*wonders what happens if you type "big snowy boobs" in google*
*decides not to try it*
we might get our SECOND snow of the year this weekend! not that the first really amounted to much more than a couple of millimetres of slush in London...
I got a party weekend ahead, party friday staying away in B&B then wedding rep/party saturday at home
how about you lot plans for fun anyone ???
the missus is out tonight, babysitting at her sisters, so i'll be packing the mini-me off to bed as early as possible and then settling down with a nice bottle of wine and the last three episodes of Heroes and maybe a PJ vid or two...
...tomorrow she's out again (!) so i've got swimming with the spud and his cousins, do some laps while he has a lesson then get jumped on and half-drowned while they have theirs then back to ours where i'll have to cook them all lunch :( hopefully a quiet afternoon will follow, get the footie on the radio if i'm lucky... then out in the evening for dinner at some friends' house.
Sunday go up to town to meet some friends down from Nottingham for the weekend.
Monday we've got a quiz night at work and then out to the pub for more shandies...
and next Friday we've got some friends over from Poland so will be out on the town with them.
don't know whether i can take all this socialising, and it's not even Christmas yet!
Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
don't bother clicking on the link if you don't like football or Danny Baker...
Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
well.. they're sort of boots. kind of like the infamous Uggs but black (and in my opinion) nicer looking. hehe. light on the feet but very warm and comfy.
snow still on the ground too!! *yey*
but.. I was out with a friend/coworker last night. got to bed (or in this case the sofa) around 5 AM and had to get up at 9. so now at work, dead tired and listening/watching High School Musical 2. :eek:
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
well.. they're sort of boots. kind of like the infamous Uggs but black (and in my opinion) nicer looking. hehe. light on the feet but very warm and comfy.
snow still on the ground too!! *yey*
but.. I was out with a friend/coworker last night. got to bed (or in this case the sofa) around 5 AM and had to get up at 9. so now at work, dead tired and listening/watching High School Musical 2. :eek:
have you seen the high school musical south park emmi?
very funny
have you seen the high school musical south park emmi?
very funny
I have not. in fact, I didn't know such a thing existed.
haven't seen ANY South Park in ages.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
I have not. in fact, I didn't know such a thing existed.
haven't seen ANY South Park in ages.
it is in the newest series, only showed the other week in the states
elementary school musical. Having never seen high school musical, this gave me a good reason never to watch it!!!
it is in the newest series, only showed the other week in the states
elementary school musical. Having never seen high school musical, this gave me a good reason never to watch it!!!
hahaha. fair enough.
but should you ever stumble upon the High School Musicals and be forced to watch one, choose HSM2! :eek: (don't know about the third yet) it's soooo much better than the first one.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
jrd ~ you socialit !!!!! < is that the word ? thanks 4 the link warning
Al ~ I forget when the baby is due ????
I should be getting ready for wedding thingy but still recovering from last nights Big plant family bash ~ great entertainment at the party and in the kitchen today, lots of funny stories of the old very hazey days hehehehe
emmi ~ i'm sure theres other films u could watch!!!!!!!!
~~~~~~~~~~ PINK FLUFFY LOVE PSYCHO~~~~~~~~~~
Astoria,Dublin,Reading 06,Wembley 07,Sheapards Bush & o2 09 thats multiple Jamgasms!
I should be getting ready for wedding thingy but still recovering from last nights Big plant family bash ~ great entertainment at the party and in the kitchen today, lots of funny stories of the old very hazey days hehehehe
emmi ~ i'm sure theres other films u could watch!!!!!!!!
oh the Plant bash.. *sigh*
I should be tidying up at work.. but.. I was out again last night and (though I got FIVE excellent hours of sleep this time) just don't feel like it.
plus there's a cool storm happening and it looks fabulous. very strong winds, when I was on the busstop I could lean against it (the wind of course).
