My summer is winding down - one more week off then back at it for another academic year. These past 9 weeks I grabbed more control over my eating habits, save for a beer or two this summer I kept my no alcohol plan mostly in tact. Getting my bike fixed up / tuned up was a real turning point in my work outs if I had to pick something. Hitting the trail before the gym has really helped me drop some of this annoying belly fat. I continue to make gains in the weight room - about every 6 weeks I go up in weight on every exercise. My wife says she can see bicep, tricep, shoulder and ab definition like I had "when we first met". Great endorsement eh!? The real challenge will be maintaining all of this back to working both jobs full time, baby girl #2 on the way in early October. I really feel like I've finally dialed back into my healthy ways that I've lost the past 10 years. I've also worked to discard and/or minimize other unhealthy habits - like interacting with certain people, reading news that only serves to agitate/upset me, etc., etc., Hope you all are doing well!
I'll admit that I've been slacking for a while. When my wife got hurt at work, I quit going to the gym because I needed to help her out. I know I could have kept up at least a little at home, but I didn't. Once she got back to normal I got sick off and on for a couple weeks, so even more time reverting back to bad habits. Started back at the gym today. No easing back into it, went full throttle and feeling good (for now, we'll see in the morning lol). My cardio definitely sucks right now though. It's gonna be a while before that builds back up.
Good luck and good job to everybody!
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
My summer is winding down - one more week off then back at it for another academic year. These past 9 weeks I grabbed more control over my eating habits, save for a beer or two this summer I kept my no alcohol plan mostly in tact. Getting my bike fixed up / tuned up was a real turning point in my work outs if I had to pick something. Hitting the trail before the gym has really helped me drop some of this annoying belly fat. I continue to make gains in the weight room - about every 6 weeks I go up in weight on every exercise. My wife says she can see bicep, tricep, shoulder and ab definition like I had "when we first met". Great endorsement eh!? The real challenge will be maintaining all of this back to working both jobs full time, baby girl #2 on the way in early October. I really feel like I've finally dialed back into my healthy ways that I've lost the past 10 years. I've also worked to discard and/or minimize other unhealthy habits - like interacting with certain people, reading news that only serves to agitate/upset me, etc., etc., Hope you all are doing well!
No doubt it's a challenge to make time for exercise when the rest of life is so busy! When our kids were small, we belonged to a 24-hour place, and we really needed those late night hours. My husband and I would take turns -- one night he put the kids to bed, cleaned up from dinner, etc., while I went to the gym for a workout, and the next night would be his turn. That meant getting home at 11:30 most nights. I also found that a double-wide jogging stroller was a very worthwhile investment, but your mileage may vary.
But at the very least, making and keeping those new, healthier habits is a big plus. :-)
My kids are grown now, and it's great to be able to really focus on exercise instead of tacking it on to the end of the day, logging junk miles. squeezing in a ten-minute lift, etc. The best part is that my boys actually are supportive and encouraging of what I'm doing; they're good kids. :-)
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
and my wife has a serious pregnancy craving for the fucking worst fast food ever. Chik Fila. Fuck that place! Damn, crack laced chicken nuggets and sandwiches, those perfect chewy ice cubes in a cup of Coca Cola! ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGG!!!!
Seriously, I look down at that smaller tire on my stomach and am like "get off me!!"
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Seriously, I look down at that smaller tire on my stomach and am like "get off me!!"
Have 10 extra stomach lbs. Hoping my month long trip to Colorado will have me being more energetic & I know I need to eat better there too. It's never easy, that's for sure.
So, What you Giving ?........ (Thanks Speedy, Alesek, & Arq+friends)
What You Giving
I suggest you step out on your Porch.
Run away my son. See it all. Oh, See the World!
I lost 5 lbs this week, I'm finally back on track after a nearly 2month fitness hiatus. Lifted for 6 hours this week and ran 6 miles, not a bad start to work out the kinks!
I am starting week 4 of T25. Zero inches lost. I bounce between a 3lb loss and a zero loss.
I'm keepin on keepin on.
Oh please let it rain today.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
My weight loss was very slow -- ten pounds in two years. But I think that number's misleading; I also lost 1.5 inches off of my waist and thighs and two inches from my hips. So I've lost more than ten pounds of fat, and added muscle. I'm hoping that my very slow, steady progress means that I am more likely to keep the pounds off, too. At least, I hope that's the case.
