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Post edited by PJfanwillneverleave1 on
My thoughts? You do have a right to a choice. Either choose to have sex and undetstand the possible outcome, or don't have sex at all. There's your choice.
Abortion is murder. If you don't believe me go google a video of a 5 month old (20 week) fetus being sucked down a tube. You're opinion will (should) change mighty quick.
Poor joke I know, but it came to mind.
I remember when this became available in the US, and the uproar it caused among otherwise reasonable people.
Anyway, not pro-abortion but very much pro-choice here, because I DO have a right to choose. Thank god.
I never had to make that decision (and that ship has pretty much sailed by now anyway - ha!), but my sister's life would be drastically different had she not been afforded that option when she was a young woman. She's one of many.
Also, nothing - save abstinence - will guarantee not becoming pregnant.
Education is quite important as well; too many girls partaking in acts in which they have little or no maturity, guidance, or understanding the serious and potential outcomes (whether becoming pregnant or acquiring an STD).
i would never tell a woman, especially the billions of ones i don't know, what they should do with their own body.
it is their body. everyone else should just butt out and run their own body they way they choose to.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Less than 2 % Of abortions occur at such a late gestational age. 88 to 92% occur before 13 weeks.
Is the pill mutter? It stops fertilized eggs from implanting, where do you draw the line?
Anyway, pro-choice all the way. I couldn't care less what anti-choicers think. They're fools.
Fetus being the key word.
Abortion is not murder.
I believe that safe, legal and rare abortion should be available to women who need it. No one should have to cross state lines to get the procedure. No one should have to turn to some black market "doctor" either.
I think we do a disservice to young girls when we push this idea that "it's not a child, it's a choice."
I remember how horrifying it was to dispense the morning after pill when I worked as a pharmacy tech in highly impoverished Holyoke, MA. Not because I have a problem with the pill - I'm glad that a prescription is no longer needed here in Massachusetts. What horrified me was that these young girls, these kids, would come in with a prescription for it...and the doctors would write them with a refill option. No education, just a quick scribble on a paper to keep them out of the doctors' hair next time. Just one more of the many ways the children of that town were underserved.
I don't know if life begins at conception. I can honestly say I don't know when life begins. But I don't believe abortion is murder.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
I don't understand why you would have any emotion about giving out the morning after pill, let alone be horrified. When that is used the egg isn't even fertilized. It is not much different that selling a box of condoms.
Do any of you consider RU-486 abortion? I do not.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Someone close to me (I'll call her "Jane") used to pass a Planned Parenthood building on her way to work every day. She noticed one day that a group of religious pro-lifers were harassing the Planned Parenthood as they tried to enter the building and go to work. Jane got out of her car and went into the Planned Parenthood office, wrote them out a check for $100, went back outside and told the harassing religious people, "Look, I just went in and gave this organization a check for $100. I go by here every day to my job and every time I see you out here interfering with these people and their work I will go in and write them another check for $100 until you stop harassing them." She followed up on her word and wrote several $100 checks (and I know for a fact that this person worked hard and was not super wealthy) and eventually the religious harassing people left for good. I was blown away by Jane's story and her commitment.
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"