and V, darling, there's tons upon tons of other films I could watch.. but I didn't want to, sometimes it's fun to watch someting nice and shiny that you don't really need to think about.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
Gawd, nothing has happened to me at all. Was over in London for a night, that was fun
Totally jealous of my bf - his work are sending him to Seattle for two weeks :( Told him that if he met Eddie he shouldn't bother coming home. On the plus side, I get the place to myself for two weeks! I get to eat food that he doesn't like, make a mess and the obsessively clean it up! *joy*
Gawd, nothing has happened to me at all. Was over in London for a night, that was fun
Totally jealous of my bf - his work are sending him to Seattle for two weeks :( Told him that if he met Eddie he shouldn't bother coming home. On the plus side, I get the place to myself for two weeks! I get to eat food that he doesn't like, make a mess and the obsessively clean it up! *joy*
lol, the little things that make us women happy, eh? I was begging the bf to let me sort out his clothes yesterday and he wouldn't let me :( It's not like I was gonna turn it into a habit... but I had MY half of the room all nice and clean and his a mess so it looks silly
Ooohh Jenny, ya gonna be around Dublin the 29th December?
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
lol, the little things that make us women happy, eh? I was begging the bf to let me sort out his clothes yesterday and he wouldn't let me :( It's not like I was gonna turn it into a habit... but I had MY half of the room all nice and clean and his a mess so it looks silly
Ooohh Jenny, ya gonna be around Dublin the 29th December?
My fella doesn't have many clothes - he went through a phase of leaving ALL his stuff in the kitchen and using it as a wardrobe though. I cracked after many not-so-subtle hints and just told him to move all his clothes or they were getting fucked out the door! He has learned his lesson since, god bless 'em.
I'll be in Dublin then, aye. I'm working that week, although tempted to take an extra few days hols off!
My fella doesn't have many clothes - he went through a phase of leaving ALL his stuff in the kitchen and using it as a wardrobe though. I cracked after many not-so-subtle hints and just told him to move all his clothes or they were getting fucked out the door! He has learned his lesson since, god bless 'em.
I'll be in Dublin then, aye. I'm working that week, although tempted to take an extra few days hols off!
lol yeh, they do learn... slowly... but they learn
well I'm gonna be home from 27th - 30th... but spending a night or two in Galway (not sure if 1 or 2) but will definitely be in Dublin on the 29th... cos our flight's back from dublin on the 30th . I'll try and organise something in a couple of weeks but would be good if you could join us for a couple drinks.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
jrd ~ you socialit !!!!! < is that the word ? thanks 4 the link warning
Al ~ I forget when the baby is due ????
I should be getting ready for wedding thingy but still recovering from last nights Big plant family bash ~ great entertainment at the party and in the kitchen today, lots of funny stories of the old very hazey days hehehehe
emmi ~ i'm sure theres other films u could watch!!!!!!!!
Baby due the end of march
Glad the bash went well! Havent chatted to you in ages tho :(
Just watchin AIC Music bank...man they were such an amazing band!
the times I've fallen over this winter.. or nearly fallen over are countless.
it's starting to get ridiculous! :eek: I've only bruised myself once though, that time I fell on my knees so now I've got a big half-moon shaped bruise on the other knee.
but I usually fall on my side/back and cause I have a lot of clothes on and there's a lot of snow on the ground I don't get really hurt. but it pisses me off! and at the same time I can't help but laugh about it. I can imagine what it looks like - I'm walking along a street, minding my own business then *wham* I'm down and cursing like a sailor.
and the times I only nearly fall. I hope it seems like I'm doing some sort of dance with my other foot/leg in the air and a shocked look on my face. lol.
God bless the winter!
the end.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
is that so? well, for your information, this whole town is like a focking iceberg. :eek: it was warmer today, which means that some of the snow melted and when night draws nearer it will all freeze up again.
