What parts of Gaza are not densely populated? Again how effective is the shield if Israel bombs UN shelters and schools anyway? Palestinian militants fire rockets and store weapons at 9000 different locations within Gaza?
Why store ammunition in schools, UN shelters, and hospitals?
What parts of Gaza are not densely populated? Again how effective is the shield if Israel bombs UN shelters and schools anyway? Palestinian militants fire rockets and store weapons at 9000 different locations within Gaza?
Why store ammunition in schools, UN shelters, and hospitals?
under the assumption the weapons will not be destroyed because the IDF isnt despicable enough to bomb such buildings...bad assumption!
What parts of Gaza are not densely populated? Again how effective is the shield if Israel bombs UN shelters and schools anyway? Palestinian militants fire rockets and store weapons at 9000 different locations within Gaza?
Why store ammunition in schools, UN shelters, and hospitals?
under the assumption the weapons will not be destroyed because the IDF isnt despicable enough to bomb such buildings...bad assumption!
Don't you think that it is equally despicable to store weapions in buildings such as this?
Still can't believe I met Mike Mccready at the Guggenheim and got a pic with him!!!!!
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
What parts of Gaza are not densely populated? Again how effective is the shield if Israel bombs UN shelters and schools anyway? Palestinian militants fire rockets and store weapons at 9000 different locations within Gaza?
Why store ammunition in schools, UN shelters, and hospitals?
under the assumption the weapons will not be destroyed because the IDF isnt despicable enough to bomb such buildings...bad assumption!
Don't you think that it is equally despicable to store weapions in buildings such as this?
Let's see, storing weapons in ABANDONED schools or indiscriminately dropping bombs on civilians, ya, u win.
despicable, yes. Equally??? Are you fucking joking with me? You are gonna compare munitions storage to deliberate targeting of civillians?? No, not equal. Despicable, but exponentially less.
What parts of Gaza are not densely populated? Again how effective is the shield if Israel bombs UN shelters and schools anyway? Palestinian militants fire rockets and store weapons at 9000 different locations within Gaza?
Why store ammunition in schools, UN shelters, and hospitals?
Where are the photos of the weapons cache underneath the rumble and dead bodies? The UN is complicit in allowing weapons in their shelters?
Of the more than 8000 targets struck by Israel where terrorists are and/or weapons are stored: water treatment plants (8), electricity facilities (19), financial industrial and commercial facilities (315), fishing boats (52) hospitals clinics (23) ambulances (12) schools (189) universities (9) and of course mosques (90) that is alotta weapons and terrorists. We sure these weapons aren't collectors items? Who and where are they using all these weapons on?
'...UN General Assembly Partition Resolution 181 of 1947, which established the Jewish state’s international legitimacy, also recognised the remaining Palestinian territory outside the new state’s borders as the equally legitimate patrimony of Palestine’s Arab population on which they were entitled to establish their own state, and it mapped the borders of that territory with great precision. Resolution 181’s affirmation of the right of Palestine’s Arab population to national self-determination was based on normative law and the democratic principles that grant statehood to the majority population. (At the time, Arabs constituted two-thirds of the population in Palestine.) This right does not evaporate because of delays in its implementation.'
Arabs rejected this. Next.
They may have rejected it, but it's legitimacy still stands.
Too bad this is not factual. After arresting hamas operitives in the west bank suspected of being involved in the murders, hamas in gaza started firing rockets at israel. Then and ONLY THEN israel began attacking hamas targets in gaza.
Still can't believe I met Mike Mccready at the Guggenheim and got a pic with him!!!!!
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
U.S. Should Stop Funding Israel, or Let Others Broker Peace Noura Erakat August 5, 2014
As Israel’s primary patron of economic, military and diplomatic support, the United States has a duty and the capacity to help resolve the Palestinian-Israel conflict. It should either comply with its domestic laws and cease military aid to Israel or simply step aside and allow international mechanisms to function without obstruction.
Ending aid will either restrain Israel and facilitate a political resolution or encourage a backlash that induces the global community to intervene.
Between 1949 and 2008, the U.S. has provided Israel with $103.6 billion, more than all of the foreign aid it has provided to Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America combined. Since 2000, it has provided Israel with $3.5 billion worth of F-16s and $77 billion in Apaches. Military aid to foreign states is subject to several U.S. laws including the Arms Export Control Act , the Foreign Assistance Act and the Leahy Law. Each of these laws conditions the receipt of aid on the furtherance of human rights.
The Department of State annually notes Israel’s systematic abuse of human rights against Palestinians. Congress has nevertheless renewed aid to Israel without scrutiny either by willful ignorance or disregard. In the eyes of our 535 elected representatives, Israel can do no wrong.
