I had heard on a local radio station that there was a ticket/bus ride combo option to see this show, so my friend & still current tour buddy, bought a pair. I cooked up a big batch of high potency pot brownies and we baked the back of the bus on the ride up. When we got there it was a cool April drizzle, perfect 'seattle weather'. Watched King's x warming up in the basement through a little window on the side of the building.
Once inside our seats were in the loge, not bad but the floor was going crazy, people continually surfin up front going over the wall, droppin back in the pit, then goin for it again. We saw that and made a rush for the floor, jumped the barrier and were in a sea of seething sweaty pulsating madness. I got hit in the mouth with a chair leg Ed through off stage because he was destroying the stage and everything on it, but I felt no pain. I was instantly hooked.
A week later I won tickets to a fan club only show in NYC from KROCK, at the Paramount theater, much calmer crowd, but awsome show none the less.
Red velour seats. Can't beat that.
I had been in college at North Texas in Denton in 1990(just outside of Dallas) and was in the music program, and while there met a man named Dave Abbruzzese, who was my drum instructor. Dave was in a band that I use to see all the time...but sadly they broke up suddenly.....well come to find out his favorite drummer was leaving this band and offered to hook Dave up with a job.....That drummer was Matt Chamberlain. I knew Matt from the Dallas scene also cause he had played with Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians, and he also played in Ten Hands.(another fave band from the area)
anyways...forward a year or so.....and Pearl Jam are playing with the Chili Peppers and Smashing Pumpkins in Dallas. So I get home from school, and there is a message from Dave. He put me on the guestlist for the show at Trees that night. I was confused....the show wasnt at Trees...it was at the Bronco Bowl, so I headed over to Trees.....and find out they booked a last minute gig. AWESOME!!!! So we headed over to the Bronco Bowl, saw PJ open and left early.(we had seen the previous show in Houston a few days earlier) then hauled ass to Trees and saw one of the sicketst shows Ive ever seen in that dingy little bar. It was one of the few times I wqitnessed Eddie's crazy stage antics with him climbing to the top of the speaker stack and diving off. I was in front of Mike all night and just marveled at his fingers on the neck of his guitar....sublime show....and one of my fondest memories.
Thanks Dave!
I stood outside Trees that night BEGGING to get in and never made it! fast forward a few years and I was loving in Dallas and became very good friends with the owner of Trees...a few years too late.
My favorite experience was Nacogdoches,11/20/93. the show was great but the ordeal of getting tickets was the real story. I loved in Hunstville Tx at the time where I was going to school...small town no record store or other outlet to purchase tickets and when this show was announced I was totally broke. Fast forward to the day of the show...I get a call froma friend that they had just announced on the radio that tickets had been released. My roommate and faithful Pearl Jam fan friend had JUST gotten paid and we had money!! Problem was...it was afternoon and the closest place to get tickets was in Houston which was about 45 minutes in the opposite diredtion from the venue. But we decided to go for it and within 20 minutes I was heading to Houston. I got tickets and called back (via pay phone of course - no cell phones back then). my roommate and another friend were in! Thank god I had gotten three tickets. They made me a sandwich and pulled out the clothes I said I wanted to wear and I headed back to our apartment. I arrived, ran inside and jumped inthe shower, back out and in the car in about 20 minutes (thank god I had long hair then that did not require a blowdryer!). We were off...to Nacgodoches which is another small college town. We got lost once and way off course, had to stop for gas, but we pulled pulled into the parking lot right at the start time. We jumped out of the car, running towards the venue. We could hear applause and were certain the band was just taking the stage. And we were right!! We walked in and got within view of the stage at the exact moment that the band walked out!! And we had pretty decent seats considering they hadjust been purchased!! A great show and a memorable experience!!
This is one of the bestest threads in the history of the message pit. Keep the vintage reports coming guys, I'm loving them. This thread should be stickied. *sniff*
~*~Me and Hippiemom dranketh the red wine in Cleveland 2003~*~
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
November 19th, 2001 Bender Arena at American University in DC
They opened up for the Chili Peppers
Just like when I first saw Bruce Springsteen in 1975 and U2 in 1981 (YES I know I'm old) my eyes and ears were opened to a new sound and a new band and I have never looked back.
