Anyone want to shape up in 2018? A continuing journey.......



  • curmudgeonesscurmudgeoness Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,006
    rgambs said:
    I'm back on my diet and I'm friggin hungry.

    I can't diet. Once I decide I am "on a diet," all I can think about is food. That never ends well for me. Good luck!
    All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
  • curmudgeonesscurmudgeoness Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,006
    So, I was kind of surprised to learn that I am at 14% body fat; that's pretty low for a woman, especially for someone my age. I thought I was at about 17%. I am enjoying a peanut butter cup guilt-free right now, as a result. ;-)
    A few thoughts about this:
    1) I have to stop moping around the house and/or gym, moaning about how fat I am. I need to develop a more positive self-image. That's actually a big reason why I did the dunk test.
    2) I look very different than I did when I was really sick and lost a lot of weight/ most of my body fat. Lean body mass makes a difference!
    3) I work hard at this. I spend eighteen hours a week working out, and that's not including stretching, recovery, yoga, etc. Those magazine headlines that tell you you can look like a bikini model in just ten minutes a day are lying to you (unless you already look like a bikini model).
    3a) The changes were gradual! I've lost about ten pounds (more than that in fat), but it took me over two years to do so.
    All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Victoria, BC Posts: 12,848
    So, I was kind of surprised to learn that I am at 14% body fat; that's pretty low for a woman, especially for someone my age. I thought I was at about 17%. I am enjoying a peanut butter cup guilt-free right now, as a result. ;-)
    A few thoughts about this:
    1) I have to stop moping around the house and/or gym, moaning about how fat I am. I need to develop a more positive self-image. That's actually a big reason why I did the dunk test.
    2) I look very different than I did when I was really sick and lost a lot of weight/ most of my body fat. Lean body mass makes a difference!
    3) I work hard at this. I spend eighteen hours a week working out, and that's not including stretching, recovery, yoga, etc. Those magazine headlines that tell you you can look like a bikini model in just ten minutes a day are lying to you (unless you already look like a bikini model).
    3a) The changes were gradual! I've lost about ten pounds (more than that in fat), but it took me over two years to do so.
    14% isn't just "low for a woman", it's at the low end for a female athlete. I hope you can be kind to yourself and realize that you are by no means "fat".  
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    Well, the first few days back on the diet were rough, I was used to bingeing and felt hungry all the time.
    I've adjusted to it somewhat and I'm not as hungry, or at least I'm coping better.
    My Monday morning weigh in was 187.7 and Friday afternoon weigh out just now was 181.1, so 6.6 lbs in 5 days is excellent! 
    Tonight I have a Halloween party with many dips and chips and beers, so we will see how things play out over the weekend lol
    If my Monday morning weigh in is 185 or less I will be very happy with that.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • FoxyRedLaFoxyRedLa Lauren / MI Posts: 4,810
    :whistle: jealousy :whistle:

    5+ lbs a week. Nice! I'm struggling to get my 1lb a week each week!
    Oh please let it rain today.
    Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    FoxyRedLa said:
    :whistle: jealousy :whistle:

    5+ lbs a week. Nice! I'm struggling to get my 1lb a week each week!
    Most of it is just water and colon weight, I didn't lose 5 lbs of fat, that's for sure.

    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    When I have my cheat meals I will bounce back up a few pounds and then nudge my way back down a little further each week.
    Long term, I usually lose 1.5 to 2 per week.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • FoxyRedLaFoxyRedLa Lauren / MI Posts: 4,810
    Gotcha gambs. Makes sense.

    I did get my 2 workouts in this week. Met my goal. Going to attempt to sneak something in tonight. I do have to make up a few items for a family thing tomorrow. I will try to work quickly!

    Starting to cool off in Michigan. I've already had turkey chili twice haha. Yum.
    Oh please let it rain today.
    Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    Yum, haven't done chili in a long time, will soon thank you very much.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    The 1st week is in the books.  185.1 down from 187.7 so a 2 and a half pound weight loss for the week.  I'm very happy with that.
    Week 2 begins now and I'm not hungry so I've already got a jump on week 1.