I'm getting stronger, my squat and deadlift weights are the highest they've ever been. :-) And I'm enjoying the self-defense classes, although they do make me step outside of my comfort zone. It has been many, many years since a guy told me to wrap my thighs around his neck and squeeze. I think Vs. was topping the charts the last time that happened.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Thought I weighed more than 185 but not the case. Only need to lose a pound a week to come back from my Colorado vacation under 180. May have to avoid smoking too much Indica.
So, What you Giving ?........ (Thanks Speedy, Alesek, & Arq+friends)
What You Giving
I suggest you step out on your Porch.
Run away my son. See it all. Oh, See the World!
I'm getting back in the groove. My junk food intake hasn't been good, 10 cookies, and 2 milkshakes, but my gym time is up.
On 3 hours of sleep I managed to lift back and shoulders for 1.5hrs and did a 4.5 miles on the treadmill. Now, as the day wears on, I'm thinking I am setting the alarm at 430 so I can do the same tomorrow and still be home to collect the eggs and fry them up for the wife before she goes to work.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
225 bench is so much more than it sounds like it is! Good job! I'm still stuck down at 180 but I'll get there. Yesterday was good, 430 am alarm heralded a full fitness day. 2 hr full body lift 1hr 4 mile run 2 hours of push mowing and weed eating Mucked out the chicken coop Picked beans, maters, peppers and cabbage Split firewood and maintained a fire for some city folk Drank 5 beers.
rgambs, is 180 your 1 rep or are you able to get a multi-rep set in? If you can do a few reps, you might surprise yourself with your 1 rep max.
Sounds like you earned those beers though! Quite a day.
That is at 3 or 4 reps, depending on the day. And that's on the last set too. Never have tried maxing. I lift differently than many people. I do sets in 4's, not 3's. I do a warm up set where I go to 10-12 reps, then I up the weight and do 8 reps, then up and 6, then the heaviest at 4 reps. I have seen and heard of many people doing it essentially the complete opposite of that. I learned to lift on a very good wrestling team and I think that lifting system emphasizes stamina over explosive strength and it's very good for not getting injured, building up like that.
rgambs, is 180 your 1 rep or are you able to get a multi-rep set in? If you can do a few reps, you might surprise yourself with your 1 rep max.
Sounds like you earned those beers though! Quite a day.
That is at 3 or 4 reps, depending on the day. And that's on the last set too. Never have tried maxing. I lift differently than many people. I do sets in 4's, not 3's. I do a warm up set where I go to 10-12 reps, then I up the weight and do 8 reps, then up and 6, then the heaviest at 4 reps. I have seen and heard of many people doing it essentially the complete opposite of that. I learned to lift on a very good wrestling team and I think that lifting system emphasizes stamina over explosive strength and it's very good for not getting injured, building up like that.
At 3 or 4 reps, your max would probably be 195 maybe up to 205 on a really good day. When I go for maxing out, I do my lifts like that. Otherwise, I'll start off with a couple of warmup sets then do my working sets at the target weight. Lately it's been warmup at 95, warmup at 135, then as many sets as it takes to get to 50 reps at 145-155, depending on how I'm feeling. Move up the weight when you can get the 50 in 2 sets. I've seen a few people mention doing volume like that will help increase lifts. I've started doing the main lifts like that and I've seen some pretty good results.
My focus is on mass building rather than strength training so I tend to go high rep after the main lifts. I do drop sets on all single joint lifts and sometimes everything but bench.
Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
Crushed it today! Hit 2 PRs. 707 leg press and finally, after what seemed to be a never ending quest, benched 225. Just can't get complacent now.
Happy Friday!
That's awesome! Congrats! :-D
I'm getting steadily stronger, but I'll never hit numbers like that.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
I wasn't able to get my long run yesterday, but I managed to get ten miles in on Saturday after four hours of sleep (and three or four glasses of champagne), lifted both days, too. Today was my self-defense lesson, strength training with my trainer, seven miles. Looking forward to a good run tomorrow.
I've hit a point where random people notice and comment on my appearance -- in a good way, not "Damn, you're ugly!" like I used to get -- and not just at the gym. It's an interesting experience.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
I wasn't able to get my long run yesterday, but I managed to get ten miles in on Saturday after four hours of sleep (and three or four glasses of champagne), lifted both days, too. Today was my self-defense lesson, strength training with my trainer, seven miles. Looking forward to a good run tomorrow.
I've hit a point where random people notice and comment on my appearance -- in a good way, not "Damn, you're ugly!" like I used to get -- and not just at the gym. It's an interesting experience.
Sounds like an intense couple of days. I don't know if I could have done all that!
Awesome that you're getting compliments! Hard work pays off and it's always nice when others notice.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
Well, I am pretty tired. ;-) Compliments are nice, and I'm happy to take the flattery. I tell my trainer that flattery is a great way to get me through tough sets; I tried having him tell me jokes, instead, but that made me lose focus.