Setlist: Wash, Once, State Of Love And Trust, Even Flow, Garden, Alive, Black, Deep, Why Go, Porch, Leash
An amazing show that lew me to find everythig and anything I could about them andtheir music.
The next show I saw was at Richie Coliseum at the Univ. of MD for $11 and a sold out show of 1,100 people.
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State Of Love And Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, Garden(Outshined)/Leash, Rockin' In The Free World
Joined the fan club in '93 and have enjoyed many great shows from great seats. But nothing has been quite the same as those first 2 shows.
This is one of the bestest threads in the history of the message pit. Keep the vintage reports coming guys, I'm loving them. This thread should be stickied. *sniff*
Agreed it is and any info on ticket prices, attendances and if shows were sold out or not would be great as I'm researching these shows.
My PJ shows:
London 28/10/96, Las Vegas 11/7/98, London 29/5/00, Nurnburg 11/6/00, Prague 14/6/00, Salzburg 18/6/00, Verona 20/6/00, Milan 22/6/00, Zurich 23/6/00, New York 8-9/7/03, Boston 11/7/03, Reading Festival 27/8/06, Shepards Bush 11/8/09, Berlin 15/8/09, Manchester 17/8/09, London 18/8/09, Dublin 22/6/10, Belfast 23/6/10, London (HRC) 25/6/10, Alpine Valley (PJ20) 3-4/9/11, Manchester 20-21/6/12, Leeds 8/7/14, Milton Keynes 11/7/14 To be continued....
This was my first show also. Right after Kurt Cobain left us. They almost didn't play. Hearing Corduroy before it was on an album, Breath was awesome, the purple lighting for the opener Release, just fantastic.
Boston II 94 Boston II 06 Mansfield I 08 Mansfield II 08 Seattle I 09 Seattle II 09
Hartford 10 Boston 10 Wrigley 13 Worcester I 13 Worcester II 13 Hartford 13
NYC I 16 NYC II 16 Fenway I 16 Fenway II 16 Fenway 1 18 Fenway II 18
E.V. Boston II 08 E.V. Albany II 09 E.V. Providence 11, E.V. Boston 11
Troubled Souls Unite
Toronto CNE Stadium Aug 18/93...I always loved Neil Young, The Who and The Dead. Bought tickets for Neil and was quite intrigued by these young bands he was playing with PJ, Soundgarden and Blues Traveller.
Just before the show I saw Ed and Mike do Masters of War at Bobfest. Loved it couldn't help but think that I would love to see Ed sitting on a stool playing an acoustic guitar. Next came unplugged...WOW! then the show at CNE. They played Baba and I was hooked and have loved them ever since.
So here we are 15 years later and my wish is finally coming true. One more sleep and I will be spending the next two nights watching Ed sit on a stool playing several acoustic instruments!!! I am sure to be one of the happiest persons on the planet!!!
Ripple in still water when there is no pebble tossed nor wind to blow...
First show was lalla in 92 but the show that stands out in my mind is the SF show with Neal Young. I was in the beer gardens when Bad Religion was finishing there set, witch was about 200 yards from the stage. When they finished I started making my way to the front( this was not easy) After crawling over sea of peps and two barricades I had made it to the front. I think they opened with animal but something was not right, Ed look as pale as a gost and had a small pice of cotton on his left arm. I remeber looking him in the eyes and could see that he was in trouble. Ed announced that he was under the weather and had a special treat for use. Neal Young finished the show. Not long after that show the tour was canceled. I still have my unripped tickets to the LA and SD show (the one with your name on them)
I was there also. Poor uncle Neil got booed after 30 minutes! They had to play RITFW twice to keep the crowd at bay. I had never seen that before.
BTW...the 7 songs Ed did play were fucking amazing. Just a sea of people going nuts in unison!
