Did you see Vintage Pearl Jam? Pre-1995?

As Pearl Jam goes on their umpteenth tour this spring, I recently posted in a shameless self-promotion for Detroit thread (http://forums.pearljam.com/showthread.php?t=279020) about my first PJ concert in Ann Arbor, March 1994. I am so honored to have followed this band for so long, and I know that a lot of people would like to read some Vintage PJ Concert fan recollections; or at least I know I would. Just sitting here thinking about my 1994 experience has brought on this unexplainable euphoric feeling!
Ok, here's a story for you...
Pearl Jam, Crisler Arena, March 1994 -
I was a second year student at Univ of Michigan (93-96), I was at work in the cafeteria when I heard that PJ tickets went on sale that day, and sold out that same day. I cried like a baby cuz I missed it. Then a few weeks later, a girl was selling her $25 PJ concert ticket for $60 - I didn't complain about the 110% 1994 price hike, I just wanted to go. I got the nosebleed ticket and was in Jammer heaven to attend in March 1994 -
Got hit by a car two days before said concert, but thankfully it was just soft tissue injury and I had a limp and a scraped up face. Fuck it, I was ALIVE and I was going to see Pearl Jam starring Eddie Vedder.
Concert came, the whole campus was pretty much dressed in plaid. We walked to Crisler, I separated from my group and sat way up a the stop, high on tylenol to dull the pain from the car accident.
I wish I had a boot for Ann Arbor 1994 because I still have 'Indifference' ringing in my head as I saw a drunk ass and kinda of angry Eddie put on a brilliant performance. Needless to say, I knew that this was a band that I would follow to my grave. We really just rocked out and since this was their second tour for Ten/Vs, the concert didn't last as long as they do now. I couldn't jump up and down due to the pain I was in, but I did my best and what stands out to me was just how serious and somber Eddie was.
Several points during the show, he just walked in circles and drinking beer or wine - I think the newfound fame and attention was freaking him out, so he was in his own world onstage.
I left the show in a haze of like 'I saw a band that will be a phenomenon', they went on to be one of the greatest bands on the planet...
I'm so grateful to have been there, now if only I had a boot from that show.

Pearl Jam, Crisler Arena, March 1994 -
I was a second year student at Univ of Michigan (93-96), I was at work in the cafeteria when I heard that PJ tickets went on sale that day, and sold out that same day. I cried like a baby cuz I missed it. Then a few weeks later, a girl was selling her $25 PJ concert ticket for $60 - I didn't complain about the 110% 1994 price hike, I just wanted to go. I got the nosebleed ticket and was in Jammer heaven to attend in March 1994 -
Got hit by a car two days before said concert, but thankfully it was just soft tissue injury and I had a limp and a scraped up face. Fuck it, I was ALIVE and I was going to see Pearl Jam starring Eddie Vedder.
Concert came, the whole campus was pretty much dressed in plaid. We walked to Crisler, I separated from my group and sat way up a the stop, high on tylenol to dull the pain from the car accident.
I wish I had a boot for Ann Arbor 1994 because I still have 'Indifference' ringing in my head as I saw a drunk ass and kinda of angry Eddie put on a brilliant performance. Needless to say, I knew that this was a band that I would follow to my grave. We really just rocked out and since this was their second tour for Ten/Vs, the concert didn't last as long as they do now. I couldn't jump up and down due to the pain I was in, but I did my best and what stands out to me was just how serious and somber Eddie was.
Several points during the show, he just walked in circles and drinking beer or wine - I think the newfound fame and attention was freaking him out, so he was in his own world onstage.
I left the show in a haze of like 'I saw a band that will be a phenomenon', they went on to be one of the greatest bands on the planet...

I'm so grateful to have been there, now if only I had a boot from that show.
~*~Me and Hippiemom dranketh the red wine in Cleveland 2003~*~
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
Post edited by Unknown User on
There are copies of that boot available...
03/20/94 - Crisler Arena: Ann Arbor, MI
Name: Pearl Jam - Audio Archives Disc #16
Toledo, Ohio (September 22, 1996), East Troy, Wisconsin (June 26, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 17, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 18, 2000), Cincinnati, Ohio (August 20, 2000), Columbus, Ohio (August 21, 2000), Nashville, Tennessee (April 18, 2003), Champaign, Illinois (April 23, 2003), Noblesville, Indiana (June 22, 2003), Chicago, Illinois (May 16, 2006), Chicago, Illinois (August 05, 2007), West Palm Beach, Florida (June 11, 2008), Tampa, Florida (June 12, 2008), Columbus, OH (May 06, 2010), Noblesville, Indiana (May 07, 2010), Wrigley Field (July 19, 2013), US Bank Arena (October 01, 2014), Lexington (April 26, 2016), Chicago Night 2 (August 20, 2018), Boston Night 1 (September 02, 2018), Nashville (September 16, 2022), St. Louis (September 18, 2022)
I bow to you!!!!
