of everyone else in them....
chasing amy and dogma are two of my fave movies(big kevin smith fan) and I freely admit I am a bigger fan of ben affleck as director than ben affleck as actor... but theres just something about him that tends(to me) to give him the benefit of the doubt as an actor. in gone girl he was perfect as the difficult to like dumb arse husband who was his own worse enemy. as daredevil he had the misfortune of coming up against colin farrell as bullseye... a difficult task for any actor. no one likes him as daredevil. for me batman is weird. I totally understand his darkness but a superhero??? im still coming to terms with that terminology. batmans strongest weapon is his psychosis.... hes a rich disturbed guy with access to technology and his own disturbances... if I had his access to his technology I hate to think who id go after. but no doubt id think I was righteous in my actions, as he does.
Just saw it. Nothin' wrong with Batfleck imo. Homie hit the gym too. Wasn't a huge fan of WW to be honest. Gal Gadot's performance was perfectly adequate, but she's built like a ballerina.
I heard this movie got bad critic reviews but I didn't really read any of them. Heard there's plot problems and I'd agree. It's more like a bunch of scenes one after another than an actual cohesive film.
That said I enjoyed it. Lawrence Fishburne (Cowboy Curtis) has some of the best lines in the film. Whatshiface as Alfred was disappointing, but he's a much less prominent Alfred than Michael Caine was so it's a minor issue imo. Eisenberg's Lex Luthor greatly upset the comic book nerds I was watching this with.
I would have enjoyed more topless Cavill scenes though. Especially if he had a wax.
Just saw it. Nothin' wrong with Batfleck imo. Homie hit the gym too. Wasn't a huge fan of WW to be honest. Gal Gadot's performance was perfectly adequate, but she's built like a ballerina.
I heard this movie got bad critic reviews but I didn't really read any of them. Heard there's plot problems and I'd agree. It's more like a bunch of scenes one after another than an actual cohesive film.
That said I enjoyed it. Lawrence Fishburne (Cowboy Curtis) has some of the best lines in the film. Whatshiface as Alfred was disappointing, but he's a much less prominent Alfred than Michael Caine was so it's a minor issue imo. Eisenberg's Lex Luthor greatly upset the comic book nerds I was watching this with.
I would have enjoyed more topless Cavill scenes though. Especially if he had a wax.
A wax? That's just silly!
why? I'm not a huge fan of body hair, particularly when it's thick and curly like his.
Just saw it. Nothin' wrong with Batfleck imo. Homie hit the gym too. Wasn't a huge fan of WW to be honest. Gal Gadot's performance was perfectly adequate, but she's built like a ballerina.
I heard this movie got bad critic reviews but I didn't really read any of them. Heard there's plot problems and I'd agree. It's more like a bunch of scenes one after another than an actual cohesive film.
That said I enjoyed it. Lawrence Fishburne (Cowboy Curtis) has some of the best lines in the film. Whatshiface as Alfred was disappointing, but he's a much less prominent Alfred than Michael Caine was so it's a minor issue imo. Eisenberg's Lex Luthor greatly upset the comic book nerds I was watching this with.
I would have enjoyed more topless Cavill scenes though. Especially if he had a wax.
A wax? That's just silly!
why? I'm not a huge fan of body hair, particularly when it's thick and curly like his.
You can't strip a perfect slab of man like Henry Cavill of his Samson hair! That's crazy talk, nearly equal to putting silicone boobs in a perfect beauty like Kiera Knightly.
One of the things people kept saying about the movie. Before they saw it. Is why are Batman and Superman fighting?
Because testosterone?
I just thought it was stupid for that being a reason not to see it. I don't read comics. But even I know that's what they do. Pit one hero vs another. Yet they're not saying the same about Captain America Civil War. With Cap and Iron Man going at it.
One of the things people kept saying about the movie. Before they saw it. Is why are Batman and Superman fighting?
Because testosterone?
I just thought it was stupid for that being a reason not to see it. I don't read comics. But even I know that's what they do. Pit one hero vs another. Yet they're not saying the same about Captain America Civil War. With Cap and Iron Man going at it.
How hot is Wonder Woman, though? I mean come on. I didn't like the Gal Gadot selection at first and I still think she's a little too frail for the part....but
One of the things people kept saying about the movie. Before they saw it. Is why are Batman and Superman fighting?
Because testosterone?
I just thought it was stupid for that being a reason not to see it. I don't read comics. But even I know that's what they do. Pit one hero vs another. Yet they're not saying the same about Captain America Civil War. With Cap and Iron Man going at it.
It just had one of the biggest opening weekends ever. I don't think a lot of people are not seeing the movie for this reason.
How hot is Wonder Woman, though? I mean come on. I didn't like the Gal Gadot selection at first and I still think she's a little too frail for the part....but
One of the things people kept saying about the movie. Before they saw it. Is why are Batman and Superman fighting?
Because testosterone?
I just thought it was stupid for that being a reason not to see it. I don't read comics. But even I know that's what they do. Pit one hero vs another. Yet they're not saying the same about Captain America Civil War. With Cap and Iron Man going at it.
It just had one of the biggest opening weekends ever. I don't think a lot of people are not seeing the movie for this reason.
That's just one of the reasons. Maybe word of mouth by people who saw it will help in the next few weeks to help sustain big numbers. And we waited almost 3 years. I think Star Wars TFA was announced after and released before this came out. I thought it would get over 200 million domestic the 1st weekend.
I also don't like Jesse Eisenberg for Lex Luthor...he;s a weird little tweeker to me....and I feel like it's just going to be weird, then I stumbled on this article today and I feel like this just sums up how I feel about him in general except that this article says he has acting chops which I don't feel he I said...weird little tweeker...
I also don't like Jesse Eisenberg for Lex Luthor...he;s a weird little tweeker to me....and I feel like it's just going to be weird, then I stumbled on this article today and I feel like this just sums up how I feel about him in general except that this article says he has acting chops which I don't feel he I said...weird little tweeker...
Tattooed Dissident!
It'll probably make around $62 million domestic next week. As there's usually a big drop off the 2nd week.
I liked it, didn't love the end of the day it was fun to see it in IMAX. That last Batman brawl scene was the shit
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
I heard this movie got bad critic reviews but I didn't really read any of them. Heard there's plot problems and I'd agree. It's more like a bunch of scenes one after another than an actual cohesive film.
That said I enjoyed it. Lawrence Fishburne (Cowboy Curtis) has some of the best lines in the film. Whatshiface as Alfred was disappointing, but he's a much less prominent Alfred than Michael Caine was so it's a minor issue imo. Eisenberg's Lex Luthor greatly upset the comic book nerds I was watching this with.
I would have enjoyed more topless Cavill scenes though. Especially if he had a wax.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
Tattooed Dissident!