what bug was up Tina's ass last night ... man so what a blindside in tysons favor for power...now you gonna pull the jury vote BS. The bro alliance is a threat and everyone saw it, why not break it up now before its too late.
never liked Tina, she had her cougar claws out for Colby in Australia, it was getting really really creepy towards the end.
As much as I dis-like Tyson, he is the one I'm rooting for right now .
...and yes, this season is pretty boring.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
I agree this season has been kind of blah. Not really pulling for anyone. It didn't help that they brought Colton and. Kat back- two of my least favourite players ever. I also dislike Tina- something about her bugs me.
Next week there's a food challenge- love those. Hopefully it gets more interesting. I like that Redemption Island is still part of the game. I wasn't sure what was going to happen after the merge.
Another habit says it's in love with you
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Too bad John loss on Redemption island last night, I was hoping he would pull it off and get back intot the game. Liked him and thought he could have gone far in the merge. But its very rare I find for guys to win those type of challenges.
Looks like the brother dou split up already, just after they had there little chat saying how no one can beat them now that they are together
Yeah, men hardly ever win those competitions where you have to support your body weight or fit your feet on tiny ledges. I knew who was going to win before it even started.
I don'know if I'd call the season boring, but it's definitely a lot more calm, with less social drama than usual.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
A little late to the discussion, but this season is just average imo. I really like the concept of blood vs water mixed with redemption island, but I think the cast left a lot to be desired. I would have liked to have seen a completely new group of people for this concept. I'm getting tired of the retreads every season.
Didn't want to see John go. Thought he was a good guy and felt bad for him that he was stabbed in the back. I liked Hayden on BB and guess I'm pulling for him, but seriously, dating Kat?? This season could use some more drama and stirring of the pot though. Monica seems capable of causing some chaos. Maybe she'll do something in the next couple of shows...
Just saw on the commercial.
tonight only the 2nd time in Survivor history that there is a deadlock.
They have to draw stones?
I am not familiar with this process nor do i remember the only other time it was implemented.
Should be good !
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
The reason this season is boring is directly related to the lack of "hook-ups"
Like if Katie were to start flirting with Hayden or Tyson, that would kick it up a notch.
I like Sierra, she's a smart chick but should have played her big move differently
i think she was playing good up until she gave the idol hint away. That was her way to secure herself into the top 3 no doubt. I found it cool she did that at tribal- knowing she would be 4th and eventually kicked out. Plus with her mom potentially coming back in the game the #s could be in their favor.
Everyone knows Tyson will win and now is the time to get rid of him....
Hamilton 9-13-05; Toronto 5-9-06, Toronto 8-21-09, Toronto 9-12-11, Hamilton 9-15-11....
after watching that whole ceremony,
i still don't fully get it.
why didnt hayden & monica draw stones?
yeah but i agree this season got lost in the mix.
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
They tweak the tie rules all the time and the 2 people in the tie not having to draw rocks is a new twist.
Why do none of them seem to realize that another player will be re-entering the game soon from Redemption and change the whole dynamic? Its probably gonna be Laura, Ciera may have just screwed up royally.
This is shaping up as a very bitter jury and Tyson will be clearly deserving to win having orchestrated most everything and if he's in the final 3 all the bitter beer faces will vote for someone else.
What does everyone think of Monica's decision? I think she made the right one even if she believed Hayden and Ciera. She will probably end up beating Tyson or Gervase in the finals. Tyson will get the Russell treatment.
Finale next week.
Alright, alright, alright!
Tom O. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
What does everyone think of Monica's decision? I think she made the right one even if she believed Hayden and Ciera. She will probably end up beating Tyson or Gervase in the finals. Tyson will get the Russell treatment.
Finale next week.
Finale is Sunday, not next week.
I agree that Monica stands a good shot at winning against Tyson and Gervase because I get the sense that the jury will be bitter and not vote for Tyson though he has clearly played the best game. Could be wrong, some of the old school players may ultimately vote for Tyson but there seems to be a tremendous amount of bitterness from everyone who has been voted out thus far.