"Had my eyes peeled both wide open, and I got a glimpse...of my innocense, got back my inner sence, baby got it...still got it"
My PJ shows:
London 28/10/96, Las Vegas 11/7/98, London 29/5/00, Nurnburg 11/6/00, Prague 14/6/00, Salzburg 18/6/00, Verona 20/6/00, Milan 22/6/00, Zurich 23/6/00, New York 8-9/7/03, Boston 11/7/03, Reading Festival 27/8/06, Shepards Bush 11/8/09, Berlin 15/8/09, Manchester 17/8/09, London 18/8/09, Dublin 22/6/10, Belfast 23/6/10, London (HRC) 25/6/10, Alpine Valley (PJ20) 3-4/9/11, Manchester 20-21/6/12, Leeds 8/7/14, Milton Keynes 11/7/14 To be continued....
I was lucky enough to catch them in August of 1991 at the RKCNDY in Seattle, just before Ten was released. I had no idea who they were, a friend just said "Hey, you wanna go catch this band..." and I said "Sure." One of the best decisions I ever made. Ed was a mad man, climbing all over the place. God it was fun!
Wow, there are some great shows on here. Wish I could have seen them all!
"Holly f**k, that was so amazing, I just forgot who I came here to see!!" - Courtesy of the guy in the U2 t-shirt standing next to me in Aloha Stadium, Post PJ
That was one of my favorite shows ever... and it was also my 19th birthday.
We drove in from San Antonio and were blown away by the show.
I remember walking out of there trying to remember every word to TYAAM and feeling like I was on cloud 9.
I think you were following me because those first three shows in your sig were my first PJ shows too.
Chicago July 1991 when they OPENED for Soul Asylum & Ned's Atomic Dustbin. I was one of the 15 or so people there! Dave Krusen on drums! Talked to Eddie after the show in the lobby. He wrote to me weeks later!!
Chicago, November 1991 with RHCP and Smashing Pumpkins.
Chicago March 1992 at Cabaret Metro, when the Pumpkins jammed with them.
Lollapalooza 1992 at Alpine Valley, WI and Chicago, IL.
....and then...............
And then..... what?
And what did he write to you?
I'm sorry, I'm really nosy. Just curious, please share.
Yes, that was Rodman. http://www.pearl-jam.com/rodman/pjrod03.jpg
What an incredible show! There was a lunar eclipse that night which was hanging right over the horizon as you left the show. Seeing them in such a small open venue was unforgettable. Was like seeing them in your high school gym.
4/11/94 Boston Garden 9/26/96 Augusta Maine
8/20/98 Montreal 9/15 & 9/16/98 Great Woods 11/6/98 Karma Club 8/29 & 8/30/00 Tweeter Center
6/6/03 Vegas 7/2 & 7/11/03 Tweeter Center
9/28/04 Fleet Center 5/24 & 5/25/06 Boston Garden
6/28 & 6/30/08 Mansfield
8/1 & 8/2/08 EV Opera House
5/17/10 Boston
I was lucky enough to catch them in August of 1991 at the RKCNDY in Seattle, just before Ten was released. I had no idea who they were, a friend just said "Hey, you wanna go catch this band..." and I said "Sure." One of the best decisions I ever made. Ed was a mad man, climbing all over the place. God it was fun!
My husband was one of the guys bouncing around with you all He was lucky enough to see them at the RKCNDY and Moore Theatre in 91 before we met.
Anyway - I was lucky enough to see them in 92 & 93 at Lollapallooza, Drop in the Park, and the Portland Meadows w/ Blind Melon and Neil Young. All three were great shows, although the Lollapalooza show was not long enough and they played really early. Portland Meadows show was great when Victoria Williams came out and sang the "new" song, Crazy Mary. And when Ed and Vicoria both come out to sing with Neil...mind-blowing! And the drop in the park - all I can say is wow - what a trip.
i was 14. $85 a piece for a floor ticket (parents bought me 2, one for a now ex gf). it was more than unbelievable for me and less than 10min from my house!
some one posted earlier about this show and they were WAY off. Mudhoney opened this show. another highlight for me. and ed never threw a chair leg or anything off the stage. i think spin the black circle was played for the first time this night. one of the first times not for you was played as well, i think.
in two days it will have been 14 years. crazy.