This has not always been the case. The Reagan administration halted its cluster munitions sales to Israel between 1982 and 1988 in response to Israel’s disproportionate and indiscriminate attack on civilians in Beirut. In 1991, the George H.W. Bush administration conditioned its loan guarantees to Israel on the cessation of its settlement expansion in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
The United States has ample evidence of Israel’s human rights violations that should trigger these laws today. In its most recent offensive, Israel has dropped over 100 one-ton bombs, hardly precise and discriminate weaponry, onto the densely populated and besieged Gaza Strip. Human Rights Watch documented Israeli ground forces shooting and killing fleeing Palestinian families in Khuza’a between July 23 and 25. Amnesty International documented the killing of 45 civilians in the Occupied West Bank over the past three years.
Cessation of American military aid to Israel will create at least two possibilities in the long run. On the one hand, it can restrain Israel, thereby creating more opportunities for a political resolution to the conflict. On the other hand, it could have the opposite effect and motivate Israel to pursue more maximalist policies, thereby increasing the cost of its transgressions. This will likely induce the international community to effectively intervene à la the South African model.
Short of complying with its own laws, the United States can also step aside and allow international mechanisms to function. The United States has incapacitated the U.N. Security Council by using its veto power to shield Israel from accountability 40 times between 1972 and 2011. The only other situation where the U.S. used its veto power so systematically was to protect colonial and apartheid regimes in South Africa, Rhodesia and Namibia. The United States has similarly undermined the efficacy of the International Court of Justice, the Human Rights Council and, as we are currently witnessing, the International Criminal Court.
The U.S. is a central part of the problem in the Palestinian-Israel conflict. To be a part of the solution, it needs to do less, not more.
What happened? Was your next Youtube clip so ridiculous that even you couldn't summon the audacity to post it?
I won't even bother taking the bait. No point seeing how you never actually adress any of the points made that contradict your lies... I am done with you. Please do not contact me again. Anyone else is more than welcome to ask me something.
Still can't believe I met Mike Mccready at the Guggenheim and got a pic with him!!!!!
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
Palestinian leaders poised to join ICC in order to pursue Israel for war crimes Diplomats expect plan to join international criminal court and call for investigation to be used as bargaining chip in Cairo talks
Julian Borger and Ian Black The Guardian, Tuesday 5 August 2014
Palestinian political leaders are poised to join the International Criminal Court (ICC) with the aim of putting Israel in the dock on war crimes charges, officials said today.
"Israel has left us with no other option," Riad Malki, the Palestinian foreign minister, told reporters after meeting ICC officials in The Hague to discuss the implications of signing the Rome Statute. It would make the Palestinian state a member of the court with the authority to call for an investigation into possible war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The Palestinian Authority has asked Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) to sign the accession document before it is formally presented, and officials say they now expect both organisations to agree.
The development came as Palestinian negotiators were due to meet the head of Egyptian military intelligence in Cairo to discuss a permanent ceasefire with Israel, after all sides observed a 72-hour truce that came in to force at 8am local time (0600 BST) on Tuesday.
...Diplomats say they expect the Palestinian plan to join the ICC and set a war crimes investigation in motion to be one of the bargaining chips on the table in Cairo. Palestinian officials claim that, for the first time, they have achieved unity on the issue among the political and armed factions, paving the way for ICC membership.
"I think it is going to happen," Saeb Erekat, a veteran Palestinian diplomat, said. Erekat said he had shown the documentation to Hamas's political leader, Khaled Meshal, a few days ago in Doha. "He asked to study it for a couple of days. There are still some legal aspects and procedures that have to be agreed."
The ICC prosecutor issued a statement on Tuesday stating that the court did not have jurisdiction on Palestinian territory without a formal Palestinian request. Palestinian Authority negotiators have taken a copy of the accession document to ceasefire talks in Cairo in the hope that the Hamas and PIJ representatives will sign it there.
If they do, the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, would add his own signature, confirming membership of the ICC. He would then issue a declaration calling for an investigation.
ICC investigators would consequently assess war crimes allegations against all parties to the conflict, including Hamas and PIJ. Jawan Jabarin, a Palestinian human rights activist who has been pushing for ICC membership, said that both groups were prepared to sign because they believed Israel would be the primary target of any investigation.
...If Abbas proceeds with accession to the ICC, it would represent an act of defiance of western capitals, which have put pressure on him not to join, arguing it would be an impediment to peace negotiations. The UK's foreign office minister, Sayeeda Warsi, resigned on Tuesday because of the government's policy on Gaza, specifically citing her disagreement with British pressure on the Palestinians not to pursue justice through the ICC.