What does everyone think of Monica's decision? I think she made the right one even if she believed Hayden and Ciera. She will probably end up beating Tyson or Gervase in the finals. Tyson will get the Russell treatment.
Finale next week.
Finale is Sunday, not next week.
I agree that Monica stands a good shot at winning against Tyson and Gervase because I get the sense that the jury will be bitter and not vote for Tyson though he has clearly played the best game. Could be wrong, some of the old school players may ultimately vote for Tyson but there seems to be a tremendous amount of bitterness from everyone who has been voted out thus far.
I know it's this Sunday, not sure why I typed that. Duh!!
The people on the bottom are becoming vicious at the end. Cierra had no problem with Tyson doing what he was doing until she switched. I also think Cierra was Tyson and Gervase's 3rd before Monica.
Alright, alright, alright!
Tom O. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
was funny seeing the guys reaction to Kate being in the jury.
Hayden said she 'looked hott'.
Was actually surprised Tina won against her daughter.
Should be good Sunday night.
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
was funny seeing the guys reaction to Kate being in the jury.
Hayden said she 'looked hott'.
Was actually surprised Tina won against her daughter.
Should be good Sunday night.
Now Kat is gonna cry because she didn't make it as far as the girl her man thinks is hot...
I wish they voted Gervace out, I can't stand him! But, I understand they kept him because nobody will vote for him when it comes to the final vote.
Who do you guys think will win 'fan favorite'?
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
Yeah Tyson deserved to win,
along with winning those final 2 comps,
he had long had the idol ( that they were all looking for )
Monika had 2 big chances to make 'big moves' ,but chose to stay loyal to her final 3.
But why ? I think it was clear even they ( the final 3 ) knew Tyson was the winner.
Now we have the Brawn , Brains and beauty to look forward to.
You know they will be bringing back old recycled cast members again .
And how about Cochran?
Good on him getting that job writing for " The Millers ",
only saw it a few times but it has its funny parts.
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
I thought it was a good season...but they need to make a rule - a person can only come on the show and play twice. I liked Ozzie, Tina, Rob, Tyson and others who have played three times, but c'mon. You clearly have an advantage over the first time players. Look at this season - 5 of the final 6 played multiple times.
I think Monica made the right choice to still with her alliance with Tyson and Gervase. She didn't win, but runner-up in the game and keeping her word probably means more to her.
"I'll ride the wave, where it takes me..."
"I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the in between is mine..."
I think Monica made the right choice to still with her alliance with Tyson and Gervase. She didn't win, but runner-up in the game and keeping her word probably means more to her.
And she stood zero shot at winning against say Ciera and Tina. At least going against Tyson she had the hope of the jury being bitter toward Tyson (thankfully they weren't and gave the win to the player who deserved it by a wide margin this season).
I thought it was a good season...but they need to make a rule - a person can only come on the show and play twice. I liked Ozzie, Tina, Rob, Tyson and others who have played three times, but c'mon. You clearly have an advantage over the first time players. Look at this season - 5 of the final 6 played multiple times.
I think Monica made the right choice to still with her alliance with Tyson and Gervase. She didn't win, but runner-up in the game and keeping her word probably means more to her.
Yeah, I agree. I think they should stop bringing back past players for a while. Get a good new bunch of players for a few seasons at least. I can't believe that some people have literally made careers out of being on Survivor. Seems kind of stupid.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Yes and yes.
That was so fucking embarrassing when Kat said that about her fake boobs. She's so pathetic. :fp:
I figure the only reason why her BF is with her is because they live in different states
Tyson deserved to win, I don't remember them picking a 'fan favorite'....?
BBB might be interesting, I just hope the 'brains' they pick aren't people who played before, I think that's why this season was boring, people already knew how the others play the game, so it was easy to pick people off.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
never liked Tina, she had her cougar claws out for Colby in Australia, it was getting really really creepy towards the end.
As much as I dis-like Tyson, he is the one I'm rooting for right now
...and yes, this season is pretty boring.
- Christopher McCandless
Next week there's a food challenge- love those. Hopefully it gets more interesting. I like that Redemption Island is still part of the game. I wasn't sure what was going to happen after the merge.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
I don'know if I'd call the season boring, but it's definitely a lot more calm, with less social drama than usual.