My buddy and I decided at work that morning (right next to the Fox) that we would walk over to the window and try to get tickets. There were probably 20-25 people in line at 9:15 am, if I remember correctly. I think the tix went on sale at 10. When the window starting selling, the line was buzzing with energy. We kept getting closer, getting more nervous with each sale, and were the next two from the windows when the first show sold out. Everyone hung around, talking about a 2nd show for a few minutes, hoping it would be announced. Some people way back in the line (which had grown considerably) left. When the second show announced, my buddy went to one ticket window and I went to the other. My clerk was faster and I got my tickets before him - I got 2nd row and he ended up about row 15.
Most awesome show ever!
So this is what it's like to be an adult.
Atlanta 4-3-94,Charleston 10-5-96
Atlanta 8-7-00,Atlanta 4-19-03
Vegas 6-6-03,Vegas 7-6-06
Chicago Vic 8-2-07,Columbia 6-16-08
MSG I 6-24-08, Philadelphia 10-31-09
Boston II 94 Boston II 06 Mansfield I 08 Mansfield II 08 Seattle I 09 Seattle II 09
Hartford 10 Boston 10 Wrigley 13 Worcester I 13 Worcester II 13 Hartford 13
NYC I 16 NYC II 16 Fenway I 16 Fenway II 16 Fenway 1 18 Fenway II 18
E.V. Boston II 08 E.V. Albany II 09 E.V. Providence 11, E.V. Boston 11
Troubled Souls Unite
My First Pearl Jam show:
Fox Theater, Atlanta, April 2, 1994
Bought scalped tickets for about a hundred bucks for the pair! Not a bad seat in the house. This was not the night of the 99X radio simulcast. They opened with Release. I went with my buddy Mike and to his surprise the dude next to him was so overwhelmed he grabbed him in a big hug. Best live show I've ever seen of any band ever.
I had heard on a local radio station that there was a ticket/bus ride combo option to see this show, so my friend & still current tour buddy, bought a pair. I cooked up a big batch of high potency pot brownies and we baked the back of the bus on the ride up. When we got there it was a cool April drizzle, perfect 'seattle weather'. Watched King's x warming up in the basement through a little window on the side of the building.
Once inside our seats were in the loge, not bad but the floor was going crazy, people continually surfin up front going over the wall, droppin back in the pit, then goin for it again. We saw that and made a rush for the floor, jumped the barrier and were in a sea of seething sweaty pulsating madness. I got hit in the mouth with a chair leg Ed through off stage because he was destroying the stage and everything on it, but I felt no pain. I was instantly hooked.
A week later I won tickets to a fan club only show in NYC from KROCK, at the Paramount theater, much calmer crowd, but awsome show none the less.
Red velour seats. Can't beat that.
I stood outside Trees that night BEGGING to get in and never made it! fast forward a few years and I was loving in Dallas and became very good friends with the owner of Trees...a few years too late.
My favorite experience was Nacogdoches,11/20/93. the show was great but the ordeal of getting tickets was the real story. I loved in Hunstville Tx at the time where I was going to school...small town no record store or other outlet to purchase tickets and when this show was announced I was totally broke. Fast forward to the day of the show...I get a call froma friend that they had just announced on the radio that tickets had been released. My roommate and faithful Pearl Jam fan friend had JUST gotten paid and we had money!! Problem was...it was afternoon and the closest place to get tickets was in Houston which was about 45 minutes in the opposite diredtion from the venue. But we decided to go for it and within 20 minutes I was heading to Houston. I got tickets and called back (via pay phone of course - no cell phones back then). my roommate and another friend were in! Thank god I had gotten three tickets. They made me a sandwich and pulled out the clothes I said I wanted to wear and I headed back to our apartment. I arrived, ran inside and jumped inthe shower, back out and in the car in about 20 minutes (thank god I had long hair then that did not require a blowdryer!). We were off...to Nacgodoches which is another small college town. We got lost once and way off course, had to stop for gas, but we pulled pulled into the parking lot right at the start time. We jumped out of the car, running towards the venue. We could hear applause and were certain the band was just taking the stage. And we were right!! We walked in and got within view of the stage at the exact moment that the band walked out!! And we had pretty decent seats considering they hadjust been purchased!! A great show and a memorable experience!!
