LOL. For me, it was "Exercise Monday." -- one hour self-defense/ jujitsu -- 90 minute run -- one hour strength training with my trainer at the gym: he had me squatting (3*15) and deadlifting (3*12) 115 lbs. today (I'm female...). My legs are thrashed -- but they look amazing. -- 30-minute nap ;-) -- one hour strength training at home, upper body and core -- 30-minute walk to loosen up my poor legs. If I'm smart, I'll get up close and personal with my foam roller tonight. I sure do hope house gnomes will bring me dinner; otherwise, it's protein shakes for everyone.
Squatting and deadlifting the same day? Respect! If I do both in one day, whichever exercise I do second is always very wobbly.
Definitely hit that foam roller. You'll thank yourself tomorrow.
Sounds like you'll be sleeping well tonight.
Yeah -- I'm already sore. We usually start with squats, but today it was deadlifts first. OMG... Fortunately, he was there to spot me for the squats; I was afraid I was going to keel over. My husband just asked me what we need to get done tonight; I said my expectations are very, very low. We also were talking about the benefits of speedwork; I don't think I'm doing speedwork tomorrow morning.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Squat day today (usually it's Mondays, but the gym was closed due to all the bs surrounding the eclipse). Can't decide if I want to go heavy or do some volume work. Probably will do some hamstring curls after.
My workout last night felt good. I wasn't breathing heavy and kept up ok. Once I do a bunch of legs I am wobbly and slow it's like my muscles lock up and I'm in slow motion. Although I felt great and felt I was crusin I didn't sweat much.
I'm still down three lbs. The scale has not moved not even an ounce.
I can't stop thinking about encorporating weight lifting but just can't fit it in the schedule.
Cheer has started for the oldest. School starts for 2 of the 3 in a couple weeks and dance has started for one daughter and a short session of a few weeks of gymnastics will start for 2 of the 3 HA!
Anyways maybe I can find some at home similar somethings I can do.
Oh please let it rain today.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
It's tough to find the time with kids at home! Maybe tell the family that Mom needs an extracurricular activity or two, also? ("You can give me exercise time, or I can come to gymnastics class with you. Your choice!")
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
My workout last night felt good. I wasn't breathing heavy and kept up ok. Once I do a bunch of legs I am wobbly and slow it's like my muscles lock up and I'm in slow motion. Although I felt great and felt I was crusin I didn't sweat much.
I'm still down three lbs. The scale has not moved not even an ounce.
I can't stop thinking about encorporating weight lifting but just can't fit it in the schedule.
Cheer has started for the oldest. School starts for 2 of the 3 in a couple weeks and dance has started for one daughter and a short session of a few weeks of gymnastics will start for 2 of the 3 HA!
Anyways maybe I can find some at home similar somethings I can do.
Do you work out at home or belong to a gym? If you can only find time at home, I would suggest going to a sporting goods store and buy 2 of the plate loaded dumbbells. They shouldn't be too expensive and you can train every muscle group with them. One is about 10 lbs with no plates and would probably be a good starting point to assess what you can do. As you advance, you can buy plates as you need them. I have some at home and it's nice for when I can't make it to the gym.
It's tough to find the time with kids at home! Maybe tell the family that Mom needs an extracurricular activity or two, also? ("You can give me exercise time, or I can come to gymnastics class with you. Your choice!")
My kids are 14, 3 and almost 2, so as you can imagine none of them can be left alone !
In time I'll get time!!
Oh please let it rain today.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
My workout last night felt good. I wasn't breathing heavy and kept up ok. Once I do a bunch of legs I am wobbly and slow it's like my muscles lock up and I'm in slow motion. Although I felt great and felt I was crusin I didn't sweat much.
I'm still down three lbs. The scale has not moved not even an ounce.
I can't stop thinking about encorporating weight lifting but just can't fit it in the schedule.
Cheer has started for the oldest. School starts for 2 of the 3 in a couple weeks and dance has started for one daughter and a short session of a few weeks of gymnastics will start for 2 of the 3 HA!
Anyways maybe I can find some at home similar somethings I can do.
Do you work out at home or belong to a gym? If you can only find time at home, I would suggest going to a sporting goods store and buy 2 of the plate loaded dumbbells. They shouldn't be too expensive and you can train every muscle group with them. One is about 10 lbs with no plates and would probably be a good starting point to assess what you can do. As you advance, you can buy plates as you need them. I have some at home and it's nice for when I can't make it to the gym.