Amnesty International's secretary general, Salil Shetty, has urged the Palestinian leadership to shrug off western pressure.
"They must make good on their words and seize this chance to move towards accountability for countless victims of human rights violations by submitting a declaration accepting the jurisdiction of the ICC without further delay," Shetty said.
The Department of State annually notes Israel’s systematic abuse of human rights against Palestinians.
Rafie will post that this is a LIE to. Just like ANYTHING criticing Israel is a LIE no matter what proof u put.
I just love how instead of actualy trying to talk with me you just put words in my mouth without even knowing anything about me except that i am from israel... That will make a difference...
Still can't believe I met Mike Mccready at the Guggenheim and got a pic with him!!!!!
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
Too bad this is not factual. After arresting hamas operitives in the west bank suspected of being involved in the murders, hamas in gaza started firing rockets at israel. Then and ONLY THEN israel began attacking hamas targets in gaza.
Dude, you should be embarrassed about what your country is doing. Don't even fucken tell me they're defending their citizens cause that's complete bullshit. I always wonder how people that have no problem killing women/children can sleep at night. Are they so desensitized to the point that it's normal? Countless posts about idf killing innocents and people still defend them. Countless pics of dead CHILDREN and Israel continues it's assault. Proof after proof of what's going on and Israeli apologists continue to talk shit all while 3year olds are hiding on the streets while bombs drop all around them. Do you guys have no compassion for kids? It's funny and sad, Israel and the western media try to paint Palestinians as monsters, barbaric animals who have no value for their own peoples lives but yet it's the Israeli side who seems to be the ones who don't value human life, except theirs.
The Department of State annually notes Israel’s systematic abuse of human rights against Palestinians.
Rafie will post that this is a LIE to. Just like ANYTHING criticing Israel is a LIE no matter what proof u put.
I just love how instead of actualy trying to talk with me you just put words in my mouth without even knowing anything about me except that i am from israel... That will make a difference...
Really? I just post what I get from YOUR posts. You're right, I dnt know u and u dnt know me. This isn't about u and me, it's about murder, killings and genocide wether u agree with me or not. And Israel is doing an awesome job of population control.
Too bad this is not factual. After arresting hamas operitives in the west bank suspected of being involved in the murders, hamas in gaza started firing rockets at israel. Then and ONLY THEN israel began attacking hamas targets in gaza.
Dude, you should be embarrassed about what your country is doing. Don't even fucken tell me they're defending their citizens cause that's complete bullshit. I always wonder how people that have no problem killing women/children can sleep at night. Are they so desensitized to the point that it's normal? Countless posts about idf killing innocents and people still defend them. Countless pics of dead CHILDREN and Israel continues it's assault. Proof after proof of what's going on and Israeli apologists continue to talk shit all while 3year olds are hiding on the streets while bombs drop all around them. Do you guys have no compassion for kids? It's funny and sad, Israel and the western media try to paint Palestinians as monsters, barbaric animals who have no value for their own peoples lives but yet it's the Israeli side who seems to be the ones who don't value human life, except theirs.
How does this have anything to do with the post that you quoted? Feel free to PM me if you would like to know my beliefs on things.
Still can't believe I met Mike Mccready at the Guggenheim and got a pic with him!!!!!
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
The UN is complicit in allowing weapons in their shelters?
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
U.S. Should Stop Funding Israel, or Let Others Broker Peace
Noura Erakat
August 5, 2014
As Israel’s primary patron of economic, military and diplomatic support, the United States has a duty and the capacity to help resolve the Palestinian-Israel conflict. It should either comply with its domestic laws and cease military aid to Israel or simply step aside and allow international mechanisms to function without obstruction.
Ending aid will either restrain Israel and facilitate a political resolution or encourage a backlash that induces the global community to intervene.
Between 1949 and 2008, the U.S. has provided Israel with $103.6 billion, more than all of the foreign aid it has provided to Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America combined. Since 2000, it has provided Israel with $3.5 billion worth of F-16s and $77 billion in Apaches. Military aid to foreign states is subject to several U.S. laws including the Arms Export Control Act , the Foreign Assistance Act and the Leahy Law. Each of these laws conditions the receipt of aid on the furtherance of human rights.
The Department of State annually notes Israel’s systematic abuse of human rights against Palestinians. Congress has nevertheless renewed aid to Israel without scrutiny either by willful ignorance or disregard. In the eyes of our 535 elected representatives, Israel can do no wrong.