I don't drink vodka, leave that to the Russians, I go for Kossu.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
is that so? well, for your information, this whole town is like a focking iceberg. :eek: it was warmer today, which means that some of the snow melted and when night draws nearer it will all freeze up again.
...and make ice which, as you may have noticed, can be slippery... better be careful, youdon't want to fall down...
I don't drink vodka, leave that to the Russians, I go for Kossu.
oooOOOooo... a 'new' drink... what's a Kossu then ?
Oh yeah? Well, I've had about enough of morons and halfwits, dolts, dunces, dullards and dumbbells - and you chowderhead yokel, you blithering hayseed, you - you've had enough of me?
oooOOOooo... a 'new' drink... what's a Kossu then ?
well.. Koskenkorva by official name, it's pretty much the Finnish equivalent of vodka. but you get stuff like Salmiakkikossu too (tastes like salmiac) which is cool.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
happpy (belated) birhtdays to all concerned!!! xxxxx
on an unrelated note, I came to work today and the internets wasn't working. :eek: bloody hell, this night would've sucked if I hadn't gotten it to work. not that I don't do actual work here but to be quite honest, after 9 PM or so, the business slows down a ton and it's nice to have something to kill the time with.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
happpy (belated) birhtdays to all concerned!!! xxxxx
on an unrelated note, I came to work today and the internets wasn't working. :eek: bloody hell, this night would've sucked if I hadn't gotten it to work. not that I don't do actual work here but to be quite honest, after 9 PM or so, the business slows down a ton and it's nice to have something to kill the time with.
I do work when there's need to. but when there's no one here but me, I like something else to do than just standing around.
"Don't be faint-hearted, I have a solution! We shall go and commandeer some small craft, then drift at leisure until we happen upon another ideal place for our waterside supper with riparian entertainments."
it is a tough life for some!
here i am at work on a monday morning working very hard...
and posting on the pit :eek:
Tell me about it I'm snowed under :rolleyes: (always gotta find time for the pit )
Just Listenin to Tokyo 03 in an empty office....happy monday ...we're starting with Release...very loud...they triple murder suspected drug dealer next door will be banging down the door very soon....ah I love my job!!
*does happy dance for emmi*
Astoria,Dublin,Reading 06,Wembley 07,Sheapards Bush & o2 09 thats multiple Jamgasms!
Thought you said big snowy boobs :eek:
How is all with you lot?? Al's life is mad mad mad...work is crazy, life is good and the country is going up the swanny...but life is good
PJ 09
*decides not to try it*
we might get our SECOND snow of the year this weekend! not that the first really amounted to much more than a couple of millimetres of slush in London...
the missus is out tonight, babysitting at her sisters, so i'll be packing the mini-me off to bed as early as possible and then settling down with a nice bottle of wine and the last three episodes of Heroes and maybe a PJ vid or two...
...tomorrow she's out again (!) so i've got swimming with the spud and his cousins, do some laps while he has a lesson then get jumped on and half-drowned while they have theirs
Sunday go up to town to meet some friends down from Nottingham for the weekend.
Monday we've got a quiz night at work and then out to the pub for more shandies...
and next Friday we've got some friends over from Poland so will be out on the town with them.
don't know whether i can take all this socialising, and it's not even Christmas yet!
well, it amused me...
don't bother clicking on the link if you don't like football or Danny Baker...
well.. they're sort of boots.
snow still on the ground too!! *yey*
but.. I was out with a friend/coworker last night. got to bed (or in this case the sofa) around 5 AM and had to get up at 9. so now at work, dead tired and listening/watching High School Musical 2. :eek:
have you seen the high school musical south park emmi?
very funny
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
I have not. in fact, I didn't know such a thing existed.
haven't seen ANY South Park in ages.
it is in the newest series, only showed the other week in the states
elementary school musical. Having never seen high school musical, this gave me a good reason never to watch it!!!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
hahaha. fair enough.
but should you ever stumble upon the High School Musicals and be forced to watch one, choose HSM2! :eek: (don't know about the third yet) it's soooo much better than the first one.