Hi! I currently workout at home and have only been at it for 7 weeks. On my 2nd week of actually trying to be better with food. Appears I'm only doing enough to maintain. I have a resistance band and two 3lb weights ha! Thank you I will look into those weights! I'm currently also doing the T25 series.
I am getting better. Slowly. Worked on my V hold tonight. Looked more like a reverse crunch
I found a gal I like that lifts and am next going to incorporate her curcuits in too. She might be my weekend workouts when I have more time to figure out how to do some of her stuff without the gyms machines.
Thanks guys! Had chicken tossed in fajita seasoning and roasted veggies and couldn't pass up a boiled potato with a dollop of sour cream! Drank my water too.
Oh please let it rain today.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
If you can give some idea of your budget and how much space you have, we probably can help you get stuff you can use at home (that you would actually use).
Also, especially as a woman, there are a lot of body-weight exercises you can do to build strength and muscle, e.g., squats, lunges, push-ups, one-leg calf raises.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Couldn't get to the gym, so I decided to take my own advice on the home dumbbell workouts! Today was a dumbbell shoulder workout day. Relatively light on weight, but a lot of reps and my shoulders are burning as I type this. Did everything single armed to really try and isolate the muscles. 1. 30 lb press - 4 sets at 15 reps. 2. 10 lb front raises - 5 sets at 20 reps (40 reps pronated grip, 40 hammer grip, 20 supinated grip) 3. 10 lb press - 20 reps 4. 10 lb lateral raises - 6 sets at 15 reps, 7th set at 10 reps 5. 10 lb press - 20 reps 6. 10 lb bent over rear delt flyes - 5 sets at 20 reps 7. 10 lb upright rows - burn out set and got 30 reps
All in all, 430 reps working all heads of the deltoid pretty evenly. Kept the rest short - no more than 45 seconds between sets.
If you can give some idea of your budget and how much space you have, we probably can help you get stuff you can use at home (that you would actually use).
Also, especially as a woman, there are a lot of body-weight exercises you can do to build strength and muscle, e.g., squats, lunges, push-ups, one-leg calf raises.
I don't have a budget at the moment. I have enough to pay the bills and one activity for each kid to keep them busy. I could make it happen but my progress is just minute HA right now not certain how much I want to invest. I am working with what I got. Might have to lift some jugs
I do many body-weight exercises now. That's all T25 is, mostly. There's plenty I can do I think with my 3lb weights and resistance band. But I will seek you guys out when the time comes!
T25 is a lot of lunges, squats, planks, push ups, crunches in a lot of differ positions hah, jumping jacks, blah blah blah many more.
I have some recipies I wanna try this weekend. And I might even meal prep my lunches at least. Getting the kids nite on a roll and almost time to work out.
See ya!
Oh I do have an eliptical - again kids are an issue. They 2 little ones just can't be left alone and the hubs runs the oldest around and has other priorities. I can't even get 25 minutes for T25 uninterrupted. But hopefully that will change over even the next year.
Oh please let it rain today.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
If you can give some idea of your budget and how much space you have, we probably can help you get stuff you can use at home (that you would actually use).
Also, especially as a woman, there are a lot of body-weight exercises you can do to build strength and muscle, e.g., squats, lunges, push-ups, one-leg calf raises.
I don't have a budget at the moment. I have enough to pay the bills and one activity for each kid to keep them busy. I could make it happen but my progress is just minute HA right now not certain how much I want to invest. I am working with what I got. Might have to lift some jugs
I do many body-weight exercises now. That's all T25 is, mostly. There's plenty I can do I think with my 3lb weights and resistance band. But I will seek you guys out when the time comes!
T25 is a lot of lunges, squats, planks, push ups, crunches in a lot of differ positions hah, jumping jacks, blah blah blah many more.
I have some recipies I wanna try this weekend. And I might even meal prep my lunches at least. Getting the kids nite on a roll and almost time to work out.
See ya!
Oh I do have an eliptical - again kids are an issue. They 2 little ones just can't be left alone and the hubs runs the oldest around and has other priorities. I can't even get 25 minutes for T25 uninterrupted. But hopefully that will change over even the next year.
I found that there is no competition for my attention between 4 and 6am. Sleep is the only thing anyone wants to do then, so I use that as workout time.
Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
I found that there is no competition for my attention between 4 and 6am. Sleep is the only thing anyone wants to do then, so I use that as workout time.