Didn't want to see John go. Thought he was a good guy and felt bad for him that he was stabbed in the back. I liked Hayden on BB and guess I'm pulling for him, but seriously, dating Kat?? This season could use some more drama and stirring of the pot though. Monica seems capable of causing some chaos. Maybe she'll do something in the next couple of shows...
Just saw on the commercial.
tonight only the 2nd time in Survivor history that there is a deadlock.
They have to draw stones?
I am not familiar with this process nor do i remember the only other time it was implemented.
Should be good !
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Like if Katie were to start flirting with Hayden or Tyson, that would kick it up a notch.
I like Sierra, she's a smart chick but should have played her big move differently
i think she was playing good up until she gave the idol hint away. That was her way to secure herself into the top 3 no doubt. I found it cool she did that at tribal- knowing she would be 4th and eventually kicked out. Plus with her mom potentially coming back in the game the #s could be in their favor.
Everyone knows Tyson will win and now is the time to get rid of him....
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
man when he said to Katie... theirs your seat over there....ouch.
Plus messing around when they were eating... not good but funny viewing
i still don't fully get it.
why didnt hayden & monica draw stones?
yeah but i agree this season got lost in the mix.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
I had Katie in a pool. Tyson is kind of a dick but I like him. I also liked Russell.
Rustle feathers
Hay Done!
I love how everyone gets bitter because they got blindsided before they could blindside someone.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
Why do none of them seem to realize that another player will be re-entering the game soon from Redemption and change the whole dynamic? Its probably gonna be Laura, Ciera may have just screwed up royally.
This is shaping up as a very bitter jury and Tyson will be clearly deserving to win having orchestrated most everything and if he's in the final 3 all the bitter beer faces will vote for someone else.
HA that little speech by Calib was dumb... till Gervase straightened him out...
Finale next week.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
I agree that Monica stands a good shot at winning against Tyson and Gervase because I get the sense that the jury will be bitter and not vote for Tyson though he has clearly played the best game. Could be wrong, some of the old school players may ultimately vote for Tyson but there seems to be a tremendous amount of bitterness from everyone who has been voted out thus far.
I know it's this Sunday, not sure why I typed that. Duh!!
The people on the bottom are becoming vicious at the end. Cierra had no problem with Tyson doing what he was doing until she switched. I also think Cierra was Tyson and Gervase's 3rd before Monica.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
Hayden said she 'looked hott'.
Was actually surprised Tina won against her daughter.
Should be good Sunday night.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Now Kat is gonna cry because she didn't make it as far as the girl her man thinks is hot...
I wish they voted Gervace out, I can't stand him! But, I understand they kept him because nobody will vote for him when it comes to the final vote.
Who do you guys think will win 'fan favorite'?
- Christopher McCandless
I'm glad Tyson won. He deserved. I thought the jury may have gone the Russel route but Tyson had a better social game.
The piling on stuff with Monica was ridiculous.
I'm going to tell myself to try out this go round
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
along with winning those final 2 comps,
he had long had the idol ( that they were all looking for )
Monika had 2 big chances to make 'big moves' ,but chose to stay loyal to her final 3.
But why ? I think it was clear even they ( the final 3 ) knew Tyson was the winner.
Now we have the Brawn , Brains and beauty to look forward to.
You know they will be bringing back old recycled cast members again .
And how about Cochran?
Good on him getting that job writing for " The Millers ",
only saw it a few times but it has its funny parts.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Kat is dumb as they come.
That was so fucking embarrassing when Kat said that about her fake boobs. She's so pathetic. :fp:
I think Monica made the right choice to still with her alliance with Tyson and Gervase. She didn't win, but runner-up in the game and keeping her word probably means more to her.
"I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the in between is mine..."
I figure the only reason why her BF is with her is because they live in different states
Tyson deserved to win, I don't remember them picking a 'fan favorite'....?
BBB might be interesting, I just hope the 'brains' they pick aren't people who played before, I think that's why this season was boring, people already knew how the others play the game, so it was easy to pick people off.
- Christopher McCandless