    Switched my lifting split to a push/pull scheme, so I started with a pull day today.  Lats, traps, and biceps for an HR and a half, then 2.5 miles on the treadmill.
    Tomorrow I'll hit pecs, delts, and triceps and another, hopefully longer run.
    Wednesday I'll do legs and a run, Thursday I will probably take off and clean the kitchen during my workout time so I can lay up the last of the garden during the day.
    Friday will be for the guns, bis and tris until I can't move 'em.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • guacamolejoeguacamolejoe Posts: 2,396
    So, I was kind of surprised to learn that I am at 14% body fat; that's pretty low for a woman, especially for someone my age. I thought I was at about 17%. I am enjoying a peanut butter cup guilt-free right now, as a result. ;-)
    A few thoughts about this:
    1) I have to stop moping around the house and/or gym, moaning about how fat I am. I need to develop a more positive self-image. That's actually a big reason why I did the dunk test.
    2) I look very different than I did when I was really sick and lost a lot of weight/ most of my body fat. Lean body mass makes a difference!
    3) I work hard at this. I spend eighteen hours a week working out, and that's not including stretching, recovery, yoga, etc. Those magazine headlines that tell you you can look like a bikini model in just ten minutes a day are lying to you (unless you already look like a bikini model).
    3a) The changes were gradual! I've lost about ten pounds (more than that in fat), but it took me over two years to do so.
    That's great commitment! Keep up the hard work.

    So, What you Giving ?........ (Thanks Speedy, Alesek, & Arq+friends)
    What You Giving

    I suggest you step out on your Porch.
    Run away my son. See it all. Oh, See the World!
  • curmudgeonesscurmudgeoness Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,006
    I'm getting stronger, and my husband really likes what he sees, but I'm still feeling adrift without much in the way of concrete goals. I'm going to try to look into indoor climbing gyms this week: that would be both a new activity for me to try and a phobia to overcome.

    I was feeling decent about my progress on things like squats and deadlifts (I'm doing three sets of 12, 115#). Then I saw a guy, not a huge guy, just a guy, deadlifting 500+ pounds, and I felt very small, indeed. Yeah, I run ten miles before I do my leg workout, but 500 pounds?!? OMG.

    I'm over my cold and back to having decent runs outdoors. It's going to be brutally hot here for the next few days, so my big challenge will be to get up and out the door as soon as the sun comes up, so I don't wilt in the heat. I'd like to work some trail runs into my schedule, but those really, really need to wait until the weather changes next week.
    All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    Week 2 complete, 182.5<185.1<187.7
    2.5 lbs again, starting the week feeling strong!
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Victoria, BC Posts: 12,848
    I'm getting stronger, and my husband really likes what he sees, but I'm still feeling adrift without much in the way of concrete goals. I'm going to try to look into indoor climbing gyms this week: that would be both a new activity for me to try and a phobia to overcome.

    I was feeling decent about my progress on things like squats and deadlifts (I'm doing three sets of 12, 115#). Then I saw a guy, not a huge guy, just a guy, deadlifting 500+ pounds, and I felt very small, indeed. Yeah, I run ten miles before I do my leg workout, but 500 pounds?!? OMG.

    I'm over my cold and back to having decent runs outdoors. It's going to be brutally hot here for the next few days, so my big challenge will be to get up and out the door as soon as the sun comes up, so I don't wilt in the heat. I'd like to work some trail runs into my schedule, but those really, really need to wait until the weather changes next week.
    Good luck with the climbing! I hope you love it. You were concerned about falling - assuming you are top roping, which is how you'll start, you won't fall more than a foot until your belay partner gets you. 
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • BentleyspopBentleyspop Craft Beer Brewery, Colorado Posts: 11,044
    I'm getting stronger, and my husband really likes what he sees, but I'm still feeling adrift without much in the way of concrete goals. I'm going to try to look into indoor climbing gyms this week: that would be both a new activity for me to try and a phobia to overcome.