I've heard many people do that. I guess it depends on the kid(s). My eldest woke at 5, could be depended on to go strong until 11 at night, thought naps were for wimps, and was five years old before he slept through the night. An "expert" once suggested that I simply get up an hour earlier to make time for myself; I don't know how I stoppped myself from throttling her. Some little ones like a nice, regular sleep schedule and can be counted on to entertain themselves for 15-20 minutes during the day without setting the house on fire. Others... are different. If Foxy's little ones are of the high-maintenance variety, then she's probably going to have to trade off between sleep and exercise, or come to an agreement with her husband, until the youngest is in school.
When my kids were babies/ preschoolers, I got a lot of use out of a double jogging stroller. And we later joined a 24-hour fitness club, and husband and I took turns getting the kids to bed and working out until 11:00p.m. I was no Olympic athlete, but I was doing something.
Foxy, I'd just remind you to set realistic expectations for yourself. Magazines like to tell us that we can look ike the cover model in just ten minutes a day, but reality isn't like that. Do what you can now and tell yourself that you are establishing healthy habits that you can build on down the road when the kids are a little older. Just "maintaining" right now is okay; it doesn't sound like you have time for much more than that.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Hey guys! Thanks for listening to me ramble and complain! My little kids are close to sleeping through the nite. I still get multiple interruptions. I am aware i could wake up early before the kids but I'd then risk waking them and then they'd be in my way during and even while trying to get ready for work. Again personal preference of I need some peace and quiet.
Im not certain I'd my kids are high maintenance but they are together all the time and are highly competitive and just crawl all over me. When I get home either myself or hubs will play with them outside while the other cooks. Then the hubs will run the oldest to practice or game come back and eat. Then we play more then bed time then mom's workout time. But again I can only get a few minutes of uninterrupted time which for my current set up is not ok it's fast paced for 25 minutes. I need time to focus. If I yell at them or swat their but they just scream and fake cry relentlessly. Which ok say I a softy but they're my kids and I don't choose to make them feel like I'm not paying attention to them or they aren't important. If the schedule allows my oldest entertains so I can knock out my workout.
We are a full schedule of 5 busy bodies. And yes thank you I am learning to accept it takes time and work. There are no quick fixes. I just get discouraged when others get such great results. But I'm learning to accept me and what I'm capable at this time.
Gonna keep plugging along. Thanks again guys! And I do know it'll get better once the kids are in school. My 3 year old starts 4 1/2 days in a few weeks and her dance class so maybe that will wear down the animal. My youngest is the easy one and even easier when the animal is down for the count
Oh please let it rain today.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Sorry just meant to add my husband is great and is busy filling in where I can't be two places at once.
Oh please let it rain today.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
I guess my trainer was in a deadlift state of mind yesterday: deadlifts, one-leg Romanian deadlifts, sumo deadlifts, three sets of each (plus squats, lunges, calves, etc.). Today's run was more of a slog.
I find that I am once again in that weird state of mind where my brain tries to tell me that I haven't exercised yet today, even though I just finished a nine-mile run. I don't know what's going on with that. I've reached a point with exercise where I am doing so much that I have to struggle to fit in adequate rest and food and do anything else each day. It's all a bit strange.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
I'm doing at home work outs with 3lb dumbbells. I'm doing a muscle group with cardio 4 days and leg day alone once a week.
I'd just like to say I have to help lower myself to the toilet seat after leg day and if I'm being honest I am almost just flopping down and will need to replace my toilet.
That is all.
Oh please let it rain today.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
I'm doing at home work outs with 3lb dumbbells. I'm doing a muscle group with cardio 4 days and leg day alone once a week.
I'd just like to say I have to help lower myself to the toilet seat after leg day and if I'm being honest I am almost just flopping down and will need to replace my toilet.
That is all.
I fell down after leg day last week. I had skipped it for almost a month, doing stairmill cardio instead in prep for hiking. I have to squat and kneel down frequently for work. 30 minutes in the car had me all stiffed up and I went to kneel on one knee first thing and I went down hard in front of a yoga pants hottie lol Crashed onto my knee and keeled over on my hip.
I'm doing at home work outs with 3lb dumbbells. I'm doing a muscle group with cardio 4 days and leg day alone once a week.
I'd just like to say I have to help lower myself to the toilet seat after leg day and if I'm being honest I am almost just flopping down and will need to replace my toilet.
That is all.