I crushed my run today: ten miles, 8:45 pace. Woot! That's not a bad "easy" run for a woman my age. Now, if only I had time for a nap.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Well, I am pretty tired. ;-) Compliments are nice, and I'm happy to take the flattery. I tell my trainer that flattery is a great way to get me through tough sets; I tried having him tell me jokes, instead, but that made me lose focus.
I crushed my run today: ten miles, 8:45 pace. Woot! That's not a bad "easy" run for a woman my age. Now, if only I had time for a nap.
... and I got to throw my instructor this week.
I'll admit that I've been slacking for a while. When my wife got hurt at work, I quit going to the gym because I needed to help her out. I know I could have kept up at least a little at home, but I didn't. Once she got back to normal I got sick off and on for a couple weeks, so even more time reverting back to bad habits. Started back at the gym today. No easing back into it, went full throttle and feeling good (for now, we'll see in the morning lol). My cardio definitely sucks right now though. It's gonna be a while before that builds back up.
Good luck and good job to everybody!
No doubt it's a challenge to make time for exercise when the rest of life is so busy! When our kids were small, we belonged to a 24-hour place, and we really needed those late night hours. My husband and I would take turns -- one night he put the kids to bed, cleaned up from dinner, etc., while I went to the gym for a workout, and the next night would be his turn. That meant getting home at 11:30 most nights. I also found that a double-wide jogging stroller was a very worthwhile investment, but your mileage may vary.
But at the very least, making and keeping those new, healthier habits is a big plus. :-)
My kids are grown now, and it's great to be able to really focus on exercise instead of tacking it on to the end of the day, logging junk miles. squeezing in a ten-minute lift, etc. The best part is that my boys actually are supportive and encouraging of what I'm doing; they're good kids. :-)
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
What You Giving
I suggest you step out on your Porch.
Run away my son. See it all. Oh, See the World!
Lifted for 6 hours this week and ran 6 miles, not a bad start to work out the kinks!
I'm keepin on keepin on.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
I'm getting stronger, my squat and deadlift weights are the highest they've ever been. :-)
And I'm enjoying the self-defense classes, although they do make me step outside of my comfort zone. It has been many, many years since a guy told me to wrap my thighs around his neck and squeeze. I think Vs. was topping the charts the last time that happened.
What You Giving
I suggest you step out on your Porch.
Run away my son. See it all. Oh, See the World!
My junk food intake hasn't been good, 10 cookies, and 2 milkshakes, but my gym time is up.
On 3 hours of sleep I managed to lift back and shoulders for 1.5hrs and did a 4.5 miles on the treadmill.
Now, as the day wears on, I'm thinking I am setting the alarm at 430 so I can do the same tomorrow and still be home to collect the eggs and fry them up for the wife before she goes to work.
Happy Friday!
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Good job! I'm still stuck down at 180 but I'll get there.
Yesterday was good, 430 am alarm heralded a full fitness day.
2 hr full body lift
1hr 4 mile run
2 hours of push mowing and weed eating
Mucked out the chicken coop
Picked beans, maters, peppers and cabbage
Split firewood and maintained a fire for some city folk
Drank 5 beers.
rgambs, is 180 your 1 rep or are you able to get a multi-rep set in? If you can do a few reps, you might surprise yourself with your 1 rep max.
Sounds like you earned those beers though! Quite a day.
I lift differently than many people.
I do sets in 4's, not 3's. I do a warm up set where I go to 10-12 reps, then I up the weight and do 8 reps, then up and 6, then the heaviest at 4 reps.
I have seen and heard of many people doing it essentially the complete opposite of that.
I learned to lift on a very good wrestling team and I think that lifting system emphasizes stamina over explosive strength and it's very good for not getting injured, building up like that.
That's awesome! Congrats! :-D
I'm getting steadily stronger, but I'll never hit numbers like that.
I've hit a point where random people notice and comment on my appearance -- in a good way, not "Damn, you're ugly!" like I used to get -- and not just at the gym. It's an interesting experience.
As long as you're making progress, that's all that matters.
Sounds like an intense couple of days. I don't know if I could have done all that!
Awesome that you're getting compliments! Hard work pays off and it's always nice when others notice.
Compliments are nice, and I'm happy to take the flattery. I tell my trainer that flattery is a great way to get me through tough sets; I tried having him tell me jokes, instead, but that made me lose focus.
I crushed my run today: ten miles, 8:45 pace. Woot! That's not a bad "easy" run for a woman my age.