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
Main Stage: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ministry, Ice Cube, Soundgarden, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Pearl Jam, Lush
Side Stage: Jim Rose Circus, Sharkbait, Archie Bell, Porno for Pyros, Basehead, Cypress Hill, House of Pain, Sweaty Nipples, Arson Garden, Seaweed, Seam, Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E., The Look People, Stone Temple Pilots, Vulgar Boatmen, Truly, Skrew, Tribe, The Authority, Samba Hell, Café Tacuba, Rage Against the Machine
The 'shoe the shoeless' show.
Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
"If I wanted you to understand, I would have explained it better"
Johan Cruijff
I went to Lollapalooza in 92 but got rained out right before PJ came onstage at Jones Beach, NY (july 92).
and still jonesing for another show....
"the waiting drove me mad..."
It was my first PJ show, I was 12 years old. Vs. had just come out. They opened with Release in complete darkness, and closed with RITFW with the house lights on, and they played everything in the middle. They even played brand new songs Corduroy and Not For You. I vividly remember them playing footsteps, you could hear a pin drop in the arena. But the reason I will remember this show forever is because it was the day that the body of KC was found. I did not know. EV talked about the incident and dedicated a song to him. I was confused, and the person next to me told me he died that day. I believe the song that was dedicated was "Go," but I am not 100% sure. If anyone knows which song was dedicated, please let me know.
set: Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Even Flow, Garden, Alive, Leash, Porch
I was at that show, too! I do remember angry, drunken Ed:)
My first time seeing them live was technically not their show, it was the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Smashing Pumpkins at the State Theatre, November 1991. They opened and I was hooked! The first official show I saw was April 1992 at St. Andrew's Hall. I remember tickets were only $10 and they sold out so quickly, I didn't get any. So, my boyfriend and I went down there and hung out outside until we found a couple of extras, for face value no less:) It was a cathartic experience to say the least! We parked ourselves upstairs in the left corner on the railing, far left of the stage. The thing I remember the most was when Ed climbed up to the upper level and climbed all the around on the outside railing. It was wild! I had to yank my feet up to let him climb by. That was happy, long haired, crazy Ed. The guys were all crazy good! Ah, we were all so young then:)
This was my first show too. Go sounds right as a dedication but I'm not positive.
The first real PJ concert I went to was 4/10/94 at the original Boston Garden. PJ was pretty much my favorite band at that point (they usurped the Chili Peppers after I fully listened to Ten and Vs.) My sister totally stepped up and got us tickets for me and my brother and some other friends. This was a very memorable concert for me. It was a few days after Kurt Cobain died, so the mood was pretty somber. I know it must have been hard for the guys. My most memorable moment was when they played "Black". It was so emotional and raw, and I remember looking up and around - it was a sea of little lighter flames - so beautiful.
Randal: "But I love gatherings. Isn't it ironic?"
But mr. justam
is who I am
"That's a repulsive combination of horrible information and bad breath."-Pickles
"Remember, death is a natural part of the workplace. So, when you see a dead body at work, don't freak out, just ring your death bell." "ting"-Toki Wartooth
6/16/93 My wife's (then girlfriend) 22nd birthday...smokin show despite no encore including a Rats into Dirty Frank! Again, I think Eddie said "hi" at the start of the set, that was about all he said to the crowd that night....
Short, sweet & very intense. More drunken angry Ed. To this day, I still haven't heard a more explosive version of Porch - in person or on record. Ed brought us greetings from U2 who they'd left behind in Italy. First time hearing a few songs that would end up on vs. rearviewmirror blew my mind from the word go. First time hearing Baba O'Riley too. My cousin made us leave before Neil's encore, & I could just make out RitFW. It was 10 years later before I discovered that he was playing it w/ PJ.
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
We got tickets to the first of 3 shows in the Seattle Center Arena. We were new to the Pearl Jam experience so stupidly we didn't get tickets to the other 2 shows (stupid, stupid, stupid).
We got to town and shacked up in a dive motel downtown Seattle about 5 blocks from the Seattle Center and got ready for something we had no idea how it would affect us.
We marched downtown with people milling about waiting to see the show. The show was GA and so we intended to get there early and get up close to the stage. I had just seen AIC in Spokane and loved the experience of seeing a show from a few "rows" away.
We went through about 4 metal detectors (hadn't done that before) to get in and upon entry went directly to the front to stake out a spot. We were about 12 feet from the stage when 6 in the clip came out. They were a "local" hip hop group and were pretty much booed off stage if I recall correctly. Next up was Urge Overkill (pre-Pulp Fiction). They were pretty good........wonder what happened to them..........I digress.
Pearl Jam came on. It was the first time I had seen a band come on stage without a curtain and I remember thinking how cool it was that they just walked on stage and started playing. No theater, no frills, just rock and roll.