If you are working that hard on your muscles, you will be offsetting your fat weight loss with muscle weight gain. That's a good thing, but your scale won't be super encouraging as you work so hard and it barely budges. Use other metrics to track your progress. Fitness goals and milestones are great, how you fit into your clothing is great too. Take before and after pictures, I didn't want to make a record of my sad state and now I wish I had so I could compare. Sometimes you'll still see a sad state in the mirror and at those times a record is nice to keep you from failing to see the progress you've made, and keep you honest about the progress as well.
I lost 40 pounds, that's a nice metric to have, but it doesn't really tell the story as well as before and after pics would because of the muscle gain and weight loss together.
Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
edited September 2017
^^^^^^ Yep. I've lost about ten pounds over the past two years -- and nearly two dress sizes, because I have gained muscle and lost fat.
Here's my back, LOL. My trainer got a little snap-happy the other day. I wish the pic was smaller. Yikes!
While I am pretty psyched about how my back looks, I was at the gym today, looking at my thighs and thinking they looked fat. Then another woman told my trainer she wished she had leg definition like mine. That was nice. It only took running 18,000 miles to get to this point.
Post edited by curmudgeoness on
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
I've started a new program designed to build up the 4 main lifts (squat, deadlift, bench press, and overhead press). It's kind of like the 5x5 program, but it's done based on % of one rep max instead of just adding 5 lbs to the bar each session. Your performance in one session dictates if you go up in weight, stay where you are, or go down for the next session. It's also got built in deloads and times to retest the max. I've only been doing it for a week, so I'm interested to see how this program really does. If it works well I might incorporate it for some other exercises like barbell row and incline bench press.
Gambs I don't know that I'm working hard but I'm feeling it. Most likely just that out of shape. I have seen some lbs come off! So close to being down 10lbs!
Certain clothes I do notice a difference!
I'm keepin on!
Oh please let it rain today.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Gambs I don't know that I'm working hard but I'm feeling it. Most likely just that out of shape. I have seen some lbs come off! So close to being down 10lbs!
Certain clothes I do notice a difference!
I'm keepin on!
If you're feeling it, then you're working hard. Great job!
Gambs I don't know that I'm working hard but I'm feeling it. Most likely just that out of shape. I have seen some lbs come off! So close to being down 10lbs!
Certain clothes I do notice a difference!
I'm keepin on!
If you're feeling it, then you're working hard. Great job!
Exactly! The soreness will only happen after the first workout if you aren't getting after it. Some people are more prone to DOMS than others, but if you are feeling it after the first week or two, that means you are getting after it!
I am a noob! I had no idea! I've only done 2 leg days. One last week one just the other day. I did not feel like this at all after any T25 workout so those must be more cardio.
I now am wondering if I need something for recovery for after leg day. It really puts a damper on my cardio Umm for like a week ha. Amino acids maybe help with the soreness??!?!
Thanks guys!
And yes curm! You go girl! Goals!
Oh please let it rain today.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
I am a noob! I had no idea! I've only done 2 leg days. One last week one just the other day. I did not feel like this at all after any T25 workout so those must be more cardio.
I now am wondering if I need something for recovery for after leg day. It really puts a damper on my cardio Umm for like a week ha. Amino acids maybe help with the soreness??!?!
Thanks guys!
And yes curm! You go girl! Goals!
Protein shakes and amino acids will help. With weight training, nothing will completely eliminate the soreness (except for maybe a lighter workout). You are, after all, tearing your muscles to have them rebuild stronger.
And leg day is definitely the worst recovery for me. Get used to doing the penguin waddle!
Post edited by markymark550 on
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
I am a noob! I had no idea! I've only done 2 leg days. One last week one just the other day. I did not feel like this at all after any T25 workout so those must be more cardio.
I now am wondering if I need something for recovery for after leg day. It really puts a damper on my cardio Umm for like a week ha. Amino acids maybe help with the soreness??!?!
Using a foam roller will help; use it the day after leg day, before you do any cardio. Doing gentle cardio that first day will help. Sometimes, especially when you are just getting started, the second day after you lift will hurt more. If that happens, get out the foam roller again, and then, just keep moving. I've found that an easy run will help my legs feel better, even though the muscles are sore when I start; the "easy" part is key, though. If that means a brisk walk, so be it.
You probably will find that the muscle soreness diminishes as you get used to the workout.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
LOL, I was just thinking about the first time I did a serious leg workout with free weights, waaaay back when I was in high school. I was walking funny for a few days after that.