Houston, 9/5/92, Nacogdoches,11/20/93, Austin, 9/16/95, Dallas, 7/5/98, NYC MSG, 7/8/03, Letterman 10C fan show, 5/4/06, Irving plaza, 5/5/06, Camden 6/1/06, NYC MSG, 6/24/08, 6/25/08
Mansfield, 6/28/08, Austin @ ACL 10/4/09, Newark 5/18/10, MSG 5/21/10, Austin @ ACL 2012
Eddie Vedder
NYC United Palace Theatre, 8/4/08, 8/5/08, Washington DC, 8/16/08, NYC Beacon Theatre 6/21/2011
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
They opened up for the Chili Peppers
Just like when I first saw Bruce Springsteen in 1975 and U2 in 1981 (YES I know I'm old) my eyes and ears were opened to a new sound and a new band and I have never looked back.
Setlist: Wash, Once, State Of Love And Trust, Even Flow, Garden, Alive, Black, Deep, Why Go, Porch, Leash
An amazing show that lew me to find everythig and anything I could about them andtheir music.
The next show I saw was at Richie Coliseum at the Univ. of MD for $11 and a sold out show of 1,100 people.
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State Of Love And Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, Garden(Outshined)/Leash, Rockin' In The Free World
Joined the fan club in '93 and have enjoyed many great shows from great seats. But nothing has been quite the same as those first 2 shows.
Agreed it is and any info on ticket prices, attendances and if shows were sold out or not would be great as I'm researching these shows.
London 28/10/96, Las Vegas 11/7/98, London 29/5/00, Nurnburg 11/6/00, Prague 14/6/00, Salzburg 18/6/00, Verona 20/6/00, Milan 22/6/00, Zurich 23/6/00, New York 8-9/7/03, Boston 11/7/03, Reading Festival 27/8/06, Shepards Bush 11/8/09, Berlin 15/8/09, Manchester 17/8/09, London 18/8/09, Dublin 22/6/10, Belfast 23/6/10, London (HRC) 25/6/10, Alpine Valley (PJ20) 3-4/9/11, Manchester 20-21/6/12, Leeds 8/7/14, Milton Keynes 11/7/14 To be continued....
I miss the Unicorn!!!!!!!
This was my first show also. Right after Kurt Cobain left us. They almost didn't play. Hearing Corduroy before it was on an album, Breath was awesome, the purple lighting for the opener Release, just fantastic.
Hartford 10 Boston 10 Wrigley 13 Worcester I 13 Worcester II 13 Hartford 13
NYC I 16 NYC II 16 Fenway I 16 Fenway II 16 Fenway 1 18 Fenway II 18
E.V. Boston II 08 E.V. Albany II 09 E.V. Providence 11, E.V. Boston 11
Troubled Souls Unite
Just before the show I saw Ed and Mike do Masters of War at Bobfest. Loved it couldn't help but think that I would love to see Ed sitting on a stool playing an acoustic guitar. Next came unplugged...WOW! then the show at CNE. They played Baba and I was hooked and have loved them ever since.
So here we are 15 years later and my wish is finally coming true. One more sleep and I will be spending the next two nights watching Ed sit on a stool playing several acoustic instruments!!! I am sure to be one of the happiest persons on the planet!!!
I was there also. Poor uncle Neil got booed after 30 minutes! They had to play RITFW twice to keep the crowd at bay. I had never seen that before.
BTW...the 7 songs Ed did play were fucking amazing. Just a sea of people going nuts in unison!
It was vintage Ed, he came out in a Skeleton mask, a Canadian flag cape. They started with RVM, it was the first time i had seen him play guitar.
Saw the one right before or (after?) at the Gorge.
London 28/10/96, Las Vegas 11/7/98, London 29/5/00, Nurnburg 11/6/00, Prague 14/6/00, Salzburg 18/6/00, Verona 20/6/00, Milan 22/6/00, Zurich 23/6/00, New York 8-9/7/03, Boston 11/7/03, Reading Festival 27/8/06, Shepards Bush 11/8/09, Berlin 15/8/09, Manchester 17/8/09, London 18/8/09, Dublin 22/6/10, Belfast 23/6/10, London (HRC) 25/6/10, Alpine Valley (PJ20) 3-4/9/11, Manchester 20-21/6/12, Leeds 8/7/14, Milton Keynes 11/7/14 To be continued....