This has not always been the case. The Reagan administration halted its cluster munitions sales to Israel between 1982 and 1988 in response to Israel’s disproportionate and indiscriminate attack on civilians in Beirut. In 1991, the George H.W. Bush administration conditioned its loan guarantees to Israel on the cessation of its settlement expansion in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
The United States has ample evidence of Israel’s human rights violations that should trigger these laws today. In its most recent offensive, Israel has dropped over 100 one-ton bombs, hardly precise and discriminate weaponry, onto the densely populated and besieged Gaza Strip. Human Rights Watch documented Israeli ground forces shooting and killing fleeing Palestinian families in Khuza’a between July 23 and 25. Amnesty International documented the killing of 45 civilians in the Occupied West Bank over the past three years.
Cessation of American military aid to Israel will create at least two possibilities in the long run. On the one hand, it can restrain Israel, thereby creating more opportunities for a political resolution to the conflict. On the other hand, it could have the opposite effect and motivate Israel to pursue more maximalist policies, thereby increasing the cost of its transgressions. This will likely induce the international community to effectively intervene à la the South African model.
Short of complying with its own laws, the United States can also step aside and allow international mechanisms to function. The United States has incapacitated the U.N. Security Council by using its veto power to shield Israel from accountability 40 times between 1972 and 2011. The only other situation where the U.S. used its veto power so systematically was to protect colonial and apartheid regimes in South Africa, Rhodesia and Namibia. The United States has similarly undermined the efficacy of the International Court of Justice, the Human Rights Council and, as we are currently witnessing, the International Criminal Court.
The U.S. is a central part of the problem in the Palestinian-Israel conflict. To be a part of the solution, it needs to do less, not more.
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
Palestinian leaders poised to join ICC in order to pursue Israel for war crimes
Diplomats expect plan to join international criminal court and call for investigation to be used as bargaining chip in Cairo talks
Julian Borger and Ian Black
The Guardian, Tuesday 5 August 2014
Palestinian political leaders are poised to join the International Criminal Court (ICC) with the aim of putting Israel in the dock on war crimes charges, officials said today.
"Israel has left us with no other option," Riad Malki, the Palestinian foreign minister, told reporters after meeting ICC officials in The Hague to discuss the implications of signing the Rome Statute. It would make the Palestinian state a member of the court with the authority to call for an investigation into possible war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The Palestinian Authority has asked Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) to sign the accession document before it is formally presented, and officials say they now expect both organisations to agree.
The development came as Palestinian negotiators were due to meet the head of Egyptian military intelligence in Cairo to discuss a permanent ceasefire with Israel, after all sides observed a 72-hour truce that came in to force at 8am local time (0600 BST) on Tuesday.
...Diplomats say they expect the Palestinian plan to join the ICC and set a war crimes investigation in motion to be one of the bargaining chips on the table in Cairo. Palestinian officials claim that, for the first time, they have achieved unity on the issue among the political and armed factions, paving the way for ICC membership.
"I think it is going to happen," Saeb Erekat, a veteran Palestinian diplomat, said. Erekat said he had shown the documentation to Hamas's political leader, Khaled Meshal, a few days ago in Doha. "He asked to study it for a couple of days. There are still some legal aspects and procedures that have to be agreed."
The ICC prosecutor issued a statement on Tuesday stating that the court did not have jurisdiction on Palestinian territory without a formal Palestinian request. Palestinian Authority negotiators have taken a copy of the accession document to ceasefire talks in Cairo in the hope that the Hamas and PIJ representatives will sign it there.
If they do, the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, would add his own signature, confirming membership of the ICC. He would then issue a declaration calling for an investigation.
ICC investigators would consequently assess war crimes allegations against all parties to the conflict, including Hamas and PIJ. Jawan Jabarin, a Palestinian human rights activist who has been pushing for ICC membership, said that both groups were prepared to sign because they believed Israel would be the primary target of any investigation.
...If Abbas proceeds with accession to the ICC, it would represent an act of defiance of western capitals, which have put pressure on him not to join, arguing it would be an impediment to peace negotiations. The UK's foreign office minister, Sayeeda Warsi, resigned on Tuesday because of the government's policy on Gaza, specifically citing her disagreement with British pressure on the Palestinians not to pursue justice through the ICC.
Amnesty International's secretary general, Salil Shetty, has urged the Palestinian leadership to shrug off western pressure.
"They must make good on their words and seize this chance to move towards accountability for countless victims of human rights violations by submitting a declaration accepting the jurisdiction of the ICC without further delay," Shetty said.
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
sure looks like the little terrorist girl in red is eating more daily calories than israel allows her to
can i have one since i paid for them? as a souvenir
my kinda women...red hair, wow.
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin
2010: 9/7/10 - Bilbao
2012: 26-27/6/12 - Amsterdam ~~ 29/6/12 - Werchter ~~ 4-5/7/12 - Berlin
2014: 25/6/14 - Vienna ~~ 26/6/14 - Berlin