Now, I'll get fatigue more than muscle soreness; if I run 9-10 miles and then lift legs, odds are I am walking and not running the next day. I certainly won't be setting any speed records. I'll have muscle soreness after a race -- or after doing legs when my trainer put 270# on the leg press, OMG. That knocked me out for a few days.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Thanks curm!! I am actually walking ok. It's the squatting position that gets me. Going into a sit position on a chair or getting up from a chair and definitely get stiff like gambs mentioned!
My legs are achin! My schedule got blown this week. And now I'm up in the nite cuz my son I sick he's little and the weather is changing in MI. So I can already tell how my next couple days are going to go. Clingy! Which would have been just fine before I decided I was going to workout daily-ish! Anyways I'm more than happy to be there for him and will be happy to get back on track. Hopefully he'll hold up so I can get thru most of work today.
See ya! Happy Friday!
Oh please let it rain today.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Yeah -- I'm already sore.
We usually start with squats, but today it was deadlifts first. OMG... Fortunately, he was there to spot me for the squats; I was afraid I was going to keel over.
My husband just asked me what we need to get done tonight; I said my expectations are very, very low. We also were talking about the benefits of speedwork; I don't think I'm doing speedwork tomorrow morning.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
I'm still down three lbs. The scale has not moved
I can't stop thinking about encorporating weight lifting but just can't fit it in the schedule.
Cheer has started for the oldest. School starts for 2 of the 3 in a couple weeks and dance has started for one daughter and a short session of a few weeks of gymnastics will start for 2 of the 3 HA!
Anyways maybe I can find some at home similar somethings I can do.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
In time I'll get time!!
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
I am getting better. Slowly. Worked on my V hold tonight. Looked more like a reverse crunch
I found a gal I like that lifts and am next going to incorporate her curcuits in too. She might be my weekend workouts when I have more time to figure out how to do some of her stuff without the gyms machines.
Thanks guys! Had chicken tossed in fajita seasoning and roasted veggies and couldn't pass up a boiled potato with a dollop of sour cream! Drank my water too.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Also, especially as a woman, there are a lot of body-weight exercises you can do to build strength and muscle, e.g., squats, lunges, push-ups, one-leg calf raises.
1. 30 lb press - 4 sets at 15 reps.
2. 10 lb front raises - 5 sets at 20 reps (40 reps pronated grip, 40 hammer grip, 20 supinated grip)
3. 10 lb press - 20 reps
4. 10 lb lateral raises - 6 sets at 15 reps, 7th set at 10 reps
5. 10 lb press - 20 reps
6. 10 lb bent over rear delt flyes - 5 sets at 20 reps
7. 10 lb upright rows - burn out set and got 30 reps
All in all, 430 reps working all heads of the deltoid pretty evenly. Kept the rest short - no more than 45 seconds between sets.
I do many body-weight exercises now. That's all T25 is, mostly. There's plenty I can do I think with my 3lb weights and resistance band. But I will seek you guys out when the time comes!
T25 is a lot of lunges, squats, planks, push ups, crunches in a lot of differ positions hah, jumping jacks, blah blah blah many more.
I have some recipies I wanna try this weekend. And I might even meal prep my lunches at least. Getting the kids nite on a roll and almost time to work out.
See ya!
Oh I do have an eliptical - again kids are an issue. They 2 little ones just can't be left alone and the hubs runs the oldest around and has other priorities. I can't even get 25 minutes for T25 uninterrupted. But hopefully that will change over even the next year.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Sleep is the only thing anyone wants to do then, so I use that as workout time.
I've heard many people do that. I guess it depends on the kid(s). My eldest woke at 5, could be depended on to go strong until 11 at night, thought naps were for wimps, and was five years old before he slept through the night. An "expert" once suggested that I simply get up an hour earlier to make time for myself; I don't know how I stoppped myself from throttling her.
Some little ones like a nice, regular sleep schedule and can be counted on to entertain themselves for 15-20 minutes during the day without setting the house on fire. Others... are different. If Foxy's little ones are of the high-maintenance variety, then she's probably going to have to trade off between sleep and exercise, or come to an agreement with her husband, until the youngest is in school.
When my kids were babies/ preschoolers, I got a lot of use out of a double jogging stroller. And we later joined a 24-hour fitness club, and husband and I took turns getting the kids to bed and working out until 11:00p.m. I was no Olympic athlete, but I was doing something.