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
Boston Orpheum
June 1995
Red Rocks
Wow, there are some great shows on here. Wish I could have seen them all!
That was one of my favorite shows ever... and it was also my 19th birthday.
We drove in from San Antonio and were blown away by the show.
I remember walking out of there trying to remember every word to TYAAM and feeling like I was on cloud 9.
I think you were following me because those first three shows in your sig were my first PJ shows too.
And then..... what?
And what did he write to you?
I'm sorry, I'm really nosy. Just curious, please share.
Augusta ME 96 {thought i saw Rodman running around on stage}
What an incredible show! There was a lunar eclipse that night which was hanging right over the horizon as you left the show. Seeing them in such a small open venue was unforgettable. Was like seeing them in your high school gym.
8/20/98 Montreal 9/15 & 9/16/98 Great Woods 11/6/98 Karma Club 8/29 & 8/30/00 Tweeter Center
6/6/03 Vegas 7/2 & 7/11/03 Tweeter Center
9/28/04 Fleet Center 5/24 & 5/25/06 Boston Garden
6/28 & 6/30/08 Mansfield
8/1 & 8/2/08 EV Opera House
5/17/10 Boston
My husband was one of the guys bouncing around with you all
Anyway - I was lucky enough to see them in 92 & 93 at Lollapallooza, Drop in the Park, and the Portland Meadows w/ Blind Melon and Neil Young. All three were great shows, although the Lollapalooza show was not long enough and they played really early. Portland Meadows show was great when Victoria Williams came out and sang the "new" song, Crazy Mary. And when Ed and Vicoria both come out to sing with Neil...mind-blowing! And the drop in the park - all I can say is wow - what a trip.
1994 Louisville
April 9th and 10th 1994
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
i was 14. $85 a piece for a floor ticket (parents bought me 2, one for a now ex gf). it was more than unbelievable for me and less than 10min from my house!
some one posted earlier about this show and they were WAY off. Mudhoney opened this show. another highlight for me. and ed never threw a chair leg or anything off the stage. i think spin the black circle was played for the first time this night. one of the first times not for you was played as well, i think.
in two days it will have been 14 years. crazy.
September 93' Blind Melon, Pearl Jam, Neil Young.
A good time to be broken in.
My buddy and I decided at work that morning (right next to the Fox) that we would walk over to the window and try to get tickets. There were probably 20-25 people in line at 9:15 am, if I remember correctly. I think the tix went on sale at 10. When the window starting selling, the line was buzzing with energy. We kept getting closer, getting more nervous with each sale, and were the next two from the windows when the first show sold out. Everyone hung around, talking about a 2nd show for a few minutes, hoping it would be announced. Some people way back in the line (which had grown considerably) left. When the second show announced, my buddy went to one ticket window and I went to the other. My clerk was faster and I got my tickets before him - I got 2nd row and he ended up about row 15.
Most awesome show ever!
Atlanta 4-3-94,Charleston 10-5-96
Atlanta 8-7-00,Atlanta 4-19-03
Vegas 6-6-03,Vegas 7-6-06
Chicago Vic 8-2-07,Columbia 6-16-08
MSG I 6-24-08, Philadelphia 10-31-09
Hartford 10 Boston 10 Wrigley 13 Worcester I 13 Worcester II 13 Hartford 13
NYC I 16 NYC II 16 Fenway I 16 Fenway II 16 Fenway 1 18 Fenway II 18
E.V. Boston II 08 E.V. Albany II 09 E.V. Providence 11, E.V. Boston 11
Troubled Souls Unite
Fox Theater, Atlanta, April 2, 1994
Bought scalped tickets for about a hundred bucks for the pair! Not a bad seat in the house. This was not the night of the 99X radio simulcast. They opened with Release. I went with my buddy Mike and to his surprise the dude next to him was so overwhelmed he grabbed him in a big hug. Best live show I've ever seen of any band ever.
Kurt Cobain died a couple of days later.
San Diego Sports Arena
Nov 06, 1995
(Looks like this but has different info)
This also happened to be my first and only Ramones show.
Here is a link to the ticket to the show I went to.... for the guy collecting ticket price info.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3121/284 ... b718_o.jpg