    I was feeling decent about my progress on things like squats and deadlifts (I'm doing three sets of 12, 115#). Then I saw a guy, not a huge guy, just a guy, deadlifting 500+ pounds, and I felt very small, indeed. Yeah, I run ten miles before I do my leg workout, but 500 pounds?!? OMG.

    I'm over my cold and back to having decent runs outdoors. It's going to be brutally hot here for the next few days, so my big challenge will be to get up and out the door as soon as the sun comes up, so I don't wilt in the heat. I'd like to work some trail runs into my schedule, but those really, really need to wait until the weather changes next week.
    Good luck with the climbing! I hope you love it. You were concerned about falling - assuming you are top roping, which is how you'll start, you won't fall more than a foot until your belay partner gets you. 
    You're assuming the partner is paying attention and know's what they are doing.
    My partner was distracted on belay and I dropped almost 20 feet. Suffice it to say drinks and dinner were on him that night.
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    I added a few tweaks to my diet routine, I now match the calorie count for my lunch to an approximation of my morning run, and I try to weigh out each day at the same weight as I weigh in. 
    It makes for a nice square way of keeping myself on track until the weekend when I cut loose.
    Before I was fluctuating too much, losing 3 or more lbs some days and gaining lbs on others.
    My overnight weight loss is usually around 1 lb, and it's not ALL urine, so ending the day hydrated at my morning dehydrated weight has me steadily tracking downward.

    I talk to a fitness guy who is naturally very thin and he seems to think that virtually all weight loss is water weight.
    He said today that almost every weight loss program and all the TV shows are only measuring water weight loss.
    If that was true I'd be a dessicated mummy lol
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • curmudgeonesscurmudgeoness Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,006
    I'm getting stronger, and my husband really likes what he sees, but I'm still feeling adrift without much in the way of concrete goals. I'm going to try to look into indoor climbing gyms this week: that would be both a new activity for me to try and a phobia to overcome.

    I was feeling decent about my progress on things like squats and deadlifts (I'm doing three sets of 12, 115#). Then I saw a guy, not a huge guy, just a guy, deadlifting 500+ pounds, and I felt very small, indeed. Yeah, I run ten miles before I do my leg workout, but 500 pounds?!? OMG.

    I'm over my cold and back to having decent runs outdoors. It's going to be brutally hot here for the next few days, so my big challenge will be to get up and out the door as soon as the sun comes up, so I don't wilt in the heat. I'd like to work some trail runs into my schedule, but those really, really need to wait until the weather changes next week.
    Good luck with the climbing! I hope you love it. You were concerned about falling - assuming you are top roping, which is how you'll start, you won't fall more than a foot until your belay partner gets you. 
    You're assuming the partner is paying attention and know's what they are doing.
    My partner was distracted on belay and I dropped almost 20 feet. Suffice it to say drinks and dinner were on him that night.

    I'm going to check out some local facilities before I commit to anything. And my partner would be my husband; he is WELL aware of my fear of falling, and I think he knows that he would be out a lot more than drinks and dinner if he did something like that. 
    All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
  • HesCalledDyerHesCalledDyer Maryland Posts: 16,456
    Treat yourselves the best you can, folks. I’ve been in the hospital since Saturday. Had a mild stroke Sat evening.
    Thankfully I was around people and not alone, and t those people were aware enough to know that something wasn’t right with me. 
    My symptoms have all subsided and I’m doing well. Hopefully getting released tomorrow. Just waiting on EKG and bubble test results to see if they can determine the cause or if I need more tests.
    It felt like being drunk. I dropped something on the ground, bent down to pick it up and got disoriented and lost m my balance. One of my friends caught my fall and noticed the left side of my body was weak and apparently I started slurring my words. 
    Lifestyle changes coming up for ol’ Dyer, that’s for sure!
  • HesCalledDyerHesCalledDyer Maryland Posts: 16,456
    Aside from tons of visitors and text messages, Let’s Play Two was on yesterday afternoon, so I also had this great band to pick me up while I’m all Laid up in here!  
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    Damn, stay strong brother!  Hearts and thoughts!
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • hauntingfamiliarhauntingfamiliar Wilmington, NC Posts: 10,217
    ^ Wow, I'm sorry you are going through this and I wish you a full and speedy recovery!  I'm sure this was shocking and I hope they can pinpoint exactly why this happened.