Foxy, I'd just remind you to set realistic expectations for yourself. Magazines like to tell us that we can look ike the cover model in just ten minutes a day, but reality isn't like that. Do what you can now and tell yourself that you are establishing healthy habits that you can build on down the road when the kids are a little older. Just "maintaining" right now is okay; it doesn't sound like you have time for much more than that.
Im not certain I'd my kids are high maintenance but they are together all the time and are highly competitive and just crawl all over me. When I get home either myself or hubs will play with them outside while the other cooks. Then the hubs will run the oldest to practice or game come back and eat. Then we play more then bed time then mom's workout time. But again I can only get a few minutes of uninterrupted time which for my current set up is not ok it's fast paced for 25 minutes. I need time to focus. If I yell at them or swat their but they just scream and fake cry relentlessly. Which ok say I a softy but they're my kids and I don't choose to make them feel like I'm not paying attention to them or they aren't important. If the schedule allows my oldest entertains so I can knock out my workout.
We are a full schedule of 5 busy bodies. And yes thank you I am learning to accept it takes time and work. There are no quick fixes. I just get discouraged when others get such great results. But I'm learning to accept me and what I'm capable at this time.
Gonna keep plugging along. Thanks again guys! And I do know it'll get better once the kids are in school. My 3 year old starts 4 1/2 days in a few weeks and her dance class so maybe that will wear down the animal. My youngest is the easy one and even easier when the animal is down for the count
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
I find that I am once again in that weird state of mind where my brain tries to tell me that I haven't exercised yet today, even though I just finished a nine-mile run. I don't know what's going on with that. I've reached a point with exercise where I am doing so much that I have to struggle to fit in adequate rest and food and do anything else each day. It's all a bit strange.
I'd just like to say I have to help lower myself to the toilet seat after leg day and if I'm being honest I am almost just flopping down and will need to replace my toilet.
That is all.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
I had skipped it for almost a month, doing stairmill cardio instead in prep for hiking.
I have to squat and kneel down frequently for work.
30 minutes in the car had me all stiffed up and I went to kneel on one knee first thing and I went down hard in front of a yoga pants hottie lol
Crashed onto my knee and keeled over on my hip.
That's a good thing, but your scale won't be super encouraging as you work so hard and it barely budges.
Use other metrics to track your progress.
Fitness goals and milestones are great, how you fit into your clothing is great too.
Take before and after pictures, I didn't want to make a record of my sad state and now I wish I had so I could compare.
Sometimes you'll still see a sad state in the mirror and at those times a record is nice to keep you from failing to see the progress you've made, and keep you honest about the progress as well.
I lost 40 pounds, that's a nice metric to have, but it doesn't really tell the story as well as before and after pics would because of the muscle gain and weight loss together.
I've lost about ten pounds over the past two years -- and nearly two dress sizes, because I have gained muscle and lost fat.
Here's my back, LOL. My trainer got a little snap-happy the other day. I wish the pic was smaller. Yikes!
While I am pretty psyched about how my back looks, I was at the gym today, looking at my thighs and thinking they looked fat. Then another woman told my trainer she wished she had leg definition like mine. That was nice.
Certain clothes I do notice a difference!
I'm keepin on!
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
The soreness will only happen after the first workout if you aren't getting after it.
Some people are more prone to DOMS than others, but if you are feeling it after the first week or two, that means you are getting after it!
I am a noob! I had no idea! I've only done 2 leg days. One last week one just the other day. I did not feel like this at all after any T25 workout so those must be more cardio.
I now am wondering if I need something for recovery for after leg day. It really puts a damper on my cardio Umm for like a week ha. Amino acids maybe help with the soreness??!?!
Thanks guys!
And yes curm! You go girl! Goals!
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
And leg day is definitely the worst recovery for me. Get used to doing the penguin waddle!
You probably will find that the muscle soreness diminishes as you get used to the workout.
Now, I'll get fatigue more than muscle soreness; if I run 9-10 miles and then lift legs, odds are I am walking and not running the next day. I certainly won't be setting any speed records. I'll have muscle soreness after a race -- or after doing legs when my trainer put 270# on the leg press, OMG. That knocked me out for a few days.
My legs are achin! My schedule got blown this week. And now I'm up in the nite cuz my son I sick he's little and the weather is changing in MI. So I can already tell how my next couple days are going to go. Clingy! Which would have been just fine before I decided I was going to workout daily-ish! Anyways I'm more than happy to be there for him and will be happy to get back on track. Hopefully he'll hold up so I can get thru most of work today.
See ya! Happy Friday!
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.