Al ~ I forget when the baby is due ????
I should be getting ready for wedding thingy but still recovering from last nights Big plant family bash ~ great entertainment at the party and in the kitchen today, lots of funny stories of the old very hazey days hehehehe
emmi ~ i'm sure theres other films u could watch!!!!!!!!
Astoria,Dublin,Reading 06,Wembley 07,Sheapards Bush & o2 09 thats multiple Jamgasms!
oh the Plant bash.. *sigh*
I should be tidying up at work.. but.. I was out again last night and (though I got FIVE excellent hours of sleep this time) just don't feel like it.
plus there's a cool storm happening and it looks fabulous. very strong winds, when I was on the busstop I could lean against it (the wind of course).
and V, darling, there's tons upon tons of other films I could watch.. but I didn't want to, sometimes it's fun to watch someting nice and shiny that you don't really need to think about.
Gawd, nothing has happened to me at all. Was over in London for a night, that was fun
Totally jealous of my bf - his work are sending him to Seattle for two weeks :( Told him that if he met Eddie he shouldn't bother coming home. On the plus side, I get the place to myself for two weeks! I get to eat food that he doesn't like, make a mess and the obsessively clean it up! *joy*
Ooohh Jenny, ya gonna be around Dublin the 29th December?
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
My fella doesn't have many clothes - he went through a phase of leaving ALL his stuff in the kitchen and using it as a wardrobe though. I cracked after many not-so-subtle hints and just told him to move all his clothes or they were getting fucked out the door! He has learned his lesson since, god bless 'em.
I'll be in Dublin then, aye. I'm working that week, although tempted to take an extra few days hols off!
well I'm gonna be home from 27th - 30th... but spending a night or two in Galway (not sure if 1 or 2) but will definitely be in Dublin on the 29th... cos our flight's back from dublin on the 30th
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Not available in my country....wtf???
Am sure it was hilarious tho
Baby due the end of march
Glad the bash went well! Havent chatted to you in ages tho :(
Just watchin AIC Music bank...man they were such an amazing band!
it's starting to get ridiculous! :eek: I've only bruised myself once though, that time I fell on my knees so now I've got a big half-moon shaped bruise on the other knee.
but I usually fall on my side/back and cause I have a lot of clothes on and there's a lot of snow on the ground I don't get really hurt. but it pisses me off! and at the same time I can't help but laugh about it.
and the times I only nearly fall.
God bless the winter!
the end.
Astoria,Dublin,Reading 06,Wembley 07,Sheapards Bush & o2 09 thats multiple Jamgasms!
too much vodka, more like...
is that so?
I don't drink vodka, leave that to the Russians, I go for Kossu.
...and make ice which, as you may have noticed, can be slippery... better be careful, youdon't want to fall down...
oooOOOooo... a 'new' drink...
oh! OH! ice is slippery?
well.. Koskenkorva by official name, it's pretty much the Finnish equivalent of vodka. but you get stuff like Salmiakkikossu too (tastes like salmiac) which is cool.
another happy birthday for you for yesterday Brynezie!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
happpy (belated) birhtdays to all concerned!!!
on an unrelated note, I came to work today and the internets wasn't working. :eek: bloody hell, this night would've sucked if I hadn't gotten it to work. not that I don't do actual work here but to be quite honest, after 9 PM or so, the business slows down a ton and it's nice to have something to kill the time with.
poor emmi had to do some work!!
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
har de har.
I do work when there's need to. but when there's no one here but me, I like something else to do than just standing around.
it is a tough life for some!
here i am at work on a monday morning working very hard...
and posting on the pit :eek:
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
Tell me about it I'm snowed under :rolleyes: (always gotta find time for the pit
Just Listenin to Tokyo 03 in an empty office....happy monday
edit time to do work now...
6th Row
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!