    My 29-year-old healthy, marathon running stepbrother had a stroke around two months ago. His case puzzled the local physicians and he was sent to a physician at Duke Medical to try to determine the cause. I don't know all of the details, but they are now linking the fact that he had shingles about four months ago to his stroke...

    Hang in there, take care and lots of positive vibes heading your way :)
  • FoxyRedLaFoxyRedLa Lauren / MI Posts: 4,810
    Good morning all. Dyer! I'm sorry to hear that man. So thankful you were with people that were aware and so thankful you're on the mend! Xoxo
    Oh please let it rain today.
    Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
  • curmudgeonesscurmudgeoness Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,006
    Treat yourselves the best you can, folks. I’ve been in the hospital since Saturday. Had a mild stroke Sat evening.

    I'm glad people were able to get you help right away. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Take care of yourself.
    All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
  • markymark550markymark550 Columbia, SC Posts: 5,179
    Aside from tons of visitors and text messages, Let’s Play Two was on yesterday afternoon, so I also had this great band to pick me up while I’m all Laid up in here!  
    I saw your IG post about that, but had no idea it was that serious. Prayers for a speedy recovery!
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Victoria, BC Posts: 12,848
    Treat yourselves the best you can, folks. I’ve been in the hospital since Saturday. Had a mild stroke Sat evening.
    Thankfully I was around people and not alone, and t those people were aware enough to know that something wasn’t right with me. 
    My symptoms have all subsided and I’m doing well. Hopefully getting released tomorrow. Just waiting on EKG and bubble test results to see if they can determine the cause or if I need more tests.
    It felt like being drunk. I dropped something on the ground, bent down to pick it up and got disoriented and lost m my balance. One of my friends caught my fall and noticed the left side of my body was weak and apparently I started slurring my words. 
    Lifestyle changes coming up for ol’ Dyer, that’s for sure!
    I'm sure glad you had help around you, Dyer! We're all rooting for a complete recovery.
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Victoria, BC Posts: 12,848

    I'm getting stronger, and my husband really likes what he sees, but I'm still feeling adrift without much in the way of concrete goals. I'm going to try to look into indoor climbing gyms this week: that would be both a new activity for me to try and a phobia to overcome.

    I was feeling decent about my progress on things like squats and deadlifts (I'm doing three sets of 12, 115#). Then I saw a guy, not a huge guy, just a guy, deadlifting 500+ pounds, and I felt very small, indeed. Yeah, I run ten miles before I do my leg workout, but 500 pounds?!? OMG.

    I'm over my cold and back to having decent runs outdoors. It's going to be brutally hot here for the next few days, so my big challenge will be to get up and out the door as soon as the sun comes up, so I don't wilt in the heat. I'd like to work some trail runs into my schedule, but those really, really need to wait until the weather changes next week.
    Good luck with the climbing! I hope you love it. You were concerned about falling - assuming you are top roping, which is how you'll start, you won't fall more than a foot until your belay partner gets you. 
    You're assuming the partner is paying attention and know's what they are doing.
    My partner was distracted on belay and I dropped almost 20 feet. Suffice it to say drinks and dinner were on him that night.
    Bad belay partner! Bad! Into the dog house for you!

    Seriously, what kind of belay device were you using? An ATC? That shouldn't have happened if you were using a grigri. 