They kicked into the "Go" intro and the crowd surged.........I never moved my feet and my body was transported by the moving bodies. Go wrapped up with me about 20 feet farther from the stage than when I started. "Animal" was next. PURE AGGRESSION..........suddenly I was more than 50 feet from the stage with not a step taken. If you fell, you were picked up, but falling was a scary thought nonetheless.
The pure fury with which the band played was something I had never seen and have yet to see again. At some point in the show they pulled some kid on stage that was passed over the rail and Ed dressed him in the White Sox cap and flannel shirt that he came out in. They asked him some questions that he seemed to not have an answers to and Stone came over and started cackling into the mic something about "the governments fault......its all the government" They pretty much shoved him into the crowd where he was raped of all the clothes that Eddie put on him.....poor bastard.
At another point in the show, someone ran across stage from stage left (they had risers set up on the sides of the stage and people were standing on the side of the stage watching) So as this guy comes running across (during RVM) The band stops the show and Jeff jumps into the crowd to pull the guy out. They re-started the show and finished without any other interruption.
So during "Black" I decide to give the 'ol crowd surf a go and get up very easily and surf about 20 feet forward before falling to the ground. It was singly the dumbest experience of my concert "career". I don't recall a note as I was up there and never tried it again.
Indifference closed the show (haven't been present when played since) and we were back to the hotel. 2 of us were totally blown away by the experience and the other 2 were fairly unmoved.....poor bastards again.
I went on to see them more times than I can count and have yet to be disappointed. That first time was a very moving experience, really. It has shaped the way that I listen to music and the way I listen and watch live performances.
I am so thankful that I have been able to be on this ride. I am forever changed by this bands music and forever changed by this one day and one concert experience.
Damn this band rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Memphis, TN
It was the first of many great nights for me spent at PJ shows.
I only wish I hadn't mailed the Spring Tour poster to a friend in Germany. I shoulda kept that sucker.
New Orleans 1995
Fort Lauderdale 1996
Atlanta & Birmingham 1998
New Orleans 2000
Tampa 2003
Kissimmee 2004
New York City (x 2) 2008
East Troy (x 2) 2011
Chicago & New Orleans 2013
Hampton, Raleigh, Boston 2016
Baltimore 2020
Louisville 2022
Philadelphia & Baltimore 2024
was that the one where Eddie claimed he was gonna wait out front for the shoeless guy to walk out and he and Dave were gonna kick his ass???
anyways...forward a year or so.....and Pearl Jam are playing with the Chili Peppers and Smashing Pumpkins in Dallas. So I get home from school, and there is a message from Dave. He put me on the guestlist for the show at Trees that night. I was confused....the show wasnt at Trees...it was at the Bronco Bowl, so I headed over to Trees.....and find out they booked a last minute gig. AWESOME!!!! So we headed over to the Bronco Bowl, saw PJ open and left early.(we had seen the previous show in Houston a few days earlier) then hauled ass to Trees and saw one of the sicketst shows Ive ever seen in that dingy little bar. It was one of the few times I wqitnessed Eddie's crazy stage antics with him climbing to the top of the speaker stack and diving off. I was in front of Mike all night and just marveled at his fingers on the neck of his guitar....sublime show....and one of my fondest memories.
Thanks Dave!
The RHCPs went to my high school, so it was cool to see them in their biggest-ever hometown show. I went with a friend who was a great gig buddy back then. It was a sorta rainy Friday night in Los Angeles.
I wasn't familiar with PJ, 'cept for "Alive". I most remember Eddie and Jeff's stage movements.
I had seen the Pixies the week before, so I ended the year with 2 great shows!
Jesus tap dancing Christ. I bow to you too! I regret being "too busy studying for mid-terms" and passed on driving to Detroit to see one of Nirvana's fateful final shows at the State Fair Grounds. :(
These are all awesome stories guys! Keep them coming!
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
Sep 96 - Toledo Aug 98 - East Lansing
Oct 00 - Detroit Apr 03 - Cleveland
Jun 03 - Detroit May 06 - Grand Rapids & Detroit
Jul 07 - Lolla Jun 08 - WPB & Tampa
Vedder: DC 1&2, Chicago 2
Those were my first two shows, too! There's a good chance we moshed into each other because that was the style at the time for their shows. We actually came in about 2 songs late ("Why Go" and I can't recall the other tune we missed, but we heard them) for the Montage Mtn. gig. We were outside trying to get in and there were far too many people at the gates that the ticket folks couldn't handle us. We were irate because PJ had taken the stage and we couldn't get in...yet! When we did, we ran as fast as we could to that field/hill in front of the stage. I think we parked a few miles away, then the festival organizers bussed everyone in school busses to the concert venue. Dreary weather, but at least it didn't rain!
Chicago, November 1991 with RHCP and Smashing Pumpkins.
Chicago March 1992 at Cabaret Metro, when the Pumpkins jammed with them.
Lollapalooza 1992 at Alpine Valley, WI and Chicago, IL.
....and then...............