    Curmudgeoness, the type of belay device is important, so make sure you know what your gym uses/teaches. 
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • BentleyspopBentleyspop Craft Beer Brewery, Colorado Posts: 11,044

    I'm getting stronger, and my husband really likes what he sees, but I'm still feeling adrift without much in the way of concrete goals. I'm going to try to look into indoor climbing gyms this week: that would be both a new activity for me to try and a phobia to overcome.

    I was feeling decent about my progress on things like squats and deadlifts (I'm doing three sets of 12, 115#). Then I saw a guy, not a huge guy, just a guy, deadlifting 500+ pounds, and I felt very small, indeed. Yeah, I run ten miles before I do my leg workout, but 500 pounds?!? OMG.

    I'm over my cold and back to having decent runs outdoors. It's going to be brutally hot here for the next few days, so my big challenge will be to get up and out the door as soon as the sun comes up, so I don't wilt in the heat. I'd like to work some trail runs into my schedule, but those really, really need to wait until the weather changes next week.
    Good luck with the climbing! I hope you love it. You were concerned about falling - assuming you are top roping, which is how you'll start, you won't fall more than a foot until your belay partner gets you. 
    You're assuming the partner is paying attention and know's what they are doing.
    My partner was distracted on belay and I dropped almost 20 feet. Suffice it to say drinks and dinner were on him that night.
    Bad belay partner! Bad! Into the dog house for you!

    Seriously, what kind of belay device were you using? An ATC? That shouldn't have happened if you were using a grigri. 

    Curmudgeoness, the type of belay device is important, so make sure you know what your gym uses/teaches. 
    We're old school so using an ATC
    I trust the guy with my life and that was the one and only time he dropped me like that 
    Though I never let him forget about it
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Victoria, BC Posts: 12,848

    I'm getting stronger, and my husband really likes what he sees, but I'm still feeling adrift without much in the way of concrete goals. I'm going to try to look into indoor climbing gyms this week: that would be both a new activity for me to try and a phobia to overcome.

    I was feeling decent about my progress on things like squats and deadlifts (I'm doing three sets of 12, 115#). Then I saw a guy, not a huge guy, just a guy, deadlifting 500+ pounds, and I felt very small, indeed. Yeah, I run ten miles before I do my leg workout, but 500 pounds?!? OMG.

    I'm over my cold and back to having decent runs outdoors. It's going to be brutally hot here for the next few days, so my big challenge will be to get up and out the door as soon as the sun comes up, so I don't wilt in the heat. I'd like to work some trail runs into my schedule, but those really, really need to wait until the weather changes next week.
    Good luck with the climbing! I hope you love it. You were concerned about falling - assuming you are top roping, which is how you'll start, you won't fall more than a foot until your belay partner gets you. 
    You're assuming the partner is paying attention and know's what they are doing.
    My partner was distracted on belay and I dropped almost 20 feet. Suffice it to say drinks and dinner were on him that night.
    Bad belay partner! Bad! Into the dog house for you!

    Seriously, what kind of belay device were you using? An ATC? That shouldn't have happened if you were using a grigri. 

    Curmudgeoness, the type of belay device is important, so make sure you know what your gym uses/teaches. 
    We're old school so using an ATC
    I trust the guy with my life and that was the one and only time he dropped me like that 
    Though I never let him forget about it
    I use a grigri for top roping but leaned how to lead belay on an ATC. My new gym only allows grigris and I'm struggling to get used to it. 

    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    edited October 2017
    Either of you guys ever just use a double wrap around a non-locking 'biner??
    AHH, the good old days lol
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • HesCalledDyerHesCalledDyer Maryland Posts: 16,456
    Thanks for the kind words everyone!  Hoping to get out tomorrow. One more test (TEE)  in the morning to see if they can find a cause   But if it comes back negative I think they’re gonna turn me Over to my primary doctor.
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